327 resultados para Epilepsia : Etiologia
Costen’s syndrome is defined as a set of auditory signs and symptoms in patients with TMD. It is characterized by ear fullness, hearing loss, tinnitus, ear pain and vertigo with nystagmus.It has predilection for females and fourth decade of life. The multidisciplinary monitoring of these patients is imperative in its recognition and the establishment of effective therapy. In this paper we report a case of Costen’s Syndrome patient whose treatment consisted of advice on the etiology of the disorder and weekly sessions of acupuncture. The clinical features that led to the diagnosis and treatment plan, and the effectiveness of acupuncture as supportive therapy were also discussed.
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are related to discomfort in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). These diseases are multifactorial and treatment usually requires a combination of different approaches because each patient presents with different and usually complex needs. It is necessary to know how each expert should plan for a successful treatment.
The root resorption is one of the possible sequels of greater complexity to the orthodontist, the difficulty of detection and be asymptomatic. The presence, during the orthodontic treatment, is linked to a multifactorial origin, a complex combination of biological activities, anatomical, physiological, genetic variables and mechanical forces. Thus, the aim of this study was perform to critical literature review related to root resorption in orthodontic movement. Were included articles published between 2004 to 2014, indexed in the PUBMED database. Used descriptors contained in the Mesh, being adopted as inclusion criteria: clinical trials in humans, only articles that had clear ideas and objective, articles with English language. The search strategy used resulted in 24 articles and after applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 articles remained. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that heavy forces of intrusion, inclination and torque leads to a greater degree of root resorption; its etiology is multifactorial, the periodic radiographic control during treatment is needed and further studies are suggested to identify more specifically the causes and risk factors for root resorption.
The Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a reactive proliferative lesion, non neoplastic, slow growth, which can produce recurrence after removal. It´s etiology is uncertain, but is associated with local irritants, and is found mostly in the anterior maxilla. Clinically it is characterized by an asymptomatic increase in volume, which may, over time, facial asymmetry. The aim of this paper is to describe a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in a patient 40, female, exophytic lesion in the jaw, unusual for its large dimensions and with a history of three recurrences, leading to facial asymmetry. She underwent surgery to remove the lesion along with the likely irritants, and the pathological diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma. We conclude that it is fundamentally important for complete removal of the lesion to reduce the tendency to relapse, including the periosteum and the periodontal ligament, in addition to possible causes.
The sialolithiasis is characterized by the formation of calcified structure called sialolith within the salivary ductal system. Although its etiology is unknown, it is believed that is from the deposition of calcium salts around an accumulation of organic leftovers in the lumen of the duct or be resulted by chronic sialadenitis and partial obstruction. In this study, the authors describe a case of a male patient, 46 years old, brown, who presented the complaint “pain under the tongue.” The presence of a hardened nodule located in the left sublingual fold was observed through intra-oral exam. Current considerations about treatment, clinical and radiographic characteristics were addressed in this work.
Adolescence is a period of physical, biological and psychological changes as well as its time for reflection of the perspectives and social functions that are not defined yet. In addition to the characteristics of this period also included the family and socio-economic aspects such as parental separation, domestic violence, poverty, among others, yielding often, insecurity and confusion feelings, contributing to the case of depression in many cases, each increasingly recurrent and early at this stage in human development. The present study, thus, aimed to investigate the indicators of risk and vulnerability in adolescents to depression, especially those in social context, highlighting the social representation of the same against the disorder, since these guiding this research, the indication of factors contributing influence the etiology of depression in this period. Be consulted on the basis of VHL-PSI, articles related to depression in adolescence, published between the years 2004 to 2014. Observe that adolescents with negative perception of the social context in which the live, are more likely to develop depression, highlighting the importance of healthy social and family relationships for mental health.
Usually diagnosed in routine radiographs, the simple bone cyst occurs infrequently. Etiology is unknown and differential diagnosis has to be made with dentigerous cyst, keratocystic odontogenic tumor, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, ameloblastoma and central giant cell granuloma. Treatment is surgical, by perforating the cortical bone. In most cases an empty cavity, without any capsule or epithelial covering, is encountered, but it may have a liquid content. Perforation of the mandibular cortical bone elicits a response that results in bone repair of the empty cavity. This article reviews the subject and presents two cases of this entity and discusses the possible factors that could interfere in healing course.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Stress relates to the broad and generalized body's responses to various environmental, physical and social situations. It is the force that drives the emotions and motives (desires), but is also the cause of the wear and tear of human existence. This study aims to investigate the stressors in administrative technical servers Univ. Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Bauru, as well as on companies providing service within the perimeter of the campus. Was used as a methodology, literature and field research, a questionnaire was applied in order to reach those goals. The profiles of employees who participated in the survey were: both sexes, adults, young people with different educational levels, varying levels of marital and socioeconomic status. The main stressors mentioned by the employees were: workload, dissatisfaction in the workplace, pressure boss or colleagues, as they bring consequences, fatigue or drowsiness, affecting the work environment and mostly family. Physical symptoms of stress are fatigue, difficulty relaxing and headache, and backache. And the psychological symptoms are verbalized concern, agitation, aggression, dissatisfaction, and forgetfulness and feeling of lack of time. It was concluded that these factors negatively affect the quality of life in the work of these employees, interfering with your work, family and socio-emotional life.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Contexto: É descrita uma síndrome congênita rara e suas manifestações típicas visando seu diagnóstico precoce. Descrição do caso: Pacientedo sexo feminino, com 15 anos de idade, com glaucoma congênito em acompanhamento pelo Serviço de Oftalmologia da UniversidadeEstadual Paulista (Unesp) foi encaminhada ao Serviço de Dermatologia com um ano de idade devido a manchas eritêmato-violáceasextensas distribuídas nos dois terços superiores da hemiface esquerda e em outras localidades do corpo desde o nascimento. A mãerelatava convulsões desde um ano e atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Nos antecedentes familiares, negava casos semelhantes.O diagnóstico da Síndrome de Sturge-Weber foi estabelecido pelo quadro clínico característico e pelos exames complementares quedemonstraram, no sistema nervoso central, atrofia e calcificação corticais, além de alterações oftalmológicas como glaucoma e buftalmo.Discussão: A síndrome de Sturge-Weber ocorre em 1 a cada 20.000 a 50.000 nascidos vivos e é caracterizada por malformações vascularesmanifestadas por manchas eritêmato-violáceas, mais conhecidas como manchas vinho do Porto , localizadas no território do ramooftálmico do nervo trigêmeo, com acometimento neurológico e possível acometimento ocular. O prognóstico depende das complicaçõesneurológicas, as quais não guardam relação com a extensão das lesões cutâneas. Conclusões: Relata-se afecção rara, cujo diagnósticoprecoce direciona o acompanhamento multidisciplinar.
Endometrial polyps are neoformations that result from focal hyperplasia of the endometrial basal layer associated with hormonal hyperstimulation. Their pathogenesis is still unclear, and there is no consensus on their natural history, actual relevance as pathologic entities, and relationship with endometrial neoplasia. Endometrial polyps are the most frequent indication of surgical hysteroscopy, but their optimal management remains controversial. Therefore, an overview of this condition may help choosing the most adequate treatment strategies.
Introduction: Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in Brazil and worldwide. It is a heterogeneous disorder, multifactorial, with no clear etiology and pathophysiology. The identification of risk factors for its development can assist in prevention and early diagnosis of the clinical onset of the disease Objective: To identify risk factors related to the development of preeclampsia aimed at identifying pregnant women at risk for early disease and to offer specialized treatment to them Methodology: A bibliographic survey of scientific articles indexed in the following databases: CAPES (Ovid external Link), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline) of the National Library of Medicine over the last tem years (2001-2011) was carried out with the addition of certain classic and priority references.