42 resultados para smart border
This paper presents a non-model based technique to detect and locate structural damage with the use of artificial neural networks. This method utilizes high frequency structural excitation (typically greater than 30 kHz) through a surface-bonded piezoelectric sensor/actuator to detect changes in structural point impedance due to the presence of damage. Two sets of artificial neural networks were developed in order to detect, locate and characterize structural damage by examining changes in the measured impedance curves. A simulation beam model was developed to verify the proposed method. An experiment was successfully performed in detecting damage on a 4-bay structure with bolted-joints, where the bolts were progressively released.
Small-angle X-ray scattering study of the smart thermo-optical behavior of zirconyl aqueous colloids
The smart thermo-optical systems studied here are based on the unusual thermoreversible sol-gel transition of zirconyl chloride aqueous solution modified by sulfuric acid in the molar ratio Zr/SO4:3/1. The transparency to the visible light changes during heating due to light scattering. This feature is related to the aggregates growth that occurs during gelation. These reversible changes can be controlled by the amount of chloride ions in solution. The thermoreversible sol-gel transition temperature increases from 323 to 343 K by decreasing the molar ratio Cl/Zr from 7.0 to 1.3. In this work the effect of the concentration of chloride ions on the structural characteristics of the system has been analyzed by in situ SAXS measurements during the sol-gel transition carried out at 323 and 333 K. The experimental SAXS curves of sols exhibit three regions at small, medium and high scattering vectors characteristics of Guinier, fractal and Porod regimes, respectively. The radius of primary particles, obtained from the crossover between the fractal and Porod regimes, remains almost invariable with the chloride concentration, and the value (4 Angstrom) is consistent with the size of the molecular precursor. During the sol-gel transition the aggregates grow with a fractal structure and the fractal dimensionality decreases from 2.4 to 1.8. This last value is characteristic of a cluster-cluster aggregation controlled by a diffusion process. Furthermore, the time exponent of aggregate growth presents values of 0.33 and 1, typical of diffusional and hydrodynamic motions. A crossover between these two regimes is observed.
Smart microgrids offer a new challenging domain for power theories and metering techniques because they include a variety of intermittent power sources which positively impact on power flow and distribution losses but may cause voltage asymmetry and frequency variation. In smart microgrids, the voltage distortion and asymmetry in presence of poly-phase nonlinear loads can be also greater than in usual distribution lines fed by the utility, thus affecting measurement accuracy and possibly causing tripping of protections. In such a context, a reconsideration of power theories is required since they form the basis for supply and load characterization. A revision of revenue metering techniques is also suggested to ensure a correct penalization of the loads for their responsibility in generating reactive power, voltage asymmetry, and distortion. This paper shows that the conservative power theory provides a suitable background to cope with smart grids characterization and metering needs. Simulation and experimental results show the properties of the proposed approach.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest for the development of lighter and stronger structures which are able to incorporate actuator and sensor capabilities for collocated control. In the design of actively controlled structures, the determination of the actuator locations and the controller gains, is a very important issue. For that purpose, smart material modelling, modal analysis methods, control and optimization techniques are the most important ingredients to be taken into account. The optimization problem to be solved in this context presents two interdependent aspects. The first one is related to the discrete optimal actuator location selection problem, which is solved in this paper using genetic algorithms. The second is represented by a continuous variable optimization problem, through which the control gains are determined using classical techniques. A cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam is used to illustrate the presented methodology.
The study of algorithms for active vibrations control in flexible structures became an area of enormous interest, mainly due to the countless demands of an optimal performance of mechanical systems as aircraft and aerospace structures. Smart structures, formed by a structure base, coupled with piezoelectric actuators and sensor are capable to guarantee the conditions demanded through the application of several types of controllers. This article shows some steps that should be followed in the design of a smart structure. It is discussed: the optimal placement of actuators, the model reduction and the controller design through techniques involving linear matrix inequalities (LMI). It is considered as constraints in LMI: the decay rate, voltage input limitation in the actuators and bounded output peak (output energy). Two controllers robust to parametric variation are designed: the first one considers the actuator in non-optimal location and the second one the actuator is put in an optimal placement. The performance are compared and discussed. The simulations to illustrate the methodology are made with a cantilever beam with bonded piezoelectric actuators.
IEEE 1451 Standard is intended to address the smart transducer interfacing problematic in network environments. Usually, proprietary hardware and software is a very efficient solution to in planent the IEEE 1451 normative, although can be expensive and inflexible. In contrast, the use of open and standardized tools for implementing the IEEE 1451 normative is proposed in this paper. Tools such as Java and Phyton programming languages, Linux, programmable logic technology, Personal Computer resources and Ethernet architecture were integrated in order to constructa network node based on the IEEE 1451 standards. The node can be applied in systems based on the client-server communication model The evaluation of the employed tools and expermental results are presented. © 2005 IEEE.
A finite element modeling of an intelligent truss structure with piezoelectric stack actuators for the purpose of active damping and structural vibration attenuation is presented. This paper concerns with the following issues aspects: the design of intelligent truss structure considering electro-mechanical coupling between the host structure and piezoelectric stack actuators; the H 2 norm approach to search for optimal placement of actuators and sensors; and finally some aspects in robust control techniques. The electro-mechanical behavior of piezoelectric elements is directly related to the successful application of the actuators in truss structures. In order to achieve the desired damping in the interested bandwidth frequency it is used the H ∞ output feedback solved by convex optimization. The constraints to be reached are written by linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The paper concludes with a numerical example, using Matlab and Simulink, in a cantilevered, 2-bay space truss structure. The results demonstrated the approach applicability.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new approach for edge detection in gray shaded images. The proposed approach is based on the fuzzy number theory. The idea is to deal with the uncertainties concerning the gray shades making up the image, and thus calculate the appropriateness of the pixels in relation to an homogeneous region around them. The pixels not belonging to the region are then classified as border pixels. The results have shown that the technique is simple, computationally efficient and with good results when compared with both the traditional border detectors and the fuzzy edge detectors. © 2007 IEEE.
Smart micro-grids offer a new challenging domain for power theories and metering techniques, because they include a variety of intermittent power sources which positively impact on power flow and distribution losses, but may cause voltage asymmetry and frequency variation. Due to the limited power capability of smart micro-grids, the voltage distortion can also get worse (in case of supplying non-linear loads), affecting measurement accuracy and possibly causing tripping of protections. In such a context, a reconsideration of power theories is required, since they form the basis for supply and load characterization. A revision of revenue metering techniques is also needed, to ensure a correct penalization of the loads for their responsibility in generating reactive power, voltage unbalance and distortion. This paper shows that the Conservative Power Theory (CPT) provides a suitable background to cope with smart grids characterization and metering needs. Experimental results validate the proposed approach. © 2010 IEEE.
Distributed Generators (DG) are generally modeled as PQ or PV buses in power flow studies. But in order to integrate DG units into the distribution systems and control the reactive power injection it is necessary to know the operation mode and the type of connection to the system. This paper presents a single-phase and a three-phase mathematical model to integrate DG in power flow calculations in distribution systems, especially suited for Smart Grid calculations. If the DG is in PV mode, each step of the power flow algorithm calculates the reactive power injection from the DG to the system to keep the voltage in the bus in a predefined level, if the DG is in PQ mode, the power injection is considered as a negative load. The method is tested on two well known test system, presenting single-phase results on 85 bus system, and three-phase results in the IEEE 34 bus test system. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper proposes a simple and powerful architecture for publication and universal access to smart transducers, through existing and established open standards. Smart transducers are put to work on standards and styles already included in the Web, exploring resources in Cloud Computing and simplifying access to data. © 2012 IEEE.
In dealing with computer networks, these allow the flow of information through the resources of various equipment's. This work describes the implementation through the encapsulation of Protocol DNP3, usually employed in Smart Grid communication, in a simulator of discrete events. The NS-2 is a simulator in open source of network events, that facilitate the development of communication networks scenarios considering the protocols involved, in wireless or wired technologies. The objective of this work is to develop the DNP3 protocol encapsulation over a TCP/IP in the in the discrete event Simulator NS-2, allowing an analysis of behavior of a middle or large network sized in Smart Grid applications. © 2013 IEEE.
Demand response has gained increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets and smart grid environments. In addition to the importance that has been given to the development of business models for integrating demand response, several methods have been developed to evaluate the consumers' performance after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper uses those performance evaluation methods, namely customer baseline load calculation methods, to determine the expected consumption in each period of the consumer historic data. In the cases in which there is a certain difference between the actual consumption and the estimated consumption, the consumer is identified as a potential cause of non-technical losses. A case study demonstrates the application of the proposed method to real consumption data. © 2013 IEEE.