298 resultados para Escritor


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In our analysis of Antonil, author of Cultura e opulência do Brasil, we oppose to the historiography that analyses him as a writer who examines Brazilian society of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, sometimes from a religious perspective, others from the economy perspective. Thus, the historiography sometimes explains him as an author who has a religious vision of society, others as an author who would have an economic view of it. In our viewpoint, both ways to consider him fail for being extreme. To comprehend him, it is necessary to understand him from the issues he has dealt with and how he dealt with them. Only then we can reconcile the religious and economic aspects of his worldview.


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In this article we analyze how the character of the story-teller is build up as a fictional creation in the novel Avalovara (1973) by Osman Lins (1924-1978).We associated the building process of the narrator-character to the poetic wich brings a fragmentary feature to the writer’s language, and reflects a search for some coherency in a given chaotic environment, wherein space itself becomes the role of a dialogue between identity and representation of the real in the construction of the narrative analyzed here.


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In this article we analyze how the character of the story-teller is build up as a fictional creation in the novel Vaca de nariz sutil (1961) by Walter Campos de Carvalho (1916-1998). We associated the building process of the narrator-character to the poetic of the surrealism, process which brings a fragmentary feature to the writer’s language, and reflects a search for some coherency in a given chaotic environment, wherein space itself becomes the role of a dialogue between identity and representation of the real in the construction of the narrative analyzed here.


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The Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi (Pisa-1943, Lisbon-2012) is considered by the critic as one of the most representative voices in the contemporary European literature. The Literature, according to Tabucchi, exerts a fundamental role in society and it, still according to the writer, must cause disquietude, evoke doubts, raise questions and not tranquilize people’s mind. Thereby, it’s noticed that it’s one of the reasons why the tabucchian narrative incessantly dialogues with Luigi Pirandello’s and Fernando Pessoa's poetics, establishing a great fictional game in wich the people, the truths, the history and the world are shown, at the least, duplicated.


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The objective of this work is to analyze the literary construction of Camões in the work Que farei com este livro?, by José Saramago. By difficulty in publishing his magnum opus, Os Lusíadas, Camões traverses the various Portuguese authorities in order to be able to give concreteness to his work years in exile. Using historical aspects and gaps on the biography of Camões, Saramago creates a work that shows the inertia that reigned in Portugal after the great conquests. Work of counterpoint between past and present, Que farei com este livro? represents an important reflection on the role of the writer and their challenges in times of decadence.


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The purpose of this article is to discuss the representations of intellectual in the epistolary production of Jorge de Sena (1919‐1978), more specifically in correspondence with Virgil Ferreira (1916‐1997), which occurred between the years 1950 to 1975. Some topics, such as the condition of intellectual dictatorship, the position of the writer and his relations with the aesthetics of Neo‐Realism and the condition of exile, are important topics that make up most of the concerns of both writers.


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This article aims to present some reflections about a selection of letters that Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) wrote to Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893), between September 23, 1872 and May 3, 1880. For eight years, Flaubert was Maupassant’s friend and a literary master and his letters, marked by a multiple and disordered discourse, reveal a path to friendship and the passionate dedication of the master regarding the intellectual and artistic development of the young writer. It is intended here, to draw some considerations to the moments when Flaubert’s speech assumes, directly or indirectly, a pedagogical role and the letter becomes a way to literary teaching.


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This article analyses how Victor Hugo embodied his heroes and Machado de Assis his anti-heroes. Three Assis´s short stories and three Hugo´s novels are compared: “O caso da Vara” and the chapter “L‟affaire Champmathieu” from the book Les Misérables; “Noite de Almirante” and Les Travailleurs de la Mer; “Um incêndio” and Quatre-Vingt-Treize. These texts present similar situations, but each author shows an outcome that reveals their literary proposal. For this reason, Comparative Literature and Intertext had been used as base of reflection for this article.


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This paper aims at rescuing some critical appraisals found in the high school anthology Autores Contemporâneos (1931), by the critic, philologist and writer João Ribeiro, one of the main Brazilian intellectual representatives of the first decades of the twentieth century. João Ribeiro, along with Coelho Neto and, Laudelino Freire, among others, took part in of the panel which compiled, in 1921, the Dicionário da Academia Brasileira de Letras. Therefore, we find the analytical process João Ribeiro, their theoretical observations, concepts and dilemmas which are appointed by him in literary history and criticism of the early twentieth century.


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Victor Hugo was one of the most important writers of the French litterature. He publishied novels and plays, but he dedicated himself especially to the poetry. This article aims to describe the poetic journey of Victor Hugo and analyses how the History of France, the life of the writer and the discussions about Romantism combined and formed a work that traverses the century.


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Objetiva-se apresentar uma possibilidade de leitura da obra juvenil Pedro Pedra, de Gustavo Bernardo, na qual se considera o papel do leitor e do narrador. Para a consecução desse objetivo, pretende-se refletir, a partir das contribuições da estética da recepção, acerca do que propicia o prazer na leitura e quais elementos determinam o papel do leitor implícito e as disposições do narrador. Constrói-se, neste texto, a hipótese de que a estratégia do escritor de apresentar sua narrativa sob a forma de um romance de formação permite ao jovem leitor, também em fase de definição de sua personalidade, identificação com a temática.


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Tras la publicación de una serie de novelas caracterizadas por la experimentación formal y la innovación linguística, el valenciano Alfons Cervera (1947- ) inició un proyecto literario de rememoración de la posguerra española, centrado en una trilogía de novelas: El color del crepúsculo, (1995), Maquis (1997), La noche inmóvil (1999). La trilogía reconstruye la memoria del cotidiano de los habitantes de Los Yesares, nombre fictício atribuído al pueblo de Gestalgar, tierra natal del escritor, en Valencia. Las narrativas presentan semejanzas temáticas y estruturales, así como tienen personajes en común. En El color del crepúsculo, la protagonista Sunta, por medio de un relato rememorativo, intenta recuperar el tiempo perdido, el entorno seguro de la infancia y de la adolescencia. Maquis, segunda novela de la trilogía, por medio de una narrativa fragmentada, relata la historia del cotidiano de los habitantes del mismo pueblo, marcado por la represión y el miedo, y la vida de los guerrilleros, los maquis, que sobreviven en las montañas. Félix, el abuelo de Sunta, es el protagonista de La noche inmóvil que está a la espera de la muerte, atormentado por el recuerdo de su hijo muerto y por las voces de los amigos que ya se fueron. Memoria y ficción construyen un imaginario ambivalente en las novelas, borrando los límites entre la memoria personal, la memoria colectiva y la histórica.


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Le but de cet article est de démontrer que la production de textes biographiques a été une activité constante pendant toute la carrière intellectuelle et politique du vicomte de Taunay, de façon à contribuer pour rendre célèbres des personnalités brésiliennes et étrangères qui, selon lui-même, ont joué un rôle important dans le projet de constitution de la nationalité brésilienne. Em outre, ce texte vise signaler un aspect caractéristique de la méthode biographique adoptée par l’écrivain, puisqu’il va au-délà de la chronologie tradionnelle qui considère la naissance et la mort comme points de répère identifiant le début et la fin du récit: d’autres textes (écrits ou non par lui) s’y ajoutent toujours, de manière à le rendre fragmentaire et, par conséquent, plus proche de la discontinuité et du caractère aléatoire de l’existence humaine.