484 resultados para Estimativa de parâmetros
The study was carried out to evaluate the inclusion of increasing levels (0, 3,0 and 6.0%) of fish silage (SSFP), in the ration. The parameters studied were urea, uric acid, total protein, triglycerides, total cholesterol and lipoproteins (LDL, HDL and VLDL). Eighteen female piglets Moura weighting and crossbred Duroc x Moura, were used with 24,0± 3,0 kg in average weight and 90 days of age and eighteen male pigs Moura and crossbred Duroc x Moura, with 31,5±5,0 kg in average weight and 70 days of age in a randomized design with 3 treatments. The results showed no effect to the addition up to 6,0% of SSPF in the swine diet neither for in growth, nor to the serum parameters, even if had been found alteratum on the urea plasmatic concentrations experiments. All the parameters was closed to the normal value recommended in the literature.
The purpose of this work is to compare two methods for time estimation of useful life for a small and shallow reservoir, located in Pirassununga, São Paulo State, Brazil: 1) sedimentometry; and 2) bathymetry. The model indicated a useful lifetime around 50 years for the studied dam. The values are between 51 years for the initial years of 1998/1999, and 46 years for the final years of 2004/2005, with an oscillation between 1999/2000 of 27 years, and between 2000/2001 of 76 years. The results show that it is possible to estimate the useful lifetime for small dams through the sedimentometric method, by knowing the correction coefficient value (K'). The coefficient is calculated using time values of useful lifetime calculated by the sedimentometric and bathymetric methods simultaneously, during the span of one year.
Levan is an exopolysaccharide synthesized by several microorganisms during fermentation of a culture medium containing sucrose, yeast extract and minerals. This biopolymer has applications in the food segment as stabilizers, thickeners, as carriers for flavor and fragrances, as well as in the pharmaceutical segment as a hypocholesterolemic agent and for exhibiting antitumor activity. This work aimed to analyze the kinetic parameters for levan production. The microorganism used was Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494, incubated in a synthetic medium containing 200.0 g L-1 of sucrose, in a rotary shaker at 200 rpm and 30°C. Samples were taken every 24h, during a period of 96h, in order to determine variations of pH, biomass, reducing sugar, total reducing sugar and levan formation. It was observed that yields of biomass and synthesized biopolymer in 24h were superior to those obtained in 48, 72 and 96h of fermentation.
Non-linear mathematical functions proposed by Brody, Gompertz, Richards, Bertalanffy and Verhulst were compared in several buffalo production systems in Colombia. Herds were located in three provinces: Antioquia, Caldas, and Cordoba. Growth was better described by the curves proposed by Brody and Gompertz. Using the datasets from herds from Caldas, heritabilities for traits such as weaning weight (WW), weight and maturity at one year of age (WY and MY, respectively), age at 50% and 75% of maturity (A50% and A75%, respectively), adult weight (β0), and other characteristics, were also estimated. Direct and maternal heritabilities for WW were 0.19 and 0.12, respectively. Direct heritabilities for WY, MY, A50%, A75% and β0 were 0.39, 0.15, 0.09, 0.20 and 0.09, respectively. The genetic correlation for β0 and WY was -0.47, indicating that selection for heavy weight at one year of age will lead to lower weight at adult age. These data suggest that selection based on maturity traits can generate changes in characteristics of economic importance in beef-type buffalo farms. © 2012 Universidad de Antioquia.
A total of 5575 monthly test-day yield records from 796 lactations buffaloes first in the north coast of Colombia. The model included random direct additive genetic and permanent environment effects. As fixed effects were included, contemporary groups, and age of cow at calving as covaraible, linear and quadratic effects. Test-day (PLDC) yield was 3.89 ± 1.14 kg. The PLDC ranged from 2.86 kg to 4.26 kg while the highest values towards the middle of lactation. The heritability estimates obtained for PLDC ranged from 0.23 to 0.47. Genetic correlations between PLDC, declining steadily increased the distance between PLDC. Phenotypic variances were higher in the initial PLDC and decreasing towards the end of lactation. The results found in this study indicate that there is a high genetic variability for the PLDC in the population studied using a random regression model.
In the experimental area of the Department of Environmental Sciences (21.85° S; 48.43° W; 786 m), in the School of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, an experiment was carried out using peanut (Arachis hypogaea L), cv. IAC-TATU-ST, to quantify the crop daily water requirements. During the peanut crop cycle, the environmental variables, such as rainfall, air temperature, air relative humidity, soil matric potential, soil heat flux and radiation balance, have been registered continually. These measurements were used to calculate the daily crop evapotranspiration, by the Bowen ratio method. The water replacement required by the peanut crop was done the dripping irrigation system, oriented by a dynamic agrometeorological model that computes the entrance and exit of water in the soil. During the peanut crop cycle, 9.0 mm of water was used from sowing to emergence; 67.0 mm of water, in the growth stage; 166.0 mm, in the flowering stage; 124.0 mm in the final stage and 46.0 mm from physiological maturity to harvest. Oot of 412.0 mm of the total consumption, 246.0 mm of water was supplied by irrigation and 166.0 mm by the rain. The grain yield was 3.15 t ha-1 for 15% of humidity, and the water use efficiency was 0.764 kg m-3.
The equations and extrapolation use to localities whose characteristics of soil and climate, even if partial, distinguish the town to which they were generated, still permeate in studies to estimate the rainfall erosivity (EI 30). This work has objective to propose and validate mathematical equations to estimate the rainfall erosivity of two cities of Sao Paulo State's. The adjusted to estimate obtaining and validate data of equations of erosivity (EI 30) according to values of coefficient of rain (Rc) were obtained from pluviographic and pluviometric rainfall data, respectively, using of distinct historical rainfall series. Mutiple comparisions test and confidence intervals were performed to compare absolute average of EI 30, pluviometric data (Pp), and Rc. The correlation between EI 30 and Rc was verified by of Pearson correlation coefficient. Test of the hypothesis of equality between population variance was used to compare the equations. Pluviometrics data of historical series rainfall data different than those that the models were generated were used to validate and to assess the performance of the equations, proposed of this study and compare them with another equation already consolidated in literature. The results show that for the conditions under which the study was conducted, the simple linear equations, shown to be the most appropriate to estimate the rainfall erosivity these two cities. According to the test of the hypothesis of equality variances between populations, the equations adjusted for each city differ statistically so that the rainfall erosivity of each city must be estimated by their respective equation.
Fluvial morphometry is method of great value regarding neotectonic analysis of extensive areas because streams, besides representing one of the main agents in the relief modeling, quickly adjust their thalwegs to even the most gentle crustal deformations. The purpose of this paper is to present the application of some morphometric techniques in the Santo Anastácio River hydrographic basin in order to identify recent tectonic deformations. Additionally, we show liquefaction structures identified in the basin and interpreted here as seismites linked to ancient earthquakes (magnitudes greater than 5). The morphometric survey includes longitudinal stream profile analysis, RDE (declivity versus stream length) index application, and the sinuosity study of the Santo Anastácio River channel. Geologic substrate comprises Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks of the Caiuá and Bauru groups, locally covered by Cenozoic sediments (alluvial plains, terrace deposits, colluvial aprons, as well as in situ regoliths). Considering that liquefaction structures affect dark clay layers of 32.340±320 year BP age (14C dating), a lower age limit for the ancient earthquake is triggered in that region. The authors believe that neotectonic understanding of the Western São Paulo State Plateau is important to the geologic and geomorphologic evolution of that landscape and to the consequent territorial planning and occupation.
Diferentes fontes proteicas em rações de leitões sobre atividade da tripsina e parâmetros sangüíneos
Were used 64 piglets submitted eight treatments: ration with skim milk (SM), three rations with crescent levels of swine plasma (SP), three rations with whole egg (WE) and a ration with high inclusion of soybean meal (SB). Were monitored the blood parameters (BP) in pigs at 27 and at 34 days of age. The piglets were slaugther at 28 and at 35 days of age, for collections pancreas and posterior mensurements of absolut (AW) and relative weigth (RW) of pancreas and trypsin activity (TA). Treatments not influencied AW and TA. Significant effect of the crescent levels was verified of SP, with lineal reduction of the leukocytes and increase of the globular volume, to the 27 days; while to the 34 days, lineal increase of the hematias was observed. At 27 days, animals feds rations with crescent levels of SP have inferior percentage of eosinophils than others that consumed crescent levels of WE. The utilization of SP promoted smaller stimulus to the immune reply, while the use of WE promoted larger humoral reply of the piglets.
Times of in situ incubation (144 and 288h) for determination of internal markers IADF and INDF and the effects of differents procedures (wash or not the nylon bag every 72h incubation) was evaluated in samples of diet, duodenal digesta and cattle feces. The duodenal flow dry matter and fecal production utilizing the internal markers to compare with the external marker chromium oxide there was estimated. The animals were fed with sorgum silage, concentrate or urea. In this experiment, a latin square design was used, in a factorial scheme (two times of incubation × two processing nylon bag). No was observed effect of the incubation time or processing in the internal markers INDF and IADF concentration and the in situ incubation after 144h is adequate to reproduce the indigestible markers fraction in samples. For fecal production estimation, the external marker chromium oxide presented similar result (1.26 kg day-1) as the total fecal collection (1.49 kg day-1). Both the internal markers overestimate the duodenal flow dry matter when compared with the external marker chromium oxide.
PURPOSE: to investigate the effect of cigarette smoke exposure on body and tissue weight gain, serum parameters and milk yield during pregnancy and lactation in rats, and the impact on offspring from birth toil young adulthood. METHODS: 40 Wistar pregnant rats were randomly divided into: CG - not exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of pregnancy; CL - not exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of lactation; FG - exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of pregnancy; FL - exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of lactation. The offspring were separated by gender and divided according to their mothers' groups. Tissue weight, body weight and serum parameters were evaluated in rats and offspring. Milk yield per pup was calculated. RESULTS: body weight was decreased in FL during lactation (CL=267.0±7.2; FL=235.5±7.2 g*, *p<0.05). Adipose tissue was not detected in the CL and FL groups, and was reduced in FG compared to CG (CG=3.3±0.3; FG=2.4±0.3 g*, *p<0.05). Rats exposed to cigarette smoke had higher blood glucose levels (CG=113±17, CL=86±16, FG=177±21*, FL=178±23 mg/dL*, *p<0.05 CG versus FG e CL versus FL), CL and FL groups presented lower HDL-cholesterol with no change in total cholesterol. Finally, rats exposed to cigarette smoke had lower milk yield compared to unexposed rats (CL=6.7±0.4, FL=5.4±0.3 g*, *p<0.05). In offspring from the FG and FL groups, there was a decrease of body weight from birth to young adulthood, with no changes in gastrocnemius, liver or heart weights in any group, and adipose tissue was no detected in female offspring. There was an increase in blood glucose in offspring of both sexes from rats exposed to cigarette smoke (males: Pcg=107±10.5, Pcl=115±8.6, Pfg=148±16.8*, Pfl=172±11.2**; females: Pcg=109±27.2, Pcl=104±9.7, Pfg=134±20.0*, Pfl=126±13.3**; p<0.05 *Pcg versus Pfg and **Pcl versus Pfl). CONCLUSIONS: exposure to cigarette smoke provokes impairment of morphometric and serum parameters during pregnancy and lactation both in mothers and offspring, which is maintained during young adulthood.
The Rio Preto Hydrographic Basin (RPHB) is located in the North-central portion of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 30 km ENE of the city of Diamantina. The sources of the stream of that name are found in the Rio Preto State Park, which has an area of 10,755 hectares. The total area, perimeter, extension, and axial length of the RPHB, as well as other morphometric characteristics, with emphasis on shape indexes, were obtained with the help of the ArcGis 9.2 program. The cartographic data were taken from digitalized topographic charts in a scale of 1:100,000 of the Brazilian Geographical Institute (IBGE). The measured drainage area is of 389.3 km2 and the perimeter is 136.9 km. Due to structural influence, the shape of the RPHB is irrgular and elongated, with drainage developed in a dendritic and parallel pattern. Those characteristics were checked by means of the compaxity coefficient and the shape factor. The first one was estimated in 1.94, what implies that the basin is not subject to fast flooding in years with normal precipitation. The high degree of fluvial downcutting of the basin is confirmed by the fact that it is a 5th order basin, it presents a significant branching rate and a medium drainage density.
Landfill is an engineering work that aims at to accommodate residues in the smallest possible space in the soil, with minimum damages to the environment and the public health. One in the constructive forms of a controlled landfill is the excavation of ditches with appropriate dimensions, for disposition of solid residues without compactation or impermeabilization. Liquid effluents generated for similar volumes of residues, disposed in ditches with ages different from closing, it should result in physical and chemical alterations you correlated at the time of residence materials. With base in this hypothesis, measures of electric resistivity were accomplished through the of Eletrical Resistivity geophysical method, on residues ditches closed annually between 12/2001 and 12/2007, localized in control landfill of the Cordeirópolis city (SP). The leachate is a liquid effluent generated by the decomposition of organic matter and characterized by high content in total dissolved solids, whose interaction with geological environment results in alterations in terms of electrical resistivity susceptible to detection for the geophysical instrumental. The results suggest a resistivity reduction for leachate percolation produced for ditches recently and increase progressive of the resistivity for older ditches. The statistical comparative analysis with reference values for the area suggests ages of the finish production and percolation leachate for soil and rock below the ditches.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the varieties of coffee Arabic Catucáand Catuaí productivity, in Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais, through agrometeorological mathematical models, considering the spatial variability of productivity in the area. The samplings were georrefered building an irregular grid, totalizing 50 samplings per area. After that, geostatic analysis was made to quantify spatial dependence degree of the real values and the estimated productivity. According to the classification, the models superestimated the productivity for the two varieties.
This work aimed to evaluate qualitative parameters of meat, sensorial analysis, ivermecin residue and heavy metals from 48 Ile de France lambs submitted to organic and conventional production models which were slaughtered at 32 kg of body weight. Lamb meat from organic model had larger yellowness w to compawithto conventional mo to 45 minutes after the slaught anbut L * and a* parameters were not affeced;, however, not eady the color of lamb meat 24 hours after the slaugter, not influenced by treatments. There was not effect of treatments in pH and temperatureat 45 minutes and 24 hours after the slaughter, in water holding capacity and in shear force, while the cooking losses were influenced by treatments. In the meat of lambs submitted to organic model, the subjective tenderness and the global acceptance were lower when compared to convencional model. Treatments didn't influence arsenic, cadmium and lead meat tenor. Inexistence of ivermectin was verified in meat from organic and conventional production models.