487 resultados para shells of Calyptogena sp.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo reporta o primeiro caso de infecção por Strongyloides sp. em Leopardus tigrinus no município de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Fezes do exemplar parasitado de L. tigrinus foram cultivadas em fezes eqüinas esterilizadas e foi realizada infecção experimental em gato (Felis catus domesticus) com três mil larvas L3 infectantes por via subcutânea, para a identificação da espécie de Strongyloides envolvida no parasitismo. As fêmeas partenogenéticas obtidas do animal experimental foram analisadas porém a comparação dos dados biométricos encontrados com os dados da literatura não permitiu a identificação da espécie. Este é o primeiro relato sobre a ocorrência de Strongyloides sp. em L. tigrinus


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Physical and chemical characteristics of sediment were analyzed at eight sampling areas in the estuarine region of Cananeia (SP), Brazil. The samples were collected in 1995 during four periods; summer, autumn, winter and spring. Total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, redox potential, water and organic matter percentage, sand and silt percentage and grain size were determined in six different layers of 20 cm deep columns of sediment. In general, the nutrient concentration and the percentage of organic matter decreased with depth and greater variations were observed in the first centimeter of the samples. Differences in nutrient concentration and organic matter were also observed during the study period. The highest concentrations were recorded during the rainy season (February) as a consequence of an accumulation of organic matter brought into the system by rivers and adjacent flooded areas. In general, the sediments had oxidized characteristics until the 5 or 10 cm depth in areas near the rich coastal vegetation. However, in areas open to the ocean, the entire sediment columns were almost completely oxidized.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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beta-Glucosidase and beta-xylosidase production by a yeastlike Aureobasidium sp. was carried out during solid-state and submerged fermentation using different carbon sources and crude enzymes were characterized. beta-Glucosidase and beta-xylosidase exhibited optimum activities at pH 2.0-2.5 and 3.0, respectively. These enzymes had the maximum activities at 65degreesC and were stable in a wide pH range and at high temperatures.


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The keratin is not degraded by common enzyme, keratinases have the ability to degrade native keratin and others insoluble enzymes. In the present work was Studied keratinase produced by Streptomyces sp LMI-1 isolated from industrial plant of poultry processing. The enzyme degraded 87% of feathers after 120 h, it was stimulated by Ba(2+) and inhibited by Ca(2+), Mn(2+), EDTA and Hg(+). The optimum pH and temperature for the enzyme was 8.5 and 60 degrees C, respectively. The enzyme was stable after 2 hours at 50 degrees C. The culture broth analysis by thin layer chromatography showed presence of amino acids serine, methionine, proline, tyrosine and leucine after 72 hours of incubation. The microorganism showed potential for use in industrial process because of higher enzyme production and feathers degradation.


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The density and aggregation patterns of nests of a species of Nasutitermes were determined in an area of 12,750 m(2). We found 131 nests in this area, and the distribution pattern was regular, with a density equaling 102.74 nests per hectare. Nest volume was determined from the height and diameter of 105 nests and varied from 1.59 to 192.46 dm(3). of the colonies, 70.5% had a volume below the mean value: 51.4% of these had volumes lower than 9 dm(3). Regression between the mean volumes and the distance of the 2 nearest nests was positive and significant (P < 0.001), suggesting competition between colonies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed at determining the minimum time required for the penetration of Salmonella Heidelberg inside the eggs after contact with contaminated material. Recently-collected brown and white eggs from laying hens between 45-50 weeks of age, reared in a commercial poultry house, were artificially contaminated by contact with wood shavings moistened with liquid inoculum of Salmonella Heidelberg in stationary-growth phase (10³-10(4) CFU g-1). According to type (white or brown), eggs were distributed into three different groups, with four replicates each: negative control group (no artificial contamination), positive control group (analyzed externally immediately after contamination and internally after the maximum storage period of the test group) and test group. Eggs were stored at controlled environmental temperature varying from 25ºC to 30ºC. In the test group, eggs contents (yolk and albumen) were pooled and analyzed after 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00 hours after contamination for the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg in 25g of this pool. The experimental unit consisted of five eggs in each test. The analysis protocol included pre-enrichment, selective enrichment, plating on selective agar, and biochemical and serological tests. The results obtained were submitted to logistic regression, which indicated that the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg was verified after 2:16 h and 2:44 h of contact with white and brown eggs, respectively.


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Biotic interactions between brachiopods and spionid polychaete worms, collected around San Juan Islands (USA), were documented using observations from live-collected individuals and traces of bioerosion found in dead brachiopod shells. Specimens of Terebratalia tranversa (Sowerby), Terebratulina unguicula (Carpenter), Laqueus californianus (Koch), and Hemithiris psittacea (Gmelin) were collected from rocky and muddy substrates, from sites ranging from 14.7-93.3 m in depth. Out of 1,131 specimens, 91 shells showed traces of bioerosion represented by horizontal tubes. Tubes are U-shaped, straight or slightly curved, sometimes branched, with both tube openings communicating externally. on internal surfaces of infested shells, blisters are observed. All brachiopod species yielded tubes, except for H. psittacea. Tubes are significantly more frequent on live specimens, and occur preferentially on larger, ventral valves. This pattern suggests selectivity by the infester rather than a taphonomic bias. Given the mode of life of studied brachiopods (epifaunal, sessile, attached to the substrate, lying on dorsal valve), ventral valves of living specimens should offer the most advantageous location for suspension-feeding infesters. Frequent infestation of brachiopods by parasitic spionids is ecologically and commercially noteworthy because farmed molluscs are also commonly infested by parasitic polychaetes. In addition, brachiopod shells are among the most common marine macroscopic fossils found in the Phanerozoic fossil record. From a paleontological perspective, spionid-infested brachiopod shells may be a prime target for studying parasite-host interactions over evolutionary time scales.


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A small species of the genus Hepatozoon found in a specimen of Crotalus durissus terrificus from the Botucatu region, São Paulo State, Brazil is described. The morphologic alterations induced in the snake's erythrocytes by the presence of this parasite are described. Morphology and morphometric analyses were performed using the Qwin Lite 2.5 computerized image analysis system (Leica). The Hepatozoon possessed a small and short body (8.1+/-0.5 mum long and 3.8+/-0.4 mum wide), with round extremities. The cytoplasm varied from pale blue to basophilic and had no granulations. Its nucleus was large, occupied a large area of the cytoplasm, and was irregular in shape and not condensed. Despite its small size, this parasite induced important changes in the host cell. Total parasitemia observed was 56.6%.


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A floristic study was carried out in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest, lied in the municipality of Jahu, São Paulo State, Brazil. Due to the fact of the forest be crossed by three small rivers, for the sampling process, the forest was divided in two sampling areas: Area I (under the influence of the rivers) and Area II (without this influence). Differences in the abundance of some species between the two sampling areas were observed.


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Newly discovered benthic fossils and specimens illustrated in the paleontological literature indicate that drilling predators (or parasites) were present in the Permian. New field data from southern Brazil document the first drill holes ever reported for Permian bivalve mollusks. In addition, a literature review revealed drill holes in shells of articulate brachiopods from Russia, Greece, and West Texas. Holes range in size from 0.1 to 5.8 mm and are typically round, cylindrical, singular penetrations perpendicular to the valve surface. Incomplete, healed, and multiple holes are absent. Drilling frequency, a proxy for predation intensity, is very low: less than 1 percent (this estimate may be seriously affected by taphonomic and monographic biases). Literature data suggest that frequency of drilled specimens varied significantly among higher brachiopod taxa. The geography and stratigraphy of drilled specimens indicate that drilling organisms were worldwide in their occurrence and continuously present in marine ecosystems throughout the Permian. This report is consistent with other recent studies indicating that although drillers were continuously present throughout the Phanerozoic, drilling intensity was lower in the Late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic.