356 resultados para Evasão universitária


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No Brasil a educação é um tema delicado, com histórico de índices de reprovação e evasão escolar altos, escolas públicas em condições precárias em muitas regiões e profissionais da área pouco valorizados. As políticas públicas são uma importante ferramenta quando se busca sanar todos estes problemas. Uma proposta que vem sendo implantada no Estado de São Paulo é o das Escolas de Tempo Integral, em que os alunos têm a oportunidade de passar mais tempo na escola, com atividades diferenciadas e um modelo diferente da escola comum. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a proposta do modelo e a implementação do mesmo na Escola Estadual Carolina Augusta Seraphim, localizada em Rio Claro. Para a análise de conteúdo, realizada neste trabalho, foi feito o levantamento de material bibliográfico referente ao tema de Escola de Tempo Integral, principalmente no Estado de São Paulo. Também foram analisados documentos e materiais disponíveis no blog da EE Carolina Augusta Seraphim. Podem ser destacados pontos positivos do Programa, como a dedicação exclusiva da equipe gestora, a valorização dos profissionais envolvidos, a participação mais aproximada da comunidade e família dos alunos, a possibilidade que os estudantes têm de pensar e planejar seu futuro. Existem ainda questões a serem melhor debatidas, analisadas ou até mesmo aprimoradas, devido às particularidades de cada escola e até mesmo inovações tecnológicas que podem ser usadas como ferramentas de ensino. Essas são algumas das questões abordadas e analisadas ao longo do trabalho


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Gymnastics is a manifestation of body culture, which has a number of fields (SOUZA, 1997): competition, demonstration, physical conditioning, body awareness and rehabilitation, providing a wide range of knowledge to be presented in physical education. But according to studies conducted by Nista- Piccolo (1988), Polito (1998), Barbosa (1999), Paoliello (2001), Ayoub (2003), Schiavon; Piccolo (2006) knowledge involving gymnastics has been tentatively applied in school. Therefore it is intended to research investigating the experiences of students with gymnastic contents of Physical Education, Universidade Estadual Paulista / Campus Rio Claro. Aiming at the students' perception regarding fitness classes they had in Physical Education. Participated in the survey 133 undergraduate students of Physical Education. On gymnastics experiences in basic education. If they did gymnastics, how often, what content, the materials used and how was that experience. Confirmed the initial hypothesis that the gym has been little applied in Physical Education. The research shows how important the training of future teachers of physical education, which influence other generations and that along with university education, their previous experiences lead to higher education, for Physical Education classes that minister future


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Gymnastics for all or General Gymnastics is a gymnastic body practice without competitive purposes, demonstrative character that combines the basics of gymnastics with different forms of body language. It is a pleasurable physical activity and inclusive, within the gymnastic possibilities offers great opportunities for participation of people, creativity, cooperation and human values experiences (AYOUB, 2003). Within this proposal is, in 2011, the Gymnastic Group UNESP, under the guidance and coordination of teachers Laurita Marconi Schiavon e Silvia Deustch as a project of university extension of the Department of Physical Education, Biosciences Institute of the São Paulo State University / Campus Rio Claro - SP. His working method and choreographic composition based on the proposal of the Gymnastic Group Unicamp, reference in this body practice in Brazil, and their course is in two parts: one for the exploration of all the resources that the teaching materials can provide and the other focused on social interaction of its participants. Therefore the research developed in this study aimed to verify contributions of the participation of members in Gymnastic Group Unesp vocational training thereof, and to verify the relationship and the approach of the members with Gym. The methodological approach adopted for this qualitative research is descriptive, and quantitative and qualitative data collected through questionnaires. The participants were 32 students from different courses at the University, and members of Gymnastic Unesp Group from 2011 to 2013, with the inclusion criteria: 1. minimum of one year of participation in Gymnastic Group Unesp; 2. Minimum of two performances of choreography in events with that group. Quantitative data are processed using descriptive statistics and qualitative analyzed by content analysis technique proposed by Laville and Dionne (1999). According to the results obtained over 41% of the participants had no...


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This research is dedicated at those who think about the importance of science teatching as a way to contribute to the transformation and innovation of science, attracting people and demystifying concepts, the main objective of this research is the demonstratation step by step the complete process to manufacture of didactic Newtonian telescope, discussing in detail all the processes involved .Adittionally, it has been shown that the proposed instrument it can be aplied in and promote the popular access to scientific knowledge


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Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Física - FEG


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Cats are gradually occupying a more important position as pets and this preference is a result of how easy cat maintenance in an urban environment is, even though they are very prolific and need surgical sterilization. This paper aims at evaluating obtained data within 15 years of research in a university service program that offers free cats sterilization surgery. We carried out a statistical analysis of data shown in the records of animals treated by the program. Surgical sterilization was performed on 647 animals (409 females – 63% and 238 males – 37%). Unilateral cryptorchidism was observed in 9 (3.8%) male cats. Forty (10%) female cats were pregnant at the time of the surgery and the treatment with contraceptives was observed in 67 (16.4%) female cats. One death occurred during anesthesia recovery and 2 cats were euthanized because of wound infection, totalizing an amount of 0.5% of severe complications. From 1996 to 2004, 212 female cats were spayed (122 adults and 90 prepubertal) and during that time two different approaches for ovariohysterectomy were compared: flank laparotomy and ventral midline celiotomy. The flank laparotomy approach was used in only 46 female cats (21.7%) due to some disadvantages observed – the need of an incision on each flank in prepubertal or nulliparous animals and the difficulty or impossibility of total uterus removal. In the same period, 105 male cats underwent orchiectomy via an open technique in which the spermatic cord was linked with nylon thread. From 2005 to 2010, 197 females (106 adults and 91 prepubertal) were spayed. The minilaparotomy technique was used to perform ovariohysterectomy on 139 female cats (70.6%). In this procedure, ovaries and uterus were exteriorized in a blind fashion with a hook through a small midline incision. The traditional midline ovariohysterectomy, which incision length permits direct visualization of the ovaries and uterus, had to be performed in 58 (29.4%) female cats due to advanced pregnancy, full urinary bladder during surgery or obesity. Over the past 6 years, 133 male cats (48 adults and 85 prepubertal) were castrated by means of an open technique in which the spermatic cord was tied to itself. The demand for surgeries during the project demonstrated that people are becoming aware concerning the importance of sterilization when facing cat overpopulation and abandonment.


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The changes on learning space where Dentistry Students stay in front of social reality, by university extension, represent a strategy to form dentists according to Brazilian Curricular Directresses. In Araçatuba Dental School (FOA-UNESP), one of alternatives to add students on real locals of dentistry practices is the “Always Smiling Project – Dental Attention for institutionalized elderly in Araçatuba City, São Paulo State – Brazil”. The aim of this study was to verify the self-perception of dentistry students about aging before and after participation in this Project during one school year. To data collection, an instrument with 3 opened questions was performed and applied on 45 students, in the beginning of activities in 2009 and after 8 months. The answers were analyzed by content categorization. The results showed that the perception of students about old people was negative relating them with frail person that needs help and the students’ expectations were higher about clinical aspects of attention. In the end of school year was clear the difference of students’ comprehension about aging and their thoughts demonstrated the empathy resulting from relation. Besides, students related knowledge gain and noted that health attention involve others aspects that are over than biological space. It was possible to conclude that insertion of students in “Always Smiling” contributed to reflection and learn about aging process and suggest that practices like these should be added in Brazilian Universities.


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Introduction: Secondary care in oral health in Brazil is still a little researched topic. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the resolution of dental services in SUS based on the referral to secondary attention and backreferral to primary attention. Methodology: It’s a descriptive, quantitative study that used secondary data collected from dental records of patients seen at Centre of Dental Specialties (Ceo) in a city of São Paulo State. Result: It was analyzed 1030 dental records. Just 1236 proceedings received referral to Ceo and among then, 86.4% showed the first attendance on Basic Health Unity (UBS) through spontaneous demand and 50.4% (n=623) received referral to endodontic treatment. There was evasion of 2.27% of studied population (n=28) on the first specialized consultation. Among 1208 proceedings that started the treatment in Ceo, 62.6% (n=757) were finalized and received back-referral to primary attention, that finalized 61.1% (n=463) of proceedings. To conclude the treatment, considering the time spent in Ceo and primary attention, there was variation according to specialty: periodontics – 62 days (sd ±68) and endodontics – 71 days (sd ±51.8), requiring 3 consultations in average, regardless specialty. Conclusion: The Centre of Dental Specialties gave referral and attention to the majority of demand, regardless specialty. However, there are many cases of evasion during dental treatment, alerting managers to develop methods to entice these patients, reducing service expenses and raising solvability of dental procedures previously initiated.


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Brazilian Curricular Directrix demand changes on teaching dental surgeon, proposing new scenes of learning and study other than the classroom. So, pedagogic projects should search for integral and adequate education by relating teaching, research and extension/assistance. This paper discusses the importance of university extension activities on teaching Odontology students and relates the experience of Araçatuba Dental School of São Paulo State University. This school develops some university extension activities since the 60s by Dental Service Beyond School (SEMO, in portuguese). Among the activities included by SEMO there are several projects, such as: “Program of Dental Attention for Pregnant Women”, “Program of Dental Attention to Juvenile Foundation at Araçatuba”, “Always Smiling – Health Promotion for Institutionalized Elderlies”, “Santa Clara de Assis Nursery School Program of Dental Attention”, and "Promotion of oral health in Araçatuba public kindergarten schools”. These programs give the student knowledge of structure dimensions of public health services; chance to participate on attendance for the population, comprehension of oral health politics, and the role of dental surgeon in social context, where these students will work in the future. The positive impact obtained with these services is perceived by students return. Most of them feel satisfied about the experience lived there.


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Introduction: To correctly attend the health needs of the elderly population, it is necessary to invest in training of human resources. Thus, it becomes indispensable to insert the geriatric dentistry content into graduation courses. Objective: To describe the experiences and the results obtained during 10 years of an university extension project focused on oral health care of institutionalized elderly. Methodology: This is a documental and descriptive work, which was analyzed the institutional process of ten years of the University Extension Program, “Always Smiling - Dental Care for the Elderly Institutionalized of Araçatuba, “ developed at the Araçatuba Dental School, FOA/ UNESP. It were collected quantitative and qualitative data, and these were classified and interpreted according to the technique of categorizing the content. Results: In ten years of implementation, the project “Always Smiling” involved undergraduate students, professors and post-graduate students, who together have developed practical activities such as health education, hygiene supervision, recreational and educational activities, epidemiological surveys of oral health conditions and consequently, dental care according to the need of the treatment. Conclusion: The project “Always Smiling” serves as a working model for elderly health care, because it acts involves many aspects, from the prevention of diseases, even to the training of elderly caregivers, benefiting the institutionalized elderly and health professionals.


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Aim: To analyze dental students' view concerning Oral Health Education. Materials and Methods: The present research, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, addresses aspects related to dental students' understanding of Oral Health Education, the value that they attach to this practice in the school environment, as well as the importance of their participation in these and other activities during their studies in dentistry. Results: Although dental students recognize the importance of Oral Health Education in the school environment,as well as the importance of their own participation within these activities, their perception of "Oral Health Education" is reductionist and focused primarily on the disease. Conclusion: It is well-known that these findings are reflections and consequences of an established context within a university education. It is therefore necessary that these professional educators perform an in-depth rethinking of the dental practice, in an attempt to develop methodologies based on Health Education in their own teaching practices.