436 resultados para Atualidade


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The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research in the area of Discourse Analysis, to describe discourses found in the media about the identities constructed in the Second Life virtual communities network and, to find out what discursive strategies are produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” hosted in the Twitter micro-blogging as an attempt to have a significant number of logfiles and to discover what leads men, women and, teenagers to participate of this “fashion in the soap operas” interaction. Our corpus consists of printed media reportings that present users of Second Life and its avatars with a proposal of new identities, including the utterances produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” and their respective followers. The analysis of the reports and discourses are based on the work by Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The analysis have shown that the new identities, created in virtual communities network and, the profile of the followers of “fashion in the soap operas”, hosted in Twitter, are characteristically contemporary sensibilities, who take part in the truth games and in the social pressing experimented nowadays


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Sabe-se que na atualidade, é grande a preocupação da comunidade científica mundial, em relação à resistência microbiana frente às substâncias convencionais, utilizadas indiscriminadamente, por isso, é crescente a motivação da pesquisa básica na bioprospecção de novas substâncias, que apresentem atividade antimicrobiana e antifúngica e que possam ser uma alternativa segura e eficaz contra esses microorganismos no tratamento das doenças causadas por eles. As dermatofitoses, por exemplo, são processos infecciosos de pele, pêlo e unhas que acometem muitas pessoas, de todas as faixas etárias, no mundo todo, provocando as chamadas tinhas ou tineas, denominadas corporis, pedis, cruris, capitis, unguium(onicomicose) e outras (dependendo o local do corpo onde estão), causadas pelo dermatófito filamentoso, Trichophyton rubrum. Estudos envolvendo este patógeno são cada vez mais importantes, devido ao aparecimento de linhagens resistentes aos medicamentos antifúngicos disponíveis no mercado, e ao comportamento invasivo deste agente em pacientes com o sistema imune comprometido. Porém, somente a descoberta de novas drogas não é suficiente, é preciso desenvolver produtos eficazes e seguros, que possam veicular essas substâncias sem causar prejuízo ao paciente. Sendo assim, a proposta desse trabalho é desenvolver uma emulsão A/O, contendo óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia (TTO), verificar sua estabilidade preliminar e caracterizá-la realizando o estudo reológico da formulação, determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e a concentração fungicida mínima (CFM) do TTO e averiguar a atividade antifúngica in vitro da emulsão frente ao T. rubrum, agente patogênico ao qual se destina o uso do produto


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The Exercise Induced Pulmonar Haemorrhage (EIPH) affect a large amount of atlethe horses. It affects the horse's performance in any kind of competition and it can represent incresead spending of money or even an economic loss. Thoroughbred horses are the most affectef breed by EIPH because of intensive activity. Meanwhile any other kind of horse breed that is involved in athletic competition can also be affected by EIPH as well. In this brief work we are presenting the most common causes and factors from the EIPH as well the prevention and some types of treatment available nowadays


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The technologies are advancing at a pace so expressive that allow the increase of the power quality from generation until the distribution to end customers. This improvement has been made possible through the automation of the energy that follows to a better quality of the energy provided, a lower energy supply disruptions and a very short recovery time. The trend of today and the near future is the distributed energy generation. To keep the automated control of the chain, the presence of Smart Grids is needed and that will be the most efficient and economical way to manage the entire system. Within this theme, is going to be necessary analyze the electric cars that promise to promote a more sustainable transport because it doesn’t uses fossil fuels, and more healthy because it does not emit pollutants into the atmosphere. The popularization of this type of vehicle is estimated to happen in a few decades and the case study analyzing its influence on the demand of the electrical system is something that will be very important in the near future. This paper presents a study of the influence of the inclusion of charges refering to electric cars


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This work of completion is inserted at the interface between violence and school, and how you want to portray violence in school is represented in film productions. We consider important to first discuss in depth the concepts of violence to better understand the phenomenon of school violence, which is a subject much discussed in recent times. One of the types of violence very often nowadays, taking forms that we can call as new, in primary education schools, as well as in society in general, is known as bullying, for some authors the concept is very close to the definition of prejudice in with respect to social factors that reflect the target groups of this type of violence. Other authors also research on the expansion of the recent phenomenon known as School Shooting, which means school shootings, very common in American schools. Our study builds on ideas Debarbieux and Blaya (2002) that treat violence more broadly, taking into account the reports of the victims, including symbolic violence, the institutional and physical. For them, every concept must take into consideration how it was socially constructed, to thereafter be searched. Our goal is to analyze and understand how the issue of school violence is treated theoretically and also as is portrayed through the lens of cinema. Our study is theoretically based on authors like Debarbieux, Blaya, Bourdieu, Charlot, Arendt, Foucault, Sposito, among others, and use the qualitative approach, working with content analysis of films


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This research was aimed to discuss the prospect constructivist education. This study was based on a survey literature and an investigation of teaching practices performed the daily routine of a classroom in the first years of elementary school a bilingual private school in Bauru - SP. For development of empirical research was adopted as a tool for collecting observation data. Then the results were analyzed the light of constructivist theory. Through this work we could confirm that observed in the classroom teaching practice-based perspective constructivist happens successfully. Many important elements of constructivist perspective, such as planning lessons, adoption collaborative teaching strategies and investment relations Interpersonal are satisfactorily achieved by teachers who, overall, considering the students' prior knowledge, establish strategies that foster learning, value the interpersonal relationships with group work and guided by the collaboration in the mediation of teacher education process. Therefore, the practice teaching does not happen spontaneously or empirical, critical often attributed to constructivism nowadays.


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The question of the solid waste is without a doubt one of the biggest problems faced for the world-wide population in the present time, resulting in the call “collapse of the garbage”. In this direction that appears the composting, in the scope of the treatment of organic waste origin, that in Brazil, approximately correspond 50% of the generated volume. However, the rare plants of selection and composting (UTC) existing at least do not obtain auto-to support themselves, increasing to each day the number of deactivations, almost always related the financial questions. In this direction, the present research brings the analysis of the economic viability of the implantation of a UTC for the city of Rio Claro-SP, relating it with the thick organic composition sales, for the cultures of vegetables cultivated in a ray of 30 km of the study area. For in such a way, they had been carried through, calculations concerning the regional demand for organic composition, and the verification of the implantation costs and operation of the plant. The reached results had been the flow of box for the first year of functioning of the UTC, as well as the break-even point between the gotten expenditures and prescriptions. From this relation investment profitability, it was verified that the UTC is presented impracticable under the economic point of view.


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Prophylactic or therapeutic treatments administered with medicinal plants and natural products are used in popular medicine of diverse people since prehistoric times to the present days. Species with medicinal properties are increasingly studied in an attempt to understand their possible effects on organisms and their functioning. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the mushroom Agaricus blazei (aqueous extract) in rabbits subjected to experimental hypercholesterolemia. The animals were divided into two groups (control and treated with the mushroom) whose experimental protocol was divided into three phases: Phase 1, the animals were fed a normal diet to evaluate the physiological level of cholesterol; phase 2, the animals were fed a supplemented diet to induce hypercholesterolemia and in phase 3, the animals of control group continued to take high-cholesterol diet and the animals of treated group high-cholesterol diet including treatment with the mushroom. Weekly, after fasting of 14 hours, blood samples were collected from the animals and its plasma was stored for later measurement of plasmatic cholesterol. In the first phase, the cholesterol level was, on average, 31,30  7,34 mgdL-1. In the second phase, there was a significant increase (p<0,05) in cholesterol level of both groups. During the last phase of the experiment, the mushrooms didn’t cause reduction in plasmatic cholesterol of treated rabbits, however, prevent disease progression, maintaining the cholesterol level established at the beginning of treatment, whereas, in the control group, total serum cholesterol increased significantly at this stage


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Neste trabalho apresentamos uma leitura sobre o processo de articulação dos movimentos em redes e do uso das redes sociais pelos movimentos socioespaciais que mais se destacaram no mundo nos últimos cinco anos. Tendo suas bases nos marcos conceituais de movimentos socioespacial, movimentos socioterritorial, Rede e Redes Sociais, remontamos ao processo de formação da Via Campesina e das manifestações na Primavera Árabe, M12M, M15M, Occupy Wall Street, Movimento Passe Livre e o Movimento Prudente na escala local. Analisar e comparar estes movimentos e suas manifestações nos permitiu identificar a conexão entre a difusão de informações nas redes sociais e a materialização das manifestações no espaço público. Destaca-se que o uso destas tem acarretado em uma nova dinâmica não só na difusão de manifestação, mas também na realização de trabalho de base, caracterizando-se como um importante espaço de socialização política da atualidade


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The dependency of psychoactive substances whether licit or illicit, among adolescents is a topic that has aroused much discussion today. One of the psychoactive substance that has caught the attention of authorities and experts, its potential dependence, increasing the number of addicts and speed with which triggers the human degeneration is the crack (a derivative of cocaine - Erythroxylon coca), used via the smoked administration. Understanding the phenomenon of increasing their use requires an analysis of the concepts of addiction throughout history, current research encompassing scientific findings in epidemiology and statistics involving several types of pharmacological substances, and especially the analysis of data related specifically to crack the focus of our theme. In order to contribute to ongoing discussions and offer possible alternatives for effective intervention, especially in schools, we conducted a survey that sought to find evidence of a possible relationship between crack use and moral reasoning. Since our work specifically theoretical nature, we use to reach our goals, assumptions, two researchers in the concept of human morality: Jean Piaget (1994) and Lawrence Kohlberg (1992) both traveling within the proposed cognitive-evolutionary human development. For an understanding of the proposals of these two researchers, we use research to (Lepre, 2005), as guiding thesis of this work. The results presented indicate that adolescents who use crack are very close to a level of moral reasoning pre-conventional and conventional, although it is important to state that more accurate results require further research on the subject, including those involving field research. Yet we can conclude that prevention must go through a dialogue that privileges the moral education as possible means of effective intervention against the use of crack, allowing the construction of autonomy... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública mundial e está fortemente associada à doença cardíaca isquêmica, aterosclerose, hipertensão arterial, entre outros problemas cardiovasculares. Na atualidade, o tratamento sugerido para as doenças cardiovasculares, comumente decorrentes da obesidade, consiste na diminuição da ingestão de gordura aliada à atividade física. Contudo, pouco se sabe quanto aos protocolos de treinamento mais adequados para a prevenção ou tratamento dessas doenças. O presente estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos do exercício físico na intensidade de 80% do limiar anaeróbio (LAn) sobre os aspectos bioquímicos cardíacos de ratos obesos. Para a indução da obesidade, os animais, a partir dos 90 dias de idade, foram mantidos com dieta hiperlipídica/hipercalórica (35% de gordura animal/vegetal) e os animais controles, mantidos com dieta balanceada (AIN-93M). Todos os animais pertencentes ao grupo treinado foram submetidos a testes de lactato mínimo para a identificação do limiar anaeróbio (LAn) durante exercício de natação, treinando desde os 28 dias de idade até aos 90 dias em intensidade equivalente a 80% do LAn 1 h/dia, 5 dias/semana. Depois dos 90 dias uma parte dos animais treinados interrompeu o treinamento ficando em observação até o final do experimento (150 dias de idade). Os demais animais permaneceram sedentários ao longo de todo o experimento. Foram analisados: peso corporal, tolerância à glicose e à insulina (TTGo e TTI), perfil lipídico sérico (colesterol total, triglicerídeos, AGL e HDL), concentrações séricas de glicose e insulina e alíquotas do ventrículo esquerdo foram retiradas para análise das concentrações de triglicerídeos, glicogênio, proteína/DNA e atividade lipogênica. Os animais tratados com dieta hiperlipídica tiveram aumento significativo no peso corporal, intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina e o treinamento físico neutralizou tais...


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O presente estudo tem como propósito fundamental a realização de uma revisão de literatura a fim de analisar os conceitos e problemáticas que envolvem a relação do homem com sua imagem corporal e os ditames culturais impostos pela mídia. Estamos diante de uma realidade na qual a sociedade exalta padrões de beleza corporal muitas vezes inatingíveis que proporcionam uma série de transtornos de ordem física, psicológica e emocional em indivíduos que buscam de forma incessante alcançar e exibir tais padrões. Corpos transformados, os mais variados produtos e estratégias do mercado da estética, são cada vez mais valorizados em detrimento não apenas da saúde, mas também da individualidade do ser humano que não mede esforços para se destacar e ser aceito socialmente. Na atualidade fica cada vez mais evidente que não apenas as mulheres são influenciadas e sofrem com as questões da aparência física, mas vem se intensificando os transtornos de imagem corporal e suas conseqüências no universo masculino. Dismorfia Muscular, popularmente conhecida como vigorexia, é o foco do presente estudo pela necessidade de aumentar as pesquisas na área a fim de intervir numa realidade que se mostra crítica a cada dia. Nossa conclusão aponta para um melhor direcionamento de olhares para o corpo transformado, seja ele em qual transformação se der a incidência de um trabalho sistemático e pontua a ação do profissional do corpo, em qualquer das suas feições, como o líder de um trabalho equilibrado e assertivo


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV