141 resultados para total body potassium


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The soil solarization is used in small properties as an alternative for control of phytopathogens and weeds, besides it also can affect the availability of some nutrients and phytotoxic elements in the soil. Thus, one experiment was carried out as a three-factor factorial (solarized and not solarized soil x with and without addition of vegetable residue x four collection times) for evaluation of variations of pH, organic matter, phosphorus, total nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium and aluminum in a soil characterized as Distrofic Red Latosoil, in Botucatu county (SP). The incorporated vegetable residue was constituted of crop remains of kale (Brassica oleraceae var. acephala L.) fresh and triturated. Soil samples of each treatment were collected from zero to Urn of depth, at 7, 21, 35, and 49 days after solarization treatment, from January to March of 2001. Soil chemical analyses were done as well as the soil temperature were monitored on the treatments. The solarized soil with kale organic residues addition treatment presented higher values of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and minor values of aluminum.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Piauçus (Leporinus macrocephalus) criados em viveiro de 300 m² (densidade de 10 peixes/m²) apresentavam sinais de asfixia e mortalidade diária de 27 peixes. Exemplares com 8 cm em média foram examinados quanto à presença de lesões e seus possíveis agentes. Muco da superfície corporal e fragmentos de órgãos foram colhidos e examinados à microscopia de luz, em esfregaços a fresco ou corados ou em cortes histológicos. O exame dos esfregaços mostrou a presença de inúmeros esporos entre as lamelas secundárias dos filamentos branquiais, identificados como Henneguya leporinicola n.sp (Myxozoa: Myxobolidae). À histopatologia verificou-se marcada hiperplasia epitelial com preenchimento dos espaços entre as lamelas secundárias, congestão e teleangiectasia sinusoidal. Observou-se ainda hiperplasia de células caliciformes e inúmeros cistos do parasito, com até 70,3 mim de diâmetro, localizados entre as lamelas secundárias, recobertos ou não pelo epitélio hiperplásico. Estabelecido o diagnóstico foram realizadas três aplicações de formalina na dose de 10 ml/m³ de água. Após 15 dias da última dose do tratamento, os peixes foram novamente examinados, constatando-se a eficácia das medidas adotadas para interromper a mortalidade, a enfermidade e combater o parasitismo. As únicas alterações teciduais presentes nas brânquias nesse último exame foram moderada congestão sinusoidal e discreta hiperplasia epitelial na base das lamelas secundárias.


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Suivant notre intention générale qui est d'étudier longitudinalement l'utilisation que Merleau-Ponty fait de la notion de schéma corporel dans sa philosophie, nous nous consacrons dans cet article à ses cours à la Sorbonne. Ces cours font partie d'une période intermédiaire de son oeuvre. Le philosophe y amorce des discussions concernant la corporeité à partir de la psychologie de l'enfant et de la psychanalyse, en abordant le problème de l'intersubjectivité et la théorie du schéma corporel. Merleau-Ponty comprend que l'acquisition d'un schéma corporel unitaire, total, implique une décentralisation de soi, de façon que le corps propre, le corps d'autrui et le monde puissent s'entrelacer dans un tissu relationnel qui implique inextricablement visibilité et épaisseur intra-corporel. Nous considérons que dans ces études Merleau-Ponty effectue un grand pas vers la notion de chair telle qu'on la trouve dans ses textes plus tardifs.


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Problemas metabólicos observados em produções intensivas de tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) têm sido relacionados à deficiência de colina nas rações. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietética da colina na nutrição da espécie, rações purificadas contendo 0; 375; 750; 1.125; 1.500 ou 1.875 mg de cloreto de colina por kg, foram administradas ad libitum por 42 dias a tilápias do Nilo (5,09 ± 0,14 g), estocados em gaiolas de PVC atóxico (volume = 60 L), alojadas em caixas de polipropileno de 1000 L, em ambiente com condições controladas de temperatura e luminosidade, num delineamento experimental em blocos incompletos casualizados, com três parcelas por bloco (n=5). O ganho de peso (GDP) e o índice de conversão alimentar (ICA) de todos os tratamentos foram superiores ao controle. Não foram observadas diferenças para a quantidade de lipídios no fígado e tecido corporal, e sobrevivência (S%). Num segundo experimento, os peixes foram alimentados com rações suplementadas com 1.250 ou 2.500 mg de cloreto de colina por kg; ou 1.000; 2.000 ou 3.000 mg de betaína por kg. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para S% e acúmulo de lipídeos hepáticos ou corporais; o ICA e GDP dos tratamentos suplementados com colina foram superiores aos dos tratamentos suplementados com betaína, mas não diferiram entre si. Níveis de suplementação superiores a 375 mg de cloreto de colina por kg de alimento melhoram o ICA e o GDP da tilápia do Nilo, mas a betaína não substitui efetivamente a colina em rações para a espécie.


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The objective was to determine the effect of a mouse metallothionein/bovine growth hormone transgene on resting metabolic rate (RMR), cold-induced thermogenesis, and beta-agonist stimulated nonshivering thermogenesis in mice. Non-transgenic littermates were used as controls. Open-circuit indirect calorimetry was used to assess RMR and cold-induced thermogenesis in 64 mice. Air temperature in the chamber was set at 31 degrees C for RMR and was decreased to 28, 25, 21, or 17 degrees C to determine cold-induced thermogenesis. Response to the beta-agonist isoproterenol was evaluated by monitoring changes in colonic temperature of 34 mice upon injection of the drug or saline. Despite the fact that RMR tended to be lower in transgenics than in nontransgenics, at 31 degrees C transgenic mice were able to regulate colonic temperature at the same level as nontransgenics, but colonic temperature decreased in transgenics relative to nontransgenics as air temperature was reduced. For each degree decrease in air temperature between 31 and 17 degrees C, nontransgenic mice increased heat production by 1.03 +/- .10 watt/kg, whereas transgenic mice increased it by only .56 +/- .08 watt/kg, indicating that the thermogenic response of transgenics to cold was inferior. The magnitude of the maximal increase in colonic temperature after isoproterenol injection was similar for both groups, but the response was slower in transgenics. We suggest that lean body mass and substrate availability for shivering thermogenesis are reduced in transgenics relative to total body weight, and that they allow colonic temperature to decrease to conserve energy.


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The aim of this field study was to verify if there is a relation between obesity and symptoms of depression, anxiety and hopelessness in 40 women aged 30,35 on average (± 8,60), divided into two groups: non-sedentary ones, characterized for doing a physical activity at least three times a week for three weeks in a row and sedentary ones, characterized by not practicing any type of regular physical activity when recruited. The method consisted of: objective evaluations of humor, through Beck Inventories of Anxiety (BAI), Depression (BDI) and Hopelessness (BHS) and Physical Evaluation, including total body mass, height, waist and hip circumferences and skin folds thickness. Calculations of the body mass index (BMI), of the waist/hip index (WHI) and of the percentage of corporal fat (%F) were performed in order to evaluate the presence and level of obesity. Results of the analysis of regression to square minimum supported the initial hypothesis concerning the existence of a relation between obesity and psychic symptoms only in sedentary women (BDI/WHI, p=0,035, BDI/BMI, p=0,009, BDI/%G, p=0,019, BAI/BMI, p=0,009, BAI/%G, p=0,037, BHS/WHI, p=0,025, BHS/BMI, p=0,041), once the relation of dependency could not be confirmed in non-sedentary women BDI/WHI, p=0,750, BDI/BMI, p=0,141, BDI/%G, p=0,064, BAI/WHI, p=0,729, BAI/BMI, p=0,384, BAI/%G, p=0,246, BHS/WHI, p=0,491, BHS/BMI, p=0,986, BHS/%G, p=0,322) and the greater the level of obesity, the greater the level of psychic symptoms in both groups. These observations seem to point out that the practice of physical activities was a factor of minimization of presence and intensity of psychic symptoms in non-sedentary women.


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Triatoma baratai Carcavallo & Jurberg, is a wild (i.e., nonperidomestic) species found in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Bodoquena region, county of Bonito), Brazil. Its eggs and nymphs are described here based on optical and scanning electron microscopy. The operculum and exochorion have pentagonal, hexagonal, and heptagonal cells, with small cracks and small random pits. Differences in the eggs and five nymphal instars of T. baratai allow them to be distinguished from the sympatric species Triatoma williami Galvão, Souza & Lima, and from six of the nine members of the Triatoma oliveirai complex. The most useful differentiating characters are in the color, shape of the abdomen, head, and total body length. Keys are provided to separate the eggs and nymphal instars of six of the nine members of the Triatoma oliveirai species complex. Copyright ©2009 Magnolia Press.


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Purpose: Malnutrition and fluid overload contribute to the poor cardiovascular prognosis of dialysis patients. Since bioelectrical impedance analysis is an option for the evaluation of body composition and for the monitoring of hydration state, it may assist in the identification of subjects at high cardiovascular risk. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between bioelectrical impedance parameters and cardiovascular events. Methods: The association between bioelectrical impedance parameters and fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular outcome was evaluated in 145 dialysis patients. Results: The mean age of the population studied was 54.9 ± 15.4 years, 49.7 % were males, and 35.9 % had diabetes. Forty (27.6 %) patients developed cardiovascular events during the 16 months (8; 32) of follow-up. Comparison of patients with and without cardiovascular events revealed higher extracellular mass/body cell mass (ECM/BCM) and extracellular water/total body water ratios and higher C-reactive protein levels in the former. Survival analysis showed that an ECM/BCM ratio >1.2 and a phase angle <6° were associated with poor cardiovascular prognosis. Among nondiabetic patients, these parameters and capacitance were independently associated with cardiovascular events, suggesting that poor nutritional status and fluid overload are associated with the occurrence of these events. Conclusions: Phase angle, capacitance and ECM/BCM ratio are valuable parameters for the evaluation of cardiovascular prognosis, supporting the use of bioelectrical impedance for the clinical assessment of dialysis patients. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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To identify the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs) in Brazilian participants. Sample of 113 individuals aged 80 to 95 years (83.4 + 2.9 years), of both sexes, from Presidente Prudente, São Paulo state. Waist circumference (WC), body mass index, percentage of total body fat (% BF), hypertension, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides, and glucose were used for characterization of risk factors. The chi-square test was used to assess proportions of risk factors and Student's t test to compare the results between the sexes. High prevalence of risk factor was observed, mainly hypertension (67.3%) and % BF (79.6%). Male participants presented higher weight, height, and WC (p <.001), and female participants, higher TC and % BF (p <.001). Only 7.1% of male and 4.2% of female participants showed no risk factors, and 71.3% of male and 85.9% of female participants had three or more. The participants presented a high prevalence of CRFs, particularly percentage of body fat and hypertension, and, in addition, female participants also presented TC. © The Author(s) 2011.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)