334 resultados para Língua inglesa Advérbios


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The objective was to seek positive and negative values that guide the discourse on conciseness and understand how this concept is understood in speeches in the media when taking the theme of text production. The corpus of work consists of two materials of Portuguese Language Magazine on this topic. The analysis of the corpus was made from Bakhtinian discourse studies, especially considering the concepts of dialogue, utterance and speech genres. The research considers mainly as Bakhtin Circle conceives the production of meaning. At the end, we believe it is important to reflect on the definitions that guide the discourse of conciseness, far in practice they are consistent with our reality of writing


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The process of inclusion of deaf students at regular and specialized educational institution is a complex issue, which has the main point of discussion its specificity linguistic represented by Brazilian Sign Language. Whereupon, this research analyzed how the discourses of young students with deafness on this type of education at regular and specialized educational institution from a city situated in the State of So Paulo. The aim of this study was analyze the relations between the discourses of deaf students and their production conditionals, using the dimension of Discourse Analysis and the historical-cultural psychology. As parts of this research, were used four deaf students enrolled in schools belong in the city of So Paulo, which two schools are regular and two are specialized to deaf people. The collection instruments build themselves in observation of dialogue situations in classroom and interview semistructured. The interviews were made by video recording, researcher and an interpreter. The results showed that discourse of the student enrolled in the specialized school differs in relation to the ideals of bilingual education, in this case defended by users of the Brazilian Sign Language, fact not observed in the context of the regular school.


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La thorie des oprations prdicatives et nonciatives de A. Culioli ne porte pas en elle une conception prte lemploi de lenseignement des langues. Ce texte se propose de faire le pont entre cette thorie et les questions denseignement. Il construit surtout une rflexion sur les concepts dactivit ou de pratique au sein de lenseignement des langues maternelles en se basant sur lactivit pilinguistique. Nous souhaitons, en outre, mettre en dbat la division qui existe dans lenseignement des langues entre activit physique et activit mentale.


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Ce texte aborde limportance de la recherche lie lactivit pilinguistique, entendue comme lactivit propre du langage dans le cadre de lenseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept dactivit pilinguistique adopt ici est celui de la Thorie des oprations prdicatives et nonciatives labore parle linguiste franais Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de dlimiter lobjet de la recherche et de prsenter un modle dactivit applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi dtudier la conjonction de coordination et dopposition mas (mais, en franais), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. Lexercice a t propos une classe de septime anne (la 5 me du systme franais) du collge dtat Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brsil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur lactivit pilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu lopportunit dobserver les divers contextes doccurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dots dune signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et dlaborer une grammaire plus oprationnelle et pertinente.


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In this paper, we analyze readers letters of the first copies of the Revista Língua Portuguesa. This work aims to expand the study of the relations, in this magazine, between discourses that come from different spheres of communication, as the Bakhtin Circle considers. The intention is to develop by studying the speech genre readers letter a reflection on the construction of the recipients image in the journal, i.e. the teacher. It is analyzed the discursive ethos and the representation of the teacher created by the readers.


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This study approaches the expression of causality in the clause combining in Portuguese, considering, as fundamental, the thread that exists between the performance, in the socio-interaction, and cognitive trigger, based on intersubjectivity. Given that grammar is responsible for the functional organization of those relationships, the study examines the conjunctions traditionally considered as causal, especially those constructs invested with effects that go beyond the strict direction cause-consequence. After evaluating the proposal of formation of causal conjunction blocks with similar behavior, in contrast with others, we arrive at the discussion of the functional uniqueness of the conjunction porque (because).


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Brazilian Sign Language signature in the pedagogy courses curricula. In 2002, the Law n 10.436 was published determining the obligation of offering the Brazilian Signal Language (Libras) signature in all teaching graduation courses. Considering this measure, it was searched to characterize how the public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the States of Paran and So Paulo are organizing the signature in Pedagogy courses. The curriculum analysis developed showed that most of the public HEIs in the State of Paran provides its inclusion, while in the State of So Paulo the estimate is 60%. Most of the syllabus covers topics including deaf students, deaf culture and Libras linguistic aspects.


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O cenrio atual de globalizao e comunicao intercultural traz impacto significativo para a maneira como entendemos a relao entre língua e sociedade. Gera, tambm, para o ensino de línguas, a necessidade de o professor compreender suas crenas, pressupostos e conhecimentos (WOODS, 1996) em relao língua que ensina, uma vez que ele um importante agente na orquestrao da interao de vrias histrias de vida e horizontes de entendimento por meio de sua prtica pedaggica. Neste artigo, apresentamos e discutimos os resultados de duas pesquisas de doutorado (SALOMO, 2012; MENEGHINI, 2013), conduzidas em um mesmo contexto de um curso hbrido (presencial/virtual) de formao continuada, em relao s crenas dos professores sobre as variedades geolingusticas do espanhol. Ponderamos que a questo da escolha por uma variedade est muitas vezes relacionada s concepes estruturais de língua, assim como est imbricada por uma tessitura de fatores que demonstram falta de conscincia das vozes das quais os professores se apropriam para justificar suas opes terico-metodolgicas. O desafio que se coloca para a formao de professores, ento, nos parece ser o de auxili-los no desenvolvimento de conscincia crtica, promovida pela reflexo sobre suas crenas sobre língua(gem), a partir de experincias que possam lev-los a (re)conhecer suas escolhas por determinada variedade lingustica. Palavras-chave: Crenas de professores de línguas. Variedades lingusticas. Reflexo.


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In this paper we discuss and present the first results gathered from the compilation of a learner corpus comprised of texts written by university students (Language, Literature and Translation Course). We made use of Corpus Linguistics and observations of researchers from the learners corpus field, in order to compile and analyze a corpus of argumentative and descriptive texts written in Spanish. Four hundred compositions were collected (about 120 thousand words) from August 2011 to December 2012. The methodology adopted assisted us considerably in maintaining a comprehensive working agenda, taking into consideration students needs and using the data collected as subsidy to improve classroom management of content. We also present the difficulties faced during the data gathering and propose procedures do avoid or minimize them.


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Bajo la perspectiva discursiva, especficamente francesa y segn estudios realizados por Hall (2002), Souza Santos (2005) entre otros, que estn analizando el concepto de identidad, como los estudios de Celada (2002, 2009, 2010), Serrani (1997, 2003, 2005) y Zoppi-Fontana (2009), con relacin al proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera, verificamos que la construccin de la identidad se da en proceso de constante reconfiguracin, visto que aprender otra lengua implica entrar en contacto con otros modos de ver y de nombrar el mundo, y de este modo es necesario desplazarse de s mismo y reconfigurarse con relacin a otro(s) hablante(s) de esta nueva lengua a ser aprendida. En nuestro caso se trata de aprender y ensear lenguas prximas: portugus y espaol, con rasgos lingstico-discursivos de aproximaciones y de distanciamientos. Para tanto, este estudio preliminar tiene como objetivos: verificar como acontece actualmente la constitucin de la(s) identidad(es) en el proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje de Espaol Lengua Extranjera (ELE) en Brasil y de Portugus Lengua Extranjera (PLE) en Argentina, en especial en la formacin del profesor de estas lenguas; observar contextos de enseanza y aprendizaje, los que posibilitan la insercin del profesor de Portugus (PLE) en Argentina y del profesor de Espaol (ELE) en las regiones enfocadas, considerando las Leyes brasilea y argentina que determinan la oferta de la enseanza de las referidas lenguas: Ley 26.468, de enero de 2009, que determina la oferta obligatoria del Portugus en Argentina y la Ley no. 11.161, de agosto de 2005, sobre la enseanza de la Lengua Espaola en Brasil. La metodologa, de tipo interpretativista, presupone como instrumentos la realizacin de anlisis de las Leyes que promueven la enseanza de ELE en Brasil y de PLE en Argentina, as como de entrevistas, preguntas e anlisis de los datos levantados.


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The world we have been living in has adopted competition as the way for surviving in it, especially due to the capitalism and consumer habits. In this research speaking English is considered one of these differentiations, i.e., distinguishing individuals a unique people. In addition, it is expected that by using this language, among other things, people could have access to: education, a better job and a higher quality of life. However, the process of learning a foreign language is very complex caused by many features that are involved in it, e.g. the impossibility to dissociate language, culture and society. Moreover, it was contemplated if from this language learning, it would be possible to build social and ideological relations as well as personal identities. The most applicable conclusion of this research is the requisite of making students aware of the process for an effective foreign language learning. As a consequence, the context and social, cultural, and ideological characteristics that are part of the mother tongue society must be taken into consideration in the same way as the foreign language society.