332 resultados para Confiabilidade


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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With the focus on quality of services, this work uses a methodology based on questionnaires for evaluating companies and consumers, with the objective of studying the dimensions of quality within the segment of Brazilian e-commerce. The research conducted a study to identify the situation of companies regarding the dimensions of quality and, among costumers, a survey was done to determine their requirements with regard to these dimensions and to identify those dimensions considered as winning factors when making the orders. The results demonstrate that customers consider reliability to be the most important order winner, followed by safety and communications. The study of these enterprises demonstrates that their quality of service is good, however there is a need for improvements in the business processes related to the dimensions of service quality.


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In this paper we propose and describe the performance of an experimental activity to address the concept of friction in High School Physics practical classes. We use a low-cost and simple construction device that enables the determination of the coefficient of static friction between two materials through three different procedures. The results were coherent, with small percentage deviation, which gives reliability to the activity and can stimulate discussions in class. The activity also allows greater contextualization of concepts that are usually discussed only theoretically, requiring a higher abstraction level of the students. This can stimulate discussions and greater interaction between teacher and students.


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The aim of study was to verify what tactical behaviors differ winner from loser teams in small sized games in youth soccer players. The tactical performance of winners and losers teams was compared through of System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT). Three thousand eight hundred and eight tactical actions were carried out by seventy-two youth soccer players from the under-11 (n=12), under-13 (n=12), under-15 (n=30) and under-17 (n=18) categories of Portuguese teams. Twenty four teams were composed to analyze, each team carried out one match (12 match analyzed). Each team was composed by three line players with goalkeeper which was not analyzed in test. The statistical analysis was performed thought the SPSS 17.0 software for Windows. A descriptive analyze and the KolmogorovSmirnov, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U and T-Test tests to the independent samples was carried out, and the Cohen’s Kappa test to determining of the sample reability. Considering 76 variables analyzed, 12 presented significant differences among players of winners and loses teams. The players of the winner teams presented superiority in Macro-Category Action, in the Defensive tactical principles, Equilibrium and Defensive Unity. In the category Local of action in the Field, the winner teams presented superiority in the number of defensive actions performed in the defensive midfielder. In the category Result of the action, the variables Keep without the ball, Retrieving the ball possession and Shots on goal the winner teams presented higher results, while in variables Losing the ball possession and Suffering shot on goal the loser teams presented higher results. In the Performance Macro-Category, the superiority of the winners was showed by better Tactical Performance Index (TPI) in the Penetration principles, Offensive Unity, and in the Offensive phase of the game. The results demonstrated that the winner players presented superiority in both stages of the game.


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Este estudo avalia o emprego de um respirômetro automatizado com reator hermético rotacional para a avaliação dos parâmetros de O2 e CO2 e as demais variáveis obtidas durante a compostagem de resíduos de lodo de esgoto com podas de grama. O emprego do processo de compostagem tradicional apresenta um alto grau de empirismo utilizado no controle e avaliação do processo, que consiste na leitura diária de temperatura. Neste método os parâmetros de degradação são medidos na fase gasosa do processo de compostagem, determinando a evolução temporal de consumo de O2 e geração de CO2, tendo como vantagens uma maior representatividade, precisão e confiabilidade.


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De um lado, tem-se o fato de que o jornalismo auxilia na formação da opinião pública ao ocupar o lugar de “confiabilidade” na sociedade contemporânea. Do outro, a liberdade do público para consumir conteúdos na web, e uma relativa autonomia para produzir seus próprios conteúdos. A equação que soma a formação da opinião pública pelos jornais à autonomia do público, tem como resultado um certo “descontrole” da opinião pública por parte dos jornais, e evidencia a relevância de estudos acadêmicos para tentar entender essa nova realidade. Este artigo traz um diálogo entre ideias postas por Nilson Lage (1996), John Keane (1998) e Paul Levinson (2012) a respeito das mudanças estruturais na sociedade e a formação de opinião pública. O jornalismo especializado em tecnologia, e a presença de temas ligados à cultura livre nessas páginas é o que permeia a discussão.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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The purpose of a water treatment plant (WTP) is to provide quality water to the population in the municipality where it is operate, being directly linked to the health of the community. The efficiency of a water treatment is directly related to the quality and reliability of the methods used. The analytical results of any laboratory test or calibration is a critical process for any company today. A tool used to assist in a quality management system process is ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Given the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of an ETA located in Lençóis Paulista-SP, using the analytical results obtained by physical, chemical and microbiological determinations in the period 1-30 October 2015. Such determinations are grounded in compliance with current Ordinance 2914 the Ministry of Health and the Quality Management System, which is required for all laboratories carrying out laboratory tests for control and surveillance of water quality for human consumption


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The collection of prices for basic goods supply is very important for the population, based on the collection and processing of these data the CLI (Cost Living Index) is calculated among others, helping consumers to shop more rationally and with a clearer view of each product impact of each product on their household budget, not only food, but also cleaning products and personal hygiene ones. Nowadays, the project of collection of prices for basic goods supply is conducted weekly in Botucatu - SP through a spreadsheet. The aim of this work was to develop a software which utilized mobile devices in the data collection and storage phase, concerning the basic goods supply in Botucatu -SP. This was created in order to eliminate the need of taking notes in paper spreadsheets, increasing efficiency and accelerating the data processing. This work utilized the world of mobile technology and development tools, through the platform".NET" - Compact Framework and programming language Visual Basic".NET" was used in the handheld phase, enabling to develop a system using techniques of object oriented programming, with higher speed and reliability in the codes writing. A HP Pavilion dv3 personal computer and an Eten glofish x500+ handheld computer were used. At the end of the software development, collection, data storing and processing in a report, the phase of in loco paper spreadsheets were eliminated and it was possible to verify that the whole process was faster, more consistent, safer, more efficient and the data were more available.


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The use of Information and Communication Technology has grown in most agricultural activities. As a consequence, it has changed the way of thinking and acting of the farmer who wants to establish a more and more competitive market. However, the high costs of acquisition and maintenance of those technologies may be a factor which can inhibit its spread and acceptance, mainly to a large number of small grain Brazilian farmers. In this context, there is a need for innovative solutions that are proper for this universe of farmers. Starting from this premise, this paper presents the development of a low cost prototype to the monitoring process of temperature and humidity values of grains stored in silos, using communication based on wireless technology by radio frequency. Therefore, the economic implications of cost/benefit ratio of innovative application of wireless transmission in the process of thermometry of grains were analysed. The prototype was made of two electronic units, one of acquisition and another one of data reception, as well as computational software, which offered the farmer more precise information for the control of aeration. By means of stability, integrity and reliability tests of data transmission via radio, using low cost electronic components, the development system can be considered as potentially viable. It presented the difference regarding the wireless communication via radio in the process of grains thermometry, providing mobility, reducing cabling costs and maintenance, and also offering an easy system expansion; it was also appropriate to temperature and humidity monitoring in grain silos; and revealed operational viability, besides the low cost development when compared to similar products available in the Brazilian market.