431 resultados para Prótese de palato
The aim of this study is to describe, illustrate and discuss a simple, effective and rational method for preparing anterior all-ceramic restorations. This procedure uses a reduced number of diamond burs and a few clinical steps. The biological, mechanical, functional and aesthetic principles are obtained in a reasonable manner, regarding the requirements’ supported by the contemporary aesthetic dentistry. At the end of reading, it is expected that the professionals understand the design of the axial and cervical dental walls. Finally, the dental preparations will be made in a rapid and efficient manner. Despite the citation of specific diamond burs, it is expected that the reader use them as a reference. The understanding of their geometric configuration and volume are more important than their manufacturer’s reference number. Other manufacturers have diamond burs with the same geometric configuration of those recommended in this technique. Thus, the clinical professional must select the diamond points according to their manufacturer of choice.
Nowadays, the fixed partial dentures and/or dental implants is the most requested treatmentby the majority of partially edentulous patients. However, depending on the periodontal condition of the remaining teeth, as well as the bone condition of the prosthetic space, the oral rehabilitation with these treatments may be limited or even contraindicated. In such cases, the use of removable partial dentures associated to attachments becomes an important alternative for aesthetic and functional rehabilitation. Attachments are mechanical devices consisted of two parts (patrix-matrix), one placed inside another, which act as direct retainer, providing retention, support and stability to the dentures. These devices can be classified as intra or extracoronal attachments, considering their position in relation to the abutment tooth. However, regardless the type of attachment, the association between fixed and removable partial dentures should be performed respecting the biomechanical principles of both. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review and discuss the literature about the clinical and laboratory implications of the association between fixed and removable partial dentures by means of attachments.
Due to mechanical and aesthetic improvement properties, continuous fiber-reinforced composites have been developed to replace the metal framework in fixed partial dentures becoming an interesting alternative to conventional treatments. A male patient, 57 years old, attended at Fixed Partial Denture Clinic of Araraquara Dental School - UNESP, complaining about upper right first molar absence. After clinical examination, it was observed: upper right second molar with amalgam restoration and periodontal bone reduction and upper right second premolar unsatisfactory treated. Following the clinical conditions and the patient expectations, it was decided to use a fiber-reinforced composite resin to make a three-element fixed bridge. The patient showed full satisfaction with the aesthetic and functional results. The case has been followed up for 60 months.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of replacing conventional mandibular complete dentures by complete fixed dentures on the oral health-related quality of life and kinesiographic parameters of maxillary edentulous patients. Material and Methods: edentulous patients (n = 16) received one set of new complete dentures and after the intraoral adjustments and adaptation period (30 days), the Brazilian version of Oral Health Impact Profile for assessing edentulous subjects (Ohip-Edent) was used to evaluate the oral health-related quality of life (OHQOL) of the participants. Additionally, the kinesiograph instrument K6-I (Myotronics Research Inc., Seattle, WA) was used to record opening and closure range of movement, mandibular movement, and the pattern of maxillary complete denture movement on chewing. Afterwards, the patients had their mandibular complete dentures replaced by a complete fixed denture and the same evaluation protocol was performed after 3 and 6 months. Ohip-Edent responses were analyzed using Wilcoxon's test for repeated measures (α = .05) and Kinesiographic data using the Student´s t test (α = .05). Results: The Ohip-Edent showed an improvement of general oral health-related quality of life after 3 and 6 months of the treatment with complete fixed dentures. Kinesiographic recordings revealed a significant increase on maximum mandibular movements of vertical opening and no differences for the movement of the maxillary complete denture on chewing after treatment with complete fixed dentures was observed. Conclusion: the installation of complete fixed dentures improved the OHQOL and changed mandibular movements, with increases in vertical amplitude of maximal opening.
This work reports the experimental evaluation of physical and gas permeation parameters of four spinel-based investments developed with or without inclusion of sacrificial fillers. Data were compared with those of three commercial formulations. Airflow tests were conducted from 27 to 546°C, and permeability coefficients were fitted from Forchheimer's equation. Skeletal densities found for spinel- (ρs = 3635 ± 165 kg/m3) and phosphate-bonded (ρs = 2686 ± 11 kg/m3) samples were in agreement with the literature. The developed investments were more porous and less permeable than commercial brands, and the differences were ascribed to the different pore morphologies and hydraulic pore sizes of ceramic matrices. The inclusion of both fibers and microbeads resulted in increases of total porosity (42.6–56.6%) and of Darcian permeability coefficient k1 (0.76 × 10−14–7.03 × 10−14 m2). Air permeation was hindered by increasing flow temperatures, and the effect was related to the influence of gas viscosity on ΔP, in accordance with Darcy's law. Casting quality with molten titanium (CP Ti) was directly proportional to the permeability level of the spinel-based investments. However, the high reactivity of the silica-based investment RP and the formation of α-case during casting hindered the benefits of the highest permeability level of this commercial brand.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of air-abrasion/zirconia sintering order on the yttria partially stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) surface characterization (roughness, morphology, and phase transformation), flexural strength (FS), and shear bond strength (SBS) to a resin cement. Y-TZP specimens were air abraded with 50-μm Al2O3 particles after (AS), before (BS), or before and after zirconia sintering (BAS). For roughness (Ra), 30 block specimens (12×12×3.0 mm; n=10) had their surfaces analyzed by a profilometer. Next, on the air-abraded surfaces of these specimens, composite resin discs (n=30) were bonded with RelyX ARC. The bonded specimens were stored for 24 hours in distilled water at 37°C before shear testing. Failure mode was determined with a stereomicroscope (20×). The surface morphology (n=2) was evaluated by SEM (500×). For the four-point flexural strength test (EMIC DL2000), 39 bar-shaped specimens (20×4.0×1.2 mm; n=13) were air abraded according to the three conditions proposed, and an additional group (nonabraded) was evaluated (n=13). The quantitative analysis of phase transformation (n=1) was completed with Rietveld refinement with X-ray diffraction data. Ra (μm) and SBS (MPa) data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test (α=0.05). Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine if there was a correlation between roughness and SBS. For FS (MPa) data, one-way ANOVA and the Dunnett C-test (α=0.05) were used. The air-abrasion/zirconia sintering order influenced significantly (p<0.001) Ra, SBS, and FS. The BS and AS groups presented the highest (1.3 μm) and the lowest (0.7 μm) Ra. The highest SBS (7.0 MPa) was exhibited by the BAS group, followed by the AS group (5.4 MPa) and finally by the BS group (2.6 MPa). All groups presented 100% adhesive failure. A weak correlation (r=−0.45, p<0.05) was found between roughness and SBS. The air-abrasion/zirconia sintering order provided differences in the surface morphology. The nonabraded (926.8 MPa) and BS (816.3 MPa) groups exhibited statistically similar FS values but lower values than the AS (1249.1 MPa) and BAS (1181.4 MPa) groups, with no significant difference between them. The nonabraded, AS, BS, and BAS groups exhibited, respectively, percentages of monoclinic phase of 0.0 wt%, 12.2 wt%, 0.0 wt%, and 8.6 wt%. The rougher surface provided by the air-abrasion before zirconia sintering may have impaired the bonding with the resin cement. The morphological patterns were consistent with the surface roughness. Considering the short-term SBS and FS, the BAS group exhibited the best performance. Air abrasion, regardless of its performance order, provides tetragonal to monoclinic transformation, while sintering tends to zero the monoclinic phase content.
Statement of problem Because zirconia is a glass-free material, alternative surface treatments such as airborne-particle abrasion or silica coating should be used for long-term bonding. However, these surface treatments in combination with different bonding agents and luting cements have not yet been studied. Purpose The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of surface treatments on the shear bond strength (SBS) of luting cements to Y-TZP ceramic. Material and methods Zirconia disks (N=240) were airborne-particle abraded with the following particles (n=48): 50 μm Al2O3; 120 μm Al2O3; 30 μm silica-coated Al2O3 (Rocatec Soft); 120 μm Al2O3+110 μm silica-coated Al2O3 (Rocatec Plus); and Rocatec Plus. After silanization of the zirconia surface, composite resin disks were bonded with (n=12) RelyX Luting 2; RelyX ARC; RelyX U100; and Panavia F. The bonded specimens were thermocycled (10 000 cycles) and tested for SBS. Failure mode was determined with a stereomicroscope (×20). The morphology and elemental composition of airborne-particle abraded surfaces were evaluated with scanning electron microscopy (×500) and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (×50). Results Surface treatments, cements, and their interaction were significant (P<.001). For RelyX ARC, Rocatec Soft and Rocatec Plus provided the highest SBS. In general, surface treatments did not influence the SBS of RelyX U100 and Panavia F. Regardless of the cement, no significant difference was found between 50 μm and 120 μm Al2O3 particles, between Rocatec Soft and Rocatec Plus, or between Rocatec Plus and 120 μm Al2O3 particles+Rocatec Plus. All groups showed adhesive failures. Different particle sizes provided differences in morphological patterns. The elemental composition comprised Al and Al/Si for alumina and silica-abraded zirconia. Conclusions Particle size did not influence the SBS of the groups abraded exclusively with alumina or silica-coated particles. RelyX ARC was more surface-treatment dependent than RelyX U100 or Panavia F.
Modern Dentistry offers many alternatives for changing a patient's smile. Using work protocols is essential to obtaining previsibility in the resolution of clinical cases. The aim ofthis paper is to present two clinical protocols for two distinguishable situations, creation and reproduction.
The possibilities of treatment with dental implants have revolutionized the field of oral rehabilitation in recent years, bringing a number of advantages over conventional prostheses. For years, a surgical protocol was followed that called for maintaining the implant without load for a certain period for osseointegration, but experimental studies have shown that immediate loading of implants also leads to the formation of peri-implant bone tissue along the time, similarly to that observed for conventionally loaded implants. This study aimed to conduct a literature review regarding the use of this alternative rehabilitation with single implants. The immediate loading of single-tooth replacements is presented as an excellent treatment alternative.
Ao paciente é necessário fornecer esclarecimentos sobre as possibilidades terapêuticas, apresentando os riscos, benefícios, prognóstico e custos de cada alternativa possível e indicada. Esta é uma determinação ética e jurídica. Não obstante, o profissional da saúde detém o conhecimento clínico/técnico/científico, e determina quais informações serão (ou não) fornecidas. O paciente decide submeter-se a um tratamento, fornecendo o seu Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido com base nos dados a ele apresentados. Infelizmente, pode ocorrer de alguns profissionais não fornecerem todas as informações necessárias a uma tomada de decisão esclarecida ou, depois de obtido o consentimento do paciente, apresentarem-lhe informação que cause sua desistência do tratamento inicialmente aceito. Esta última informação, se pertinente, e não se tratando de fato superveniente, deveria ter sido fornecida inicialmente. Porém, a informação pode não ser de todo verdadeira, e levar o paciente a decidir baseado, por exemplo, em riscos apresentados e mensurados de forma equivocada. A reabilitação crânio-facial da Articulação Têmporo-Mandibular (ATM), por meio de prótese de ATM, é indicada em muitas situações. Amiúde, pacientes que necessitam de tais próteses apresentam problemas funcionais e estéticos; a expectativa gerada com a reabilitação é grande. Este trabalho apresenta um caso e discute questões éticas e legais, incluindo a responsabilidade civil, do fornecimento parcial e inadequado de esclarecimentos a um paciente.
The burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a relevant pathology that has been defined as a chronic pain with difficult diagnosis and treatment. The prevalence of BMS is estimate to be 15% of the general population, being more common in the elderly and middle-aged. Characterized by a burning sensation in more than one area, more frequently on the two thirds of the tongue, on the anterior half of the hard palate and on the mucosa of the upper lip, the BMS is associated with clinical signs of normality and normal laboratory findings. For several studies the BMS etiology is controversial because it is multifactorial since it can be caused by local, neuropathic, psychological and/or systemic factors. These controversies make the diagnosis more difficult, especially if the dentist does not have knowledge about the syndrome. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present, by means of a literature review, the main features of BMS, indicating the procedures that may be useful for diagnosis, and also the available therapeutic modalities in order to increasing the knowledge of health professionals so that patients with BMS may benefit from appropriate treatment, support and professional confidence, always aiming to better quality of life.
Objectives: 1) to evaluate the impact of oral health problems on the quality of life of pregnant women by the simplified Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire as well by the presence of dental caries, periodontal disease and denture use/need; 2) to correlate the sociodemographic variables and the oral health conditions revealed in the clinical examinations with the OHIP-14. Method: In addition to the application of the OHIP-14 questionnaire, clinical examination of the oral conditions (CPI - community periodontal index, DMFT and prosthetic evaluation) was performed on 51 pregnant women, who sought dental treatment between April 2008 and August 2010 at the Preventive Dentistry Clinic. Descriptive analyses were made for sample characterization, bivariate analysis (chi-square or Fisher’s exact tests) and multiple logistic regressions at a 5% significance level to assess the correlation between the impact of oral health on the quality of life of pregnant women and the socio-demographic and clinical variables. Results: The OHIP-14 data showed a lesser impact of oral health on the women’s quality of life. The mean DMFT was 12.8; 70.6% of the pregnant women presented dental calculus and 58.8% needed prostheses. The association between OHIP-14 data and last dental visit and DMFT remained in the final regression model (p<0.05). Conclusion: Caries experience of the pregnant women was considered high. Most of them needed prostheses and presented dental calculus. The OHIP-14 presented a low impact on this population and was significantly influenced by the last dental visit and the DMFT index.