70 resultados para tripartição da alma


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O propósito deste trabalho é estabelecer o caminho percorrido pelo idealismo em sua participação na construção das Ciências da Natureza desde a antigüidade até o final do século XX. Para os pensadores antigos, o mundo físico era governado pela idéia, e o modo de apreendê-la era por meio da contemplação da alma ou da observação e da lógica. Na escolástica essa idéia é Deus. Na renascença, Deus se torna matemático. em Galileu a Matemática do mundo é entendida pela experimentação. Para Descartes o mundo é mecânico e entendido por hipóteses dedutivas. Newton enxerga o mundo mecânico construído e corrigido pelo Deus geômetra e entendido pela observação e experimentação. Os empiristas retiram a idéia do universo e a colocam no espírito humano. em Kant as regras que organizam as idéias na mente também organizam o mundo mecânico. em Hegel o real só é real porque é racional, e essa racionalidade vem de Deus, que transforma o mundo natural e atinge o espírito humano. Os pensadores, influenciados por Hegel, percebem a incapacidade das leis da mecânica explicarem as leis da vida. Comte e Bergson procuram, de forma diferente, submeter às leis da Física às leis das ciências da vida. O universo mecanicista é absorvido pelo determinismo relativista e pelo probabilismo quântico. A linguagem da lógica se associa ao empirismo na descrição da ciência procurando retirar dela o idealismo e a metafísica e, após um período de florescimento, acaba não tendo sucesso. A dificuldade da apreensão do real volta a ser o problema da ciência no final do século XX, e a procura de uma possível solução reaproxima a ciência do idealismo.


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The paper aims to examine the treatment of lyrical in the aesthetics work of the young Lukacs. In The Soul and the Forms the author examines the poetry of Stefan George, finding on it formal elements that point out to the emergence of a new lyricism. This "significant form" allows the author to introduce an approach of the concept of modernity, in critical and phenomenological bias. Work that will be completed in The theory of Love, when the lyric trend will be exacerbated, contaminating and altering the settings of the other genera.


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Besides being considered the greatest pests of fruit growing, fruit flies constitute a large obstacle to the growth of the exportation of fresh fruit. Knowledge of the structure of fruit fly communities is of great importance to the bioecological studies of these insects, but there is a lack of information about the faunistic composition of fruit flies in Brazil. The objective of this work was to analysis the composition of the species of Anastrepha, in eleven mango orchards of the fruit growing complex Gaviao River, Bahia, Brazil. These studies were done in 2004 and 2005, in Anage, Caraibas and Belo Campo town, 23 McPhail traps, which collected 798 female fruit flies from the genus Anastrepha. The structure of these communities was evaluated in each orchard by means of faunistic indexes frequency, constancy, dominance, diversity and similarity. The number of species varied from four to eight in each orchard; and the following species was recorded: Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann), Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart), Anastrepha dissimilis Stone, Anastrepha amita Zucchi, Anastrepha distincta Greene, Anastrepha pickeli Lima. Anastrepha sororcula Zucchi and Anastrepha zenildae Zucchi. The most frequent and dominant species were A. fraterculus and A. obliqua. The indexes of diversity varied from 1.01 to 1.62. In general, the similarity between orchards was high (above 55.0%). We observed the formation of groups, one constituted by Frutvale, Carlan, Santa Clara and Panorama orchards; another composed of Cofet, Campo Gaviao and Ouro Verde and a third group formed by Boa Vista orchard. Barra da Onca and Arruda are distinguished from other orchards.


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In this study, the aim was to measure the concentration of fluoride ions in dental alginates and the quantity released from alginate molds immersed in milliQ water, 0.1N hydrochloric acid and artificial saliva. Two separate lots of each of seven brands of alginate commercially available in Brazil were analyzed: Avagel, Deguprint, Hydrogum, Orthoprint, Jeltrate, Jeltrate Plus and Jeltrate Chromatic. Fluoride was measured in each sample by direct potentiometry, using the combined fluoride-ion selective electrode. The brands with the highest fluoride concentrations were Hydrogum (7052.87 μg/g), Jeltrate Plus (6519.68 μg/g) and Orthoprint (6218.18 μg/g). Only in Hydrogum and Jeltrate were different fluoride concentrations found in lots one and two. The various materials showed differences in the amount of fluoride released from the molds into the immersion medium, the mean concentration being highest in Hydrogum and Orthoprint, in all three media. The immersion medium also influenced the release of fluoride, which was lower in saliva than in water and highest in acid. Considering that the concentrations of fluoride found in the alginates tested were high and that various sources of exposure to fluoride exist, there is a need for constant monitoring of alginates intended for dental use.


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Alginate is one the materials most employed in practice to make dental impressions. Substances like zinc, cadmium and lead silicate, which are included in several alginate brands with the aim of improving their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, are a source of serious concern as regards their toxicity. The most serious chronic effect of oral exposure to cadmium is renal toxicity. Assimilation of lead has deleterious effects on the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, cardiovascular system, central and peripheral nervous systems, kidneys, immune system, and reproductive system. Chronic oral exposures to zinc have resulted in hypochromic and microcyte anemia in some individuals. The aim of the present study was to measure the cadmium, lead and zinc contents of seven brands of alginate for dental use on sale in Brazil. The samples were weighed and placed in the Teflon cups of a closed-system microwave oven. Aqua regia (4mL concentrated HCI:HNO3, 3:1 v/v) and hydrofluoric acid (2mL concentrated HF) were added to the samples, which were then subjected to heating. The samples were then cooled to room temperature and diluted to 25 mL in deionized water in a volumetric glass flask. The samples were diluted in duplicate and analyzed against a reagent blank. The analyses were performed in an atomic absorption flame spectrophotometer. Neither lead nor cadmium was detected. Zinc contents ranged from 0.001% to 1.36% by weight. The alginates exhibited low contents of the metals under study and gave no cause for concern regarding toxicity; even so, it is advisable to monitor potentially toxic materials continually and to analyze their plasmatic levels in the professionals working with them.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS