33 resultados para stone counts
The role of dermal mast cells (DMC) in the host resistance to ticks has been studied but it is not totally explained yet. Studies have proposed that zebuine cattle breeds, known as highly resistant to ticks, have more DMC than taurine breeds. In the present study, we compared the number of adult female ticks Boophilus microplus and the mast cells' countings in the skin of F-2 crossbred Gir x Holstein cattle, before and after tick infestation. F-2 crossbred cattle (n = 148) were divided into seven groups and artificially infested with 1.0 x 10(4) B. nticroplus larvae and, 21 days afterwards, adult female-fed ticks attached to the skin were counted. Skin biopsies were taken and examined under light microscopy with a square-lined ocular reticulum in a total area of 0.0625 mm(2) in both the superficial and deep dermis. Results demonstrated that infested F-2 crossbred cattle acquired resistance against the cattle-tick B. microplus probably associated to an increase in the dermal mast cell number. It is concluded that the tick infestation may lead to an environmental modification in the dermis of parasitized hosts due to the massive migration of mast cells or their local proliferation.
The aim of the current study was to evaluate a population of Menippe nodiffons in a reef of sabellariid worms, Phragmatopoma lapidosa, with regard to recruitment, population structure and sex ratio. Sampling was carried out each other month from September 1994 up to and including July 1995, on the rocky shores of the Tenorio beach, São Paulo, Brazil. It resulted in 183 individuals, whose average carapace width in this biotope was 9.1 +/- 5.6 m. The animals were grouped in nine size classes and the frequency distribution showed that 80% occupied the three first classes. This means that the polychaete worm colonies are of great importance for the establishment of individuals in the first juvenile stages.
Intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) counts were histologically assessed in the jejunum, ileum and appendix of 39 neonates (0-28 days), 32 infants (1-9 months) and 13 children (1-9 years). Small intestinal mucosa samples were obtained from 73 autopsies, and from 8 surgical and 3 aspirative biopsies. IEL counts of specimens from the jejunum, ileum and appendix gave similar results in the same patient. The number of IEL counts was significantly lower in neonates for all three segments. The difference between infants and children was more marked in the jejunum than in the ileum, although this was not significant. In the appendix, there was no difference between the different age groups. Our results indicate that postnatal expansion of IEL occurs homogeneously along the gut after the neonatal period.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Despite careful procedures, master stone dies may be damaged during laboratory procedures. The dentist routinely adjusts castings because the marginal fit of casting is not as accurate as on the dies. PURPOSE: This study evaluated the technique of internal adjustment of castings with use of duplicated stone dies and a disclosing agent to improve marginal fit discrepancy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-two nickel-chromium copings were fabricated and simulated standard clinical and laboratory procedures with 2 variables: tooth preparation convergence angles of 6 and 18 degrees, with or without internal relief. Master stone dies and their duplicates were selected for coping construction and internal adjustment, respectively. A specimen positioning device was coupled with a Toolmakers microscope to allow reproducibility of measurements. Each coping was evaluated at 8 locations of its marginal perimeter, before and after internal adjustment. RESULTS: Marginal fit discrepancy of copings were significantly reduced with an internal adjustment technique (mean > 52%) for all experimental groups. Tooth preparations with greater convergence and internally relieved castings recorded a better marginal fit. CONCLUSION: The casting internal adjustment technique with use of duplicated stone dies and a disclosing agent substantially reduced marginal fit discrepancy.
Data concerning daily milk yield (MY), percentage of milk fat (%F), protein (%P), lactose (%LT), and total solids (%TS), and somatic cell counts (SCC) for a herd of 222 Murrah buffalo reared in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were collected monthly from 1997 to 2000 in order to study the factors affecting SCC and their relation to milk production and constituents during lactation. SCC decreased in the second month of lactation and increased thereafter, up to the ninth month of lactation. The interaction of month of lactation x order of calving was significant. Mean MY observed during the first month of lactation was 6.87 kg, which increased to 7.65 kg during the second month, and then decreased until the ninth month of lactation (3.83 kg). During the different months of lactation, %F, %P, %LT, and %TS ranged from 6.28 to 8.38%, 4.05 to 4.59%, 4.96 to 5.34%, and 16.94 to 18.55%, respectively. Calving year, calving order, and order of month of lactation significantly affected MY, %F, %P, %LT, and %TS. The regression coefficients of transformed SCC on MY and %LT were negative and significant during all months of lactation, showing that milk and lactose yield decreased with increased transformed SCC, causing losses to buffalo milk producers.
Two-hundred and forty individuals were studied, divided into five groups as follows: caries-free children, children with caries, children with rampant caries, young adults with and without caries. Whole stimulated saliva was collected and all individuals were investigated for DMFT/dmft according to the WHO criteria and the simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S). Quantitative analysis of the total aerobic flora and mutans streptococci in saliva was performed. Also, the level of salivary anti-S. mutans IgA was determined by ELISA. Children with rampant caries showed the highest OHI-S value. The highest total counts of microorganisms were found in the group of children with caries. No statistically significant differences were observed for salivary flow, OHI-S and microorganism counts between the groups of young adults. No correlation between mutans streptococci counts and anti-Streptococcus mutans IgA levels was observed in the studied groups. A correlation between increased anti-Streptococcus mutans IgA levels and caries-free status was observed among young adults but not among children.
The effect of milk treatment (heat, high hydrostatic pressure - HHP, or combined heat and HHP) on acidification, physicochemical characteristics, and probiotic cell counts in low fat yogurt was studied. All samples were analyzed for fermentation time, pH, titratable acidity, total solids, water-holding capacity, syneresis, Hunter L*, a*, and b* values, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium longum. The application of HHP combined with thermal treatment resulted in yogurt gels with attractive physicochemical characteristics and high water-holding capacity. In addition to this, the milk treatment did not affect the probiotic bacteria growth. The balance of strains in the starter culture and level of inoculation influenced the yogurt fermentation and properties. The use of combined heat and HHP to treat milk before yogurt fermentation could be an alternative process for obtaining high quality, additive-free healthy products.
Objective To compare exfoliative cytology from the oral mucosa of smokers and nonsmokers, with emphasis on proliferative activity. Methods Exfoliative cytology specimens were obtained from clinical normal mucosa from the lateral border of the tongue in 30 nonsmokers and 30 smokers ranging in age from 40 to 70 years of age, who were seen at the Heart Institute's Patient Center and the Smoking Cessation Program of the University Hospital, University of São Paulo Medical School (InCor-HCFMUSP). The cytologic specimens were evaluated by Papanicolaou staining and AgNOR quantification in order to evaluate the presence of cytological alterations suggestive of inflammation, dysplasia, keratinization, and proliferative activity of epithelial cells. Results Only Papanicolaou Class I and Class II smears were observed. Inflammatory alterations were found in 90% of smokers and in 87% of nonsmokers. The number of AgNORs/nucleus differed significantly between smokers and nonsmokers (3.372 ± 0.375 versus 2.732 ± 0.236). Conclusions Within the limitations of this research, the results indicate higher proliferative activity in smoking patients compared to nonsmoking patients, even in the absence of clinical lesions. © The Author(s) 2008.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of chlorhexidine gluconate, sodium fluoride and sodium iodine on mutans streptococci counts in saliva of irradiated patients. Forty-five patients were separated into three experimental groups and received chlorhexidine (0.12%), sodium fluoride (0.5%) or sodium iodine (2%), which were used daily during radiotherapy and for 6 months after the conclusion of the treatment. In addition, a fourth group, composed by 15 additional oncologic patients, who did not receive the mouthwash or initial dental treatment, constituted the control group. Clinical evaluations were performed in the first visit to dental clinic, after initial dental treatment, immediately before radiotherapy, after radiotherapy and 30, 60, 90 days and 6 months after the conclusion of radiotherapy. After clinical examinations, samples of saliva were inoculated on SB20 selective agar and incubated under anaerobiosis, at 37oC for 48 h. Total mutans streptococci counts were also evaluated by using real-time PCR, through TaqMan system, with specific primers and probes for S. mutans and S. sobrinus. All preventive protocols were able to reduce significantly mutans streptococci counts, but chlorhexidine gluconate was the most effective, and induced a significant amelioration of radiotherapy side effects, such as mucositis and candidosis. These results highlights the importance of the initial dental treatment for patients who will be subjected to radiotherapy for head and neck cancer treatment.
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
No hemisfério norte, o censo de aves é fundamental para gerar informações que auxiliam na compreensão de tendências populacionais. Tais censos, devido à marcada sazonalidade deste hemisfério, são realizados durante dois momentos distintos: na estação reprodutiva (aves residentes) e no inverno (quando as aves migratórias deixam determinadas regiões). Na região neotropical, porém, dependendo da localidade, as aves podem se reproduzir durante qualquer ou vários períodos do ano; podem ou não migrar, e aquelas que o fazem podem apresentar um padrão assincrônico. Em contraste com o hemisfério norte, tendências populacionais são desconhecidas, bem como o impacto das taxas rápidas de urbanização e desmatamento, que também são pouco monitoradas. Para melhor entender padrões temporais de riqueza e abundância de aves, e avaliar como um censo similar pode ser implementado na América tropical, foram utilizados pontos de escuta ao longo de 12 meses em uma localidade no Estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Os censos ocorreram duas vezes por dia (manhãs/tardes) em uma floresta semidecidual ao longo de transecções com 10 pontos (20 pontos por dia) distantes 200 m entre si e com raio de detecção limitado em 100 m. Ambas as riquezas e abundâncias de aves foram maiores durante as manhãs, mas as curvas de acumulação sugerem que os censos vespertinos com maior esforço amostral podem fornecer resultados similares aos censos matutinos. Riqueza e abundância das aves não variam de acordo com estações (i.e., sem padrão aparente entre reprodução e migração), enquanto espécies exclusivas foram encontradas todos os meses e relativamente poucas espécies (20%) foram registradas em todos os meses do ano. Durante este ano, 84% de todas as aves florestais da área estudada foram registradas. Sugerimos que a metodologia de pontos de escuta pode ser utilizada à semelhança dos censos do hemisfério norte. Recomendamos ainda que o esforço amostral em transecções deva incluir ao menos 20 pontos, e que o início da contagem das aves deva ser sazonal, utilizando o período de migração das espécies austrais (e os seis meses seguintes) para coordenar pontos de escuta. Por último, sugerimos que os censos no Brasil e até mesmo na América Latina podem ajudar no entendimento de tendências populacionais, mas também demandam maior esforço do que o observado em latitudes temperadas, devido à maior riqueza de espécies e diferenças nas dinâmicas de reprodução e migração. Por meio do uso de censos de aves coordenados poderá ser desenvolvida uma técnica para os trópicos que irá gerar informações que permitam acompanhar tendências populacionais, com benefícios para a conservação das aves, similarmente aos censos realizados em países do hemisfério norte.
Salmonella food poisoning is a public health problem. Feed withdrawal from broiler chickens before slaughter can favor the multiplication of Salmonella in the cecum and crop of contaminated animals and subsequently lead to contamination of carcasses in the processing plant. In the present study, a cocktail of lytic bacteriophages isolated from sewage water was orally administered to 45-d-old broiler chickens 1 h after they received an oral dose of 107 cfu/mL Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Enteritidis. Immediately after phage administration and 30 min, 1, 3, 6, and 12 h thereafter, groups of chicken were killed. Ceca and crops were analyzed for the presence of Salmonella. At 3 h posttreatment, there were 103 cfu/g and 101 cfu/g of cecal and crop suspension, respectively. At 6 h after treatment, the number of Salmonella was 103 cfu/g in the cecal suspension, but below the detection limit in the crops. our results suggest that bacteriophage therapy may be able to reduce the contamination of chicken carcasses by reducing the preslaughter load of Salmonella in the birds.
The purpose of the present dissertation is to show the interactivity connections featured in a cultural journalism magazine's website through direct observation of its presented structure. The website chosen as object of study is Rolling Stone Brasil, April 2010 being the point of reference for analysis. Methodological support for such study has been culled from theoretical works on the principles that are necessary for the development of sampling in the observed structure. For this, are employed of concepts and strategies predicated by authors in the field of communications with emphasis on digital means is aplicated. The research indicates that the tools adopted in the website's structure comprise a potential of interactivity between the parties involved in the communication chain, and that the content therein produced may be considered as direct content of a web journalism structure
The present monograph is a historical research of one of the brazilian newspapers in a journalistic heterogeneous effervescence, referring to the proliferation of vehicles on alternative libertarians of the 60/70. The project gives visibility to the Rolling Stone newspaper as the document that disproved their own relevancy in the viability of the music production and counterculture inspired by North America, developing the repercussion of the new behavior of young flower power in the country. The personality of those who were in the journalistic team, the production schema, editorial and proposed tariffs would be in total congruency with the countercultural movement