304 resultados para Anthonomus grandis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the neotropical savannah, Astronium species are used in popular medicine to treat allergies, inflammation, diarrhea and ulcers. Given that natural products are promising starting points for the discovery of novel potentially therapeutic agents, the aim of the present study was to investigate the mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of hydroalcoholic extracts of Astronium spp. The mutagenicity was determined by the Ames test on Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA97a, TA100 and TA102. The antimutagenicity was tested against the direct-acting and indirect-acting mutagens. The results showed that none of the extracts induce any increase in the number of revertants, demonstrating the absence of mutagenic activity. On the other hand, the results on the antimutagenic potential showed a moderate inhibitory effect against NPD and a strong protective effect against B[a]P and AFB1. This study highlights the importance of screening species of Astronium for new medicinal compounds. The promising results obtained open up new avenues for further study and provide a better understanding the mechanisms by which these species act in protecting DNA from damage. However, further pharmacological and toxicological investigations of crude extracts of Astronium spp., as well as of its secondary metabolites, are necessary to determine the mechanism(s) of action to guarantee their safer and more effective application to human health.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The structure of juruenolide, a constituent of Iryanthera juruensis and I. ulei is revised to (2S, 3R, 4S)-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-(19′-piperonyl-1′-n-nonadecyl)-butanolide. The compound is epimeric at C-3 of the γ-lactone unit with grandinolide [(2S, 3S, 4S)-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2- (19′-phenyl-1′-n-nonadecyl)-butanolide] from I. grandis. An extract of I. juruensis contained additionally juruenolide-B [(4S)-4-methyl-2-(19′-piperonyl-1′-n-nonadec-7′-enyl)-but-2-enolide]. Analogous products with heptadecyl and pentadecyl side chains co-occur with the respective nonadecyl derivatives. © 1983.


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A time-and-motion study in wood processing of the Eucalyptus harvester's operational cycle was developed. The objective was to evaluate wood harvesters working under several site conditions. The research includes two kinds of harvesters while processing wood to supply paper and cellulose factories, as follows: a machine with twin tires and other one with large tracks, both connected to a different head harvester models. The forestry species were Eucalyptus saligna Smith and Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, seven and eight years old, in slope terrains ranging from 0% to 10% degrees, under harvesting systems used by Votorantim and Suzano forestry companies, in São Paulo State, Brazi. Considering all field research, results disclosed that, for some conditions, both machines have shown mathematical correlation between some mechanical wood operation within the processing operational cycle and the saw logs production. All the mathematical correlations were found to express logarithmical models.


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This work presents the results of the efficiency of three protection methods of roads slopes, against the development of erosion processes.The methods anlyzed were: (1) grass planting "San Carlos" (Axonopus compressus), (2) litter, composed of remains of branches and leaves of eucalyptus E. Grandis, and (3) Compacted soil cover with a local soil with properties more resistant to erosion processes.The experiment consisted of assembly of four rectangular cells with 6 meters, three for protection systems in study and one was kept unprotected to evaluate the efficiency of the methods in study.The determination of the amount of eroded sediment was based on the sum of the solids in suspension and stored sediments in the geotextile bags.The results showed that, compared to the unprotected cell, the litter obtained a reduction of soil loss of 90%, while the grass enveloped and reduced 80% and 65% respectively.


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One of the energy alternatives that provide utility, flexibility, cleanliness and economy is biomass, such as forest waste (wood) and agricultural (sugarcane bagasse, rice husks, coffee pods, etc.). However, with its increasing supply and use grows also the concern of industries to invest in monitoring and control of emissions into the atmosphere, because during biomass burning are emitted as exhaust gases, fine particles known as particulates, which greatly contribute to the triggering of serious health problems to humans, in addition to the environmental damage. With that, this work aimed to conduct a monitoring of particulate and gaseous pollutants emissions to the atmosphere from the burning of various types of biomass used by industries. The equipment used for sampling were the optical monitor DataRAM 4 and the Unigas3000 + gas sampler. The results showed that biomass coffee pods presented the greatest concentration of particulates (485119 μg m-3) with particle diameters between 0.0602 μm and 0.3502 μm, i.e. the most ultrafine particles, harmful to human health and the environment. The largest emissions of CO and NOx were observed, respectively, for the coffee pods (3500 ppm) and for the rice husk (48 ppm). As for the superior calorific value (PCS), the best of fuel, with higher PCS, was the Eucalyptus grandis.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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This study aimed to technically and economically evaluate the Forwarder performance in the first cutting wood extraction from a Eucalyptus grandis plantation. Technical analysis included a movement and timing study by continuous method, and the productivity was determined using the extracted wood volume in cubic meters. Economical analysis included operational costs parameters and wood extraction cost. Results referred to the effective operational performance. Loading and unloading activities responded for more than ¾ of the total time of effective Forwarder operational cycle. Operational costs were influenced by maintenance and repair costs. The estimated cost of extraction was US$ 0.97 per cubic meter.


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One of the important techniques to assist a tree improvement program is the grafting, which is used for the propagation of selected trees. The objective of this study was to evaluate the survival rate using a modified method of lateral grafting on Eucalyptus dunnii, Eucalyptus urophylla and a hybrid of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis. The work was conducted by the research teams of Eucatex and Palmasola companies, in September of 2011, and 589 grafts were made. The survival rate of the grafts was evaluated 180 days after grafting. Survival grafts rates were: 74% for E. dunnii, 55% for E. urophylla and 62% for the hybrid E. urophylla x E. grandis. These survival rates were higher than those currently obtained by the conventional method of eucalypt grafting. Thus, the method seems promising to assist in forest tree improvement programs, but further studies are still necessary to refine this grafting approach.


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Over the past few years, the area of planted forests has expanded considerably in Brazil, reaching a level of 6.3 million hectares, which represents approximately 0.7% of the country, mainly with some species of the Eucalyptus genus. However, due to the global concern with biological invasions by exotic species, risk assessment is necessary to evaluate the potential of Eucalyptus species escaping cultivated stands and invading surrounding native ecosystems. Seedlings by natural regeneration from Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla, pure and hybrids between the two species were evaluated, by assessing natural regeneration of Eucalyptus in 18 sites located in Brazilian states with plantation forest tradition (Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Espírito Santo). Sample plots were installed in the planted stands, along forest roads and in a nearby pasture or native vegetation.,at different distances from the Eucalyptus stands. Regeneration of Eucalyptus was not recorded in 90% of the plots installed outside the eucalipt stands. However, seedlings of eucalypts were observed in 29% of the plots within the commercial stands (mean density of 37 seedlings per hectare) and 40% of the plots located along forest roads (157 seedlings per hectare on average), but no adult plants by natural regeneration were found. The seedlings of eucalypt species studied rarely were found beyond the limits of the cultivated areas. In the planted stands or along forest roads, eucalypts can germinate, but the seedlings apparently do not establish. So the potential for invasion by seeds produced in commercial plantations of Eucalyptus is low.


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Genus Atta includes some of the most important Formicidae leaf cutter ants which cause extensive damage to the eucalyptus plantations. Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, one of the chief pests in Brazilian reforestation, can restrict and reduce forest productivity by its intense and constant leaf-cutting activities on plants at all stages. Therefore, the demand for new products to control A. sexdens rubropilosa indicates the study of the utilization of the dry powder formulation of diatomaceous earth (DE) against this pest in the eucalyptus cultivars. The study was conducted using 120 colonies of A. sexdens rubropilosa in Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden x Eucalyptus urophylla Blake (Myrtaceae) (urograndis) stand. The randomized block experimental design was used with six treatments (1, 10, 25, and 50 g/m2 of DE, 6.0 g/m2 sulfluramid bait per square meter of loose soil, and the control) with five replications, each with four colonies of this ant. Diatomaceous earth was applied to the active A. sexdens rubropilosa ant holes, and the sulfluramid bait was applied in bulk in a localized manner. The control efficacy of A. sexdens rubropilosa with DE was low, showing values similar to that of the control, and, for this reason, it cannot be used to control this ant. The bait with sulfluramid showed higher efficacy than those of the other treatments.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)