56 resultados para wet straw


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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U-238 and its radiogenic daughter U-234 have been utilized for dating soil formation and groundwater residence time during the last 1.5 million years, in this case based on the U-clissolution/precipitation occurring during modifications of the oxidation-reduction conditions. In this paper, we report a 400-600 kyr proxy of wet periods from sediments occurring in a soil profile developed over rocks outcropping at the Parana sedimentary basin in Brazil, and from groundwater exploited of Guarani aquifer at the same basin. The approaches indicated successful use of the U-modeled ages for suggesting wet periods exceeding the past 116-210 kyr from previous studies. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Três formulações de composto, à base de palhas de Cynodom dactylon (L.) Pers. (cultivares Coast-cross e Tyfton) e Aveia-Avena sativa, foram testadas no cultivo das linhagens ABI-01/01, ABI-04/02, ABI-05/03 e ABI-06/04 de A. bisporus. O delineamento experimental foi em esquema fatorial, inteiramente casualizado com 12 tratamentos (4 linhagens de A. bisporus x 3 tipos de composto) e 8 repetições. Cada unidade experimental constou de uma caixa com 1212,5 kg de composto fresco úmido. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. de acordo com os resultados obtidos verificou-se que a produção de cogumelos foi influenciada pela linhagem e/ou pelo tipo de composto. Também verificou-se que o teor de proteína bruta, cinzas e fibra bruta de basidiomas variou com a linhagem de A. bisporus e com o tipo de palha utilizada na formulação do composto.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o controle em pré-emergência de Ipomoea hederifolia e Ipomoea quamoclit pelo herbicida sulfentrazone em função do intervalo de tempo entre a aplicação e a ocorrência de chuva e da manutenção ou não de palha de cana-de-açúcar na superfície do solo. Três experimentos foram desenvolvidos: dois em casa de vegetação e um em campo. Nos experimentos em casa de vegetação, foram estudadas três doses de sulfentrazone (0, 0,6 e 0,9 kg ha-1) pulverizado em duas quantidades de palha na superfície do solo (0 e 10 t ha-1) e cinco intervalos de tempo entre a sua aplicação e a simulação de chuva (0, 20, 40, 60 e 90 dias). No experimento em campo, foram avaliados cinco tratamentos de herbicida (sulfentrazone a 0,6 e 0,9 kg ha-1; sulfentrazone + hexazinone a 0,6 + 0,25 kg ha-1; amicarbazone a 1,4 kg ha-1; e imazapic a 0,147 kg ha-1) e duas testemunhas sem aplicação. A manutenção ou não da palha de cana sobre o solo também foi estudada. em casa de vegetação, a aplicação de 0,6 kg ha-1 de sulfentrazone foi suficiente para o controle adequado de I. hederifolia e I. quamoclit num ambiente seco com até 90 dias sem chuva após a aplicação. Os 20 mm de chuva simulados após a aplicação do herbicida foram suficientes para remover o sulfentrazone da palha para o solo, pois o efeito biológico de controle de I. hederifolia e I. quamoclit não foi alterado. em campo, sem ou com a permanência de palha de cana sobre o solo, o sulfentrazone isolado (0,6 e 0,9 kg ha-1) ou em mistura com hexazinone (0,6 + 0,25 kg ha-1) foi eficaz para I. hederifolia e I. quamoclit, com resposta similar ou melhor que a do amicarbazone (1,4 kg ha-1) e imazapic (0,147 kg ha-1).


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Low density silica sonogels were prepared from acid sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane. Wet gels were studied by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC tests were carried out under a heating rate of 2 degrees C/min from -120 degrees C up to 30 degrees C. Aerogels were obtained by CO(2) supercritical extraction and characterized by nitrogen adsorption and SAXS. The DSC thermogram displays two distinct endothermic peaks. The first, a broad peak extending from about -80 degrees C up to practically 0 degrees C, was associated to the melting of ice nanocrystals with a crystal size distribution with pore diameter ranging from 1 or 2 nm up to about 60 nm, as estimated from Thomson's equation. The second, a sharp peak with onset temperature close to 0 degrees C, was attributed to the melting of macroscopic crystals. The DSC incremental nanopore volume distribution is in reasonable agreement with the incremental pore volume distribution of the aerogel as determined from nitrogen adsorption. No macroporosity was detected by nitrogen adsorption, probably because the adsorption method applies stress on the sample during measurement, leading to a underestimation of pore volume, or because often positive curvature of the solid surface is in aerogels, making the nitrogen condensation more difficult. According to the SAXS results, the solid network of the wet gels behaves as a mass fractal structure with mass fractal dimension D=2.20 +/- 0.01 in a characteristic length scale below xi=7.9 +/- 0.1 nm. The mass fractal characteristics of the wet gels have also been probed from DSC data by means of an earlier applied modeling for generation of a mass fractal from the incremental pore volume distribution curves. The results are shown to be in interesting agreement with the results from SAXS.


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In this work, indium tin oxide (ITO) films were prepared using a wet chemical route, the Pechini method. This consists of a polyesterification reaction between an alpha-hydroxicarboxylate complex (indium citrate and tin citrate) with a polyalcohol (ethylene glycol) followed by a post annealing at 500 degrees C. A 10 at.% of doping of Sn4+ ions into an In2O3 matrix was successfully achieved through this method. In order to characterize the structure, the morphology as well as the optical and electrical properties of the produced ITO films, they were analyzed using different experimental techniques. The obtained films are highly transparent, exhibiting transmittance of about 85% at 550 nm. They are crystalline with a preferred orientation of [222]. Microscopy discloses that the films are composed of grains of 30 nm average size and 0.63 nm RMS roughness. The films' measured resistivity, mobility and charge carrier concentration were 5.8 x 10(-3) Omega cm, 2.9 cm(2)/V s and -3.5 x 10(20)/cm(3), respectively. While the low mobility value can be related to the small grain size, the charge carrier concentration value can be explained in terms of the high oxygen concentration level resulting from the thermal treatment process performed in air. The experimental conditions are being refined to improve the electrical characteristics of the films while good optical, chemical, structural and morphological qualities already achieved are maintained. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The chemical composition, as well as the sources contributing to rainwater chemistry have been determined at Skukuza, in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Major inorganic and organic ions were determined in 93 rainwater samples collected using an automated wet-only sampler from July 1999 to June 2002. The results indicate that the rain is acidic and the averaged precipitation pH was 4.72. This acidity results from a mixture of mineral acids (82%, of which 50% is H2SO4) and organic acids (18%). Most of the H2SO4 component can be attributed to the emissions of sulphur dioxide from the industrial region on the Highveld. The wet deposition of S and N is 5.9 kgS.ha(-1).yr(-1) and 2.8 kgN.ha(-1).yr(-1), respectively. The N deposition was mainly in the form of NH4+. Terrigenous, sea salt component, nitrogenous and anthropogenic pollutants have been identified as potential sources of chemical components in rainwater. The results are compared to observations from other African regions.


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Nanosized and highly reactive magnesium mobate (MgNb2O6) powders were successfully synthesized by a new wet-chemical method by means of the dissolution of Nb2O5 center dot 5H(2)O and in a solution of oxalic acid followed by the addition of stoichiometric amounts of magnesium carbonate. The Nb-Mg-oxalic acid solution was evaporated resulting in a dry and amorphous powder that was calcined in the temperature range from 200 to 900 degrees C for 2 h. The crystallization process from the amorphous state to the crystalline MgNb2O6 was followed by thermal analysis. The calcined powders characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and their morphology examined by high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM). Pure MgNb2O6, free from the second phases and obtained at 800 degrees C was confirmed by a combined analysis using XRD and FT-Raman. The average diameter of the particles was calculated from the HR-SEM image as 70 urn approximately. This technique allows a better mixing of the constituent elements and thus a better reactivity of the mixture to obtain pre-reaction products with high purity at lower temperatures and reducing cost. It can offer a great advantage in the PMN-PT formation with respect to the solid-state synthesis. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Fibre, crude protein and tannin concentrations were measured in browse species from the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil during the dry and wet seasons. The effects of oven-, sun- and shade-drying and of urea treatment were also determined. Crude protein (CP) content varied from 103 to 161 g/kg dry matter (DM) and the browses had similar CP content in the two seasons (during 2002) (102-161 and 107-153 g/kg DM in the wet and dry seasons, respectively). Total tannin concentrations ranged from 13 to 201 g/kg DM amongst the browses and were higher in the dry season. A 30-d treatment with urea reduced extractable tannins significantly (P < 0.05). The urea treatment was also most effective at reducing the in vitro effects of tannins compared to the other drying treatments. This was demonstrated by measuring the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on gas production. Addition of PEG increased gas production of oven- (81.4%), sun- (78.5%) and shade-dried (76.7%) samples much more compared to urea treated samples (10.9%). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The biometric relationship between the weigth and the carapace width in the swimming crab A. cribrarius was compared with the results from other portunid crabs studied previously. During November/1988 to October/1989, a total of 403 specimens (189 males and 214 females) were collected with otter-trawl nets in north coast of the São Paulo State, Brazil. The animals were measured (carapace width excluding lateral spines = LC! and weighed (wet weight = PE). The empiric points of this relation were fit according to the power function (Y = a.X(b)) for each sex, maturation phases and total of individuals. The relation PE x LC indicates that the mole's growth changes during the ontogenesys from isometric (in juvenile phase) to allometric positive (in adult phase). For the females the growth is isometric in the two phases. The weight grows in a higher proportion than the carapace width variable (allometric positive growth). The data can be grouped in a single equation (PE = 7.85.10(-5).LC(3.14)) for the convertion between the variables there was a greater similarity between the equations obtained far each sex. In spite of this, the males present the fattening grade value (''a'') slightly higher than that of the females, possibly because of the greater size reached in its devellopment. The mean weight of the males is greater than the females one (p < 0.01). In the range 80 proves 90mm the males were more abundant, probably due to the females terminal ecdysis is near this size. The females only have the mean weight greater than the males in the 60 proves 70mm range (p < 0.01) when the puberty molt occurs and they present morphological changes in their reproductive system.


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Yields and starch pasting characteristics obtained from wet milling of maize samples with low and high levels of defect grains were compared to those from sound samples. Defect grain groups ere established taking into account the defect degree. Thus the first group consisted of fermented, molded, heated and sprouted grains and the second of insect damaged. hollow, fermented (up to 1/4) grains and those injured by other causes. The grain groups, if present at low levels in the samples, 10% for first group and 17% for second group did not affect the chemical composition of starch and its pasting properties. obtained by the rapid visco analyser. Samples with high levels of grain groups (up to 100%). affected wet milling yields and starch viscosity. Samples with 100% of grains in the first group decreased starch, germ yield and peak viscosity and increased gluten yield. Samples with 100% of grains in the second group decreased germ and fiber yield but increased starch yield. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)