363 resultados para Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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O trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de um Projeto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos de uma instituição acadêmica, num bairro periférico do município de Araraquara. A partir das observações realizadas pelos educadores, o fato de que o processo de ensino-aprendizagem desencadeia, além do progressivo domínio do código escrito e do processo lógico, alterações na vida cotidiana dos alunos e na construção de sua auto-estima, considerou-se a necessidade de rever os critérios adotados na avaliação da educação de jovens e adultos, tendo em vista que os dados centrados no processo de escolarização, strictu sensu, parecem desconsiderar outros processos importantes. Percebeu-se ainda que os próprios graduandos, na posição de educadores, experimentam o questionamento acerca de sua própria formação, concepções e aspirações, pois o contato com uma determinada realidade, que exige esforços de análise e ação, também produz efeitos em sua vida acadêmica e pessoal. Neste sentido, formulou-se a proposta de desenvolver os conteúdos escolares do ensino fundamental, a partir da escritura autobiográfica dos educandos/educadores participantes. Neste trabalho buscou-se detectar e integrar elementos, presentes no processo ensino-aprendizagem, de reconhecimento de si, da realidade histórica vivida e da invenção de si, numa perspectiva de mudança desta realidade. Para a fundamentação da pesquisa partimos do estudo sobre o conceito de ressentimento social, tal como formulado em Maria Rita Kehl (2004), para caracterizar o aspecto da baixa auto-estima e desmobilização política existente entre os educandos participantes, cujas condições, econômica e social, impõem determinantes na qualidade e dignidade de vida dos mesmos. A concepção de educação que norteia toda a investigação encontra-se em Paulo Freire, que sinteticamente denominamos educação para a emancipação e para a liberdade. Também para a fundamentação da abordagem pedagógica utilizamos os conceitos de memória e sociedade enunciados por Ecléa Bosi (1994). O mote será o trabalho com o código escrito literário, estímulo para o avivamento da memória que recupera a leitura pessoal e social e permite a re-construção das relações com os saberes escolares e do imaginário social. A escrita auto-biográfica, denotada pela atividade literária e epilinguística, torna-se a base para a exploração dos conteúdos das várias áreas do conhecimento, seja histórica, geográfica, lógica matemática, ciências físicas e biológicas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study was carried out to evaluate the breed resistance against ectoparasites infestations in Crioula Lageana and crossbred Angus male calves under natural condition. Ten weaned and neutered male calves (6-8 months) of each group were kept together in winter and summer pastures in Monte Castelo, Santa Catarina State. Every 28 days, female ticks (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus) more than 4 mm long were counted on the right and left side of the body of each animal, as well as the D. hominis nodules. Coat thickness also was measured at each sampling and all animals were classified according coat color. Crioula Lageana group was less infested by D. hominis than crossbred Angus in five times and by ticks in the infestation peak (P<0.05). There were no differences in the distribution of the ticks and grubs between animal body sides. Dark-haired animal in both groups were the most susceptible.


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The aim of this research was to analyze the composition and structure of the plant community in four phytophysiognomies at Pantanal Poconé-Mato Grosso, assuming that each sample group is a type of community, and there would be a corresponding group of species that characterize that community. We set up five plots of 50 × 50 m and subdivided each one into subplots of 10 × 10 m. In each subplot, individuals with CAP (circunference at breast height) > 10 cm were sampled. To check the structural and floristic similarity of the five vegetation types the unweighted averages grouping method was used - UPGMA, with Jaccard's coefficient and Bray-Curtis, respectively. DCA ordination of plots was used for inundation gradient analysis and TWINSPAN indicator species groups for the three strata. In the four areas 55 species belonging to 30 families were sampled. The UPMGA indicated floristic and structural differences between cambarazal, savanna types and campo de murundu and similarity between the semideciduous formations. The DCA separated the vegetation types according to the level of flooding and TWINSPAN indicated the existence of typical species for each vegetation type. In the Pantanal, some species may be restricted to certain types of vegetation, and these species can be used as indicators of the effect of flooding and possible changes in flood pulse dynamics in plant communities.


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The silvopastoral system is characterized by increasing the production of milk with a greater number of cows per hectare due to the higher amount of protein in the diet. In silvopastoral system cows are fed in addition to pasture, small trees and shrubs. The aim of this study was determinate the main indicators of milk quality and mastitis causal agents in cows bred on silvopastoral system. We evaluated the composition (fat, total protein, lactose, solids, dry extract, nonfat dry and urea nitrogen), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacterial count (TBC), occurrence of clinical and subclinical mastitis, microbiological isolation, in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity profile and detection of antimicrobial residues in milk produced by 100 cows raised in silvopastoral systems, as well as the bulk tank and churns in farms of Cauca Valley, Colombia. The concentration of the major constituents of milk were 3.24% fat, 3.27% total protein, 4.40% lactose, 10.62% dry extract, 8.57% nonfat dry and 15.82mg/dL urea nitrogen, while the bulk tank and churns was 3.51% fat, 3.20% total protein, 4.34% lactose, 11.72% dry extract, 8.47% nonfat dry and 14.57mg/dL urea nitrogen. The cell count of the cows and the bulk tank was 141,252.75 CS/mL and 363,078.05 CS/mL respectively. The TBC mean in cows and the bulk tank was 4,466.84 CFU/mL and 24,547.01 CFU/mL respectively. The main microorganisms isolated from the udder cows were Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus dysgalatiae, while the bulk tank were identified more often Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter cloacae, Hafnia alveii, hemolytic Streptococcus and Streptococcus spp. Antimicrobial residues in cow milk and bulk or churn were detected in 30% and 86% respectively. The silvopastoral system showed to be good alternative to milk production in cow. However is important the care with antimicrobial residues in milk and the analysis of all quality parameters to ensure a differentiated product.


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This research aimed to examine the perceptions of students with learning about themselves and to analyze what their representations are about the judgments that their teachers have of them. The subjects of this study were twenty elementary school students with low academic achievement, of both sexes, from a municipal public school in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. A semi-structured interview containing ten questions was performed. Data was transcribed and processed through content analysis and described in relation to its absolute (N) and relative (%) frequencies. The results indicated that the students believe that their teacher has a negative representation of them, as well as nourish low expectations about their performance and academic progress. The study points to the need to consider social relationships established at school and to promote reflection on the importance of these relationships in the teaching-learning process.


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In this study, we aimed evaluate the behavior of the brown-rot fungus Gloeophylum trabeum and white-rot fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus on thermally-modified Eucalyptus grandis wood. To this end, boards from five-year-eleven-month-old E. grandis trees, taken from the Duratex-SA company stock, were thermally-modified between 180 ºC and 220 ºC in the Laboratory of Wood Drying and Preservation at Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Botucatu, Sao Paulo state Brazil. Samples of each treatment were tested according to the ASTM D-2017 (2008) technical norm. The accelerated decay caused by the brown-rot fungus G. trabeum was compared with the decay caused by the white-rot fungus P. sanguineus, studied by Calonego et al. (2010). The results showed that (1) brown-rot fungus caused greater decay than white-rot fungus; and (2) the increase in temperature from 180 to 220 ºC caused reductions between 28.2% and 70.0% in the weight loss of E. grandis samples incubated with G. trabeum.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Anaplasma marginale is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. Some studies have suggested that cows during peripartum may present a transient immunosuppression state and development of clinical signs of anaplasmosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between some risk factors and the seroprevalence of A. marginale in dairy cows during peripartum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The risk factors analyzed in association with the prevalence of antibodies against A. marginale in dairy cows were calving season, reproductive experience, breed standard, tick infestations, stocking density, and milk yield. The antibodies against A. marginale were tested in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A primary screening using a 2 x k contingency table of the exposed variables with the outcomes was performed. All variables for which p < 0.20 were included in a fixed effects log regression. The risk factors investigated to anaplasmosis were calving (OR 2.61, IC 1.08-7.63), breed standard (OR 3.83, IC 0.08-0.28), reproductive experience (OR 33.7, IC 2.14-5.16), milk yield (OR 3.9, IC 2.24-7.03), Rhipicephalus microplus infestations (OR 10.3, IC 0.05-0.17), and stocking density (OR 22.3, IC 0.05-0.17). Low titers of antibodies against A. marginale during peripartum had been characterized as a period previous to development of clinical anaplasmosis. Thus, studies on anaplasmosis should consider each farm as an epidemiological unit, where environmental and immunological factors may influence the endemic status of the pathogen.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)