407 resultados para Diafragma (Engenharia estrutural)
In civil engineering, a structure is the whole sustainment of a construction and, thus, it is important that it remains intact throughout its lifetime. An engineering construction must last for decades without losing its functionality. However its purpose may be altered and several times the original structure does not meet the new needs of use. Still, in new buildings, the functionality is altered due to possible flaws in execution and the structure, invariably does not reach the desired solicitation needs. In cases like this, the commonly adopted solutions are, basically, the demolishment followed by the reconstruction of the desired mold or the structural reinforcement. This second option, for long years, has not been put to practice due to certain factors such as the high costs for its implantation, use of inadequate reinforcement execution techniques, and the culture of people involved in the area regarding its use and, in this case, the option would always be the reconstruction. Thoughtout the years, some techniques were developed to allow the execution of structural reinforcements with low costs and in efficient ways. An interesting, fast, efficient and economical technique is the structural reinforcement through metal sheets put together with epoxy resin that can be applied in beams, slabs and pillars. In the present work the different behavior of beams reinforced with this technique. Steel is a very recommended material for these reinforcements due to its characteristics related to traction, compression and the effectiveness of the technique related to its cost. For the attachment the epoxy resin is recommended, since it allows the joining of two materials, in this case, steel and concrete. The efficiency of this union is so considerably high that it rarely produces any flaws in adherence and, normally, when it happens it is due to problems in the execution process, not in the union of materials
For the development of this graduate work of fractal fracture behavior, it is necessary to establish references for fractal analysis on fracture surfaces, evaluating, from tests of fracture tenacity on modes I, II and combined I / II, the behavior of fractures in fragile materials, on linear elastic regime. Fractures in the linear elastic regime are described by your fractal behavior by several researchers, especially Mecholsky JJ. The motivation of that present proposal stems from work done by the group and accepted for publication in the journal Materials Science and Engineering A (Horovistiz et al, 2010), where the model of Mecholsky could not be proven for fractures into grooved specimens for tests of diametric compression of titania on mode I. The general objective of this proposal is to quantify the distinguish surface regions formed by different mechanisms of fracture propagation in linear elastic regime in polymeric specimens (phenolic resin), relating tenacity, thickness of the specimens and fractal dimension. The analyzed fractures were obtained from SCB tests in mode I loading, and the acquisition of images taken using an optical reflection microscope and the surface topographies obtained by the extension focus method of reconstruction, calculating the values of fractal dimension with the use of maps of elevations. The fractal dimension was classified as monofractal dimension (Df), when the fracture is described by a single value, or texture size (Dt), which is a macroscopic analysis of the fracture, combined with the structural dimension (Ds), which is a microscopic analysis. The results showed that there is no clear relationship between tenacity, thickness and fractal values for the material investigated. On the other hand it is clear that the fractal values change with the evolution of cracks during the fracture process ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The study area is located in the geological context of the northern portion of the Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt (GBRI), located northeast of the São Francisco Craton, Bahia State. The GBRI is known for its great economic potential for gold mineralization, looking south at Fazenda Brasileiro Mine and North Mine Maria Preta, is situated in the study área. The structural pattern of the northern portion of the Greenstone, theme of this work, is of great importance to understand the mineralization present. To characterize the structural model three geologic sections (scale 1:25000) were made with NW-SE and EW directions and detailing two mineralized targets, Encantado, located northwest of the area, near the city of Nordestina, and C1W, located near Itapicuru River, west of the Maria Preta mine. Thus, field work and petrographic analysis were conducted, that allow to indicate the existence of two structural domains characterized by the existence of a main foliation, low angle dipping main foliation and another with high dip angle, both with NW, moreover, folds occur in the area Dn-1 and post-Dn folds. Dn-1 folds are observed less frequently but they occur mainly forming an oblique foliation and the Sn is present in porphyroblasts observed in petrographic analysis, whereas in relation to the folds post Dn, there are more than one type of folding in area, which differ by the orientation of their axis, a post Dn NS and EW Dn another post. Moreover, two areas of metamorphic green schist (biotite zone) and medium amphibolite, which are directly related to the structural domains found
This work is the production of two types of particle boards reconstructed MDP (Medium Density Particleboard), the first with the addition, in the inner layer of particles of impregnated paper, the ratios of 0%, 1%, 5% and 20 %. In the second type of panel MDP was inserted with blades of bamboo species Dendrocalumus giganteus as coatings and structural reinforcement. The MDP panel, used as a basis for both cases has the composition of three layers, two external particles with smaller particle size and an inner layer composed of particles of larger particle sizes. Assays were performed based on physical and mechanical NBR 14.810/2006 for the determination of the board density, thickness swelling, water absorption, moisture content, bending, tension parallel and perpendicular, and testing of particle sizes of the particles did not exists in standard references. The results were analyzed and compared the results of the commercial boards made from 100% eucalyptus, based on the limits specified by the ABNT NBR 14.810/2006. The values of the tests showed similar results indicating normative specifications in a positive way, the possibility of production of MDP with the use of waste paper impregnated. As for the panel with bamboo blades, the tests showed a mechanical performance far superior to MDP market, explaining the study and possible implementation of the bamboo for use where the MDP will suffer greater mechanical stress, such as doors, tops and benches tables
The current work aims to analyze the contributions of PIBID for initial graduation of the teachers, in view of the undergraduates of Physics Course at UNESP Guaratinguetá . A brief literature survey about the national situation of teacher education was performed, at which the main difficulties and challenges, as well as the solutions stated in place by the government to solve them, have been highlighted. A description of the historical of PIBID at UNESP, from the institutional project to reach the subproject developed by Physics Course of Guaratinguetá, was presented. To characterize the development of the subproject, it was performed a survey on the activities performed by the PIBID’s scholars, since its implementation on campus in 2010 until the end of the year 2013, in order to map the experiences lived by program participants. These data were obtained from the analysis of reports by scholars themselves, video analyzes and record of the weekly meetings held by the group, reading electronic messages exchanged on a specific group of e-mails and written evaluations by members of the program. Completing data collection, eleven scholars undergraduates of the program were interviewed, and the results were classified by topics, defined from recurrence in the interviewees speech. The global analysis of the data was based on theoretical references commonly used in research on graduation of teachers, as Nóvoa (1992), Mizukami (2005, 2006) and Gatti (2008). The results indicate that the licensed ones see in PIBID a differentiated opportunity for initial teaching graduation, for adding practical learning experiences for students of EB within the school context, and especially for creating space for reflection on their experiences with the support of more experienced teachers, committed to the training of all involved ones
CONAMA Resolution 307 / 02, in Article 4, states that the primary goal of those involved in the reuse process of construction and demolition waste is not the generation of such wastes, secondarily is the reduce, reuse, recycling and proper disposal of such material. The disposal problem of large volumes of waste generated coupled with the scarcity of natural resources and environmental degradation involved in the extraction process of such materials resulted in several studies, that after many analyzes proposed various forms of reuse and recycling . The NBR 15.116/04 provides requirements for the use of recycled aggregates in paving and concrete without structural function. This work aims to show the usage potential of recycled aggregates from waste generated in construction and demolition sampled Group AB Areias, Pindamonhangaba (SP) in order to meet the standards in Brazil, as well as the environmental contribution by reducing the use of raw materials extracted from nature. After stabilization and particle size analysis of the California Bearing Ratio and Proctor, obtained mixtures of recycled aggregates showed higher values submitted by the minimum standards related, with excellent potential for use in paving
The expansion of the electrical system is currently a subject of great importance to the development of Brazil. For its realization, large projects are needed, requiring large-scale investment and realization processes of great complexity. Thus, this type of project has a high strategic importance for the performance of companies that conduct. Seeking a way to determine a method to align traditional practices for measuring quality to the corporate strategic needs, this work is the study of the use of the balanced scorecard methodology, applying quality management and operational excellence, with a focus on projects in power systems. We analyzed some cases of successful application of the methodology in business segments in the next study, culminating in a proposed model of the method
After confirming the high specific mechanical properties of composite materials by scientific studies conducted over the last decades, one of the challenges of this new class of materials is the ability to achieve mass production at a more affordable cost, which has become indispensable. The Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) is an excellent method for manufacturing composite materials. Despite being a process widely used by international companies in the production of high performance structural composites, only a short time the national aviation industry has shown interest in implementing this type of processing to more complex structures and greater structural responsibility. In aeronautical projects, the reproducibility and the relative low cost of this process, several studies have been performed in Brazil for learning and perfecting this technique. This process is suitable for producing polymer components both simple as complex geometry, and allows to achieve consistent thickness, with high quality finish and without limiting range. Polymeric composite components for the high mechanical stress applications such as aircraft structures, satellites, etc., require a strict control of volume fractions of the composite constituents, beyond the knowledge of their mechanical and thermal properties. Therefore, in this experimental work degree study on the mechanical, thermal and of porosity composites processed by RTM processed characterization was performed. This characterization was performed targeting a possible aerospace application of this composite material. For the production of composites, process equipment (RTM RTM injector Radius 2100cc) was used. The processed carbono/epoxy composites were characterized via flexure tests mechanically and thermally analysis via DMA, DSC and TGA. To determine the volume fraction of fibers, the composite samples were analyzed via matrix digestion (ASTM D3171) ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The number of piping in an industry is high. Through this piping are conducted several kind of products at several temperature and pressure conditions. In a chemical company, the piping quantity conducting harmful chemical products to human health and to the environment is higher. Nowadays the theme sustainability is often mentioned and harm to environment may cause irreversible damage to the human being, to the fauna, to the flora and to company´s credibility. In this context, controlling over the piping to avoid accidents is mandatory. The objective of this monograph is to create a procedure which enables the chemical companies piping traceability. This monograph analyses the several existent traceability system in the three economy sectors and approaches the technical question of industrial piping in order to create a procedure that achieves its objectives as a technical document and at the same time be economically feasible, with low complexibility level and high practicability. Some possibilities to elaborate this procedure had been studied, as the creation of an alphanumeric code and making with a chisel in the pipeline based on ASTM F2897 and the use of chips to store the information. However, the procedure which best meet the requirement as low cost and high applicability is filling out an electronic plan with information about welding process, welding certification, welding consumables and inspections
This monograph presents the data of geological mapping, structural and economic research of an area of about 230 km², in the outskirts of Jacutinga / MG, south of Minas Gerais State and adjacent areas of the northeastern state of São Paulo, in compliance with the discipline of Graduation Course of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences. It consists of Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, developed in response to the collision of cratons Parana and Sao Francisco (630 Ma ago), with mass transit to the east, affected by the coexistence of a system pushes later, with convergence to Northwest, giving rise to the intricate area of interference of the two provinces. Locally there metasedimentary rocks of molasse basin of Proterozoic- Phanerozoic transition called Eleutério; Intrusive, equigranular and porphyroid granits, polyphase, and predominantly granodioritic migmatites Anatexia of structures with different neossomas predominantly granodioritic to granitic in Group Amparo, paragneisses arcosianos, greywacke, aluminous , calc-silicate, mica schists and migmatites of the aluminous migmatites and Itapira Anatexia of multi-phase, with neossomas predominantly granodiorite, with intercalations orthogneissic homogeneous granitic to tonalitic porphyroid composition of the Amparo. We tried to draw a geological map, semi-structural detail of the area in focus, with location of mineral occurrences economically viable operation. Furthermore, this study aims to train students in basic and applied geology, using techniques learned during the undergraduate course.
This work proposes a study on the materials selections and processes for the manufacture of aircraft and showing a methodology to reduce the manufacturing cost. The DFMA can be understood as a methodology that aims at reducing manufacturing and assembly costs and coupled with the increase of product quality through design simplifications. The most commonly material used in the manufacture of aircraft is aluminum alloys due to these possess great structural strength, good elasticity, and being stainless having a low specific weight (about 1/3 that of steel), reducing the weight of the aircraft. A case study in which an operation in the process of verifying the quality was generating unnecessary costs time / man for the company was also developed. The problem solution was simple, just removing the attachment process. It was found that the DFMA methodology is extremely important for the simplification of processes and projects, contributing to the reduction of manufacturing costs of aircraft
The study of physical and mechanical properties of wood is essential for its structural use and it is of great importance to the construction industry. Thus, this study aimed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the wood Amaru - a hybrid of Eucalyptus, developed by Plantar Projects and Forest Products Ltda. In order to determine the properties of Amaru, round samples were used, which were provided to the Laboratory of Wood and Wooden Structures of the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo - LaMEM / EESC / USP. For the characterization of the physical properties, the apparent specific gravity and moisture content of the samples were determined. To the mechanical characterization, the following properties were evaluated: strength and stiffness in compression, strength and stiffness in bending, shear and tension. The procedures of the tests performed in this study were done according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Wood Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997. The specimen used were confectioned in actual dimensions, according to as those used in the construction system proposed by Plantar. The results obtained from the tests performed showed that the mechanical properties approached the values proposed by the Wood Standard NBR 7190. The visual grading was important to provide a primary idea about the failure modes to be obtained from the tests performed. The bending test showed the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and Modulus of Rupture (MOR), which resulted in 15822 MPa and 101,7 MPa, respectively. The compression test resulted in values Ec0,m and fc0, 15698 MPa and 50,7 MPa. The tensile strength (ft0) of this hybrid was calculated and its value obtained was 60,8 MPa. The shear strength (fv0) was 8,2 MPa. The results obtained from the tests are the basis for engineers and architects to design structures using wood species Amaru
Este trabalho apresenta a Caracterização Estrutural da Zona de Falha da Cachoeira na região compreendida entre as cidades de Jundiaí e Monte Mor no estado de São Paulo. A Zona da Falha da Cachoeira constitui um importante alinhamento estrutural de direção NW no Embasamento Cristalino e adentra-se no mesmo sentido na Bacia do Paraná afetando os sedimentos paleozóicos. Para a investigação da Zona de Falha foi necessária a definição das características geológico-estruturais e tectônicas da área. As análises macro e mesoscópicas indicam forte estruturação de relevo e dos alinhamentos de drenagem para direção NW-SE e subordinadamente para NE-SW. A zona de falha é marcada pela presença de rochas com texturas miloniticas, cataclásticas e trama de cristais isorientados não deformados. Falhas normais, transcorrentes dextrais, sinistrais foram identificadas e suas análises permitiram inferir um quadro evolutivo para a zona da Falha da Cachoeira, onde as falhas de direções NW-SE antigas relacionadas à paleotectônica e a formação das rochas miloniticas e cataclásticas , as NE-SW aos falhamentos normais da tectônica distensiva do sistema rifts do Sudeste Brasileiro que geraram os depósitos terciários e as falhas normais NW-SE a aos movimentos transcorrentes neotectônicos.
A Zona de Falha de Cássia constitui um feixe de falhas de direção preferencial NW-SE e aproximadamente 2 km de largura. Dados de campo, petrográficos e microestruturais evidenciam uma longa história deformacional da zona de falha. Assim, foram caracterizadas três fases de atividade/movimentação da Zona de Falha de Cássia. A primeira fase (précambriana) é caracterizada por deformação em regime dúctil, acarretando na geração de milonitos formados em condições metamórficas de fácies xisto verde. Este é o estágio de formação da falha, apresentando caráter transcorrente oblíqua, com movimentação sinistral inversa. A segunda fase corresponde a uma reativação da zona de falha como uma falha normal, com bloco alto a NE e bloco baixo a SW da referida estrutura. Seu registro é dado pela ocorrência localizada de brechas e cataclasitos. Este episódio de deformação eminentemente rúptil é correlacionado com o Soerguimento do Alto Paranaíba, o que indica movimentação da falha no Neocretáceo. A terceira e última fase é marcada pela formação de depósitos sedimentares plio-pleistocênicos compostos por brecha sedimentar de leques aluviais e sedimentos argilosos lacustres. Tais depósitos são interpretados como originados pelo represamento da drenagem subatual e conseqüente mudança do nível de base local, em decorrência de uma reativação da Zona de Falha de Cássia. O referido pacote sedimentar apresenta-se localmente cortado por fraturas, zonas brechadas e falhas, caracterizando atividade neotectônica na região. Além disso, foi mostrada a forte influência da zona de falha no desenvolvimento da paisagem da região, sendo constatada a inversão do relevo e da drenagem na área estudada.
This work has the propose to discuss the National Examination Performance of students for the course in Production Engineering , from 2005 up to 2011, subsidies are shown how this came about assessment and how the course has been evaluated in recent years . Compares higher education from public and private universities in Brazil and is also discussed how important a good performance in the exam. Qualitative and quantitative surveys were conducted at different times that the work that enables a critical analysis of the examination , the institution and also the students themselves , so the list is the main motivators for the exam and also what should be done to obtaining good results in academic performance. Motivators for the exam has highlighted its importance is paramount and the consent of all involved from the beginning of the course to ensure that the examination is compulsory for all graduates of undergraduate manufacturing engineering in Brazil