This paper concentrates on the analysis of how, through the narrative elements, as narrator, characters and story, Guimarães Rosa builds the theme of justice in tales of Sagarana. While all the collection is taken into consideration, we emphasize in the study: O burrinho pedrês, Duelo, São Marcos, Corpo Fechado, Conversa de bois and A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga . We realize that justice built in tales always has two manifestations: human justice and divine justice, which regulates all the events of the stories
Memory, the ability of keeping and remembering past states of consciousness and everything that could be associated with them, is one of the human properties responsible for the construction of experience, knowledge and preservation of individual’s identity. However, recalling is also the way we keep relationships with time, factor that is essential and inherent to our existence and responsible for the fact that we have memory. As for the narrative, as for life, time is a prime category, because it is in time that narrated or experienced events happen. This relationship between time and memory is remarkable in “O burrinho pedrês”, Guimarães Rosa’s short story present in his debut book, Sagarana. In this story, we can notice, generally, the characters use memory as a way to return to the past, evoking, consciously or unconsciously, the experience and its result, the wisdom, to help on the understanding of present situations. So, this research has as objective to analyze how time and memory relate and become indispensable to the development of the narrative and to the construction of the other categories - character, narrator and space. The theoretical foundation is based on studies clustered in three dimensions: a) theoretical essays about Guimarães Rosa’s work in general and the particular short story b) philosophical and/or psychological propositions about memory and time, and c) propositions about the mentioned categories of narrative
Dans l‟“A historia de Lina et Lélio, le troisième récit de Corpo de baile, l‟oeuvre de Guimarães Rosa, Lélio arrive à la ferme Pinhém à la recherche de l'amour, de la paix d'esprit et de l'auto-connaissance, mais il n'a pas la claire conscience de cela. Dans cette trajectoire, on peut voir le poids des femmes: bien que Lélio soit le protagoniste de cette histoire, les personnages féminins présentent des différents profils et sont construites sur des aspects mythiques et archétypiques, qui ont des influences directes sur le destin de ce personnage masculin. On cherche, donc, comprendre comment l‟auteur fait la caractérisation mythique et archétypique des personnages féminins, voir l'influence de celles-ci sur la suite du récit ainsi que dans la construction du protagoniste. De la même façon, on veut vérifier comment les autres catégories du récit – telles que le temps, l'espace, le narrateur et la focalisation – peuvent contribuer à cette caractérisation. Cette recherche est développée à travers des lectures, des notes et des discussions autour du corpus, en s'appuyant sur une base théorique déterminée en trois dimensions : a) des essais critiques à propos de l‟oeuvre de l'auteur, en particulier au sujet en cause, comme celui dans l‟A raiz da alma, de Heloisa Vilhena Araujo, b) des études sur le mythe, comme celles de Ernest Cassirer, dans le Linguagem e mito et Antropologia filosófica, et les propositions de Meletínski dans l‟A poética do mito et dans l‟Os arquétipos literários et, encore, c) des textes théoriques sur les catégories du récit, présentées dans le Dicionário de teoria da narrativa, de Reis et Lopes, et des études sur l'espace, comme celui d'Antonio Dimas, Espaço e romance, et sur le temps, de Benedito Nunes, O tempo na narrativa. On observe que, dans la construction des personnages féminins... (Résumé complet accès électronique ci - dessous)
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar algumas crônicas do escritor Rubem Alves à luz da Moderna Linguística Cognitiva. Para tanto, será utilizado, em termos funcionais, o princípio da “presença” da Nova Retórica e, em termos cognitivistas, a Teoria da Integração Conceptual (Blending). A partir da análise do corpus foi possível compreender melhor como esses textos acabam sendo não apenas leitura de entretenimento
This work aims to locate Adélia Prado’s poetry in the scenery of the contemporary Brazilian literature in order to comprehend some issues that are part of the manner how the poet constructs her poems and which may elucidate, through the lyric speaker, the relation of her poetry with the historical and cultural moment in which her work is placed. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to analyze Adélia Prado’s poetic construction by emphasizing the female voice of her lyric speaker and the superposition of elements from the semantic fields of the prosaic and the sublime, since we have identified these aspects as basic ones for the development of an interpretation on this poetry. This way, we have tried to comprehend the connection that the poet establishes between the material and the spiritual, the erotic and the religious, the immanent and the transcendent and we have concluded that, for the poet, everything can be subject to poetry. For this work, we used the volume Poesia reunida (1995) for it provides a wider view over Adélia Prado’s poetry
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar o estilo de João Ubaldo Ribeiro enquanto autotradutor e também compará-lo ao seu estilo enquanto autor, por meio de um corpus paralelo formado pelas obras Sargento Getúlio/Sergeant Getulio e Viva o povo brasileiro/An invincible memory. A fundamentação teórica apoia-se na abordagem interdisciplinar proposta por Camargo (2005, 2007) envolvendo os estudos de tradução baseados em corpus (Baker, 1996, 2000, 2004) e a linguística de corpus (Berber Sardinha, 2004). Para uma observação do seu perfil estilístico, procurei identificar usos linguísticos característicos e individuais, ou seja, traços de seu comportamento linguístico relacionados à variação vocabular. Quanto aos resultados, foi possível observar que, enquanto participante como autotradutor, Ubaldo Ribeiro revela um padrão estilístico distintivo e preferencial que apresenta menor variação lexical. Em contraste, na situação de participante como autor, Ubaldo Ribeiro mostra padrões estilísticos com maior variação. A diversidade de vocabulário já era esperada para o escritor João Ubaldo, uma vez que a crítica literária enfatiza a sua habilidade na exploração do verbo brasileiro. Ao considerar a forma padronizada como uma indicação do uso que o autotradutor faz da linguagem, pode-se destacar, apesar da influência de possíveis variáveis, que a diferença menor registrada para Sergeant Getulio (3,69) e acentuadamente mais baixa para An invincible memory (4,73) constituem marcas significativas da utilização dos padrões estilísticos próprios desse tradutor de si mesmo, revelando o impacto da extensão dessas diferenças em contraste com a escrita do autor, respectivamente em Sargento Getúlio e Viva o povo brasileiro.
This paper aims at observing the particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style concerning normalisation features present in the self-translation. Our study has its theoretical starting point based on Baker’s proposal (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000) and Scott’s investigation in order to carry out an analysis of the use of linguistic choices involving evidence of normalization. The results point out that, while participating as a self-translator, Ubaldo Ribeiro reveals individual, distinctive and preferred stylistic options which present less lexical variation; in contrast, in the situation of participating as an author, Ubaldo Ribeiro shows stylistic choices of higher lexical diversity. Observed normalisation features reveal conscious or subconscious use of fluency strategies, making the target text easier to read. Due to his renowned sound command of the target language, the results may also suggest the challenges during the translated text re-creation process faced as a self-translator could have been greater than the challenges during the previous original text creation process faced as an author