65 resultados para success models comparison
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective To compare the effects of decompressive surgery (DSX), electroacupuncture (EAP), and DSX followed by EAP (DSX + EAP) for the treatment of thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) in dogs with severe neurologic deficits of > 48 hours' duration.Design Retrospective case series and prospective clinical trial.Animals-40 dogs between 3 and 6 yEAPs old and weighing between 10 and 20 kg (22 and 44 lb) with long-standing (>48 hours) clinical signs of severe neurologic disease attributable to thoracolumbar IVDD.Procedures Thoracolumbar medullar injury was classified on the basis of neurologic signs by use of a scale ranging from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most severe). The DSX dogs (n = 10) were retrospectively selected from those that underwent DSX for the treatment of thoracolumbar IVDD. In addition, 19 dogs received EAP alone and 11 dogs underwent DSX followed by EAP (DSX + EAP). Outcome was considered a clinical success when a dog initially classified as grade 4 or 5 was classified as grade 1 or 2 within 6 months after the end of treatment.Results The proportion of dogs with clinical success was significantly higher for dogs that underwent EAP (15/19) than for dogs that underwent DSX (4/10); the proportion of dogs with clinical success for dogs that underwent DSX + EAP was intermediate (8/11).Conclusions and Clinical Relevance EAP was more effective than DSX for recovery of ambulation and improvement in neurologic deficits in dogs with long-standing severe deficits attributable to thoracolumbar IVDD. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2010;236:1225-1229)
Restricted breeding seasons used in beef cattle produce censored data for reproduction traits measured in regard to these seasons. To analyze these data, adequate methods must be used. The objective of this paper was to compare three approaches aiming to evaluate sexual precocity in Nellore cattle. The final data set contained 6699 records of age at first conception (AFC14) (in days) and of heifer pregnancy (HP14) (binary) obtained from females exposed to the bulls for the first time at about 14 months of age. Records of females that did not calve in the following year after being exposed to a sire were considered censored (77.5% of total). The models used to obtain genetic parameters and expected progeny differences (EPDs) were a Weibull mixed and a censored linear model for AFC14 and threshold model for HP14. The mean heritabilities obtained were 0.76 and 0.44, respectively, for survival and censored linear models (for AFC14), and 0.58 for HP14. Ranking and Pearson correlations varied (in absolute values) from 0.54 to 0.99 (considering different percentages of sires selected), indicating moderate changes in the classification. Considering survival analysis as the best selection criterion (that would result in the best response to selection), it was observed that selection for HP14 would lead to a more significant decrease in selection response if compared with selection for AFC14 analysed by censored linear model, from which results were very similar to the survival analysis.
This study aimed to compare the influence of single-standing or connected implants on stress distribution in bone of mandibular overdentures by means of two-dimensional finite element analysis. Two finite element models were designed using software (ANSYS) for 2 situations: bar-clip (BC) group-model of an edentulous mandible supporting an overdenture over 2 connected implants with BC system, and o'ring (OR) group-model of an edentulous mandible supporting an overdenture over 2 single-standing implants with OR abutments. Axial loads (100 N) were applied on either central (L1) or lateral (L2) regions of the models. Stress distribution was concentrated mostly in the cortical bone surrounding the implants. When comparing the groups, BC (L1, 52.0 MPa and L2, 74.2 MPa) showed lower first principal stress values on supporting tissue than OR (L1, 78.4 MPa and L2, 76.7 MPa). Connected implants with BC attachment were more favorable on stress distribution over peri-implant-supporting tissue for both loading conditions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to compare the stress distribution induced by posterior functional loads on conventional complete dentures and implant-retained overdentures with different attachment systems using a two-dimentional Finite Element Analysis (FEA-2D). Three models representative of edentulous mandible were constructed on AutoCAD software; Group A (control), a model of edentulous mandible supporting a complete denture; Group B, a model of edentulous mandible supporting an overdenture over two splinted implants connected with the bar-clip system; Group C, a model of edentuluos mandible supporting an overdenture over two unsplinted impants with the O-ring system. Evaluation was conducted on Ansys software, with a vertical force of 100 N applied on the mandibular left first molar. When the stress was evaluated in supporting tissues, groups B (51.0 MPa) and C (52.6 MPa) demonstrated higher stress values than group A (10.1 MPa). Within the limits of this study, it may be conclued that the use of an attachment system increased stress values; furthermore, the use of splinted implants associated with the bar-clip attachment system favoured a lower stress distribution over the supporting tissue than the unsplinted implants with an O-ring abutment to retain the manibular overdenture.
Despite a plethora of in situ studies and clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of fluoridated dentifrices on caries control, in vitro pH cycling models are still broadly used because they mimic the dynamics of mineral loss and gain involved in caries formation. This paper critically reviews the current literature on existing pH-cycling models for the in vitro evaluation of the efficacy of fluoridated dentifrices for caries control, focusing on their strengths and limitations. A search was undertaken in the MEDLINE electronic journal database using the keywords "pH-cycling", "demineralization", "remineralization", "in vitro", "fluoride", "dentifrice". The primary outcome was the decrease of demineralization or the increase of remineralization as measured by different methods (e. g.: transverse microradiography) or tooth fluoride uptake. Inclusion of studies, data extraction and quality assessment were undertaken independently and in duplicate by two members of the review team. Disagreements were solved by discussion and consensus or by a third party. One hundred and sixteen studies were included, of which 42 addressed specifically the comparison of dentifrices using different pH-cycling models. The other studies included meta-analysis or reviews, data about the effect of different fluoride sources on de-remineralization, different methods for analysis de-remineralization and chemical variables and characteristics of dental hard tissues that might have influence on de-remineralization processes. Generally, the studies presented ability to detect known results established by clinical trials, to demonstrate dose-related responses in the fluoride content of the dentifrices, and to provide repeatability and reproducibility between tests. In order to accomplish these features satisfactorily, it is mandatory to take into account the type of substrate and baseline artificial lesion, as well as the adequate response variables and statistical approaches to be used. This critical review of literature showed that the currently available pH-cycling models are appropriate to detect dose-response and pH-response of fluoride dentifrices, and to evaluate the impact of new active principles on the effect of fluoridated dentifrices, as well as their association with other anti-caries treatments.
OBJETIVO: comparar medidas de tamanhos dentários, suas reprodutibilidades e a aplicação da equação de regressão de Tanaka e Johnston na predição do tamanho dos caninos e pré-molares em modelos de gesso e digital. MÉTODOS: trinta modelos de gesso foram escaneados para obtenção dos modelos digitais. As medidas do comprimento mesiodistal dos dentes foram obtidas com paquímetro digital nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais utilizando o software O3d (Widialabs). A somatória do tamanho dos incisivos inferiores foi utilizada para obter os valores de predição do tamanho dos pré-molares e caninos utilizando equação de regressão, e esses valores foram comparados ao tamanho real dos dentes. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, aplicando-se aos resultados o teste de correlação de Pearson, a fórmula de Dahlberg, o teste t pareado e a análise de variância (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: excelente concordância intraexaminador foi observada nas medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos. O erro aleatório não esteve presente nas medidas obtidas com paquímetro, e o erro sistemático foi mais frequente no modelo digital. A previsão de espaço obtida pela aplicação da equação de regressão foi maior que a somatória dos pré-molares e caninos presentes nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da boa reprodutibilidade das medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos, a maioria das medidas dos modelos digitais foram superiores às do modelos de gesso. O espaço previsto foi superestimado em ambos os modelos e significativamente maior nos modelos digitais.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the success rate of maxillary immediate nonfunctional single-tooth loaded implants used into fresh extraction sites (immediate placement condition) or healed ridge (delayed placement condition).Materials and Methods: Eighty-two dental implants were placed in the maxilla of 64 consecutive patients from Private practice office and from a specialization course in Implantology. Forty-six implants were inserted under immediate placement condition, and 36 were inserted under delayed placement condition. The criteria used to evaluate success rate were those previously described by Albrektsson and Zarb (Int J Prosthodont 1993;6: 95-105), and follow-up period ranged from 18.0 to 39.7 months.Results: Seventy-nine implants fulfilled the success rate criteria (96.3%). Moreover, differences concerning implantation condition were not significant (P = 0.33, Qui-square test): three of the failed implants were from immediate placement group (success rate of 93.5%), and none was from delayed placement group (success rate of 100.0%).Conclusion: In the present sample, no statistically significant differences were detected for immediate nonfunctional single-tooth loaded implants under immediate placement condition in comparison with those inserted under delayed placement condition; both protocols had high success rate in maxillary incisors, canines, and premolars areas.
The effect of three new derivatives from dehydrocrotonin (DHC-compound I) on gastric damage indifferent animal models including gastric ulceration induced by a necrotic agent and hypothermic restrained-stress was studied: compound 11 (produced by reducing the cyclohexenone moiety of DHC with NaBH4): compound III (produced by reducing the carbonyls with LiAlH4); and compound IV (produced by transforming the lactone moiety into an amide). Their structures were confirmed on the basis of chemical and physicochemical evidence. When previously administered (p.o.) at a dose of 100 mg/kg, compound II significantly (P < 0.01) reduced gastric injury induced by HCl/ethanol (78%) and indomethacin (88%) better than did reference compound 1 (48 and 43%, respectively). But the anti-ulcerogenic activity of compound II was completely abolished by the stress-induced ulcer. Reduction of carbonyls with LiAlH4 (compound 111) caused decreased activity, markedly when no protective effect in any of the models was applied (P > 0.05). However, compound IV, in which the lactone moiety was changed into an amide. when administered at the same dose (100 mg/kg, p.o.), was more effective. The presence of a lactone moiety or Michael acceptor is probably essential for the anti-ulcerogenic effect of these compounds. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) currently infects approximately three percent of the world population. In view of the lack of vaccines against HCV, there is an urgent need for an efficient treatment of the disease by an effective antiviral drug. Rational drug design has not been the primary way for discovering major therapeutics. Nevertheless, there are reports of success in the development of inhibitor using a structure-based approach. One of the possible targets for drug development against HCV is the NS3 protease variants. Based on the three-dimensional structure of these variants we expect to identify new NS3 protease inhibitors. In order to speed up the modeling process all NS3 protease variant models were generated in a Beowulf cluster. The potential of the structural bioinformatics for development of new antiviral drugs is discussed.Results: the atomic coordinates of crystallographic structure 1CU1 and 1DY9 were used as starting model for modeling of the NS3 protease variant structures. The NS3 protease variant structures are composed of six subdomains, which occur in sequence along the polypeptide chain. The protease domain exhibits the dual beta-barrel fold that is common among members of the chymotrypsin serine protease family. The helicase domain contains two structurally related beta-alpha-beta subdomains and a third subdomain of seven helices and three short beta strands. The latter domain is usually referred to as the helicase alpha-helical subdomain. The rmsd value of bond lengths and bond angles, the average G-factor and Verify 3D values are presented for NS3 protease variant structures.Conclusions: This project increases the certainty that homology modeling is an useful tool in structural biology and that it can be very valuable in annotating genome sequence information and contributing to structural and functional genomics from virus. The structural models will be used to guide future efforts in the structure-based drug design of a new generation of NS3 protease variants inhibitors. All models in the database are publicly accessible via our interactive website, providing us with large amount of structural models for use in protein-ligand docking analysis.
This work studies through the Floquet theory the stability of breathers generated by the anti-continuous limit. We used the Peyrard-Bishop model for DNA and two kinds of nonlinear potential: the Morse potential and a potential with a hump. The comparison of their stability was done in function of the coupling parameter. We also investigate the dynamic behaviour of the system in stable and unstable regions. Qualitatively, the dynamic of mobile breathers resembles DNA.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)