399 resultados para Ciência da Informação. Biblioteconomia


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Decisions are made constantly in organizational contexts; however, a wrong decision can bring undesirable consequences for organizations. In this sense, access to organic information becomes essential considering that decreases the uncertainties of managers in relation to decision making process. In this perspective, the identification of documental types from its production provides a consistent documental cycle, which will result in the recovery of information at the time requested by managers. Based on the above it was intended to verify what documental types recurrently used in the decision making process of a hospital company in the Bauru region, Sao Paulo State. For that, we applied the method 'Case Study' of Yin. We analyzed the information type that provided more security to the decision maker during the decision making. As a result, we elaborated a systematic documental organic types most used and most relevant to the decision-making process of the company, showing that when they are defined from the production of documents, the benefits for both the professional as archivist for the organization are significant.


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The cataloging process, is responsible for building systems consisting of sets of interconnected elements and combined forms of representation, creating tools to facilitate the flow of information in various informational environments. It presents structures that offer favorable conditions for access to formal codes of symbolic representation and to the channels of information transfer, performing with competence the decoding and encoding of codes and rules used to represent knowledge and to describe information, documents and resources. The objective of this paper is to present the challenge of transforming operational data into consistent information, the role of the forms of representation and the mental constructions for defining the memory markers of users of catalogs. It shows as results the memory markers indicated by three categories of users for the description of a book like resource and points to the need of collaborative and cooperative work in cataloging and to the need of catalog modelling focused on the user.


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The current nature of World Wide Web (Web), which highlights the collaborative participation of users in some digital information environments, lead to development of guidelines with a focus on Inclusive Digital Information Architecture for a different audiences in multiples informational ambiences. This research proposes guidelines for a inclusive digital information environment, aiming to identify the elements of accessibility that allow the promotion of inclusion digital information, in order to highlight the references of the Architecture of Digital Information, the international recommendations and the structures representation of information (specially accessibility attributes), with the look of Information Science and New Technologies of Information and Communication. The thesis is as to the need to develop methodologies with guidelines that contemplate the elements of digital accessibility focused on the task of the user. The research problem is that actual methodologies and recommendations used for the development of digital information environments do not cover all the elements of accessibility with a focus on user needs. The proposition is to present, through a methodological approach (exploratory and descriptive), a theoretical-methodological proposal to promote elements of digital accessibility to the development of digital information environments, for users with or without special needs. The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the development of inclusive digital information environments, in perspective of union of theories, recommendations and technologies for the development of digital accessibility guidelines. In a theoretical dimension, the research covers a critical review of the specialized literature in the areas of Information Science and Computer Science and, in the applied part, the analysis and development of a proposal of guidelines for the architecture of a digital information environment with accessibility.


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The proposal of present paper is to present a conceptual and terminological discussion relative to the terms: organizational memory, corporate memory and institutional memory that is a subject still little studied and explored in the academic area. The study is theoretical focus and the research kind is bibliographical. As research sources were utilized: books, digital libraries of theses and dissertations in the scope of the country and CAPES Journals Portal. This study is in course and is part of doctorate research "Organizational memory and the knowledge bases constitution". As the partial results, observes that the question about "memory" is studied by different areas of knowledge: Psychology, Neurosciences, History and others; the concepts about organizational memory and corporate memory are studied by Administration and Information Systems areas; the concept of institutional memory is more studied by Business Communication area focusing the company history. Beyond that, observes the use of another term, social memory, utilized by Information Science and History areas.


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The objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production about „Metric Studies‟. It was used the data base BRAPCI (data base of articles and journals in Information Science) to outline the authors and institutions that produced more. As research procedure it was analyzed the articles with the keywords that represent the area of metric studies such as: Bibliometric, Cientometric, Informetric, Webmetric and Patentometric between 1991 and 2011. It was analyzed the variable in study, building the collaborative network through the software Pajek. From these results, it was possible to delineate the tendencies presented in the scientific community on this subject from the data base BRAPCI.


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The aim of this research is to point out the most productive researchers and institutions in the “Social Network” theme, in the ENANCIBs, from 2009 to 2010, as well as to describe their institutional scientific collaboration network. As research procedure, we searched for works with the entry network in the annuals of the event. 169 works were found, from which 120 were developed in co-authorship by 40 institutions. A matrix with the institutional coauthorships was created and the scientific collaboration network was reached. The results point out the same number of both most productive institutions and most productive authors. As for the scientific collaboration network, it is relevant that 37 institutions are interconnected by co-authorship. It’s also relevant that the studies in social network have been more and more present in the Information Science, mainly as investigative method for the construction of knowledge.


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Of a theoretical-methodological nature, this research aims at analyzing the absolute and relative proximity indicators – Salton’s cosine and Jaccard’s index –, for authors’ co-citation analysis (ACA). It also aims at comparing the contribution of these three indicators to the understanding of a domain. Methodologically, it deepens the theoretical studies that motivate authors’ co-citation analysis (ACA) and the proximity indicators, and presents the studies of the normalized index of Salton’ cosine (SC) and Jaccard’s index (JI). It applies ACA to the GT7 of ANCIB, in the Information Science field, from 2007 to 2011.


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The arrangement and description of archival materials are the nuclear processes of Archival Science that share a common purpose: to represent the archival knowledge. This representation is fundamentally based on the application of the principle of provenance and on the concept of fonds. This paper aims to discuss de archival description facing the changes and ideas of an archival postmodern approach that proposes the concept of fonds and the principle of provenance as conceptual abstraction rather than a physical entity in the representation process. In that sense, it is presented here the theoretical perspectives of Canadian and Australian studies, discussing the theoretical basis of Modern Archival Science, facing the dynamic reality of contemporary record creation.


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This research aimed to identify the scientific production for articles published in its typology of the Post Graduated Program in Information Science, Unesp, Marília. Particularly, it was evaluated co-authored articles written by researcher teachers from the Program and built networks of scientific collaboration and the calculation of some indicators. As research procedure, reports of CAPES evaluation between the years 2001 to 2009 were considered it articles produced in co-authorship. It was built up a network of co-authoring, using the software Pajek, and calculated the indicators of density and centrality of the network, allowing analysis of the intensity of network connectivity and the role of each player individually and the network as a whole. We analyzed the collaborative network in order to visualize the partnerships among the researchers from the three research lines and between them and their collaborators to verify the connection intensity.


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In the study of theoretical trends in Administration, the management of information follows the development of theories of Administration; constant-adaptations are suffered. Information Science area understands and concerns itself with the changes wrought in these endeavour of the knowledge society as new forms of communication and integration. The libraries interact in ways that maximize access to information and facilitate the improvement on their structural environment as strategic approach for your services. The research aims at identifying the requirements and specifications of an information system for knowledge management in the public’s library environment and proposes to achieve a pre-defined structure for the implementation of administration management. The research is conducted with public’s library of the metropolitan region of the North’s Portugal. Portugal libraries are institutions that operate in the social process of their communities reflecting the society and its organic sphere of informational performance. These libraries have developed the organizational theories to make a framework easily for effective management practices and have been using their produced knowledge in the optimization of their actions. In the improvement of systems, theoretical administrative trends become management decisions and result in the ultimate success of the organization. In order to achieve its objectives the study verified an economy based on knowledge management, and its production emphasizes the human capital that permeates the condition of the information in support for the development of communities.


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This article brings to light a reflection about the possibility to enlarge the notion about document. Beyond the French school explanation, and taking up again important author of Information Science campus, the debates exposes within the Brazilian Catholic dimensions is possible to extrapolate the revision about the document’s idea, which is generally restrict to informational spaces. The National Sanctuary of Aparecida protects in a specific room the votive offerings – objects leaved there whether to pay a promise or to thank for any miracle that someone believes receive it. It is mediation’ space and it is can be thought as an environment, because there are possibilities to establish mediations inside it. Although, the room of the promises is a sacred and profane place, it involves a Cathequesis mission, expositive, informational, in spite of this last characteristic does not be explicit. First of all, the article reflects about the room of the promises and follows analyzing the document’s comprehension; in a second moment we finish purposing to understand the votive offering as a faith’s document, because they assume the position as proof of miracles and received graces, and these special objects brings with them a materiality positive and a documental value which the room fo the promises give to them.


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This article reflects on the votive objects exhibited in the room of promises situated in the National Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida, located in the city named Aparecida (São Paulo, Brazil). At the sanctuary, there is an area to receive and exhibit votive offerings, which are donated as payment or to initiate a relationship of faith. This article’s aim is to understand how, from entering the room of promises, the votive object is selected and receives new directions, within the Sanctuary or outside it. Nonetheless, a small number are kept in this specific room dedicated to votive offerings. These objects become documents, social agents, because they reveal stabilization within associative relationships. With the help of readings from Information Science and other areas, and after carrying out ethnographic research over three years, this article shows how the materiality of information is indispensable for apprehending the relationship between society and information. Through contact with the votive offerings, the visitor establishes inferences, interpretations, which assist in comprehending the space, faith, and Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC