423 resultados para weed regrowth


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of glyphosate applied alone and in mixtures with 2.4-D or metsulfuron methyl in the desiccation of mature plants of Crotalaria juncea during the fall season, in a field crop. Two experiments were carried out using a randomized experimental block design, in a 4 × 3 factorial scheme, with four replications. Treatments in the first experiment were formed by four doses (0.00, 0.54, 1.08 and 1.62 kg ha -1) of glyphosate, associated with three doses (0.00, 0.806 and 1.209 kg ha -1) of 2 , 4-D. In the second experiment the same doses of glyphosate were studied associated with three doses (0.0 4.0 and 8.0 g ha -1) of metsulfuron-methyl. Visual evaluations of plant poisoning, score number of plants with regrowth and dry matter of plants were determined. It was concluded that glyphosate applied alone or in association with 2.4-D or metsulfuron-methyl, regardless of the applied doses, was ineffective in the desiccation of mature plants of Crotalaria juncea.


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The quality and allelopathy properties of dwarf mucuna, dwarf pigeon pea and stylosanthes as cover crops on corn and weed species were evaluated. Seeds were sown in October 2007, with a control treatment, in 20 plots of 4×5m, with five replicates. Weed population was determined 30 and 60 days after sowing. At 90 days, plants were mowed and the residues left to remain on the plot. Fresh and dry mass of the cover crops were determined and the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of their aerial part was tested. The extract was chemically characterized and applied on seeds of weeds and corn. The experimental design was completely randomized and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. The cover crops showed to be effective in the control of weeds. The highest values in fresh and dry mass were obtained for dwarf pigeon pea, followed by dwarf mucuna; fresh mass increased 72 and 34%, respectively, compared to the control. The extract with dwarf mucuna affected arrowleaf sida germination. The use of green manure in the summer or between harvests ensures that crop rotation is carried out properly and warrants its benefits.


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The weed presence on ornamental beds is a main aspect that interferes with the garden maintenance, especially in tropical countries, as it causes an unpleasant effect and competes with the ornamentals. The use of herbicides is not always economically viable, besides, it causes phytotoxic effects on the ornamental plants, so the alternative to minimize this problem is the use of mulch; however, there is little information on the literature about it. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of rice straw mulching on the weed management of Salvia splendens beds. There were four treatments (0, 4, 6 and 8 t ha-1 of rice straw) and five replications. Brachiaria decumbens (200 plants m-2) and Amaranthus viridis (50 plants m-2) were sown in each plot in order to ensure the weed presence. The evaluation of the weed community was performed 60 days after sowing. The weeds on the plots of 0.48 m2 were identified and removed by hand and then dried in a chamber of forced air ventilation (under 703C) for the dry matter determination which later helped to calculate the phytosociological indexes like the Relative Density, Relative Frequency, Relative Dominance and the Importance Value Index. Nineteen species of weeds were identified. Among them, B. decumbens and A. viridis presented the highest Relative Importance level and the use of 8 t ha-1 of rice straw mulching helped to minimize the Relative Importance of these plants; however, the weed management with the use of rice straw was not effective.


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A produção da seringueira é reduzida pelas plantas daninhas que competem por recursos ambientais; portanto, a época e duração do controle de plantas daninhas influencia a interferência das plantas daninhas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar o crescimento de plantas de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis), determinar o período crítico para controle das plantas daninhas e avaliar a recuperação do crescimento das seringueiras que conviveram com plantas daninhas por diferentes períodos de tempo após o plantio. Dois grupos de tratamentos foram estabelecidos em condições de campo, no primeiro ano de investigação: um grupo conteve períodos crescentes de infestação de plantas daninhas, enquanto o outro conteve períodos crescentes de controle das plantas daninhas, também incluindo uma testemunha livre de plantas daninhas e uma testemunha com infestação total de plantas daninhas. No segundo ano da investigação, as plantas daninhas foram totalmente controladas. Urochloa decumbens foi a planta daninha dominante (mais de 90% de cobertura). O crescimento da cultura foi grandemente reduzido devido à interferência de plantas daninhas. A altura de plantas decresceu mais rapidamente que qualquer outra característica. Altura de planta, massa seca de folhas e área foliar decresceram em 99%, 97% e 96%, respectivamente, e foram as características mais reduzidas. A altura de plantas também se recuperou mais rapidamente que qualquer outra característica quando o período de controle das plantas daninhas foi entendido. Contudo, a massa seca do caule aumentou em 750%, fazendo desta a característica mais recuperada. O período crítico para o controle de plantas daninhas foi entre 4 e 9½ meses após o plantio, no primeiro ano; contudo, as seringueiras mostraram expressiva recuperação do crescimento quando as plantas daninhas foram controladas ao longo do segundo ano.


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The aim of this work was to determine ruminal degradation of neutral detergent fiber of grasses of the genus Cynodon, harvested at four cutting ages. It was used a randomized block design, with five treatments arranged in a split plot, the five evaluated genotypes: Tifton 85, Jiggs, Russel, Tifton 68 and Vaquero; were the plots and ages of cutting were the subplots: 28, 48, 63 and 79 days. By adding one day in the cutting age, there was a linear reduction in the effective degradability of neutral detergent fiber of blade and stem of 0.16 and 0.18%, respectively. The increase in the cutting age had a linear and positive influence on the undegradable neutral detergent fiber with daily increments for leaf and stem of 0.12 and 0.18%, respectively. At the 28 regrowth day, all genotypes showed higher content of potentially degradable insoluble fraction, effective degradability and lower undegradable fraction of the neutral detergent fiber of blade and stem in relation to other ages, in this way this interval is recommended for cutting management.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate different nozzles and spray rates on drop deposition in corn (Zea mays), Euphorbia heterophylla and Brachiaria plantaginea, both weeds located at and between crop rows. The experimental design established was complete random blocks with treatments arranged at 2 x 2 factorial scheme (2 nozzles types: DG11002VS flat flan and medium droplets, TXVK08 cone and very fine droplets; and 2 rates: 100 and 200 L ha(-1)) with four replications. The spray applications occurred at 13 days after corn germination (3-5 expanded leaves), when E. heterophylla and B. plantaginea plants had 2-4 and 2-3 leaves, respectively. Solution of Brilliant Blue (FD&C-1) dye at 3,000 ppm was used as spray tracer. It was concluded that the greatest average deposits in corn plants was provided by TXVK08, independently of the spray rates used. The most uniform deposits occurred when the spray rates of 200 L ha(-1) was used. Spray deposits were most uniform in B. plantaginea compared to E. heterophylla when both weds were located at crop row, independently of nozzle or spray rates. However, the DG 11002VS spray nozzle provided the most uniform drop deposition on B. plantaginea located between the rows, while the most efficient deposition over E. heterophylla located between rows was TXVK08.


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The success of conservation systems such as no-till depends on adequate soil cover throughout the year, which is possible through the use of cover crops. For this purpose the species belonging to the genus Urochloa has stood out by virtue of its hardiness and tolerance to drought. Aiming ground cover for the no-till system, the objective was to evaluate the establishment of two species of the genus Urochloa, in three sowing methods, in the weed suppression and the sensitivity of these forages to glyphosate. The study design was a randomized block with a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, in which factor A was composed of Urochloa ruziziensis and Urochloa hybrid CIAT 36087 cv. Mulato II, factor B was formed by sowing methods: sown without embedding, sown with light embedding and sown in rows, and factor C was composed of three doses of glyphosate (0.975, 1.625 and 2.275 kg ha(-1) of acid equivalent). For determination of weed suppression, assessment of biomass yield and soil cover was performed, by brachiaria and weeds, at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 258 days after sowing. Visual assessment of the desiccation efficiency at 7 and 14 days after herbicide application was performed. It is concluded that embedding Urochloa seeds stands out in relation to sowing in the soil surface. Urochloa ruziziensis is more efficient in the dry weight yield, weed suppression, in addition to being more sensitive to glyphosate herbicide.


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Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is an important broadleaves vegetable, consumed in salads and recognized by nutritional, pharmacological properties and its low calorie value. With the objective of assessing weeds interference periods over chicory crop in indirect sowing, two experiments were carried out at Garça County, São Paulo State, by using “Folhas Amarelas - Radiche” and “Folha Larga” cultivars and spacing of 0.25×0.25 m. Treatments consisted of checks with and without weeds and infestation control periods, so that crop was maintained in presence or absence of coexistence with weeds until 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after seedlings transplant (DAST). Results demonstrated that “Folhas amarelas - Radiche” and “Folha Larga” chicory cultivars transplanted on winter, allowed occurrence of initial period of cohabitation with weeds (6 and 5 IPCW) greater than final period (14 and 9 FPCW), conferring, respectively, the establishment of critical periods for weed control (CPWC) in intervals of 6th to 14th and 5th to 9th days after crop transplant. Medium reduction of yield in function of weeds interference during the whole crop cycle was about 52.0% and 54.4%, respectively, for “Folhas amarelas - Radiche” and “Folha Larga” cultivars. It is important to mention that these results indicated the real need for conducting early weed control in chicory crop cultivation, even when carried out in indirect sowing system, as well as it characterizes the importance of a greater number of regional information to successfully consolidate management alternatives, less costly and more efficient in order to guarantee superior yields.


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O objetivo deste experimento, realizado na cultura da banana (Musa spp.) no Vale do Ribeira, no município de Registro-SP, foi fazer um cadastramento fitossociológico das espécies de plantas daninhas sob duas formas de manejo do solo. A amostragem das espécies daninhas foi feita em duas áreas distintas de manejo, sendo uma com a cultura implantada em área de várzea drenada a 7 m de altitude e a outra com a bananicultura em área de sequeiro a 16 m de altitude. Na amostragem de um hectare, utilizou-se o método do quadrado inventário para cálculo de frequência, frequência relativa, densidade, densidade relativa, abundância, abundância relativa, índice de valor de importância e índice de importância relativa. em ambas as áreas foram identificadas 10 famílias, distribuídas em 18 gêneros e 21 espécies. Na área de várzea drenada, 38% das famílias identificadas são monocotiledôneas e 62% dicotiledôneas, num total de 15 espécies, distribuídas em nove famílias. Na área de cultivo em sistema de sequeiro, foram identificados 50% de famílias monocotiledôneas e 50% de dicotiledôneas, num total de 11 espécies, distribuídas em seis famílias. As famílias com maior representatividade foram Poaceae, com sete espécies, seguida de Asteraceae, com três. Com o estudo realizado, verificou-se ainda grande diversidade de espécies nas áreas selecionadas.


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Sunflower is an annual dicotyledonous plant, herbaceous, erect and native of North America. It is thermo- and photo-insensitive, hence, can be grown round the year in sub-tropical and tropical countries. Only two spp. H. annuus and H. tuberosum are cultivated for food, remaining spp. are ornamentals, weeds and wild plants. However, H. annuus is allelopathic and inhibit the growth and development of other plants thus reducing their productivity. Much information is available about the allelopathic effects of sunflower crop on following crops in crop rotations. Although it is harmful to all crops, but, is less harmful to crops of Graminae family than other families. It seems that the harmful effects of sunflower in crop rotations are due to release and accumulation of root exudates during crop growth in soil. Soil incorporation of its fresh (green manure) or dry biomass in soil is inhibitory to both crops and weed spp. Several allelochemicals have been characterized from the H. annuus, which inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of A. albus, A. viridis, Agropyron repens (Elymus repens), Ambrosia artemsiifolia, Avena fatua, Celosia crustata, Chenopodium album, Chloris barbara, Cynodon dactylon, D. sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium ageyptium, Digitaria ciliaris, Echinochloa crus-galli, Flaveria australasica, Parthenium hysterophorus, Portulaca oleracea, Sida spinosa, Trianthema portulacastrum, Veronica perisca the inhibitory effects of this crop may be used for weed management with less herbicides for sustainable agriculture.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Poucas pesquisas têm sido realizadas sobre interferência de plantas daninhas na cultura do quiabo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar os períodos de interferência da comunidade infestante no quiabeiro. Um experimento de campo foi conduzido sob dois grupos de tratamentos, mantendo períodos crescentes de 0 (testemunha), 7, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 63, 77, 91 e 105 dias após a emergência da cultura (DAE), com e sem controle das plantas daninhas. As plantas daninhas com maior importância relativa foram Portulaca oleracea, Nicandra physaloides e Eleusine indica. A convivência do quiabeiro com as plantas daninhas por todo o ciclo de cultivo reduziu a produtividade da cultura em 95%. O período anterior à interferência foi de 57 DAE, enquanto o período total de prevenção à interferência foi de 14 DAE. Não houve período crítico de prevenção à interferência, sendo um único controle das plantas daninhas entre 14 e 57 DAE suficiente para prevenir a interferência na cultura do quiabo.