360 resultados para Recursos naturais, escassez, controle


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The central thesis that we aim to survey in this paper is that the present South-American political scene has required of the American imperialism a strategical redesign, in the sense of the neutralization, weakening and, if it is possible, destruction of regional political experiences/tendencies not aligned to its foreign politics. Under the mask of the defense of democracy and beneath the argument that Latin American "market oriented politics" are at stake, due to questions that goes back from the "delin-quency" —in Mexico—, the global terrorism, the organized international crime up to the worldwide drug traffic, the global strategy of American imperialism then sets up the definition of a new doctrine of preventive war that justifies the utilization of hard power against any country, in the name of its own defense. At the heart of the question what —actually— is in the agenda is the defense (and reproduction) of the benefits of its multinationals corporations and financial capital, by means of the international sub-traction of profitable assets, such as financial, energetic, communicational and natural resources, in addition to the domination of local markets, beyond facilitating capital flee amongst others.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The constant misuse of land in Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) have been recurrent, especially in urban areas, where the dynamics of change is constant. The protection of these areas to maintain a balance in the ecosystem and the population's quality of life is fundamentally important. So it is of utmost important to draw up a mechanism that can help in decision-making in relation to measures for the protection, mitigation of damages that are being caused and revitalization of these areas. Thus, a managing these areas based on the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) in order to create mechanisms to facilitate the protection and revitalization of APPs, could be of great help for making public decision-making bodies that are entrusted to protect such areas. Based on this, we elaborated a project management in order to revitalize and protect the APPs in urban area of Rio Claro, SP and could become a model for future use by public bodies


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A busca por novas fontes de energia é consequência do aumento da demanda de energia consumida no mundo. Com a instabilidade política dos países detentores das maiores reservas de combustíveis fósseis e a eminência do esgotamento dos recursos naturais surge a preocupação de produzir uma energia mais limpa, desta forma, surgem os estudos com a biomassa, no caso, a cana de açúcar. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo entender as relações do cultivo cana e da produção de etanol, caracterizando seus impactos socioambientais. Além disso, procura demonstrar a manifestação de um dos efeitos negativos gerados na fase agrícola. A prática da queima da cana é muito antiga, porém ainda muito utilizada. Esta gera efeitos diretos na saúde do trabalhador e da população, neste sentido, procuramos saber se a população está ciente desta prática e das suas implicações. Portanto, esta pesquisa justifica-se para colaborar com os estudos ligados a produção de energias mais limpas, para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável


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As relações entre Brasil e China vêm se estreitando ao longo dos anos, principalmente após a entrada da China na OMC em 2001, o que os tornou grandes parceiros comerciais. Esse padrão de comércio é marcado pela exportação de produtos brasileiros abundantes em recursos naturais e importação de produtos chineses de alto uso tecnológico. Sendo assim, é notável que a grande expansão da economia Chinesa reproduz grandes impactos no meio ambiente. Entretanto, o governo Chinês mostra sinais de preocupação e está buscando formas de amenizar os problemas. Como a prioridade do governo é a prevenção de mais danos ambientais, o uso de barreiras não tarifárias de caráter ambiental é cada vez mais frequente. O presente trabalho analisa o uso dessas barreiras técnicas e seus impactos na exportação de produtos brasileiros à China. Foram calculados coeficientes que mostram, junto a outros dados empíricos, que há uma forte proteção dos produtos Reatores Nucleares (HS84), Máquinas e aparelhos elétricos (HS85) e Automóveis e tratores (HS87) quanto a essas barreiras


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Water erosion is one of the main processes responsible for soil degradation, resulting in loss of parcels of land suitable for agriculture, to the loss of agricultural inputs and the resulting drift of pesticides and excess sediment to rivers, causing phenomena such as the siltation and eutrophication of water bodies. Such a scenario makes it necessary to perform work of a technical and scientific to provide subsidies to land-use planning, in order to protect natural resources biotic and abiotic. To develop this work is necessary to find a unit of analysis capable of integrating the different elements of the landscape, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Therefore we adopt for this work the watershed as main unit studies. From this question, this project will focus on the assessment of surface water erosion through MEUPS (Equation Modified Universal Soil Loss) predictive model. With the aid of maps, remote sensing products, and the use of geotechnology, this study aims to evaluate for the for Natural Erosion Potential the basin of the Jacutinga river, located in Rio Claro - SP


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Expansion of agricultural practice, cattle raising and forestry, in a disorderly way and no limits of land use, generates the degradation of natural resources such as soil, water and vegetation. That fact brings consequences, impacts the environment and the rural landscape. This study aimed to identify and quantify the land use in nine watersheds included in the watershed of Faxinal creek, located in western Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, at 22º 51’ 35” and 22º 57’ 02” – Latitude S and 48º 39’ 42” and 48º 38’ 01” – Longitude W. The basin was subdivided into 9 subunits, being eight from second and one from third-order branch. The diagnosis of the subunits was carried out with geospatial technologies, in order to gather data on the use and occupation of the soil. Based on the obtained results, was concluded that the sub watersheds are occupied by the sum of areas of Citrus, horticulture, coffee plantation and small other occupations (25,81%), followed by reforestation (24,80%), as an isolated occupation element, has occupied the largest area.


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This study aims to perform the morphometric characterization of the watershed stream Petiço, Botucatu-SP, through techniques of GIS by GIS IDRISI Selva and Charter planialtimetric Botucatu (SF-22-ZB-VI-3) , edited by IBGE (1969), scale 1: 50000 for ranking the drainage network and the morphometric analysis. The variables analyzed were the dimensions, the relief pattern, pattern of the drainage network and the shape variables. The results show that related to how the watershed has an oblong shape with environmental interpretation with low tendency to flooding and erosion. The sinuosity index of 1.22 shows that the channels of the micro tend to be somewhat sinuous, which allows to infer that is permeable soil with good water infiltration. Based on the results of the morphometric variables was found that the watershed is in good condition of conservation, however, presents certain risks of susceptibility to erosion, and environmental degradation in some points, being fundamental to the maintenance of vegetation cover, in view of the roughness coefficient (Rn). Thus, the evaluation of morphometric characteristics in the study watershed constitutes an important tool in conjunction with the use of GIS and Geographic Information Systems makes possible the planning and management of natural resources aimed at their conservation.


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The Amazon region has a large sociobiodiversity, where lives people with traditional knowledge about the uses of its natural resources. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992 recognized the autonomy of each nation over its genetic resources and the rights of traditional populations about the knowledge of the use of these natural resources. In 2001 it was published the law M.P. 2.186-16/2001 which created the Conselho Nacional de Gestão do Patrimônio Genético (CGEN) and the first rules about access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in Brazil. Since his creation, the actions of CGEN have received criticism from various sectors, both private and public, and, unlike its initial proposal, has become one of the main obstacles of ethnobotanical studies, the bureaucracy, the long process analysis and communication difficulties with this organ.


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Fertigation management of gerbera crop has been many times performed inadequately, and it has been worsened when mixtures of substrates with different physical and chemical characteristics are used. Aiming at evaluating the production and quality of potted gerbera in two substrates and different levels of fertigation, the experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the DRN/Soil Science, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu (SP). A 5 x 2 factorial randomized block design (5 levels of fertigation and 2 substrates) was adopted with 4 replications. Levels of fertigation corresponded to maintenance of 100% available water (AW) in the substrate; 100 to 80% of AW; 100 to 60% of AW; 100 to 40% of AW and 100 to 20% of AW. The substrates were as follows: 1- mixed coconut fiber (50% pellet coconut fiber and 50% coir fiber), 2- 40% red soil, 40% decomposed pine bark, 10% composition 1 (40% decomposed pine bark, 30% vermiculite and 30% carbonized rice husk) and 10% composition 2 (75% decomposed pine bark and 25% needles of pine). Plants at the marketing stage were evaluated according to the number of leaves; diameter of leaf surface; leaf area; fresh and dry phytomass of leaves, inflorescence and total plant; inflorescence number and diameter, stem diameter, plant height, leaf area rate and electrical conductivity of the substrate solution. Plants of better quality were obtained when they were maintained in levels of 100% available water and the mixed coconut fiber was used as substrate.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação do Stimulate e Forth Seed associados a cinco doses de fósforo(P) no desenvolvimento do sistema radicular e parte aérea de plantas de feijão. O experimento foi desenvolvido em condições de casa de vegetação nas dependências do Departamento de Recursos Naturais – Ciência do Solo, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA), UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP. O solo usado foi um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro de textura média. As unidades experimentais foram vasos contendo 8 dm3 de solo mantendo-se a umidade correspondente a 60% do Volume Total de Poros (VTP) ocupados por água. Utilizou-se a cultivar de feijão IAC-Carioca, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos de dois produtos (Stimulate e Forth Seed) nas respectivas doses 5 e 3 mL Kg-1 de sementes e uma testemunha sem biofertilizante, e 5 doses de P (0, 16, 32, 64 e 128 mg dm-3), com três repetições. Foi avaliada, também, a qualidade fisiológica das sementes usadas no experimento por meio de: a) primeira contagem do teste padrão de germinação; b) emergência; c) vigor, mediante a contagem de emergência; d) velocidade de emergência e determinação do crescimento das plântulas. O uso de Stimulate e Forth Seed agregados a doses de P causou redução no peso seco final das plantas.