206 resultados para resistant cultivars


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The most widely standard used for powdery mildew control on cucurbitaceas is the use of resistant cultivars and systemic fungicides, even though nutrition has been an option. The supply of silicon is benefic to many vegetable species, stimulating growth, yield, photosynthesis and regulation of transpiration; besides, its deposition in the epidermis avoids the invasion of fungus, bacteria and sucking insects. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of potassium silicate on powdery mildew control, development and yield of zucchini squash, cultivar Caserta. The experiment was conducted at Universidade Estadual Paulista, in greenhouse conditions and with a randomized design, divided in four replications, 11 plants per plot and five treatments: control (water), chemical treatment with fenarimol (2.4 g a.i. 100 L-1) and potassium silicate, in doses 1.5 L ha-1; 2.0 L ha-1 and 2.5 L ha-1. We evaluated the disease severity; gas exchange (net CO2 assimilation rates, transpiration, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency); growth (leaf area ratio, relative growth rate, absolute growth rate, net assimilation rate and specific leaf mass) and yield. The results showed that the foliar application of potassium silicate and fenarimol controlled powdery mildew and had no influence on plant growth. Therefore, the potassium silicate may be used as alternative for control of fungal pathogens and reduced application of chemical products, which provides a greater environmental sustainability. However, it is necessary to be careful with high doses because it was observed that 2.5 L h-1 was harmful to fruit production and gas exchange, despite being effective in controlling powdery mildew. According to this study it is recommended using 2.0 L ha-1 for control of powdery mildew to zucchini squash, and can replace the use of fenarimol, without affecting productivity and development of plants.


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The castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is a tropical oilseed species, and the oil extracted from its seeds is one of the most versatile oils in the nature, showing various industrial uses. Even though it is a rustic species, the castor bean is subjected to several diseases such as the gray mold, caused by the fungus Amphobotrys ricini. Genetic breeding would be the best alternative for the disease control, but a long time is required to obtain resistant cultivars. Thus, the use of control strategies based on chemical, alternative or biological methods shows viable in the short term. The aim of this study was to investigate gray mold control efficiency, in castor bean crop, using chemical, alternative and biological methods. The pathogen control efficiency was evaluated both in vitro and in vivo using fungicides, essential oils and biological control agents. As regards the in vitro inhibition of the pathogen mycelial growth, the best treatments with essential oils were those based on C. martini and C. zeylanicum at all five tested concentrations. For both oils, the average diameter of colonies was 0.7 cm against 4.79 cm for the control treatment. For the fungicides, at all four tested levels, the most efficient active ingredients were methyl tiophanate, carbendazim, tebuconazole and iprodione. The ED50 of these fungicides was <1uL/L, yielding 100% mycelial growth inhibition at all concentrations. As to the inhibition of A. ricini conidium germination, the fungicides tebuconazole and chlorotanolyl were the best at all tested concentrations, and the average of germinated conidia with these fungicides was 0.0 and 0.15%, respectively, against 100% for the control treatment. In the field, treatment with the fungicide iprodione was the best for the disease control when compared to biological and alternative treatments. Under field conditions, the average disease severity for the treatment with iprodione was 15.76% against 95.81% for the inoculated control.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The southern armyworm (SAW) Spodoptera eridania (Cramer) is one of the most common armyworm species defoliating soybeans. Preliminary screening trials have indicated that some soybean genotypes exhibit resistance to SAW. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the development of SAW larvae fed on ten soybean genotypes in order to identify genotypes with antibiosis-type resistance. Neonate SAW larvae were daily fed with young leaves collected from plants at the vegetative growth stages V4-V5. Larval development and survival were recorded. Genotypes PI 227687 and PI 227682 delayed larval, pupal, and larva-adult development and yielded larvae with the lowest weight and survival and pupae with the lowest weight. Genotypes IAC 100 and DM 339 also negatively affected larval and pupal development and larval survival but at a lower level. Based on our results, the soybean lines PI 227687 and PI 227682 could be used as sources of genes for soybean breeding programs aiming to develop high yield, SAW-resistant cultivars. Moreover, further trials must be carried out under field conditions to validate if the commercial cultivars IAC 100 and DM 339, which expressed moderate levels of antibiosis-type resistance in the laboratory, are effective in suppressing SAW larvae populations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ascia monuste orseis (Godart) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is a production limiting pest in collard greens, Brassica oleracea (L.) var. acephala, cultivation. Because of the overuse and harmful effects of synthetic insecticides on nontarget species, the use of insect-resistant cultivars can be a valuable strategy in pest control. In this study, newly hatched A. monuste orseis larvae were confined to the leaves of 29 collard greens cultivars under a controlled environment to investigate plant resistance. We evaluated the incubation period, duration of instars, total duration of the immature and pupal phases, the egg to adult life cycle duration, mortality per instar, total weight of fifth instar larvae and pupae (age = 24 h) and larval and pupal survival and eclosion. Antibiosis and/or antixenosis were observed in selected cultivars. The results show that Gigante I-915 (E) exhibited high larval mortality and that the Pires 1 de Campinas cultivar (P) prevented all pupae from proceeding to the adult stage. The Introdu double dagger es do municipio de Arthur Nogueira Z (Y), Cabocla (AA), Japonesa (R) and Manteiga de Mococa (M) cultivars prolonged the larval stage. Japonesa (R) and Introdu double dagger es do municipio de Arthur Nogueira Z (Y) increased the egg to adult developmental period, and the Japonesa (R) cultivar also prolonged the pupal stage. The Verde-escura (O), Crespa de Capo Bonito (I), Couve de folhas Manteiga 900 Legitima P, Alto (AB), Gigante I-915 (E) and Manteiga Ribeiro Pires I-2446 (H) cultivars reduced the larval weight of A. monuste orseis.


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O uso de plantas inseticidas e de variedades pode ser forte aliado ao Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP), podendo reduzir o número de aplicações de inseticidas e minimizar seus efeitos ao homem e ao meio ambiente. em condições de campo, visando o controle de pragas tardias do tomateiro em duas cultivares de crescimento determinado, compararam-se as seguintes táticas de controle: a) Convencional - pulverizações com os produtos metamidofós, buprofezin, acefato, cipermetrina, abamectina, permetrina, teflubenzuron e lufenuron, aplicados em intervalos de três a seis dias; b) MIP - nível de ação de cada praga para aplicações de imidacloprid, triflumuron, lufenuron e abamectina; c) MIP - Azadirachta indica (nim) - nível de ação de cada praga para aplicações de óleo de nim (1,2% de azadiractina) a 0,5%. As táticas de controle MIP e MIP - nim foram eficientes no controle das pragas tardias do tomateiro, quando a pressão da população é baixa, não diferindo do tratamento convencional que apresentou as menores médias de infestação. As táticas de controle convencional, MIP e MIP-nim promoveram maiores produções do tomateiro, com incrementos de até 74%. O número de pulverizações foi reduzido em até 77% com as táticas MIP e MIP - nim, comparado ao método convencional. O produto nim pode ser alternativa promissora no controle de pragas tardias do tomateiro em campo, que se ajusta ao MIP.


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A mosca-branca, Bemisia tabaci biótipo B, é atualmente uma das mais importantes pragas da cultura do melão, ocasionando danos diretos e indiretos às plantas e reduzindo significativamente as produções a campo. Devido à necessidade de métodos mais sustentáveis do que o controle químico nas lavouras de melão, neste trabalho avaliou-se a resposta das cultivares de meloeiro AF-646, AF-682, Don Luis, Frevo, Jangada, Nilo, Vereda, Amarelo Ouro e Hales Best quanto à possível resistência a B. tabaci biótipo B, através de testes de campo, casa de vegetação e laboratório. No geral, 'Hales Best' e 'Amarelo Ouro' foram as mais resistentes, expressando não-preferência para oviposição contra a mosca-branca. A densidade de tricomas está associada à variação de oviposição sobre os materiais e deve ser melhor investigada em trabalhos futuros. Estes resultados podem auxiliar nos programas de melhoramento de melão, visando à resistência de plantas a B. tabaci biótipo B.


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This work evaluated the preference of Ascia monuste orseis among 29 cultivars of collard greens through free- and no-choice assays using female adults (attractiveness and oviposition) and third-instar larvae (feeding preference), in both laboratory and greenhouse conditions. In free-choice tests with female adults, the L, V, Y, H, A, and Z cultivars produced oviposition non-preference in butterflies. Cultivars R, P, C, and D produced feeding non-preference in third-instar larvae of A. monuste orseis in free- and no-choice tests. Our findings may be useful for genetic improvement focusing on the development of B. oleracea var. acephala cultivars resistant to A. monuste orseis.


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We compared different cultivars and hybrids of crucifers in relation to development and life-history of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) to classify the plants according to their resistance to the pest. The plants used were Manteiga da Geórgia kale, Bola de Neve cauliflower, Ramoso Piracicaba Precoce broccoli, Chato-de-quintal cabbage, and the hybrid cabbages Midori, TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681. We evaluated performance daily until the pupal stage. Pupae were assessed individually to determine the pupal weight, performance, and pupal period. We determined the sex ratio, fecundity, fertility, and longevity of the emerged adults and calculated their reproductive potential. Cabbage hybrids TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681 do not support the development and reproduction of the diamondback moth. These hybrids show a level of resistance that is similar to that found the commercially available hybrid Midori and cultivar Chato de Quintal, which are known to be resistant to the diamondback moth. This finding implies that the capitata (cabbage) cultivars are the most suitable for planting because they are more resistant to pest than the cultivar's moth, acephala (kale). © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)