314 resultados para Clínica odontológica


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Dental plaque is the principal etiological agent of periodontal disease, one of oral diseases more prevalent in the world. Due existence of relation between periodontal disease and oral hygiene, on the point of periodontal view, it was developed a growing interesting by experimental research and by clinical investigations. The knowledge of problem, its extension, severity, hypothetic cause is so valuable to establish prevention, control and treatment acts. In this form, the use of plaque index becomes more and more often, being valuable the determination of discriminatory power of them. The aim of this work was to describe and analyze principal forms to register of dental plaque aiming to subsidize the researcher and dental surgeon on adoption of most adequate method for their case. Data bases: Medline, Lilacs and BBO were consulted without limit to identify the format of register of each index described on literature. It was observed the use of Oral Hygiene Index on diverse ways like: clinical evaluation of dental plaque, in products evaluation works and dental Office; patients monitoring; instruction about hygiene and oral hygiene technique. It was noted that dental plaque indexes are useful and allows the register of different forms point out the importance of its use on clinical and researches practice.


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During clinical routine, the orthodontist uses several materials, which include metallic alloys in the form of metallic wires. However, it is necessary that the professional has some knowledge of the properties of those wires. Different types of wires are commercially available: stainless steel wires, chrome-cobalt wires, nickel-titanium wires and beta-titanium wires. Among the nickel-titanium wires, there are three subdivisions: a conventional alloy and two superelastic alloys. The superelasticity, associated to the effect of form memory, is a property used in orthodontics to initiate the dental movement in the first phase of the orthodontic treatment. This property is considered to be biologically compatible with the effective dental movement. These wires are available at the market in different transformation temperatures, and they offer the best adaptation in the groove of the bracket, simplicity and a faster treatment. However, they present little formability, and they don’t accept solder. They are also more onerous than other wires. Moreover, the low rigidity of these wires doesn’t allow them to be used for the retraction of the anterior teeth or closing of spaces. Therefore, the coherent use of superelastic orthodontic wires is recommended, accompanied by a detailed diagnosis and planning, so the result will be an efficient orthodontic correction, accomplished in a shorter period of time.


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A Ortodontia apresenta como um de seus pilares de sustentação as reações biológicas provenientes da indução mecânica. Desde seu início, vários estudos foram realizados para esclarecer os eventos biológicos decorrentes da movimentação dentária sob indução mecânica. Entretanto, mesmo sabendo-se que entre os procedimentos mecânicos e os fenômenos biológicos que acontecem no cotidiano ortodôntico não deve ocorrer disparidade, frequentemente observa-se uma preponderância para a busca do tipo de aparelhagem e o emprego de forças controladas, principalmente pelos fios. Esses aspectos deixam transparecer, principalmente para o profissional menos experiente, que somente o controle mecânico rege a movimentação dentária. Um exemplo que enfatiza exclusivamente o procedimento mecânico nos cursos de Ortodontia é o typodont. Convém salientar que essa metodologia de ensino é válida para simular a movimentação dentária no aspecto técnico-mecânico, porém, o conhecimento biológico da movimentação deve ter o mesmo nível de importância e não pode haver dicotomia; caso contrário, o resultado da movimentação ortodôntica pode causar prejuízos nas estruturas radiculares, óssea e periodontais, bem como comprometer as diversas estruturas em longo prazo.


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The use of computers in dental clinics has brought many benefits to dentist, helping them in various technical, administrative and legal. This study aimed to verify whether dentist, students of the post-graduate course in Orthodontics and Implantodontia of the Brazilian Association of Dentistry (ABO), regional Araçatuba-SP, using computers and digital documentation in clinical practice. They were invited to participate in the study all 60 students enrolled in courses of Orthodontics and Implantodontia of those institutions, in the year 2007 and those who consented (n = 52) answered a questionnaire containing questions open and closed on the subject . As the profile of the participants, 64.5% are male, 51.9% are between 30-39 years of age and 48.1% completed the graduation in the 90th. A 69.3% said they didn't receive any notion of computing during graduation and 67.3% use the computer in the office, mainly for management of the same (34.3%). Regarding the use of electronic record 55.8% reported using this technology, while 44.2% denied. 32.7% do not believe that electronic records that can serve as proof of judicial and 35.7% believe that the electronic records should be archived for 20 years. It follows that most professionals use the computer in the office and also the digital records, but does not feel secure about the legal validity of such documents, unknown, including the appropriate time of its filing.


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Introduction: The current Brazilian legislation states that health services must be performed by the Specialized Service of Safety Engineering and Labor Medicine (SESMT). Objective: To analyze the dental and medical reasons for absenteeism, checking the interference of factors such as age, gender and position of the worker, and most of the reasons that led the employee to miss work. Material and methods: The research appears as a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The dental and medical certificates and statements of attendance were analyzed, duly approved, lodged in a acrylic industry in the city of Araçatuba-SP, from January to July 2011. Results: Of the total number of certificates (n = 1841), only 103 (5.6%) were for dental reasons. Predominance of the age group of 20-29 years, males and with non-administrative function. The reasons most dental and medical certificates stated that led the workers to miss working days were "inclusive and impacted teeth" and "diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin", respectively. As to factors related to absenteeism, there was a severity index of 2.83, 1.33 frequency and average duration of absences of 2.12. Conclusions: It is concluded that dental reasons had little weight on total absences due to illness that caused the temporary leave of the worker for a shorter period. The age and function variables influence the occurrence of work absenteeism.


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People with disabilities require special dental care according to the type of disability, degree of involvement of intellectual and motor complications, such individuals may have dental problems that require specific training of the dentist. The objective of this study was a literature review emphasizing the need for early and preventive dental treatment for people with disabilities and training and technical knowledge necessary for quality service performed by the dentist. The literature review was conducted primarily using articles published nationally, to establish the development of dentistry for special patients in Brazil, thus emphasizing some policies and measures adopted in certain areas of the country. It was concluded that preventive care is essential and that the projects of health promotion are important facilitators of social inclusion and provide increased success in dental care. Technical training of professionals is extremely important, therefore, be important to trace an appropriate treatment plan and establish communication with the multidisciplinary team involved in patient care.


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Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, clinicamente, a efetividade de dois agentes clareadores aplicados sobre a superfície dentária durante 45 minutos, sem troca do gel. Foram selecionados 10 pacientes de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, e a arcada superior dos pacientes foi dividida em duas hemiarcadas (n = 10): na hemiarcada direita (HD), foi aplicado o peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (PH) Clàriant Office (Angelus); e, na hemiarcada esquerda (HE), o PH 38% Opalescence Boost (Ultradent). Foram realizadas duas sessões clínicas, de 45 minutos cada, com intervalo de uma semana entre as sessões. Inicialmente, ao tratamento clareador, os pacientes receberam profilaxia, moldagem para guia de mensuração de cor com silicone de condensação e avaliação de cor por meio de um aparelho espectrofotômetro Vita Easyshade (Vita Zhanfabrik, Alemanha). Após 14 dias do término do tratamento clareador, foi realizada a mensuração final da cor dos dentes. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t e de Tukey (p < 0,05). Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as hemiarcadas quanto à efetividade do clareamento (p = 0,146) e nem quanto à sensibilidade. Pode-se concluir que a aplicação dos materiais avaliados sem troca do gel, por 45 minutos, foi eficaz em promover o clareamento de dentes vitais e com baixa sensibilidade dentária.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar longitudinalmente um novo protocolo para técnica de clareamento de dentes vitais em consultório. Foram selecionados 20 pacientes, com critérios preestabelecidos, e divididos aleatoriamente, de acordo com o produto utilizado, em 2 grupos (n=10): Grupo 1 — Opalescence Xtra Boost (Ultradent); e Grupo 2 — White Gold Office (Dentsply). Os agentes clareadores foram aplicados apenas uma vez, durante 45min, e cada paciente submetido a duas sessões clareadoras. Para avaliação da cor inicial dos dentes, após 1 mês e após 3 meses do tratamento clareador, foi utilizada a escala de cor Vita Clássica, ordenada pela luminosidade. Concluiu-se que não há diferença no clareamento ou sensibilidade dentária entre os grupos, sendo desnecessária a troca do gel clareador e/ou a utilização de fonte de luz para os agentes clareadores avaliados.


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This study aimed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of two bleaching agents without changing the whitening gel during the clinic session 1X45minutos. 10 patients were selected according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion and upper arch of the patients were divided into two quadrants (n: 10), G1: gel clareador Clàriant Office (hidrogênio35 Angellus) peroxide% (PH) in superior right side (LD) and the gel WhitenessHp Blue (FGM) PH 35% on the superior left side (LE. 2 clinical sessions were accomplished, 45 minutes each, with an interval of one week between sessions. At first the bleaching treatment patients received prophylaxis, molding to guide measurement of color with condensation silicon and the color evaluation through the apparel spectrophotometer VITA Easyshade (Vita Zhanfabrik, Alemanhã). 14 days after the end of the bleaching treatment was performed the measurement final color of the teeth. The patients reported sensitivity in scale 0-4. The result showed that through T Test comparing quadrants presented no statistical differences (p>0,05) in relation to coloration and dental sensibility. It can be concluded that the materials evaluated are effective for bleaching vital teeth with low tooth sensibility.


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Lyme disease (LD) is a systemic inflammatory changes resulting from the direct action of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi on the host or indirect damage produced by immune response to this microorganism. This pathogen is transmitted by inoculation in the bloodstream by the tick genus Ixodes and is most commonly found in North America, Europe and Asia. In these regions, the dental community is aware about its commonest clinical symptoms, collaborating with the establishment of a diagnosis. However, in Brazil, the frequent facial or peripheral neurological manifestations, among them the Bell's palsy, ocular disorders, disorders in the temporomandibular joint, as well as paresthesia of upper and lower alveolar nerves are observed. In our country, the diagnosis of Lyme disease is primarily based on clinical symptomatology, but most of cases remain without diagnosis and treatment. Then, the detection of the early manifestations of Lyme disease by health professionals is essential for the proper antibiotic treatment, preventing the progression of the disease, and allowing the establishment of favorable prognostic.


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Várias resoluções e leis visam minimizar e/ou adequar os resíduos gerados, dentre outros aspectos. Nesse sentido, a Disciplina de Radiologia, funcionários que trabalham no setor e docentes ligados a biossegurança e sustentabilidade ambiental estudaram as referidas normas e leis, além de artigos científicos relacionados ao descarte dos resíduos gerados em radiologia para realizar o descarte correto desses materiais e para orientar e conscientizar os acadêmicos sobre o assunto. Verificou-se que os resíduos gerados com a radiografia convencional são considerados resíduos químicos (tipo B) e devem ser descartado separadamente dos resíduos tipo A (infectantes), C (radioativos), D (comum) e dos E (perfuro-cortantes), visto que podem ser reutilizados, recuperados ou reciclados, e em última instância, podem ser dispostos em aterro de resíduos perigosos Classe I.


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The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignancy in the oral cavity, representing over 90% of cancers in this region. This study aimed to conduct an epidemiological study of oral squamous carcinoma cases diagnosed by the Department of Pathology, Department of Pathology and Clinical Propaedeutics in the Dentistry Faculty of Araçatuba - UNESP, in the period between 1995 and 2005. 185 cases were studied, it was observed that the oral floor and tongue were the sites most affected, with predominance in males, white race and aged between 41 and 60 years, noting that the majority of patients were smokers. Knowledge of these data is important for the dental surgeon to act preventively, contributing to early diagnosis of cancer.