316 resultados para Transportadores sólidos de oxigênio


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Over the last few years, Brazil has some problems related to the management of solid waste, mainly related to the final disposal of materials, resulting in serious environmental risks to the municipalities that suffer from this type of situation. Poorly designed landfills and weak management systems after the termination of their employment, for example, is currently showing as a major problem for urban expansion and the subsoil of these sites, endangering all the environmental quality of the areas where they are located . Because of this scenario, this work produced a diagnosis of the current situation of the management of solid waste in the city of Rio Claro (SP) from its generation, through selective collection and sorting, as well as its final destination, in order to propose a reflection on current form management, in order to present some guidelines based on Federal Law 12.305 / 2010 - National Solid Waste Policy for improvement of this issue in the city. Although the situation found in the city can be considered reasonable for good, there is a need to improve and how to manage, especially in the operational issue of selective collection and also the participation of society in the category Environmental Education, converging in the search for improvements to the common good


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to compare the richness and density of Odonata larvae in four distinct environments: lotic with large pollutant loads, lotic with small pollutant loads, lentic disconnected from a river and lentic connected to a river, as well as to record the physical and chemical parameters of the water in the four environments. We identified a total of 1,302 Odonata larvae in the four habitats. The environmental variables measured were: dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, suspended matter, air and water temperature, precipitation, depth, and the biomass of the macrophytes. The lentic habitats exhibited a greater Odonata larvae density in relation to the lotic habitats, except during April and December of 2006. The Guareí River, however, presented an elevated conductivity, possibly because of a greater quantity of pollutants it received during the period between June and September of 2006, and it showed a higher density of Odonata larvae in comparison to the Paranapanema River. The temperature and the dissolved oxygen on the water surface were, respectively, greater and smaller in the lakes in comparison to the rivers. In spite of the Odonata density being higher in the lentic ecosystems in comparison to the lotic, the richness was not altered during the period studied. Nevertheless, the genera composition was distinct, showing that some taxa show a certain preference for certain types of ecosystems like Calopterygidae and Neogomphus, which were shown exclusively in the Paranapanema River.


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The implementation of residue selective collection has brought to the city of Sao Manuel an incalculable benefit. It brought a better life for a group of adults and children that lives in a humanitarian condition of extreme poverty. These people live in an open-air dump, disputing the remains found in fifteen tons of garbage that are deposited at the site almost every day.The objective of this paper is to present thecollectors annual income profile and the volume of solid waste collected.To present these factors, the total and fractionated amount according to their material items, collected since the creation of the Association in February 2003 until December 2008, were considered., In addition,the social gains were enumerated. These factors were developed from a theoretical base for municipal solid waste involving environmental, social, and financial concepts. Based on these results it was found that the ACAPEL income value was above the average of other income indicators of the population analyzed, besides the social value enhance that the creation of the Association brought to the people who work there.


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A água é um recurso vital para a existência de todos os organismos vivos, e a captação para uso doméstico, produção agrícola, mineração, produção industrial, geração de energia, atividades de lazer e práticas florestais podem levar à deterioração da sua qualidade, atingindo o ecossistema aquático e também a disponibilidade de água potável disponível para consumo humano. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar a qualidade da água do Córrego Chumbeadinha no município de Ourinhos-SP, que perpassa pela área urbana da cidade e é desprovido de mata ciliar em quase todo seu percurso, além de sofrer dois represamentos artificiais. O Córrego Chumbeadinha é um afluente de segunda ordem do Rio Paranapanema, percorrendo cerca 4 km de sua nascente até sua foz. Foram realizadas amostragens das seguintes variáveis: Sólidos em Suspensão, pH, concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, temperatura da água, coliformes fecais, transparência da água, além do cálculo do índice de estado trófico, em quatro locais no curso do córrego, de setembro de 2009 a abril de 2010. Dessa forma, o córrego Chumbeadinha nasce com uma qualidade boa, apesar de sofrer forte pressão da expansão urbana, porém os demais pontos foram classificados como eutróficos, sendo registrada a presença de coliformes fecais em todas as amostragens. A falta de vegetação nas margens do lago pode ser a grande causadora da eutrofização, pois os sedimentos não encontram dificuldades para chegar até o curso d'água, assim interferindo diretamente no IET do lago.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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This study used a multi-analytical approach based on traditional microbiological methods for cultivation and isolation of heterotrophic bacteria in the laboratory associated with the molecular identification of the isolates and physicochemical analysis of environmental samples. The model chosen for data integration was supported by knowledge from computational neuroscience, and composed by three modules: (i) microbiological parameters, contemplating taxonomic data obtained from the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from 80 colonies of heterotrophic bacteria isolated by plating method in PCA media. For bacterial colonies isolation were used water samples from Atibaia and Jaguarí rivers collected at the site of water captation for use in effluent treatment, upstream from the entrance of treated effluent from the Paulínia refinery (REPLAN/Petrobras) located in the Paulínia-SP municipality, from the output of the biological treatment plant with stabilization pond and from the raw refinery wastewater; (ii) chemical parameters, ending measures of dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, acidity CaCO3, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved ions, sulfides, oils and greases; and (iii) physical parameters, comprising the pH determination, conductivity, temperature, transparency, settleable solids, suspended and soluble solids, volatile material, remaining fixing material (RFM), apparent color and turbidity. The results revealed interesting theoretical relationships involving two families of bacteria (Carnobacteriaceae and Aeromonadaceae). Carnobacteriaceae revealed positive theoretical relationships with COD, BOD, nitrate, chloride, temperature, conductivity and apparent color and negative theoretical relationships with the OD. Positive theoretical relationships were shown between Aeromonadaceae and OD and nitrate, while this bacterial family showed negative theoretical...


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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The development of nanostructured materials have aroused great interest of the industries all over the country, since they enable the development of devices that can be used as gate insulators on silicon transistors, electrochromic devices, solid electrolyte oxygen sensors and as a photoluminescent materials . In this project, it is proposed to investigate the optical properties of CeO2 modified with rare earth Er processed in hydrothermal-microwave. The synthesis of one-dimensional nanostructures (1D) was measured from dilute aqueous solutions of acids and salts of starting reagents in the presence of chemical basis, after these aqueous solutions were processed on hydrothermal-microwave to particle growth. The particles obtained after processing were characterized by X-ray Diffraction, Rietveld Analysis and Raman Spectroscopy. The particle morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun. The synthesis of 1D nanostructures are evaluated for different surfactants and starting precursors (ceria different salts), pH, temperature and pressure which can modify the morphology of the nanostructures. Combining laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations it was desired to understand the organization of the nanoparticles and their resulting structure. Strict control of chemical homogeneity, crystal structure, microstructure and interaction of the CeO2 cluster with different surfactants using the Hartree-Fock method, was intended to obtain properties compatible with their use in catalysts and optical devices. The use of mineralizer agent KOH and 8 minutes of processing time synthesis conditions were chosen to evaluate the effect of Er dopant. It has been proved that this doping with rare earth increases the photoluminescent properties of the compound obtained without change the structural and morphological propreties of ceria