302 resultados para Celulose


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A time-and-motion study in wood processing of the Eucalyptus harvester's operational cycle was developed. The objective was to evaluate wood harvesters working under several site conditions. The research includes two kinds of harvesters while processing wood to supply paper and cellulose factories, as follows: a machine with twin tires and other one with large tracks, both connected to a different head harvester models. The forestry species were Eucalyptus saligna Smith and Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, seven and eight years old, in slope terrains ranging from 0% to 10% degrees, under harvesting systems used by Votorantim and Suzano forestry companies, in São Paulo State, Brazi. Considering all field research, results disclosed that, for some conditions, both machines have shown mathematical correlation between some mechanical wood operation within the processing operational cycle and the saw logs production. All the mathematical correlations were found to express logarithmical models.


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Tralcao, situated in the Rios region, named after the various rivers that flow nearby, in Chile, is bathed by the Pichoy River and it encounters the rivers Estero Colliaico and Cruces. A cellulose company was established there back in 2004, and since the it has been dumping waste in the Cruces river, causing grave environmental issues and bringing severe consequences to the region. In the middle of the crossfire, we find Mr. Francisco Manquecho, considered to be an opinion leader according to Luis Beltrão, who assesses the real situation in the region throughout his song lyrics, acting as a propagator of the resistance against the environmental degradation occurring in Tralcao. Francisco acts as a ‘folkcommunicacional’ agent by spreading a non-hegemonic bias through his songs. The objective of this article is to show how an opinion leader acts in a context of environmental degradation in Tralcao region using the basis of the Folkcommunication Theory and the communicational processes which involve music as a concrete action of popular resistance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of different doses of biofertilizers made from waste produced by cattle and pigs at growing-finishing on nutritive value of Piatã grass. The experiment was carried out at green house using a split plot design with a completely randomized factorial. Plots were divided into eight treatments: four doses of two biofertilizers, and four different periods of subplots cut. Biofertilizers were applied at a single dose, after the cut to standardize the plots, using doses of Nitrogen of 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 . The results showed no significant difference among types of biofertilizer and also, the biofertilizer x dose interaction was not significant, making possible to recommend both of biofertilizers, with no risk of plant injure. Contents of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin showed negative linear behavior as a function of increasing doses of nitrogen. Contents of crude protein and “in vitro” dry matter digestibility coefficients replied linearly and positively to nitrogen doses. It also observed the effect of cut periods, since plants that were cut in summer showed nutritive value superior to those plants that were cut in autumn.


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The present work sought to discriminate, to map and to quantify the areas of soil use of the Stream Monte Belo watershed - Botucatu (SP), obtained by digitale images. The cartographic bases were the shart planialtimetric, edited by IBGE (1969) and the satellite images LANDSAT - 7, passages of 21/01/1999, 08/01/2003 and 23/10/2006. The Software Idrisi Andes 15.0 were used for conversion of the analogical information for digital and for determination of the vegetable coverings areas. The results allowed to verify that the SIG - IDRISI Andes 15.0 were efficient in the quantification of the areas with soil use and that the analysis of the data showed a cash progress of the areas of reforestations to the detriment of the areas of pastures, especially from 1999, 2003 to 2006, when the field areas were substituted by the forestry in his totality. In spite of that progress, the forest areas that you correspond to the Permanent Preservation Areas, They are considerably preserved. That result comes to the encounter of the tendency of expansion of the forestry, especially after the installation of cellulose industries in the area, what worsened the environmental problems originating from of the practice of the monoculture.


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The biomass resulting from processing sugarcane bagasse has been considered a source of cellulose with the potential production of bio-fuels. This lignocellulose can be processed into ethanol since is hydrolyzed by chemical processes (acids) or biotechnology (enzymes) which generate sugars suit for fermentation. This study had the objective to utilize physical and chemical pre-treatment processes for prehydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse. The experimental treatment was adjusted at a factor of 4 X 2, by the combination of pre-hydrolysis timing (15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes) and sulfuric acid concentrations (7.0% and 9.0%) which was incubated at a temperature of 121° C in an autoclave. The treatment data was subjected to analysis of the variance and averages which were compared using the Tukey test with a probability of 5%. The results obtained showed that through pretreatment acid applied on the lignocellulose material, there was a significant break from the substrate fibers like cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.


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The production of ethanol and sugar from sugarcane juice generate as byproduct, the bagasse. Currently, the bagasse, an industrial lignocellulosic biomass, can be used for production of second-generation ethanol, since when it is submitted to hydrolytic processes generates fermentable sugars. The objective of this study was to produce fungal enzymes capable of hydrolyzing this lignocellulosic biomass to generate glucose. For this, we used the mushroom species Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii, and Pycnoporus sanguineus as potential sources of laccase, manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase enzymes, capable of hydrolyzing the crushed sugarcane. The hydrolysis process was performed with the highest enzymatic activities observed from laccase in L. edodes (39.23 U-mL after 25 day incubation), P. ostreatus (2.5 U U-mL after 27 day incubation), P. sanguineus (80 U-mL after 27 days of incubation) and P. eryngii (16.45 U-mL 15 days incubation). MnP and LiP showed no significant results. The enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse in natura (32,17% hemicellulose, cellulose 52,45% and 10,62% lignin) and bagasse hydrolyzate with 7,0% H2SO4 (0,20% hemicellulose, 68,82% to 25,33% cellulose and lignin) were evaluated for each enzymatic obtained. Compared to others, the enzymes produced by P. sanguineus incubated in sugarcane bagasse showed better efficiency resulting in glucose with an average content of 0,14 g-L. Although the levels of glucose determined in this work were low in relation to the literature, it can be stated that the laccase, manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase enzymes demonstrated good hydrolytic potential, especially those produced by the fungus P. sanguineus.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Nowadays the companies generate great amount of data from different sources, however some of them produce more data than they can analyze. Big Data is a set of data that grows very fast, collected several times during a short period of time. This work focus on the importance of the correct management of Big Data in an industrial plant. Through a case study based on a company that belongs to the pulp and paper area, the problems resolutions are going to be presented with the usage of appropriate data management. In the final chapters, the results achieved by the company are discussed, showing how the correct choice of data to be monitored and analyzed brought benefits to the company, also best practices will be recommended for the Big Data management