360 resultados para campilobacteriose genital bovina


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Verruciform xanthoma (VX) is a relatively rare benign lesion and oral predominantly, which occasionally affects skin and genital mucosa. It appears as a papule or single plaque showing a verrucous or papillomatous aspect, with variable color from reddish pink to gray. In majority of oral cases, it affects gingiva and alveolar mucosa such a solitary lesion. Histopathological findings are foamy histiocytes within elongated dermal papillae. Treatment consists of conservative excision surgery and recurrence is rare. A clinical case is reported, located in anterior gingiva, showing good prognosis, without recurrence. There was no concomitant oral lesion associated. Local trauma was the only possibility suggested to be related to etiology. No relevant alterations in laboratory exams (hemogram, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, glycose and glycolized hemoglobin) were found. The origin of the lesion remains unclear and investigation for possible associations with other lesions that could present greater risk of carcinogenesis is required. © Medicina Oral S.L.


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Bats present unique features among mammals with respect to reproduction, and although neotropical bats do not have a hibernation period, many of their reproductive characteristics vary seasonally and interspecifically. Thus, this work aimed to examine the reproductive structures of 18 species belonging to five families of Brazilian bats. The gross anatomy of the testes varied little; however, the epididymis of Emballonuridae and Vespertilionidae showed exceptional structures with a large elongation of the caudal region. We observed a wide variation in the positioning of the testes: Phyllostomidae and Noctilionidae presented external testes; Emballonuridae and Molossidae presented migratory testes that may be in intra-abdominal or external positions; and Vespertilionidae displayed scrotal testes. In the histological evaluation, we observed a different pattern in vespertilionid species, with testicular regression and sperm retention/storage in the cauda epididymis in the five species analyzed. Similar testicular regression was observed in Molossops temminckii; however, sperm retention/storage was not observed in this species. These data suggest that although the species analyzed are tropical species that do not present a prolonged period of torpor (hibernation), they still maintain a period of seminiferous tubule regression and sperm storage very similar to that observed in hibernating bats. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The ovine brucellosis caused by Brucella ovis has tropism for reproductive tissues but until now the mechanism of bacterial persistence is not understood. Cytokine expression profiles were studied for 8 months in rams after being experimentally infected with the rough virulent strain of B. ovis (R- B. ovis) to study the pathogenesis of B. ovis and immune mechanism possibly associated to bacteria tropism and persistence. The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels of interleukin-1α (IL-1α), IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, interferon-γ (INF-γ) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) cytokines were quantified by real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) in reproductive tissues (epididymus, testicles, ampolae, vesicular glands and bulbourethral glands), and non-reproductive (liver, spleen and kidneys) tissues at 30, 60, 120 and 240 days post infection (dpi). During the acute phase of infection at 30. dpi, the host immune response was most notable demonstrating an up-regulation of several cytokines in reproductive tissues, including the epididymus (IL-6, IL-1β and IL-1α), testicles (INF-γ and IL-12), bulbourethral glands (IL-6 and TNF-α) and ampolae (INF-γ, IL-10, IL-1β and IL-1α). During the development of infection, cytokine gene expression levels decreased, providing evidence of immunosuppression and evidence of immune evasion that favoured persistence of chronic R- B. ovis infection. During the chronic phase of R- B. ovis infection (120 and 240. dpi), cytokine production was down-regulated in the epididymus (IL-1β and IL-1α), testicles (INF-γ and IL-12), and ampolae (INF-γ, IL-10, IL-1β and IL-1α), with the exception of the bulbourethral glands (IL-6 and TNF-α) and epididymus (IL-6); in these tissues, R- B. ovis infection resulted in up-regulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6. Herein, we report cytokine expression profiles in tissues of rams experimentally infected with the rough strain of B. ovis, which are associated with bacterial persistence and macrophage activation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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This study describes the male reproductive cycle of Sibynomorphus mikanii from southeastern Brazil considering macroscopic and microscopic variables. Spermatogenesis occurs during spring-summer (September-December) and spermiogenesis or maturation occurs in summer (December-February). The length and width of the kidney, the tubular diameter, and the epithelium height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) are larger in summer-autumn (December-May). Histochemical reaction of the SSK [periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and bromophenol blue (BB)] shows stronger results during summer-autumn, indicating an increase in the secretory activity of the granules. Testicular regression is observed in autumn and early winter (March-June) when a peak in the width of the ductus deferens occurs. The distal ductus deferens as well as the ampulla ductus deferentis exhibit secretory activities with positive reaction for PAS and BB. These results suggest that this secretion may nourish the spermatozoa while they are being stored in the ductus deferens. The increase in the Leydig cell nuclear diameter in association with SSK hypertrophy and the presence of sperm in the female indicate that the mating season occurs in autumn when testes begin to decrease their activity. The peak activity of Leydig cells and SSK exhibits an associated pattern with the mating season. However, spermatogenesis is dissociated of the copulation characterizing a complex reproductive cycle. At the individual level, S. mikanii males present a continuous cyclical reproductive pattern in the testes and kidneys (SSK), whereas at the populational level the reproductive pattern may be classified as seasonal semisynchronous. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Papillomaviruses (PVs) infect a wide range of animal species and show great genetic diversity. To date, excluding equine sarcoids, only three species of PVs were identified associated with lesions in horses: Equus caballus papillomavirus 1 (EcPV1-cutaneous), EcPV2 (genital) and EcPV3 (aural plaques). In this study, we identified a novel equine PV from aural plaques, which we designated EcPV4. Cutaneous samples from horses with lesions that were microscopically diagnosed as aural plaques were subjected to DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing. Rolling circle amplification and inverse PCR with specific primers confirmed the presence of an approximately 8. kb circular genome. The full-length EcPV4 L1 major capsid protein sequence has 1488 nucleotides (495 amino acids). EcPV4 had a sequence identity of only 53.3%, 60.2% and 51.7% when compared with the published sequences for EcPV1, EcPV2 and EcPV3, respectively. A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis indicated that EcPV4 clusters with EcPV2, but not with EcPV1 and EcPV3. Using the current PV classification system that is based on the nucleotide sequence of L1, we could not define the genus of the newly identified virus. Therefore, a structural analysis of the L1 protein was carried out to aid in this classification because EcPV4 cause lesion similar to the lesion caused by EcPV3. A comparison of the superficial loops demonstrated a distinct amino acid conservation pattern between EcPV4/EcPV2 and EcPV4/EcPV3. These results demonstrate the presence of a new equine PV species and that structural studies could be useful in the classification of PVs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Chiroptera, the second largest mammalian order, presents different reproductive strategies and unique reproductive features. However, there are few reports regarding male reproductive accessory glands (RAGs) in Chiroptera. Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterise the RAGs of the exclusively neotropical bat Artibeus planirostris (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) macroscopically, microscopically and ultrastructurally. The RAGs were composed of a prostatic complex with two regions (ventral and dorsal) and paraurethral and bulbourethral glands, but no seminal vesicles. The ventral region had an undefined epithelium, with secretory and basal cells, and its secretions were periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) positive. The dorsal region received both deferens ducts, had a columnar pseudostratified epithelium with secretory and basal cells. There were two types of secretions from the dorsal region: one that was basophilic and another that was mixed PAS positive and PAS negative. The paraurethral glands were dispersed in the connective tissue of the urethra, whereas the bulbourethral glands were located in the penile root. Histological and ultrastructural data confirmed the prostatic nature of the ventral and dorsal regions and the holocrine nature of the ventral region, with the latter finding never having been described previously for the prostate gland. Our findings demonstrate the wide discrepancy of RAGs between A. planirostris and other mammals in terms of their composition, structure and morphology. © CSIRO 2013.


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The review purposes are to (1) evaluate the experimental evidence for adverse effects on reproduction and metabolism and (2) identify the current knowledge of analytical procedures, biochemistry and environmental aspects relating to organotins. Organotins are pollutants that are used as biocides in antifouling paints. They produce endocrine-disrupting effects in mollusks, such as imposex. In rodents, organotin exposure induces developmental and reproductive toxicity as well as alteration of metabolic homeostasis through its action as an obesogen. The adverse effects that appear in rodents have raised concerns about organotins' potential health risk to humans in relation to organotin exposure. At present, triorganotin, such as tributyltin, have been demonstrated to produce imposex, and mammalian reproductive and metabolic toxicity. For most mammals, triorganotin exposure predominantly occurs through the ingestion, and this compound can cross the placenta. With these risks in mind, it is important to improve our knowledge of organotins' effects on environmental health. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Aims Maternal malnutrition by low protein diet is associated with an increased incidence of metabolic disorders and decreased male fertility in adult life. This study aimed to assess the impact of maternal protein malnutrition (MPM) on prostate growth, tissue organization and lesion incidence with aging. Main methods Wistar rat dams were distributed into two groups, which were control (NP; fed a normal diet containing 17% protein) or a restricted protein diet (RP, fed a diet containing 6% protein) during gestation. After delivery all mothers and offspring received a normal diet. Biometrical parameters, hormonal levels and prostates were harvested at post-natal days (PND) 30, 120 and 360. Key findings MPM promoted low birth weight, decreased ano-genital distance (AGD) and reduced androgen plasma levels of male pups. Prostatic lobes from RP groups presented reduced glandular weight, epithelial cell height and alveolar diameter. The epithelial cell proliferation and collagen deposition were increased in RP group. Incidences of epithelial dysplasia and prostatitis were higher in the RP offspring than in the NP offspring at PND360. Significance Our findings show that MPM delays prostate development, growth and maturation until adulthood, probably as a result of low testosterone stimuli. The higher incidence of cellular dysplasia and prostatitis suggests that MPM increases prostate susceptibility to diseases with aging. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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The use of biofertilizers is interesting for agriculture as being an economical alternative as well as it is environmentally friendly by using organic waste and reducing the application of mineral fertilizers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biofertilizer doses of bovine origin (biodigester effluent) applied on the ground and two levels of irrigation on lettuce. The experiment was conducted under protection of a greenhouse in pots, applying to the soil different doses of biofertilizer of bovine origin obtained from anaerobic reactor (10, 20, 40 and 60 m3 ha-1) and mineral fertilizer as a witness in two irrigation levels calculated at 50 and 100% of reference evapotranspiration. The lettuce plants were analyzed in their: Height, leaves number, crown diameter, fresh weight and dry weight of shoots. The biofertilizer treatments showed better results than the mineral fertilizer and has increased with increasing doses of biofertilizer, the highest dose (60 m3 ha-1) showed the best results in all variables. For dry, mineral fertilization showed higher values. The irrigation levels had no effect on plant growth.


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There are few studies about the distribution of natural molecular variants of low-risk HPVs. Our aim was to evaluate the E6 early gene variability among HPV-6 and HPV-11 isolates detected in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) samples obtained in a cohort of Brazilian patients. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis in order to compare nucleotide sequences identified in our study with previously reported isolates from different anatomic sites (laryngeal papillomas, genital warts, cervical cancer and anal swabs) obtained from other parts of the world to determine the phylogenetic relationships of variants detected in Brazil. The complete coding region of the E6 gene of 25 samples was cloned and sequenced: 18 isolates of HPV-6 (72%) and 7 isolates of HPV-11 (28%). A total of four different HPV-6 genomic variants and two HPV-11 genomic variants was identified. It was not possible to correlate specific variants with disease severity. Phylogenetic trees for both HPV types were constructed enclosing both E6 sequences detected in our study and formerly published sequences. In both phylogenetic trees, the sequences from Brazil did not group together. We could not establish a geographical association between HPV-6 or HPV-11 variants, unlike HPV-16 and HPV-18. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Few studies have focused on experimental testosterone deprivation in immature animals. Therefore, this study used sexually immature rats aiming to evaluate the testes and epididymis histology and proteins expression in these organs on PND50 and 75, after premature antiandrogen exposure, from PND21 to 44. Although the androgen deprivation from pre-puberty up to peripuberty did not alter the histological organization of the testes and epididymis either at puberty or at adulthood, the treatment impaired the expression of specific proteins in epididymal tissue at puberty and adulthood (androgen receptor, calmodulin, Rab11A). These changes may be related to impaired epididymal function, sperm quality and fertility capacity as observed in a previous study. Further studies are necessary to better investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the impairment on reproductive competence of male rats after precocious hormonal injury. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Male sheep of reproductive age were distributed into three groups: GI, a sheep inoculated (oral) with 2.0×105 oocysts of the P strain of Toxoplasma gondii; GII, a sheep infected (subcutaneous) with 1.0×106 tachyzoites of the RH strain of T. gondii; and GIII, a sheep kept as a control (not infected). After the inoculation of the males, 12 breeding ewes, which were not pregnant and which were serologically negative for reproductive diseases (particularly toxoplasmosis), were distributed into three groups, synchronized, and subsequently exposed to natural mating with previously inoculated males. The distribution was as follows: five ewes that underwent natural mating with the GI male, five ewes that were exposed to natural mating with the GII male, and two ewes that were mated with the non-infected male (control). Serum samples of all the ewes were collected on days -30, -14, -7, -1, and 0 (days before natural mating) and on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14, and weekly until birth; the presence of serum antibodies against T. gondii was assessed by IFAT. Using a bioassay and PCR, T. gondii was isolated from the semen of the infected reproducing sheep before mating. Following natural mating, 5 of the 12 females displayed antibodies specific for T. gondii; of these animals, two of the ewes underwent natural mating with the male inoculated with oocysts (GI) and three with the male infected with tachyzoites (GII). One of the females that displayed antibodies specific to this coccidian and that underwent natural mating with the GII sheep had a macerated fetus on the 70th day following coverage. Using a bioassay after the birth, it was possible to isolate T. gondii from samples of the pool of tissues from the five females that seroconverted after natural mating and from their respective lambs. Using PCR, the DNA of T. gondii was isolated from the pool of tissues from one and two females exposed to natural mating with the reproductive males infected with the oocysts and tachyzoites, respectively. Using this technique, it was also possible to diagnose the presence of the parasite in the pool of tissues from the lambs of one female that underwent natural mating with the male sheep infected with oocysts. These results demonstrated the sexual transmission of T. gondii in the sheep species with consequent vertical transmission to their lambs. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Bovine mastitis is considered important disease causing major economic losses in dairy herds. Antimicrobial drug can promote resistance, chemical residues in food and environmental contamination. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity in vitro of pomegranate extract on Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine milk, evaluate its antioxidant activity, and quantify levels of total phenols and fravonoides of the different extracts used. Aqueous extracts were used in nature and dry, from the peel of the fruit (EAC) and leaves (EAF). Additionally, it was evaluated the antioxidant activity (AA%), total phenols and flavonoids. Milk samples were inoculated, incubated, and the colonies were characterized as Staphylococcus aureus were adjusted to 1.0x106 UFC/mL in the 6 standard of the MacFarland scale. The sensitivity of the microbial isolates were determined in quintuplicate, in disk diffusion test. The minimum inhibitory concentration was determined by visible inhibition zone greater than 15mm. The results were evaluated by ANOVA, Tukey 5%, using the program SISVAR 5.3 - DEX/UFLA. Results implied that the aqueous extract from the bark of dried fruit was capable of inhibiting bacterial growth at concentrations of 3%. The other treatments only showed this activity, from the concentrations of 15%, 20% and 30% for dry EAF, in nature EAC and in nature EAF, respectively. Regarding the action antioxidant of dry EAC, was not correlated with total phenols and flavonoids. Probably other alkaloids substances present in the extract studied, may have been responsible for this activity. It is concluded that extracts of Punica granatum L., especially those obtained by the shell of the fruit, showed inhibitory activity against S. aureus, indicating your use potential for the control of bovine mastitis.


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The present study therefore assessed the deleterious effects of MLs (ivermectin, abamectin, doramectin and moxidectin) on the reproductive parameters of engorged Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus females that naturally detached from experimentally infested cattle in two experiments. The following reproductive parameters of engorged female ticks were analyzed: female weight, egg mass weight, percentage of hatchability, percentage of reduction in oviposition, percentage of reduction in hatchability, reproductive efficiency and percent control/efficacy of formulations with respect to reproductive parameters. In the experiment I, statistical analysis of the data grouped into 5-days intervals revealed that pour-on application of abamectin (500. mcg/kg) had significantly (p≤. 0.05) reduced engorged female weight, egg mass weight and percent hatchability on days 6-15, 6-20 and 11-20 post-treatment (p. t.) compared to the respective data for detached and pre-selected engorged females in the control group. The abamectin, demonstrated 33.41% of reduction in oviposition, 6.77% in hatchability and abamectin efficacy was of 13.99%. In the experiment II, statistically significant reductions (p≥. 0.05) were observed in animals treated subcutaneous with ivermectin (630. mcg/kg), doramectin (700. mcg/kg) and moxidectin (1000. mcg/kg) relative to the control for days 6-40, 6-48 and 6-40 p. t., respectively. Ivermectin reduced hatchability only on days 16-20 p. t., whereas doramectin significantly reduced (p≤. 0.05) hatchability on days 6-10 and 16-35 p. t. For moxidectin, deleterious effects on hatchability were observed on days 16-35 p. t. The percent reductions in oviposition of engorged female ticks were 46.31%, 62.17% and 61.02% with ivermectin, doramectin and moxidectin treatments, respectively. The percent efficacy of the formulations on the reproductive parameters of engorged female ticks was 21.22% for ivermectin, 36.03% for doramectin and 35.45% for moxidectin. Among the MLs assessed, doramectin and moxidectin had the highest acaricidal efficacies and the most deleterious effects on the reproductive parameters of engorged R. (B.) microplus females. However, future studies will be necessary to assess the extent to which these effects, along with acaricidal activity, can be used to control the ectoparasite in cattle. © 2013 Elsevier Inc..


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)