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In this paper we analyze some factors of urban life in small towns, among which we can highlight the political, economic and social, more specifically in the city of Emilianpolis, and its great dependence on other cities. The number of small towns has grown in recent years and this study shows is of great importance for understanding the differences that exist between them and the larger cities. Where Emilianpolis, having its location next to a city average (Presidente Prudente), we realize that its existence depends largely on the proximity of that with a bigger city. The study looked at the origin of the city, its spatial structure, its insertion into the urban network and the degree of dependence with other cities, notably Presidente Prudente, which generates a steady stream of people moving from Emilianpolis to study, work, leisure, between others, besides the permanent migration, which often makes life easier for those residents. With this study, we intend to demonstrate how Emilianpolis is inserted into the urban network, how is its interaction with other cities and how they live their inhabitants


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Em muitos pases, principalmente os mais desenvolvidos, o aumento da expectativa de vida um fato constatado atravs das pesquisas pblicas. No Brasil, a idade mxima atingida pela populao , em mdia, de aproximadamente setenta e dois anos. Porm, estes nmeros foram resultado de um crescimento contnuo e persistente da expectativa de vida no pas e que continua acontecendo. So consideradas idosas as pessoas com mais de sessenta anos. No Brasil, j existem investimentos em pesquisas e projetos voltados para os idosos, com necessidades peculiares, os recursos e equipamentos adequados para essa parte da populao, mas no so suficientes. O projeto em questo busca resolver com a Arquitetura e o Urbanismo muitos dos problemas enfrentados na terceira idade. Sem excluir nenhuma faixa etria da populao, mas dando nfase aos idosos, o projeto estuda um espao pblico j existente para dar-lhes acessibilidade e estrutura de servios para serem realizadas as atividades de rotina e lazer. O projeto ter vrios focos dentro de uma rea dos bairros de Pinheiros e Vila Madalena, na cidade de So Paulo, para promover uma maior e mais eficiente incluso do idoso no espao urbano. O primeiro foco uma praa que ter equipamentos que ajudam no fsico, na sade e no entretenimento dos idosos. O segundo a revitalizao da Rua Mourato Coelho, que liga a praa com a Feira Livre, alm de todos os comrcios e atividades propostos na rua e at o prprio bairro, atraindo mais ateno praa. Este comercio, prximo, poder proporcionar atividades de trabalho para os idosos, sendo um terceiro foco de tentativa de incluso deste contingente no espao urbano


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The process of urbanization that happened in Brazil during the twentieth century led to processes of structuring and re-organization of space, besides the emergence of many urban problems. Industrialization and urbanization are some of the main causes that could be cited as consequences of this process. As a result of the steep rise of cities, the transport systems became fundamental in boosting flows (immaterial) and the mobility of people and stuff (materials) in the territory. The urban model created for the city of So Paulo in the 1930s was repeated over the years in the medium-sized cities, being repeated the same problems that occurred in the metropolis. In this context our work fits in analyzing the changes occurring in the urban area of So Jos do Rio Preto - SP, from his relationship with the public transportation system in the face of intra-urban spatial configuration of the city. Transport, while it is recognized by authors as being really important for the analysis and intra-urban spatial configuration, has been little analyzed as the object of study by a geographer, and so, our work has more value


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Ps-graduao em Estudos Lingusticos - IBILCE


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The aim of this article is to present some considerations on the contemporary city figurativizations, from the reading of O Arquiteto, a Bernardo Carvalhos short story, published in the anthology Aberrao (2004). In this short story, the writer retakes the city theme following a modernity tradition, established, among others, by Poe and Baudelaire, making his voice embrace other Brazilian writers voices, that have represented the town, but, at the same time, recreating, in his scripture body, dense and intense, quick and, in some sense, agonic, the utopist projects of renascence ideal cities, questioning the utopias and the aesthetics traces which can be found on the nowadays texts. To enlarge the metalinguistic proposal that emerges from the analysis, some poems by Joo Cabral de Melo Neto are considered. This comparison allow us to establish parameters to think about influence in certain perspective of contemporary literature, which epicenter configures less the supremacy of the newty and more a aesthetic of deletions of the origins, tracks, traces, which are possible by the canon invention.


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This text aims to present the challenges and opportunities of omnilateral formation as elaborated in Villela (2009-2010). This work has the horizon systematize the educational practices originating from the educational experience of Brasil and Cuba. In the struggle for emancipation, these countries have built and are building unique educational practices. In this sense, we start questioning the historical and theoretical topic, omnilateral formation, and deployment, we discuss school and omnilateral formation. We question specifically issues relating to intellectual and educational organization working in the field schools in Cuba (1960-1975). The issue of intellectual and organizational culture, in a Gramscian perspective (Gramsci, 2000), was addressed in several papers throughout our academic career (Villela, 2003, 2008, 2009). In order to further these issues, we address the challenges of formation for children and rural youth in Latin America. By analyzing the educational practices in the education field, emerges the theme of contemporary global justice.


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We present herein an experience report, followed by the analysis of some of its aspects. We discuss teachers education for the integration of Digital Technologies for Information and Communication (DTIC) in the teaching-learning process in public schools, based on actual practices experienced in extension projects developed at the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP). We aimed at providing a reflection on possible means for training of initial teachers in Basic Education for the use of technology, by assuming that it represents unique opportunity to investigate the process of learning the teaching process. The relevance of this discussion is not only to consider that teachers are essential for any novelty expected in education, but also as a reflection on the knowledge that teachers and initial teachers should have and need to overcome an old technology-mediated education.


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September 11 has originated a wide range of artistic manifestations which have not only searched for plausible explanations for the tragedy, but also tried to review the events. In this sense, this paper aims at showing how a novel reevaluates this episode. The attacks made the United States experience a strong sense of vulnerability, triggering reactions from the American government, whose quick action was translated into a new national security strategy, associated with the war on terror. This paper analyzes the narrative strategies employed by the American author Don DeLillo in his novel Falling Man (2007) in order to reevaluate that tragedy. The debate of the topics is based on texts concerning the relationship between literature and history, postmodern fiction and issues on terrorism. This study contributes to enrich the discussion related to the events that led to the catastrophe and its aftermath, examining characters and groups linked to the September 11 terrorist attacks, revealing multiple truths subjected to social, ideological and historical conditions.


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Os pregos na erva (1962), the first book by Maria Gabriela Llansol, presents us several textures and pictures that break the dividing lines of both textual and imaging spaces due to the figurative compositional process that stands within the literary universe, coloring it with words. The short stories found in this book are based on minimum action that silences the voices of the characters, expanding some other composition, a new course, not in the order of the narrative continuum, but of the textual one. The three short stories to be analyzed (Intrito, A casa s avessas e A manh morta) are highlighted due to the meaningful incidence of poetic colors that set representation and the motionless universe of narrative on the move, due to the dialogue established with painting, especially with the pictures by Amadeo Modigliani (Young Brunette) and Picasso (Child holding a dove). Thus, the lines of writing and the geometric ones of painting cross with each other and draft triangles and circles, being responsible for figures that go beyond figurative language and, by doing so, making the suggested images of textualitys fulgor stronger.


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O objetivo deste trabalho aplicar uma clssica ferramenta da Teoria de Singularidades, a saber, desdobramentos de funoes reais, no estudo da estrutura local de alguns subconjuntos do espao Euclidiano.


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O objetivo deste trabalho exibir corpos com infinitas ordens e exibir uma estrutura topolgica ao conjunto das ordens de um corpo. Como cada ordem em um corpo est associada de modo nico a um subgrupo de ndice dois do grupo multiplicativo do corpo, ela fica associada, de modo natural, com uma funao de F \ {0} em {1}, (onde F o corpo em questao). Assim uma ordem um elemento do produto cartesiano xF {1}x. Usando a topologia produto, ser provado que o conjunto das ordens um espao booleano, isto , um espao topolgico de Hausdorff, compacto e totalmente desconexo.


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Neste trabalho apresentamos a proposta de levantar as concepes de um grupo de jovens universitrios dos cursos de graduao, do perodo noturno. Pretendeu-se com esses dados coletados em entrevistas refletir sobre questes como: interesse poltico, conscincia poltica e participao poltica entre os jovens.