401 resultados para epithelium


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The prostate of the female gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is similar to the human female prostate (Skene gland) and, despite its reduced size, it is functional and shows secretory activity. However, virtually nothing is known about its physiological regulation. This study was thus undertaken to evaluate the behavior of the gerbil female prostate in a hyperandrogenic condition. Adult females received subcutaneous injections of testosterone cypionate (1 mg/kg body weight every 48 h) up to 21 days. Circulating levels of testosterone and estradiol were monitored, and the prostate and ovaries subjected to structural and immunocytochemical analyses. The treatment resulted in sustained high levels of circulating testosterone, and caused a transient increase in estradiol. There was an increase in epithelial cell proliferation accompanied by significant reorganization of the epithelium and an apparent reduction in secretory activity, followed by a progressive increase in luminal volume density and accumulation of secretory products. Immunocytochemistry identified the expression of androgen receptor and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-related antigen in prostatic epithelial cells. A circulating PSA-related antigen was also found, and its concentration showed strong negative correlation with circulating estrogen. Epithelial dysplasia was detected in the prostate of treated females. Analysis of the ovaries showed the occurrence of a polycystic condition and stromal cell hyperplasia. The results indicate that testosterone has a stimulatory effect on the female prostate, inducing epithelial cell proliferation, differentiation, secretory activity, and dysplasia. The results also suggest that prostatic growth and activity, polycystic ovaries, and ovarian stromal cell hyperplasia are related to a hyperandrogenic condition in females.


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A morphometric study was conducted on the testis of the domestic quail Coturnix coturnix japonica to determine testicular kinetics. We investigated the variability along the year of testicular parameters such as seminiferous tubule diameter, germinal epithelium height and amount of meiotic figures of maturing spermatids in the seminiferous epithelium and of sperm in the tubular lumen. The results of morphometric analysis showed the occurrence of an annual testicular cycle defined by four distinct phases: a resting phase (at the end of summer), a recrudescence phase (in the fall), a proliferative phase (at the end of winter and beginning of spring), and a regression phase (spring and summer). We also observed that the testes of adult quails present elevated and maximal spermatogenic activity in fall-winter (short-day period) and at the beginning of spring, respectively, and lower values in spring and summer (long-day periods), with minimum values at the end of summer.


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We performed a light microscope and a computer three-dimensional reconstruction study of serial sections of the molar enamel organ of 3- and 5-day-old rats perfused with Indian ink through the arterial system. The tooth germs were fixed in Bouin's solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. For the three-dimensional reconstruction, light micrographs of the serial sections were digitized, and aligned using the serial EM Align software downloaded from http://synapses.bu.edu/tools/. After alignment, the boundaries of the India-ink-filled blood vessels were manually traced with a mouse using the software IGL trace (version 1.26b), also downloaded from the above website. After tracing, a three-dimensional representation of the blood vessel contours was generated in a VRML format and visualized with the help of the software Cortona Web3D viewer (version 4.0) downloaded from http://www.parallelgraphics.com/products/cortona. Our results showed that in regions where ameloblasts are polarized the capillaries are arranged in three distinct levels: (1) penetrating and leaving capillaries in relation to the outer enamel epithelium; (2) capillaries crossing and branching inside the stellate reticulum; and (3) capillaries branching and anastomosing profusely within the stratum intermedium, thereby forming an extensive capillary plexus intimately associated with the cells of the stratum intermedium. The existence of a conspicuous capillary plexus intermingled with cells of the stratum intermedium, as shown in our results, suggests that some molecules produced by cells of the stratum intermedium could be released into the capillary plexus and thereafter carried to the dental follicle.


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4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO)-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis is a useful model for studying oral squamous cell carcinoma. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of bcl-2 and bax during tongue carcinogenesis induced by 4NQO. Male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups of 10 animals each and treated with 50 ppm 4NQO solution through their drinking water for 4, 12 or 20 weeks. Ten animals were used as negative control. Although no histological changes were induced in the epithelium after 4 weeks of carcinogen exposure, bcl-2 and bax were over-expressed (P < 0.01) in all layers of the 'normal' epithelium. The expression levels were the same in all layers of epithelium for both the antibodies used (bcl-2 or bax). In dysplastic lesions at 12 weeks following carcinogen administration, the levels of bcl-2 and bax expression did not increase when compared to negative control with the immunoreactivity for bcl-2 being restricted to the superficial layer of epithelium. In well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma induced after 20 weeks of treatment with 4NQO, bcl-2 was expressed in some cells of tumour islands. on the other hand, immunostaining for bax was widely observed at the tumour nests. The labelling index for bcl-2 and bax showed an increase (P < 0.05) after only 4 weeks of 4NQO administration. In conclusion, our results suggest that abnormalities in the apoptosis pathways are associated with the development of persistent clones of mutated-epithelial cells in the oral mucosa. Bcl-2 and bax expression appears to be associated with a risk factor in the progression of oral cancer.


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Background: the paradentat cyst is an odontogenic lesion of inflammatory origin that has few clinical signs and symptoms apart from recurring acute episodes. A well-defined radiolucency associated with the roots or distal to the crown may be seen radiographically. The purpose of this article is to report on different aspects of two cases involving paradental cysts. In the first case, the patient complained about recurring pericoronitis. A semilunar-shaped radiolucency on the distal aspect of the mandibular third molar was noted on the periapical radiograph. In the second case, the patient's main complaint was chronic trauma of the overlying mucosa. Radiographs revealed an enlarged pericoronal space.Methods: In both cases, the mandibular third molar was extracted due to a lack of space. Lesional samples were sent for histopathologic analysis.Results: In the first case, the drainage of cystic fluid and a regular concavity were found during tooth removal. In the second case, a nodular lesion was found adhering to the disto-buccal surface of the tooth arising from the distal wall of a periodontal pocket. The histopathologic analysis revealed a hyperplastic stratified squamous epithelium with arcading lining a fibrous capsule with inflammatory infiltrate, resulting in a final diagnosis of a paradental cyst.Conclusions: the presence of a paradental cyst should be considered when recurrent inflammatory periodontal processes are associated with partially erupted vital teeth, even when characteristic radiographic findings are absent. Definitive diagnosis requires a clinicopathologic correlation incorporating surgical, radiographic, and histologic findings.


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The mandibular glands of Pachycondyla striata workers consists of a proximal reservoir and secretory portion. The secretion is transported from the cytoplasm of the secretory cells to reservoir through individual canaliculi which is subdivided into two portions : an intracytoplasmatic and extracellular one. The reservoir consists of an epithelium made up of thin cells has a thick cuticle. The secretory cells showed a large amount of structures forming the citoskeleton always associated with myelin figures.


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We present four new cases of verruciform xanthoma (VX) in the oral mucosa and review the literature. Clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical features of four new cases of VX were analysed together with cases found in a review of the literature. Expression of CD-68 was studied by immunohistochemistry. Only 162 cases were reported in the oral mucosa. Ninety were males (55.5%) and 72 were females (44.5%). Mean age was 44.9 years. The majority of cases occurred in masticatory mucosa (69.7%). Our cases exhibited papillary or verrucous proliferation of squamous epithelium associated with hyperparakeratosis and with numerous foamy cells confined to the lamina propria papillae. Foamy cells were positive to CD-68 antibody, showing a macrophagic nature. VX is a rare benign lesion, and is probably inflammatory. However, its aetiology and pathological mechanisms remain unknown. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Morphological and functional alterations caused by chronic alcohol ingestion in testes and accessory sex organs have been studied both in man and in laboratory animals. The aim of the present study was to examine the possible occurrence of deleterious effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the secretory epithelium of the ventral prostate of mice. Twenty-four adult male C57BL/6J mice were divided into three groups. The alcohol-treated group was allowed to drink only 6% (v/v) ethanol, the isocaloric group received a diet of water/sucrose with a calorie content equivalent to a 6% alcohol solution and the control group received water. Both groups were fed ad libitum with solid Purina rat chow. After 120 days, animals from each group were anesthetized with ethyl ether, weighed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrated reduction in the glandular epithelium cell height and disorganization of the Golgi complex. Moreover, abundant membrane-bound structures, most likely representing cytoplasmic material, were observed, as well as accumulation of dense bodies. Statistical analysis showed that bodyweight gain was similar for both groups. In conclusion, chronic alcohol ingestion has harmful effects on the secretory epithelium cells of the ventral lobe of the prostate of mice after 120 days of treatment. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Ultrastructure of the anterior end of the midgut of three Neotropical stingless bees, including an obligate necrophagous species Trigona hypogea, suggests that this midgut region has no role in nutrient absorption because its lumen is reduced by a thick cuticle that lines the outer epithelium of the cardiac valve. A possible involvement of this midgut region in the production of the peritrophic membrane compounds is discussed.


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The effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the secretory epithelium of the seminal vesicle were studied in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Male adult albino Wistar rats were divided into two groups: alcoholic and control. Tips of the seminal vesicle were removed and prepared for light and electron microscopy. Ultrastructural observations on the epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle showed reduced epithelial cell size, decreased apical secretory vacuoles, irregularly shaped nuclei with deep infoldings, increased lipid droplets and dense bodies, a small number of microvilli covering the cell surface, and signs of degeneration. In addition to the hormonal effects, alcohol may act on the secretory epithelium of the seminal vesicle.


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The etoposide is an anticancer drug that interacts with topoisomerase II. Thirty-day-old rats received intraperitonially 2mg/kg of etoposide for 30 consecutive days. Their testes were analyzed in the adult phase under light microscopy according to histomorphometric and stereological parameters. Random 3mum-thick-paraplast sections of testis were stained with periodic acid-Schiff reaction and Harris' hematoxylin method. Serum testosterone level and reproductive performance were also investigated. The results showed an accentuated decrease in the frequency of germinal lineage cell types and differentiated spermatogonia were the most affected cell types. Morphometric and stereological testicular parameters exhibited highly, significant reductions in adult etoposide-treated rats. Their reproductive performance diminished but their serum testosterone level was not significantly altered. The mortality frequency of the progenies was 100%.


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Ultrastructural observations of principal cells of the epithelium lining of the proximal caput epididymis in experimental alcoholic albino rats at 180 days of treatment showed pyknotic nuclei, ill-defined cellular organelles and clusters of electrondense bodies, perhaps lysosomes. It was also verified for a progressive accumulation of lipid droplets initially in the basal and perinuclear cytoplasm and finally in the apical cytoplasm of principal cells at 60, 120 and 180 days of experimentation, respectively. The clear cells of alcoholic rats at 180 days showed the cytoplasm totally filled with lipid droplets. These findings were taken comparatively with the morphological features of the same epididymal cells in control (normal) rats.


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To elucidate the morphological differences between placentas from normal and cloned cattle pregnancies reaching term, the umbilical cord, placentomes and interplacentomal region of the fetal membranes were examined macroscopically as well as by light and scanning electron microscopy. In pregnancies established by somatic nucleus transfer (NT), the umbilical cord and fetal membranes were edematous. Placentomal fusion was common, resulting in increased size and a decreased number of placentomes. Extensive areas of the chorioallantoic membrane were devoid of placentomes. An increased number of functional or accessory microcotyledons (< 1 cm) were present at the maternally oriented surface of fetal membranes. Extensive areas of extravasated maternal blood were present within the placentomes and in the interplacentomal region. The crypts on the caruncular surface were dilated and accommodated complexes of more than one primary villus, as opposed to a single villus in non-cloned placentae. Scanning electron microscopy of blood vessel casts revealed that there was also more than one stem artery per villous tree and that the ramification of the vessels failed to form dense complexes of capillary loops and sinusoidal dilations as in normal pregnancies. At the materno-fetal interface, however, the trophoblast and uterine epithelium had normal histology. In conclusion, the NT placentas had a range of pathomorphological changes; this was likely associated with the poor clinical outcome of NT pregnancies. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Motilin-immunoreactive cells in the duodenum, pyloric stomach and pancreas of Caiman latirostris and Caiman crocodilus were investigated using region specific antisera for porcine and canine motilin molecules. Motilin-immunoreactive cells were found in the duodenum, pyloric stomach and pancreas of both caiman species. These cells were primarily open-type endocrine ones in the epithelium of the duodenum and pyloric stomach. Motilin-immunoreactive cells were observed in both the exocrine and endocrine portions of the pancreas, and frequently exhibited one or more cytoplasmic processes of variable length. Since motilin-immunoreactive cells do not cross-react with serotonin or any of the other pancreatic and gut hormones, they are considered to be cell type independent from any of the other known pancreatic or gut endocrine cells. The molecular similarity between caiman motilin and porcine and canine motilins and the heterogeneity of the motilin molecule in the caiman digestive system is discussed.


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Stroma-epithelium relationships are of great relevance in prostatic morphogenesis and physiology, However, little knowledge exists about either stromal cells or extracellular matrix composition and arrangement in this system, Ultrastructural analysis revealed the existence of a microfibrillar system which occupies large areas of the rat prostatic stroma, In this work, we have applied immunocytochemistry and an ATP treatment for the ultrastructural identification of collagen type VI microfibrils, aiming at examining its participation in the prostatic microfibrillar network. Immunocytochemistry was also extended to a human case of prostatic nodular hyperplasia, Both methods succeeded in identifying collagen type VI in the rat ventral prostate, Collagen type VI is evenly distributed throughout the stroma but mainly associated with the basal lamina, collagen fibrils, and around the stromal cells, the use of ATP treatment allowed for the discrimination between collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibrils, and demonstrated that these two classes of microfibrils establish an extended, mixed, and open network. The same aspects of association with the basal lamina, with stromal cells (particularly with smooth muscle cells), and with fibrillar components of the stroma were observed in the human tissue, We suggest that the collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibril system may be involved in the control of some aspects of cellular behavior and may also play a structural role, maintaining the organ integrity after the deformations occurring under smooth muscle contraction.