325 resultados para concentração na calda
The objective of this work was to analyze the profiles of the concentrations of resistant starch and respective properties of paste of two cassava varieties with different development stages. For the evaluation of the profile of the concentration of resistant starch and paste properties, the starches of the cassava varieties were used IAC 576/70 and Fécula Branca, which were collected with different times of cultivation (10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 months), and the use of these times were according the crop of cassava variety IAC 576/70. For the analysis of paste property the apparel was used RVA and for analysis of resistant starch the enzymatic method was used. The results showed for the paste properties happened significant differences among the two varieties of cassava starch, and in some months they there wasn't differences, and as the results of resistant starch happened differences among the starches the months of July and August, and as for the different development stages only the starch of Fécula Branca that happened significant differences.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Em razão ao uso intensivo e por ser altamente não-degradável, o metal Cd (II) tem causado uma grande preocupação na sociedade moderna devido a sua capacidade de acumular-se em matrizes ambientais manifestando toxicidade. O projeto teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento da síntese da Sílica Mesoporosa para o ancoramento do ligante Ácido Rubeânico sobre a superfície do material. A caracterização do mesmo, por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), após a etapa de funcionalização indicou a presença de grupamento amina, com banda em 3350 cm-1, bandas na região de 2940 e 2850 cm-1 atribuídas a grupos metileno e a atenuação da banda C-Cl (700 cm-1), devido ao ancoramento da molécula do ligante. O material foi aplicado em experimentos de batelada e o efeito de tempo de contato e do pH sobre a adsorção de íons Cd (II) foi avaliado. O material apresentou cinética rápida, a qual foi alcançada em 1 minuto e a maior adsorção foi atingida em pH 6 (próximo ao ponto de carga zero) para ambos os metais. As condições ótimas obtidas foram aplicadas para a determinação da capacidade máxima de adsorção. Os dados obtidos da isoterma de adsorção foram aplicados à Equação Linearizada de Langmuir, fornecendo 0,03 mmol g-1, com o coeficiente de determinação dos dados sendo R² de 0,9961. Na segunda etapa, o material modificado foi aplicado em sistema de fluxo contínuo, ajustando as melhores condições como massa de amostra, tipos de eluente bem como o volume de eluato. Os resultados das concentrações do metal foram obtidos por determinação direta por espectrometria de absorção atômica
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
This study evaluated the effect of daily chromium supplementation at growing doses on serum Cr levels in cattle. Sixty Nellore heifers 2 to 5 years old were randomly assigned to one of four groups (15 heifers/group) fed non-fertilized Brachiaria decumbens pasture. In the control group (Gc), the heifers received a mineral mixture without Cr. In the other groups, heifers received 0.59, 1.19 or 2.38 mg Cr+3/animal/day, groups G8,5, G17 and G34, respectively. Blood samples were collected on days 0, 30 and 60. Serum concentration of chromium was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The chromium source used was the chromium yeast. The results do not support any significant difference (p>0.05) among serum chromium levels of heifers in groups Gc, G8,5, G17 and G34 at a same observation day. Only effect of supplementation time was detected in group G34. In this group there was significant increase (p<0,05) in the concentration serum chromium 60 days after the beginning of the experiment. Concluded Cr yeast can be used as the source of this mineral element for animals and supplementation with 2.38 mg/ cattle/day was the dose that most increased the serum concentration of Cr in Nellore cattle during the experimental period.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to build and validate a low cost reduced-scale wind tunnel for drift evaluation on pesticide application technology. The work was carried out at the NEMPA - Núcleo de Ensaio de Máquinas e Pneus Agroflorestais (NEMPA), FCA/UNESP, Departamento de Engenharia Rural, Botucatu/SP, Brazil. The wind tunnel main characteristics were an open circuit and a closed working section with a fan blowing air into the tunnel. Screens were fitted downstream after the fan in order to stabilize the air flow on the working section. The tunnel was built with 3.0 mm eucalyptus hardboard, with a total length of 4.8 m and a squared section of 0.56 m. The air flow was provided by a 180 W axial fan. The system was adjusted and calibrated to provide a laminar and stable flow at 2.0 m s-1. Validation studies were carried out by using a Teejet XR 8003 flat fan nozzle at 200 kPa (medium droplets) to apply a spray solutions containing water plus a food dye (Blue FDC) at 0,6% m v-1 mixed with two adjuvants: a polymer based anti drift formulation at 0,06% m v-1 and a sodium lauryl ether sulfate based surfactant at 0,2% v v-1. After a 10-second application the drift was collected on nylon strips transversally fixed along the tunnel at different distances from the nozzle and different high from the bottom part of the tunnel. Drift deposits were evaluated by spectrophotometry. The wind tunnel had low levels of turbulence and high repeatability of the data, which means that the flow was uniform and able to be used for carrying out measures to estimate drift. The validation results showed that the tunnel was effective to enable comparative drift measurements on the spray solution used in this work making possible the evaluation of drift risk potential under those spray technologies. The use of an adjuvant based on a polymer reduced the amount of drift from the nozzle compared to the surfactant.
The present study had as objectives to verify the effect of rainfastness of different flutriafol formulations, in laboratory conditions, applied on soybean plants with and without the oil adjuvant in the spray solution, as well as to verify the influence of the oil on the droplet spectrum. The experiment considered ten spray solutions related to five treatments containing flutriafol (four formulations of flutriafol and a flutriafol mixture with tebuconazole), all applied with and without mineral oil. Particles size analysis were based on the determination of the droplet spectrum, medium volumetric diameter and the amount of droplets below 100 μm. All the solutions were sprayed with Teejet XR 11001 (fine droplets). Droplet spectrum was determined in a direct way by diffraction of laser (Malvern Mastersizer S®, version 2.15). Confidence interval at 90% degree was used to compare the mean data. The results showed that the addition of mineral oil in the solutions provided tendencies of larger medium volumetric diameter, smaller amount of droplets below than 100 µm and better uniformity of the droplet spectrum. All of the solutions with the addition of mineral oil presented larger adhesion and/or absorption of the fungicide on the plants in comparison with the solutions without oil. The increase of the time between the application and the rain, caused reduction of the fungicide removal, independently of the rain intensity. The increase of the amount of rain didn't change the relative behavior among the solutions; however, this larger amount of rain caused larger fungicide removal along the time. It was observed significant removal of flutriafol by the rain up to 48 hours after the spray application.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)