358 resultados para average daily gain


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estimar o consumo total e o diário de matéria seca do pasto, de vacas mestiças Holandês - Zebu, em piquetes de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.). Três grupos de 24 vacas foram usados em piquetes (4,5 vacas/ha), pastejados por três dias e submetidos a diferentes períodos de descanso durante dois anos. Os tratamentos consistiram de descansos de 30 dias sem concentrado e 30, 37,5 e 45 dias com a suplementação de 2 kg de concentrado (20,6% de proteína bruta). de julho a outubro, as vacas receberam, como suplementação, cana-de-açúcar mais 1% de uréia. O consumo total de matéria seca foi estimado a partir da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca da extrusa e da produção fecal obtida com óxido crômico. Independentemente do tratamento, o consumo total foi 2,7; 2,9 e 2.9±0,03%, e o consumo de matéria seca do pasto foi de 1,9; 2,1 e 2,1±0,03% do peso vivo (p<0,05), respectivamente, no primeiro, segundo e terceiro dia de ocupação do piquete. Somente no verão, o consumo do pasto foi semelhante nos três dias de pastejo. A mistura cana-de-açúcar e uréia substituiu o pasto, principalmente no primeiro dia de pastejo, ocasião em que o consumo do pasto era mais baixo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de cordeiros em confinamento alimentados com dieta exclusiva de concentrado com diferentes porcentagens de proteína. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros mestiços da raça Santa Inês, não castrados, com aproximadamente 180 dias de idade, peso vivo médio de 25kg, confinados, num delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. O consumo voluntário de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta e nutrientes digestíveis totais, além do ganho de peso diário e total, da conversão e da eficiência alimentar dos cordeiros, não foram influenciados (P>0,05) pela porcentagem de proteína na dieta. As dietas com 18 e 20% de proteína bruta apresentaram menores custos de produção, entretanto o menor custo foi obtido com a ração contendo 18% de PB.


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A produção de peixes em tanques-rede no Brasil tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. O baixo investimento inicial e o potencial hídrico representado pela enorme quantidade de água represada em nosso País têm atraído o interesse de empresários para essa atividade. O objetivo desse trabalho foi gerar informações sobre o efeito da densidade de estocagem no crescimento e produtividade da tilápia vermelha da Flórida criadas em tanques-rede. Foram instalados doze tanques-rede de 5 m3, numa represa de 1 ha, e estocados com 25, 50, 75 e 100 tilápias vermelhas da Flórida revertidas por m3. Os peixes foram alimentados com rações extrusadas comerciais contendo 32 e 28% PB por 253 dias. As temperaturas máxima, mínima e média da água foram 32,2, 16,0 e 23,9 C, respectivamente. Também foram monitorados a condutividade (58 mS/cm2), alcalinidade total (28 mg/L), amônia não ionizada (0,26 mg/L), nitrito (0,02 mg/L), oxigênio dissolvido (4,1 mg/L) e transparência da água (37 cm). Foram determinados o peso médio final (279,54g), comprimento padrão médio final (18,72cm), fator de condição (4,12), conversão alimentar aparente (3,15), taxa de sobrevivência (96,9%), ganho de peso diário (0,92g), taxa de crescimento específico (0,70%) e coeficientes de variação do peso (0,357%), do comprimento padrão (0,136%) e do fator de condição (0,136%). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P>0,05) entre as densidades de estocagem testadas nesses parâmetros. A densidade de estocagem de 100 peixes/m3 proporcionou a maior biomassa por m3 (P<0,001).


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RESUMO - Este experimento foi realizado para determinar a exigência de proteína bruta para suínos mestiços (Landrace x Large White), machos, castrados dos 15 aos 30 kg, mantidos em ambiente de conforto térmico. Durante o período experimental, a temperatura da sala manteve-se em 23,1±1,19°C, com umidade relativa de 80,6±4,59% e índice de temperatura do globo e umidade de 69,85±1,38. Foi usado um total de 60 leitões mestiços, machos castrados, com peso médio inicial de 14,8±0,85kg e final de 29,3±2,42 kg. Foi usado delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (17,0; 18,0; 19,0; 20,0; e 21,0% de proteína bruta), seis repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. O nível de proteína bruta na ração influenciou o ganho de peso diário e os consumos de proteína e lisina diários, que aumentaram linearmente. Entretanto, a conversão alimentar diminuiu linearmente. Não houve efeito do nível de proteína sobre os consumos de ração e energia diários. A taxa de deposição de gordura não foi influenciada, enquanto a taxa de deposição de proteína aumentou quadraticamente até o nível de 20,0% de proteína bruta. Os pesos absolutos do fígado e do intestino e o peso relativo do fígado aumentaram linearmente com o crescente nível de proteína bruta da ração. A concentração de uréia plasmática não foi influenciada pelos níveis de proteína bruta da ração. Suínos mestiços, machos, castrados de 15 a 30 kg, mantidos em ambiente de conforto térmico exigem 20,0% de proteína bruta na ração, correspondente a 0,90% de lisina total ou 57 g de proteína/Mcal ED. O nível de uréia no plasma sangüíneo não foi um parâmetro adequado para estimar a exigência de proteína bruta.


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Alevinos de trairão (Hoplias cf. lacerdae), com peso e comprimento total médios de 12,52 g e 10,5 cm, respectivamente, previamente condicionados ao aceite de dietas artificiais, foram distribuídos em seis tanques de alvenaria (5m²) nas densidades de: 1 e 4 alevinos/m². Os peixes dos diferentes tratamentos foram alimentados ad libitum nos horários de 8 e 14 h com ração comercial extrusada contendo 42% de proteína bruta. A cada trinta dias realizou-se a troca do volume total de água de todos os tanques. Ao final do experimento (120 dias) foi avaliado o desempenho produtivo dos peixes, por meio da taxa de sobrevivência, conversão alimentar, ganhos em comprimento e em peso diário. Foram observadas taxas médias de sobrevivência de 86,7 e 96,7% para as densidades de 1 e 4 peixes/m², respectivamente. A conversão alimentar foi de 1,6 e 1,2; o ganho em peso diário e em comprimento de 0,70 e 0,38 g e 8,01 e 7,27 cm, respectivamente. Estes valores não diferiram entre si. Com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que as densidades de estocagem de 1 e 4 peixes/m² podem ser utilizadas no cultivo de alevinos de trairão sem que haja comprometimento no seu desempenho produtivo.


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Estudou-se o desempenho de bovinos machos não-castrados das raças Aberdeen Angus (AA) e Hereford (HE) em confinamento, submetidos a dois níveis de energia, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2, sendo o menor nível com 3,07 e o maior com 3,18 Mcal/kg de energia digestível (12 e 32% de concentrado na dieta, respectivamente). Foram utilizados oito animais da raça AA e oito HE, com idade inicial de nove meses e peso médio inicial de 220,31 kg, que permaneceram confinados até que o peso da carcaça atingiu o mínimo de 190 kg (estimativa). Os animais da raça AA apresentaram maior consumo de MS, em % PV (2,27 vs 2,10%) e em g/kg0,75 (91,4 vs 86,4 g). Os animais que consumiram o maior nível de energia na dieta apresentaram maiores consumos de MS/dia (6,31 vs 5,71 kg), em PV (2,26 vs 2,11%) e em g/kg0,75 (92,28 vs 85,44 g), de energia digestível (ED), em Mcal/dia (20,58 vs 18,13 Mcal), e de PB, em kg/dia (0,845 vs 0,759 kg), além de maior ganho médio diário de peso (1,409 vs 1,250 kg). Os animais que consumiram o menor nível apresentaram maiores consumos de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), em kg/dia (2,23 vs 2,07 kg), e de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), em kg/dia (1,13 vs 1,01 kg). Os consumos de MS/dia, de FDN e de FDA, nos animais que consumiram o menor nível de energia, tiveram comportamento linear e, naqueles que receberam o maior nível, comportamento quadrático, frente aos períodos de confinamento. Para as características consumo de MS, em %PV e em g/kg0,75, nos tratamentos com menor nível de energia, o comportamento foi de forma cúbica e naqueles de maior nível, de forma quadrática. O consumo de ED apresentou, nos períodos, comportamento linear para o menor nível energético e cúbico para o maior nível.


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The objective of this study was to determine requirements of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium (Na) for grazing zebu bovines. The experiment area was composed of Brachiaria decumbens paddocks. Twenty-seven non-castrated animals, with initial live weight of 311.0 kg and at an average age of 14 months were used. Three animals were slaughtered, after adaptation period, so they were used as control for estimates of empty body weight and initial body composition of animals in the experiment. Out of the 24 remaining animals, four were sent to the maintenance group with restrict grazing time to limit energy intake close to the maintenance level. The other 20 animals were distributed in four treatments: mineral mixture, self-control intake and three-times-a-week-offer frequency (offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and daily. Concentrations of all studied macro elements in empty body and empty body gain decreased as live weight increased. The ratios obtained for g Ca/100 g of retained protein and g P/100 g of retained protein were 9.18 and 4.72, respectively. Total dietary requirement of calcium was lower than the one recommended by NRC (2000), but P requirement was very close to that.


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Exact and closed-form expressions for the level crossing rate and average fade duration are presented for equal gain combining and maximal ratio combining schemes, assuming an arbitrary number of independent branches in a Rayleigh environment. The analytical results are thoroughly validated by simulation.


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Protein is one of the limiting factors in animal production, and the knowledge of protein requirements by livestock is crucial for the success of a commercial animal raising enterprise. Thirty-four castrated lambs, 17 of them F1 Ideal x lie de France wool lambs and the remaining ones were Santa Ines hair lambs, with homogeneous initial BW, were used in the experiment. Five animals from each genotype were slaughtered in the beginning of the experimental period and used as reference. Diets (D) were composed of concentrate mix (C) and Cynodon sp. c.v. Tifton 85 hay (R), combined in three different ratios: D1 =60CAOR; D2=40C:60R and D3=20C:80R. Animals of each group of three lambs, that showed simultaneously an initial BW of 20 +/- 0.14 kg at the beginning of the dietary regimen, were slaughtered when one of them reached 35 kg, what always happened to be the one fed with D1. Net requirements for BW gain in wool lamb, fleece-free, ranged from 101 to 110 g of protein/kg BW, and for hair lamb ranged from 1 10 to 118 g of protein/kg BW. Net protein requirements for wool production ranged from 634 to 642 g/kg of produced wool. Hair lambs presented a 7.8-9.5% higher estimated net protein requirements than wool lambs, according to BW and daily weight gain (DG). Total net protein requirements for Santa Ines and wool lambs, with 30 kg of initial B W and an approximate 200 g mean DG, were 48.5 and 45.4 g/day, respectively. Metabolizable protein requirements for Santa Ines and wool lambs, with 20 kg of initial BW and an approximate 200 g mean DG were 59.4 g and 76.5 -/day, respectively. Net protein requirements for wool production was 64g/100g of produced wool. Thus, under the conditions of this experiment, it is concluded that hair lambs showed a higher concentration of protein in the body, more efficient use of the ingested protein and a consequent additional BW gain when fed isoproteic diets as compared to F1 Ideal x Ile de France wool lambs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Meat production by goats has become an important livestock enterprise in several parts of the world. Nonetheless, energy and protein requirements of meat goats have not been defined thoroughly. The objective of this study was to determine the energy and protein requirements for maintenance and growth of 34 3/4 Boer x 1/4 Saanen crossbred, intact male kids (20.5 +/- 0.24 kg of initial BW). The baseline group was 7 randomly selected kids, averaging 21.2 +/- 0.36 kg of BW. An intermediate group consisted of 6 randomly selected kids, fed for ad libitum intake, that were slaughtered when they reached an average BW of 28.2 +/- 0.39 kg. The remaining kids (n = 21) were allocated randomly on d 0 to 3 levels of DMI (treatments were ad libitum or restricted to 70 or 40% of the ad libitum intake) within 7 slaughter groups. A slaughter group contained 1 kid from each treatment, and kids were slaughtered when the ad libitum treatment kid reached 35 kg of BW. Individual body components (head plus feet, hide, internal organs plus blood, and carcass) were weighed, ground, mixed, and subsampled for chemical analyses. Initial body composition was determined using equations developed from the composition of the baseline kids. The calculated daily maintenance requirement for NE was 77.3 +/- 1.05 kcal/kg(0.75) of empty BW (EBW) or 67.4 +/- 1.04 kcal/kg(0.75) of shrunk BW. The daily ME requirement for maintenance (118.1 kcal/g(0.75) of EBW or 103.0 kcal/kg(0.75) of shrunk BW) was calculated by iteration, assuming that the heat produced was equal to the ME intake at maintenance. The partial efficiency of use of ME for NE below maintenance was 0.65. A value of 2.44 +/- 0.4 g of net protein/kg(0.75) of EBW for daily maintenance was determined. Net energy requirements for growth ranged from 2.55 to 3.0 Mcal/kg of EBW gain at 20 and 35 kg of BW, and net protein requirements for growth ranged from 178.8 to 185.2 g/kg of EBW gain. These results suggest that NE and net protein requirements for growing meat goats exceed the requirements previously published for dairy goats. Moreover, results from this study suggest that the N requirement for maintenance for growing goats is greater than the established recommendations.


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Background: Treatment of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) with a once-daily regimen of enoxaparin, rather than a continuous infusion of unfractionated heparin (UFH) is more convenient and allows for home care in some patients. This study was designed to compare the efficacy and safety of these two regimens for the treatment of patients with proximal lower limb DVT. Methods: 201 patients with proximal lower limb DVT from 13 centers in Brazil were randomized in an open manner to receive either enoxaparin [1.5 mg/kg subcutaneous (s.c.) OD] or intravenous (i.v.) UFH (adjusted to aPTT 1.5-2.5 times control) for 5-10 days. All patients also received warfarin (INR 2-3) for at least 3 months. The primary efficacy endpoint Was recurrent DVT (confirmed by venography or ultrasonography), and safety endpoints included bleeding and serious adverse events. The rate of pulmonary embolism (PE) was also collected. Hospitalization was at the physician's discretion. Results: Baseline patient characteristics were comparable between groups. The duration of hospital stay was significantly shorter with enoxaparin than with UFH (3 versus 7 days). In addition, 36% of patients receiving enoxaparin did not need to be hospitalized, whereas all of the patients receiving UFH were! hospitalized. The treatment duration was slightly longer with enoxaparin (8 versus 7 days). There was a nonsignificant trend toward a reduction in the rate of recurrent DVT with enoxaparin versus UFH, and similar safety. Conclusions: A once-daily regimen of enoxaparin 1.5 mg/kg subcutaneous is at least as effective and safe as conventional treatment with a continuous intravenous infusion of UFH. However, the once daily enoxaparin regimen is easier to administer (subcutaneous versus intravenous), does not require aPTT monitoring, and leads to both a reduced number of hospital admissions and an average 4-day-shorter hospital stay. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the effects of an electrolytic lesion of the commissural subnucleus of the nucleus of the solitary tract (commNTS) on bodyweight, daily food and water intake, and plasma glucose and insulin in rats. In the first 6 days following brain surgery, commNTS lesioned rats reduced daily food intake by 80% compared to rats with sham lesions. After this period rats with lesions of commNTS started recovering food intake, but intake remained significantly reduced until the 12th day after surgery. A reduction in body weight was observed 4 days after surgery and reached a maximum on the 12th day. After this, a partial recovery of body weight was observed, but weight remained significantly reduced compared to weights of rats with sham lesions through the conclusion of the study. Food intake and body weight gain in other rats with partial lesions of the commNTS or with lesions outside the commNTS did not differ from rats with sham lesions with regard to those variables. Daily water intake and plasma glucose and insulin were not changed by the commNTS lesions. These results suggest that commNTS is involved with mechanisms that control food intake and body weight in rats.


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Objective: To verify the behavior of the mineral bone content and density in male adolescents according to age and secondary sexual characters. Methods: 47 healthy adolescents between 10 and 19 years old were assessed according to weight, height, body mass index, puberty stage, calcium intake, bone mineral density and content in the lumbar spine and in the proximal femur. The bone mass was measured through bone densitometries. The intake of calcium was calculated through a 3-day diet. The BMI (body mass index) was calculated with the Quetelet Index and the puberty stage was defined according to Tanner's criteria. The analysis used descriptive statistics such as average and standard deviation, and variance estimates to compare the different age groups. Moreover, the Tukey test was used to determine the significant differences. Results: It was evident that the calcium intake in the different ages assessed has not reached the minimum value of 800 mg. The bone mineral density and content showed an increase after the age of 14, as well as when the teenagers reached the sexual maturation stage G4. The mineralization parameters showed a high level when the teenagers were in the G3 stage, however, without statistical significance. Conclusion: The results indicate an important level of bone mineralization during adolescence. Maturation levels superior to G3 have shown more mineralization. This study proves that the critical years for bone mass gain start after the 14-15 years old or older. Copyright © 2004 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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PURPOSE: To test if a water extract of Coleus barbatus (WEB) has any effect on weight gain, food energy utilization and lipid metabolism in young rats with obstructive cholestasis. METHODS: Forty 21 day old (P21) Wistar rats, in groups of 10, were submitted to one of the following treatments: a sham operation with daily water or WEB administration, double ligature and resection of the bile duct with daily water or WEB administration. At P49 they were submitted for euthanasia when the following were determined: ingested feed (IF), energy utilization (EU) and weight gain (WG) from P29 to P49, together with total serum cholesterol (TC) and triacylglycerol (TG) concentrations, liver wet weight (LWW) and fat content (LFC). Two Way ANOVA and the S.N.K. test for paired comparisons were employed to study the effects of cholestasis and those of WEB and their interactions (p < or = 0.05). RESULTS: Cholestasis, independently of WEB, and WEB, independently of cholestasis both reduced IF, EU, and WG but there was no significant interaction between the two factors. Cholestasis, independently of WEB, increased LWW, LFC, the TC and TG The WEB, independently of cholestasis, reduced these values, and there was a significant interaction between the two factors; such that these effects were more accentuated in animals with cholestasis. CONCLUSION: The WEB reduced IF, WG, and EU, both in the presence and absence of cholestasis in the same proportion. It also partially inhibited the increase in LWW, LFC, TC and TG caused by cholestasis.