381 resultados para Literatura fantástica História e crítica
Esequiel Gomes da Silva rene neste livro vrios textos jornalsticos do maranhense Artur Azevedo, considerado o primeiro grande dramaturgo brasileiro. O perodo focado por Silva foi um dos mais fecundos na carreira jornalstica do escritor, que atravs de suas crnicas traou, com verve e simptico distanciamento, um amplo painel da sociedade e da vida poltica e cultural do Rio de Janeiro, a efervescente capital imperial. O livro traz, alm das crnicas publicadas nesse perodo - transcritas integralmente, com ortografia atualizada - uma percuciente anlise sobre a produo intelectual de Artur Azevedo, enfatizando, porm, sua atuao enquanto crtico de jornais. A obra ainda oferece uma caracterizao geral das crnicas e se debrua sobre o processo de elaborao formal e sobre os recursos de comicidade utilizados pelo escritor. O trabalho tambm possibilita compreender como essas crnicas serviram de ferramenta de interveno artstica, cultural, poltica e social, terminando por mostrar um Artur Azevedo surpreendentemente engajado nos assuntos do pas e empenhado no fortalecimento da cultura brasileira
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Ps-graduao em Estudos Literrios - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Msica - IA
Ps-graduao em Artes - IA
Ps-graduao em Msica - IA
Ps-graduao em Artes - IA
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Ps-graduao em Estudos Literrios - FCLAR
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This paper aims at analyzing the different approaches to terror in the novels Players (1977), Mao II (1991) and Falling Man (2007), by the American writer Don DeLillo. In Players, terror is shown as something attractive and exciting to a character who leads a very tedious personal and professional life; in Mao II, it is connected to the kidnapping of a poet and the text brings up relevant debates focusing on the contrast related to the power of novelists and terrorists in society; and in Falling Man, the author reviews the tragedy of September 11, in an attempt to try to understand the reasons why the attacks happened. The novels show terrorist actions connected to historical processes and also to the present form of capitalism and globalization. Theoretical texts by Bauman (1998), Eagleton (2005), Freitas (1989), Fraser (2000) will be used to discuss the issues addressed in this paper.
O fantstico traduzido: uma anlise baseada em corpus paralelo e reflexes para uma pedagogia da traduo
This paper presents the analysis and the methodological procedures adopted in order to compile a parallel corpus comprised of two short stories by David Roas (2007; 2010), originally written in Spanish Trnsito and Das Kapital, and their translation into Portuguese carried out both by a native speaker of Spanish (fluent in Portuguese) and a native speaker of Portuguese (fluent in Spanish). We analyzed the texts translated by them, focusing on the most frequent vocabulary and its semantic implications on their respective contexts. The theoretical and methodological approach was based on corpus linguistics, corpus based translation studies (BAKER, 1996; HUNSTON, 2002; LAVIOSA, 2002; BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; MEYER, 2004; OLOHAN, 2004) and some concepts from Fantastic Literature (ROAS, 2001, 2011; TODOROV, 2003; ALAZRAKI, 2001). The data were extracted by using the WordSmith Tools Suite. Results show that dialogue and focus on lexicon, making use of computer corpus, play an important role in understanding the translation process. It is also important to mention that while exploring translation possibilities presented by the two translators this approach unlocked a window to reflect on translation pedagogy based on corpus.
This work presents intricacies of "truth" in the historical novel Confessions of Nat Turner, by William Styron, considering the point-of-view of the novel's narrator. When speaking about the black, Styron somehow keeps the white's perspective, and also perpetuates the distance created by the slavery and segregationist system of the United States of America.
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS