320 resultados para Água de produção


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Os fluidos de corte foram introduzidos nos processos de usinagem com a finalidade de melhorar as características de os processos tribológicos que estão sempre presentes nas superfícies de contato entre a ferramenta e a peça. Devido à multiplicidade de efeitos negativos do corte os fluidos, os resíduos produzem sobre a humanidade e o nosso meio ambiente, na produção moderna, tem havido uma crescente atenção com os cuidados para se selecionar os fluidos de forma eficiente que, além de eficiente deve ser compatível com o ambiente. Além dos requisitos habituais tribológicos de corte, os fluidos devem satisfazer as exigências do ambiente e atender a legislação ambiental imposta pelo Estado ou internacional ISO 14000. Dentre as alternativas, destaca-se a usinagem a seco e a utilização da mínima quantidade de lubrificação (MQL). Este último pode ser utilizado também com adição de água e, consequentemente, consumindo um volume menor de fluido de corte. Este trabalho pretende analisar o comportamento da técnica da MQL com adição de água no processo de retificação de cerâmicas avançadas, assunto pouco divulgado na literatura formal. Este estudo foi feito através da análise da avaliação do comportamento rugosidade do material retificado. Pela avaliação dos resultados obtidos, foi possível avaliar a técnica da MQL com água, interpretando-a como um método alternativo de usinagem menos agressivo ao meio ambiente, já que houve melhoria consistente da rugosidade do material pela técnica da MQL tradicional para a MQL com adição de água e com a limpeza da superfície de corte do rebolo.


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Aiming to get the best economic advantage in ethanol production from cassava roots, this study presented a physiochemical characterization from two different types of solid waste in two types of processing of the raw materials in manufacturing ethanol. The processing of cassava roots begins with the disintegration and washing the roots with the addition of 20% more water to obtain a pulp which was treated and stirred in the reactor while adding enzyme α-amylase at a temperature of 90°C for 2 hours. Then we performed a pH adjustment while lowering the temperature to 60 ° C with the addition of the enzyme amiloglucosidase and then stirring for 14 hours. The hydrolyzate obtained was the source of two types of waste which are: i) Solid residue obtained after filtration of the hydrolyatze and ii) Solid waste obtained from filtering wine after alcoholic fermentation of the hydrolyzate with the addition of a dried yeast strain Y-940 manufactured by MAURI OF BRAZIL SA (2%) at a temperature of 25º C. The results of the laboratory analysis showed that the byproducts derived from the hydrolysis and fermentation showed very similar chemical compositions. With levels between 39 and 41% fiber, 0.5% lipids, 20 and 30% carbohydrates, protein 0.5 and 1.50, 6 and 8% acidity, and 20 and 30% soluble solids.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of an experimental rainwater treatment system for non-potable uses. Without the first-flush discharge it was expected to control the quality of captured rainwater and to minimize the rainwater by-pass caused by the first-flush strategy. A full-scale direct filtration unit was operated and a solution of natural corn starch was used as the primary coagulant. The color, turbidity e coliform efficiencies of the unit was analyzed based on filtration loads and the net water production was estimated. The results pointed out turbidity removal up to 70.8% and color removal up to 61.0%. The backwash of the filtering system was completed in 3 minutes at the rate of 1,440 m3/m2day with consumption of treated water from 0.5% to 2.2%, based on the potentially harvesting.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study had as objective contribute to the characterization of beekeeping in the Pernambuco State and evaluate the physical-chemical quality of the honeys produced in the region. For this, was applied a directed formulary to the representative organ of beekeeping class aboutthe productives and technicals aspects of beekeepers. Was obtained 14 samples of honey by Apis mellifera africanized, stored in sterile plastic vessels was sent to the Beekeeping Products Quality Control Laboratory (CEA-UNITAU). Was observed that the most of beekeepers have of 50 to 100 hives (57,14%), 28,57% of 100 to 200 hives and 14,28% more than 500 hives, being that 85,71% produce 30 to 50 kg honey/hives/flowering. All use the standard hive Langstroth and 85,71% obtain their swarm by capture. About the physical-chemical quality of the honey, was observed that moisture content varied from 18,2% to 22,0%, with mean value of 19,80±1,11; the water activity varied from 0,70 to 0,84 aw, with mean value of 0,79±0,05 aw; the total acidity was 24,91±8,99 meq/kg and the average index of hydroxymethylfurfural was 16,32±17,88 meq/kg. The results obtained are according to the quality limits established by the brazilian legislation, excepted the water activity that exceeded the maximum limit of 0,65 aw. The datasobtained in this paper shows the development of beekeeping in Pernambuco State and the honey presents nice quality.


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The production of seedlings of passion fruit is done mainly with the use of seeds by most producers. It can also be propagated by cuttings, layering and in vitro tissue culture. However, even when grafting is used, it is necessary to use seeds to produce the rootstock. Nevertheless, most Passifloracea species have germination problems, making it difficult to obtain seedlings. Although several studies have been developed in an attempt to increase seed germination of passion fruit there are still difficulties in understanding the germination process and also disagreement about seed dormancy. Thus, the present study aimed to review papers related to seed germination of passion fruit emphasizing aspects such as mechanical resistance to water ingress, the need for adequate light and temperature and the use of plant growth regulators in overcoming seed dormancy. It was noticed that, in general, the passion fruit seeds are photoblastic negative and exhibit physiological dormancy, being no need of seed scarification to stimulate its germination.


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The aim of this paper was to perform an energy assessment of firewood and woodshaving use for energy generation in sericulture agroindustry boilers. In this research, we used a boiler from a silk spinning factory located in the city of Duartina, São Paulo, Brazil, that currently uses eucalyptus firewood as fuel to generate water vapour used in silk fiber production. In the studied fuels utilization system energy consumption structure development, we considered energy input in Megajoule (MJ) by type, source and form involved in several firewood use technical itinerary operations, as well as in woodshaving use technical itinerary operations. From these fuels utilization built structure, we performed a firewood- and woodshaving-generated energy input comparative analysis, in Megajoule/hour (MJ.h-1), to produce 2.968,80 kg.h-1 of vapour, which is the boiler average production, during the following years: 2004, 2005, and 2006. The energy analysis results revealed that to replace eucalyptus firewood with woodshaving is something possible in the boiler, reducing total energy consumption approximately by 21%.


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Fertigation management of gerbera crop has been many times performed inadequately, and it has been worsened when mixtures of substrates with different physical and chemical characteristics are used. Aiming at evaluating the production and quality of potted gerbera in two substrates and different levels of fertigation, the experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the DRN/Soil Science, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu (SP). A 5 x 2 factorial randomized block design (5 levels of fertigation and 2 substrates) was adopted with 4 replications. Levels of fertigation corresponded to maintenance of 100% available water (AW) in the substrate; 100 to 80% of AW; 100 to 60% of AW; 100 to 40% of AW and 100 to 20% of AW. The substrates were as follows: 1- mixed coconut fiber (50% pellet coconut fiber and 50% coir fiber), 2- 40% red soil, 40% decomposed pine bark, 10% composition 1 (40% decomposed pine bark, 30% vermiculite and 30% carbonized rice husk) and 10% composition 2 (75% decomposed pine bark and 25% needles of pine). Plants at the marketing stage were evaluated according to the number of leaves; diameter of leaf surface; leaf area; fresh and dry phytomass of leaves, inflorescence and total plant; inflorescence number and diameter, stem diameter, plant height, leaf area rate and electrical conductivity of the substrate solution. Plants of better quality were obtained when they were maintained in levels of 100% available water and the mixed coconut fiber was used as substrate.


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The study was conducted to evaluate six K:Ca:Mg ratios for production of two cultivars of mini tomato grown in substrate, in a greenhouse, during two growing seasons. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications and twelve treatments using both cultivars of mini tomato (Sweet Million and Sweet Grape) and six K:Ca:Mg ratios (4:3:1, 6:3:1, 6:4.5:1, 2.7:3:1, 2.7:2:1, 4:2:1) in nutrient solutions. In both experiments, nutrient solutions with the highest concentrations of Mg, (75 mg L-1) and the lowest concentrations of Ca, (150 mg L-1) led to the highest concentrations of those nutrients in plant dry matter. The Sweet Million cultivar had higher yield (1.69 kg plant-1 and 1.52 kg plant-1), number of fruits per plant (227 and 236), and water use efficiency (29.1 kg m-3 and 25.3 kg m-3). However, the Sweet Grape cultivar had fruits of higher mean weight (9.0 g and 8.8 g) and macronutrient content in the leaves. In both crop cycles, the different K:Ca:Mg ratios affected only the macronutrient contents of the mini tomato plants grown in substrate, with no effect on yield and water use efficiency. The first crop cycle showed the highest N, K, Ca and S content.


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A água é um recurso vital para a existência de todos os organismos vivos, e a captação para uso doméstico, produção agrícola, mineração, produção industrial, geração de energia, atividades de lazer e práticas florestais podem levar à deterioração da sua qualidade, atingindo o ecossistema aquático e também a disponibilidade de água potável disponível para consumo humano. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar a qualidade da água do Córrego Chumbeadinha no município de Ourinhos-SP, que perpassa pela área urbana da cidade e é desprovido de mata ciliar em quase todo seu percurso, além de sofrer dois represamentos artificiais. O Córrego Chumbeadinha é um afluente de segunda ordem do Rio Paranapanema, percorrendo cerca 4 km de sua nascente até sua foz. Foram realizadas amostragens das seguintes variáveis: Sólidos em Suspensão, pH, concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, temperatura da água, coliformes fecais, transparência da água, além do cálculo do índice de estado trófico, em quatro locais no curso do córrego, de setembro de 2009 a abril de 2010. Dessa forma, o córrego Chumbeadinha nasce com uma qualidade boa, apesar de sofrer forte pressão da expansão urbana, porém os demais pontos foram classificados como eutróficos, sendo registrada a presença de coliformes fecais em todas as amostragens. A falta de vegetação nas margens do lago pode ser a grande causadora da eutrofização, pois os sedimentos não encontram dificuldades para chegar até o curso d'água, assim interferindo diretamente no IET do lago.


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The excessive compaction of the soil observed in sod production systems, affects the physical attributes of the soil, which can influence the water infiltration into the soil and hence the rate of soil cover by turfgrasses and time of the sod production. To minimize the effects of soil compacting, some producers use soil preparation equipment that raises the soil on the surface but does not cause excessive roughness which may harm the quality of the sod. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the infiltration rate and soil cover rate due to different management mechanized in the zoysiagrass sod production. The experimental design had random plots and four replications. The treatments consisted of five mechanized managements of soil: witness (without the use of equipment); coulter blade disc harrow used once (1CB), coulter blade disc harrow used twice (2CB), surface chisel used once (1C), surface chisel and coulter blade disc harrow used once (1C + 1CB). The treatments with 2CB and 1C + 1CB provided greater basic water infiltration speed in the soil and higher rate of soil cover by the turfgrass. The rate of soil cover by turfgrass is positively correlated with water infiltration rate at 133 and 226 DAP, demonstrating the influence of managements used in zoysiagrass sod production and the increment in the infiltration rate of water. Soil preparation utilizing coulter blade disc harrow used twice or surface chisel and coulter blade disc harrow used once is recommended under the conditions this study was done.