323 resultados para Biologia Celular e Molecular


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O melanoma é considerado um dos tumores cutâneos de maior importância em cães devido ao seu caráter agressivo, à capacidade de produzir metástases em estágios precoces e à baixa resposta aos tratamentos não cirúrgicos. Recentemente, as vacinas de DNA apresentam-se promissoras na terapêutica do melanoma canino. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto. As vacinas de DNA são baseadas em plasmídeos que contêm o gene codificante para o antígeno alvo, expressando-o na célula do hospedeiro e apresentando, assim, vantagens em relação às vacinas tradicionais, como: facilidade de produção, estabilidade térmica, baixo custo e estimulação da resposta imune celular (linfócitos T CD8+). Devido ao sucesso limitado das terapias padrões, o estabelecimento de uma vacina de DNA efetiva aumenta a possibilidade de uma terapia promissora para o melanoma canino, podendo trazer novas expectativas aos animais portadores dessa neoplasia.


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The most important role played by the enzyme Glucose- 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) in erythrocyte metabolism is in generating energy and reducing power used to protect the cell against oxidative attack. G6PD deficiency is the erythroenzymopathy that most frequently causes hemolytic anemia, and more than 130 molecular variants have already been identified. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic mutations in the G6PD-deficient adult males in the population of the region of Araraquara, São Paulo State. Out of 5087 male blood donors, 89 were deficient for G6PD, as confirmed by assaying the enzyme activity and electrophoresis on cellulose acetate. Thus, a frequency of 1.75% of G6PD-deficient patients was found, this value being similar to other investigations in São Paulo state. Molecular analysis was performed by amplification of genomic DNA with specific primers and digestion with restriction enzymes. In 96.6% of the patients, the G6PD A¯ variant was observed, with mutations at residues 376(A→G) and 202(G→A). Mean G6PD specific activity among the patients was 1.31 IU.g Hb-1.min-1 at 37ºC, that is 10.8% of the normal activity of the G6PD B enzyme. The variant forms G6PD A¯ 680(G→T) and 968(T→C) were not found. In 3.4% of the deficient individuals, the G6PD Mediterranean variant was found, with a mutation at 563(C→T). In these cases, mean enzymatic activity was 0.25 IU.g Hb-1.min-1 at 37ºC, or 2.1% of the enzymatic activity of G6PD B. The use of traditional techniques, allied to the identification of the different molecular variants, is important for the understanding of the structural and functional properties and hemolytic behavior of the red blood cells of the patient.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The BCL2 protein found in the internal mothocondrial membrana regulates the apoptosis preventing the programmed cell death. The translocation (14:18), detected in 70 to 85% of the follicular lymphoma, lead the super expression of BCL2 protein, by juxtaposition of BCL2 gene to the JH segment of the immunoglobulins' heavy chain gene. However, the found of the BCL2 expression in head and neck carcinoma are contradictious. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the presence of the translocation (14:18) of the BCL2 gene in head and neck carcinoma. METHOD: Sixteen DNA samplers were examinated being 13 of squamous cells carcinoma (SCC) and 3 of epidermoid (CE), y means of chain reaction of the polymerase (PCR). RESULTS: The BCL2/JH rearrangement in 2 (15%) of the CCE 13 cases and in none of the 3 cases of CE. The average of the frequency of molecules with rearrangement was 46,44x107. Was not observed association between the rearrangement presence and the exhibition to tobacco and alcohol (p=0, 6545). CONCLUSION: Different from the results found in follicular lymphoma, the presence of the translocation (14; 18) in head and neck carcinomas is not common and, when it occurs, it can be an occasional mutation not associated to exhibition to the tobacco and alcohol.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE