348 resultados para Fórum Nacional em Defesa da Escola Pública e LDB


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The research that originated this article was aimed at analyzing how the Brazilian publications from 1990 through 2005 set out the relationship between the appointment of school principals and democratic management and quality education. To that end, 38 books were selected and divided into three periods: 1990-1995; 1996-2000; 2001-2005. The findings indicate that from the second period on there is increasing consensus among scholars about the election of school principals as a form of appointment directly related to the democratization of management and quality improvement, defined as a collective and participatory construction of educational goals and practices.


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By analyzing the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of school education institutions vital, it is clear that they are linked to decipher. But it is believed that for the student to learn to read is necessary dialogue with the text, attribute meaning to writing and comprehension. When thinking about the use of technologies such as film subtitles, it is believed that they allow readers to form since they require a quick read without using the decryption with the attribution of meaning to follow the entire course of the film. This paper aims to present and analyze a film session the project subtitled and dubbed films in public schools and training of the reader, which investigates the contributions of cinematic legends in training readers in elementary school. In this paper we present data on the session of the film The Secret Garden, with students between six and ten years old in a public school in Marilia, SP. The session took place in film school, in a room adapted. When analyzing the results, we observed that reading subtitles contributes to children are not attached to decipher, because we used reading strategies to understand the plot and tried to dialogue with the text. This approach not only contributes reader for reading the screens, but also in fixed supports, for developing specific tactics for the scrolling text which can be applied to the texts on the immobilized support.


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Visual-motor integration is a skill that involves visual perception and eye-hand coordination. Deficit in perceptual ability and motor organization capacity may reflect in reading, writing and arithmetic learning difficulties. This study aimed to verify the relationship between visual-motor integration ability and academic performance, as well, whether visual perception ability was correlated with reading performance and whether motor coordination ability was correlated with writing performance. Participants were 77 students in the 2nd. year of elementary education at a public school. To data collect were applied the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and the Academic Performance Test. The results showed a significant correlation between visual-motor integration ability and academic skills of reading (r = 0.230, p = 0.044), writing (r = 0.244, p = 0.033) and arithmetic (r = 0.277, p = 0.015). In addition, was also identified significant correlation between visual perception and reading performance (r = 0.407, p = 0) and between the motor coordination and cursive writing (p = 0.039). The results of this study are consistent with the literature, concerning the verification of visual-motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination abilities influence on the students performance in school activities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The life and work of Tatiana Belinky are steeped in fantasy, his works speak of magic and charm of the stories. This research aimed to investigate the knowledge that teachers in the early years of Primary Education (Early Childhood and 1st year of elemen tary school education) have on the work of Tatiana Belinky. Therefore, a survey research theoretical framework in printed documents and digital media (websites and platforms indexed) was performed in order that he might collect data about the life and work of this writer. Concomitantly, the benchmark survey, a field study with teachers from preschool (4) 1st year of elementary school (2), a public school in the town of Jaú, in which a questionnaire semi - structured questions was used was performed . The survey and qualitative study, a case study allowed the lifting of the life and work of the author, approximately 104 considered early childhood education. As to knowledge of teachers studied in the research almost all said they knew the author, however there were few works cited by them


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Hyperactivity has been frequently discussed, researched and monitored, but it is important to investigate the student, the interrelationships that exist in the classroom and everything that happens in that context, what are the difficulties, facilities and behaviors. The intention of this work contribute to the education, seeking answers to the questions about hyperactivity and what happens in the classroom, or that was the object of study: classroom and its dynamics. This is a field study aimed to analyze the educational aspects and inter-personal relationship student-student and studentteacher in an inclusive classroom where there is a student with hyperactivity properly diagnosed. It was proposed to draw a profile of the hyperactive student, since it constitutes a case study. The research subject was a student of 3rd year of elementary school to public school, clinically diagnosed as hyperactive and who is backed by family, school and doctor. For data collection was developed an observation protocol, completed daily. The student was observed for two months on alternate days and times, totaling 18 classes. Interviews were conducted with the teacher and the student's mother in order to profile the student participant. After compiling the data, we can find the answers of the questions that motivated this research, it is possible to identify the unpreparedness of teachers to deal with hyperactive students in the classroom, the spread of behaviors, considering many students as hyperactive, but no diagnosis; need to adapt the content, but properly and not just recreational; lack of dialogue between school and family


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The Physical education has as objective the students integration in the body movement culture, forming citizens to reframe different cultural aspects of the physical activity, enabling a more critical look. Currently selecting how the body movement culture has been widely approached by Mass Media it is detected a new pedagogical possibility. The several media equipment massively bomb (images, sounds and information) interfering on how the students interpret the reality, since they are exposed to these multiple information and at the same time are absent of a more critical look about what they receive. In this way, the objective of this work was to perform a research in the news/articles from the Jornal A Folha de São Paulo, that allows the development of classes based on the elements of body movement culture and apply them in a public school from Rio Claro-SP city, to detect possibilities and difficulties in the work with the media in the school environment. It employed a qualitative research. The data obtained in this study indicate that the media shows up as a good teaching tool for teaching physical education classes, since students found the classes to enriching the learning process, highlighting topics such as innovation and the closeness they had with the worked information. However, it is necessary to develop further studies to raise other possibilities as well as alternatives to deal with this new reality of the school context


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A leitura e a escrita assumem papel fundamental na vida em sociedade. Em busca de meios para permitir igualdade de condições de ensino, mudanças curriculares têm sido feitas nas escolas públicas do Estado de São Paulo. Hoje, com a obrigatoriedade do Ensino Fundamental, as escolas públicas se deparam com uma dificuldade: grande diversidade de alunos, difícil de ser atendida plenamente. Esta dificuldade manifesta-se no processo de alfabetização. Cada aluno possui mecanismos próprios de aprendizagem, mas muitas vezes, em meio às circunstâncias, eles são tratados da mesma forma, como iguais. Como parte do projeto Bolsa Escola Pública e Universidade na Alfabetização, esta pesquisa focaliza as produções de 23 alunos matriculados no segundo ano de uma escola estadual para comparar a escrita apresentada pelas crianças em ditados, e em textos por elas produzidos a partir de histórias lidas.


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Nowadays, we understand the childhood as a result of historical and social changes. This work aims to comprehend representations and expectations made by children from the popular classes in the initial years of Fundamentaql Education. We conducted a research with six students from a public school that attends children from urban popular layer's families. The research examines the meanings and representations of educational practices developed in the relationships established among teachers, students and families through their life stories. Among the results, we can say that the environment of differentiation in the school id perceived to the students because they introject teacher's representations about their performance. Scientific studies show that children crystallize a positive image of the shool when the speech and posture of the institution value and encourage learning. However, the students are challenged to produce better results in order to participate in extracurricular activities, which they are excluded todue indiscipline or learning difficulties. The mean of the schooling is highly influenced by the performance of students and also by the attitude of educators in the family and in the school. The theoretical review points out that when students have a good performance, the merit is attributed to stress and ease they have to acquire the learning contents. In other hand, struggling students or with a lag of content explains the academic problems stems from the lack of capacity and potential for acquisition of learning compatible with age, defining schooling as something necessary for training, but which is inaccessible in their life stories


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A dança, como um dos elementos da Cultural Corporal de Movimento, faz parte dos conteúdos a serem abordados nas aulas de Educação Física escolar. No entanto, isso não ocorre freqüentemente. O ensino da dança fica restrito apenas a dias de comemorações e em festas juninas que, geralmente, são organizados pelos professores dessa disciplina. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo elaborar, implementar e avaliar um programa de dança na perspectiva multicultural, que contribua com a formação do cidadão na escola. Mais especificamente, aplicar um programa de dança na escola e avaliar as suas possibilidades e dificuldades. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se no referencial da pesquisa do tipo etnográfico. Para a realização desse estudo foi elaborado um projeto de dança sob uma visão multicultural. Esse programa, a princípio, atenderia uma turma mista de Educação Física de, aproximadamente, 35 alunos do Ensino Fundamental ciclo II de uma escola pública da cidade de Rio Claro – SP. Porém, o professor de Educação Física responsável pela sala participante do projeto não disponibilizou os meninos, porque segundo ele, as meninas dançariam e os meninos ficariam na quadra jogando futebol. Assim, as aulas foram ministradas pela aluna-pesquisadora às meninas da sala que totalizaram, em torno de 20 garotas. O estudo teve duração de, aproximadamente, dois meses e meio. As alunas tiveram contato com diversos estilos de dança, tais como: danças circulares sagradas, danças de salão, jazz, dança de rua, entre outros. Na investigação foi utilizado um diário de campo para a análise descritiva de comportamentos e atitudes a partir da observação das relações interpessoais das alunas. Foi realizada também uma avaliação inicial, uma avaliação final e uma entrevista com 5 alunas. As relações de...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Embora garantida por leis, a Educação Física enquanto prática pedagógica em muitas escolas ainda baseia-se em uma concepção tradicional relacionada ao ensino tecnicista de algumas modalidades esportivas, com caráter de reprodução dos movimentos técnicos. O basquetebol, como as demais modalidades esportivas na escola, possuía durante o período esportivista características nítidas deste período. Atualmente, com as novas propostas pedagógicas tanto da Educação Física escolar quanto da pedagogia do esporte, o ensino do basquetebol pode estar atrelado com a concepção de cultura corporal de movimento no qual a modalidade não deve ser abordada somente de maneira procedimental (o saber fazer) e o aluno deve que ser considerado como sujeito ativo do processo. Um dos caminhos para propor a relação entre cultura corporal de movimento e o ensino do basquetebol é por meio da implementação de um livro didático, construído a partir pressupostos teóricos, Galatti (2006) e Rodrigues (2009), os quais realizaram propostas que melhoram a compreensão dos conteúdos referentes ao basquetebol. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o processo de ensinoaprendizagem de um grupo de alunos do sétimo ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública estadual do município de Rio Claro, SP, a partir da aplicação de um livro didático constituído de conteúdos referentes ao basquetebol atrelados a perspectiva da cultura corporal de movimento. Para isso foi aplicado um instrumento avaliativo com todos os alunos participantes antes e depois da implementação das aulas, analisando-se também os livros respondidos pelos alunos e, finalmente, avaliando a aprendizagem deles por meio de um grupo focal. Os resultados indicam que os alunos tiveram aumento em suas notas após a implementação das aulas com o livro didático... 9Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A temática do corpo e da cultura corporal perpassa por várias ciências e áreas de conhecimento, tornando-se complexa e multifacetada. As relações entre corpo e cultura têm provocado o interesse constante de diversas áreas do conhecimento, como a Educação Física; e essa relação é fundamental e constitutiva dos seres humanos, sendo indissociável. Nosso trabalho situa-se na fronteira entre as ciências sociais e a educação física, com ênfase na educação física escolar. Por ser um tema intrigante, dotado de complexidades e integrações diversas, o nosso enfoque repousará nas concepções de corpo e cultura corporal presentes na área da educação física escolar, seja nos documentos oficiais emanados pelas instituições reguladoras, seja nos projetos pedagógicos do curso de graduação e de uma escola de ensino fundamental. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa, utilizando pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, através da análise de conteúdo. Para tanto, será utilizada referências da área de educação física, bem como da sociologia e antropologia e a pesquisa abrangerá os PPP (Projeto Político Pedagógico) de uma escola de ensino fundamental da cidade de Rio Claro e do curso de licenciatura em Educação Física da UNESP de Rio Claro, além dos documentos oficiais, como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) e o Currículo do Estado de São Paulo. Analisando os documentos, pudemos perceber que no Currículo do Estado de SP e no PPP de uma escola estadual de Rio Claro, as concepções corpo e cultura de movimento se assemelham por se tratar de uma escola pública paulista que se utiliza desse documento como referência na sua organização curricular. Em contrapartida, nos PCN e no PPP do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física da UNESP de Rio Claro, as concepções de corpo e cultura corporal de movimento são parecidas por se tratar de um curso de ensino superior que parece se basear nesse documento...