Alveolar bone resorption results from the inflammatory response to periodontal pathogens. Systemic diseases that affect the host response, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), can potentiate the severity of periodontal disease (PD) and accelerate bone resorption. However, the biological mechanisms by which DM1 modulates PD are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of DM1 on alveolar bone resorption and to evaluate the role of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG) in osteoclastogenesis in rats. PD was induced by means of ligature in nondiabetic and in streptozotocyn-induced DM1 rats. Morphological and morphometric analyses, stereology and osteoclast counting were performed. RANKL and OPG mRNA levels, protein content, and location were determined. PD caused alveolar bone resorption, increased the number of osteoclasts in the alveolar bone crest and also promoted changes in RANKL/OPG mRNA expression. DM1 alone showed alveolar bone destruction and an increased number of osteoclasts at the periapical and furcal regions. DM1 exacerbated these characteristics, with a greater impact on bone structure, resulting in a low OPG content and a higher RANKL/OPG ratio, which correlated with prominent osteoclastogenesis. This work demonstrates that the effects of PD and DM1 enhance bone destruction, confirms the importance of the RANKL signaling pathway in bone destruction in DM1 in animal models and suggests the existence of alternative mechanisms potentiating bone degradation in PD.
Aims: This study compared fractal dimension (FD) values on mandibular trabecular bone in digital and digitized images at different spatial and contrast resolutions. Materials and Methods: 12 radiographs of dried human mandibles were obtained using custom-fabricated hybrid image receptors composed of a periapical radiographic film and a photostimulable phosphor plate (PSP). The film/ PSP sets were disassembled, and the PSPs produced images with 600 dots per inch (dpi) and 16 bits. These images were exported as tagged image file format (TIFF), 16 and 8 bits, and 600, 300 and 150 dpi. The films were processed and digitized 3 times on a flatbed scanner, producing TIFF images with 600, 300 and 150 dpi, and 8 bits. On each image, a circular region of interest was selected on the trabecular alveolar bone, away from root apices and FD was calculated by tile counting method. Two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test were conducted to compare the mean values of FD, according to image type and spatial resolution (α = 5%). Results: Spatial resolution was directly and inversely proportional to FD mean values and standard deviation, respectively. Spatial resolution of 150 dpi yielded significant lower mean values of FD than the resolutions of 600 and 300 dpi ( P < 0.05). A nonsignificant variability was observed for the image types ( P > 0.05). The interaction between type of image and level of spatial resolution was not signi fi cant (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Under the tested, conditions, FD values of the mandibular trabecular bone assessed either by digital or digitized images did not change. Furthermore, these values were in fluenced by lower spatial resolution but not by contrast resolution.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os extraordinários avanços no desempenho de técnicas laboratoriais corroboram na evolução do entendimento dos mecanismos das doen- ças de modo geral, facilitando o tratamento e/ou a prevenção. De fato, informações equilibradas, acuradas e atuais estão colaborando de forma estimulante no estudo da relação entre doença periodontal e periapical crônica com o desenvolvimento ou estabelecimento de algumas doen- ças cardiovasculares. Dessa forma, o objetivo da presente trabalho foi descrever de forma sucinta e objetiva a relação entre doença periodontal crônica e doença periapical como fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento ou estabeleciomento da aterosclerose. Estudos epidemiológicos têm procurado demonstrar que indivíduos com doença periodontal ou periapical poderiam apresentar um aumento significativo do risco de desenvolver algumas doenças sistêmicas incluindo a aterosclerose.
The aim of this paper was to search though a revision of the literature the cares before, during and after the orthodontic treatment in patients with a periodontal disease. The literature shows that the orthodontical treatment in healthy patients brings no risk to the periodontium, although the presence of an active periodontal disease counter indicates the dental movement. Thus, it is extremely important to execute a correct diagnosis of any periodontal alteration and treat them before the beginning of the orthodontical treatment. Besides, during the whole orthodontical treatment is also important to have a periodontal control with periodic reevaluations and at the end of the orthodontical treatment, a new oral hygiene orientation may be needed to finally establish the follow-up of the patient according to the risk of periodontal disease.
Periodontitis is an infectious disease characterized by the secretion of a variety of inflammatory mediators that lead to destruction of tooth supporting tissues, including the possible loss of alveolar bone, in association with infection with multiple species of bacteria. It is estimated that more than 400 species colonize the biofilm and some oral species related to periodontal disease is present in the subgingival including P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and T. denticola. However, other organisms may be related of this disease, as Filifactor allocis and Prevotella tannerae. These microorganisms and subproducts such as endotoxins released into the extracellular lead to the stimulation of metalloproteinase inducer glycoprotein (EMMPRIN, CD-147), which stimulates the release of MMPs by host cells, like fibroblasts and endothelial cells, thus leading to tissue destruction. The objective of this study was to detect F. allocis, P. tannerae, T. denticola and the glycoprotein EMMPRIN (CD-147) and its correlation with MMP-2 and MMP-9 in subgingival fluid samples of patients with chronic periodontitis. Fluids were collected from healthy and disease subgingival sites of 20 healthy individuals before basic periodontal treatment and after of 60 days of treatment. Their DNAs were extracted and portions of the 16S gene were amplified and performed conventional PCR. For immunological analysis and quantification of EMMPRIN (CD-147), MMP-2 and MMP-9 was used ELISA-Sandwich. Results demonstrated that the disease group showed significantly high amounts of T. denticola, F. alocis and P. tannerae when compared with health sites. MMP-2 and MMP-9 were detected in high concentrations with statistically significantly reduction after periodontal treatment to MMP-2, but without correlation with EMMPRIN.
The association between platelets, angiogenesis and progression or repair of periodontal disease has been little explored and, consequently, the results are inconclusive. The pathogenic bacteria present in the periodontal pocket release endotoxins that affect the endothelial integrity and are able to induce the production of chemical mediators derived from plasma proteins and blood clotting while altering platelet function. There is great interest in the modulation of platelet activity in vascular disorders, especially cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, antiplatelet drugs, that are commonly used in the prevention of thromboembolic diseases, such as myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and peripheral arterial disease, have been used. Aspirin is the only non-steroidal antiinflammatory agent with antiplatelet activity. In the periodontium, instead of only reduces levels of inflammatory cytokines, also significantly affects bleeding on probing, suggesting a dose-dependent modulation of periodontitis. In contrast, clopidogrel and ticlopidine are thienopyridine drugs with no known antiinflammatory action, suggesting that this benefit is related to an antiinflammatory effect indirectly correlated to their antiplatelet activity already established. In the literature there is limited information about the effect of these drugs on periodontium and periodontal disease development. Antiplatelet drugs hypothetically can change both the pathogenesis of periodontitis and subsequent periodontal tissue repair by blocking the secretion of chemical mediators which in general are important in modulating inflammation and tissue repair.
The correct distinguishment of microorganisms involved in the periodontal disease pathogen, it is important in the understanding of its progression and adequate treatment planning. Considering this fact, some molecular methods of identification and quantification were developed and are extremely sensitive and precise in the characterization of different bacteria species. The present study aimed to realize a literature review, including studies that realized a comparative analysis between bacterial culture and real time PCR methods in the identification of pathogens. The bacterial culture method can possibly identify new microorganisms and realize antibiotics sensitivity tests. The real time PCR is a microbiologic test that identifies and quantifies bacterial species, through gene amplification of predetermined DNA fragments, with high sensitivity and specificity, and need a shorter operation time of the operator when compared to the bacterial culture method. In this way, to determine a specific diagnostic test, should be considered not only its precision in the identification of microorganisms, but the cost-benefit relationship as well.
Endodontics is a science that embodies etiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of apical periodontitis and its repercussion in the organism. Technological resources in diagnosis and root canal negotiation, and new strategies , associated to mainly cleaning and eliminating the infection of the root canal system, shaping, and filling the endodontic space, according to biological bases, will allow us to reach higher standards of post-treatment success.
Traditionally, the apicoectomies are carried out with the vestibular approach for visibility and easiness of access. The aim of this study was to present a case report of a patient with extensive injury endo-periodontal opted for the surgical access through a palatal incision. The patient presented with abscess drainage via periodontal ligament. The periodontal probing coincident with the radiographic apex in mesial tooth on dental element 22. Radiographically it was noted that the periapical lesion extended from the distal of the tooth 11 to the mesial of tooth 23. The tooth 22 had undergone endodontic treatment and showed signs of shutter material extravasation. It was decide to carry out an approach by the Palatine of the tooth to prevent gingival. After the flap elevation, the injury was debrided and apicoectomy was performed. The patient reported no pain or discomfort after surgery. Furthermore, as follow-up of 30 months there was total remission of signs and symptoms presented initially and absence of gingival recession. Therefore, according to the results showed in this case report, it is suggested that the Palatine access is an alternative approach that can be successfully employed in cases of apicoectomies in order to avoid the occurrence of gingival recessions.
This case report presents an apical radicular perforation management using new calcium silicate-based cement (Biodentine) in a combined endodontic-periodontal lesion. The presence of apical radicular perforation may interfere in the endodontic treatment prognosis. Radicular perforation filling with bioactive cement through endodontic surgery is a possible treatment. This study presents an apical radicular perforation with periodontal involvement, due to alveolar bone loss on the buccal radicular surface from an incorrect intracanal preparation for the fiber post placing. The chosen alternative was a periapical surgery, the perforation was filled with a silicate and calcium chloride bioactive cement (Biodentine; Septodont, Saint-Maur-des-Fosses Cedex, France), and the radicular surface was etched with citric acid, because the access from root canal was impossible. The follow-up was for 8 months, through clinical and radiographic analysis. At the end of the follow-up, radiographic analyses showed the bone healing, and no clinical changes in periodontal probing depth, gingival recession, and the height of the interproximal mesial and distal papillae were observed. The root perforation treatment has a difficult management, especially when the dental root has a simultaneous periodontal commitment. The Biodentine proves to be a promising material for use in these situations.
Root canal and furcal perforations are causes of endodontic therapy failure and different materials that stimulate tissue mineralization have been proposed for perforation treatment. In the first case, a patient presented tooth 46 with unsatisfactory endodontic treatment and a periapical radiographic lesion. A radiolucent area compatible with a perforating internal resorption cavity was found in the mesial root. The granulation tissue was removed, and root canals were prepared. The intracanal medication was composed of calcium hydroxide and the perforation cavity was filled with Portland cement. The 11-year followup showed radiographic repair of the tissue adjacent to the perforation and absence of clinical signs and symptoms or periapical lesion. In the second case, a patient presented with edema on the buccal surface of tooth 46. The examination showed a radiolucent area in the furcation region compatible with an iatrogenic perforation cavity. The mesial root canals were calcified, and only the distal root canal was prepared. The cavity was filled with a calcium hydroxide-based paste and the distal root canal was obturated. In sequence, the perforation cavity was filled with Portland cement. The 9-year followup showed the tooth in masticatory function with radiographic and clinical aspects compatible with normality.
The apical surgery with simultaneous root filling consists in the elimination of the local etiologic factors concomitant with the shaping and obturation of the root canal system. This technique is indicated when there is no possibility of obturating the root canal by conventional methods. Some adverse factors may difficult the clinical procedures, such as the radiographic interpretation. Periapical radiographs must not be used as the main diagnostic resource due to their inherent disadvantages, such as distortion and superimposition with other anatomical structures. The aim of this clinical case report is to show the limitations of radiographic examination in an apical surgery in which a root perforation was not visible in the radiographic image, as well as the gutta-percha was not related to its real clinical location.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of endodontists and general practioners to perform the differential radiographic diagnosis between internal and external root resorptions, using digitized periapical radiographs. Methods: Thirty periapical radiographic images of external and internal resorption were selected. The evaluators were comprised of 15 endodontists and 29 general practitioners who answered a questionnaire with the following question: “What type of resorption in the following radiographics do you diagnose?” (1) Inflammatory external root resorption. (2) Internal root resorption. Statistical analysis was performed based on the Mann-Whitney test, with significance level of 5%. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the percentage of correct answers from specialists in endodontics and general practitioners. Conclusions: Both groups demonstrated satisfactory skill in the radiographic interpretation of internal and external resorption and there was a higher percentage of correct diagnosis of internal resorption than the external.