27 resultados para political power


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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São analisadas as mudanças ocorridas no poder político local, mudanças decorrentes do impacto da extinção dos antigos partidos políticos, das mudanças no sistema eleitoral, da reforma tributária e da restrição do papel do legislativo federal. São mudanças, ademais, que provocam o aparecimento de políticos municipais diferenciados.


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Este texto apresenta uma breve reflexão sobre a Geografia dos conflitos agrários no Brasil entre os anos 2003 e 2006, enfatizando o período do primeiro Governo de Lula da Silva. Baseiase nos dados levantados pela Comissão Pastoral da Terra – CPT, que desde 1985 vem compilando informações sobre os conflitos no campo brasileiro. A análise dos dados nos dá a dimensão das medidas mais significativas ocorridas no âmbito das políticas relativas à agricultura brasileira, sobretudo no que se refere à política de reforma agrária. A presença significativa da violência e dos conflitos no campo brasileiro evidencia a persistência da reprodução de um modelo agrário-agrícola baseado na concentração de terra, da riqueza e de poder. Demonstra, sobretudo, a resistência das populações do campo – camponeses, sem terra, indígenas, seringueiros, quilombolas, dentre outras –, impelidas a protagonizar as mais diversas lutas sociais no país para manterem suas terras. A presença dos movimentos sociais na cena política demonstra a importância da realização da Reforma Agrária no contexto do desenvolvimento da sociedade brasileira.


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This study compares two educational practices: the Rural School method (Escola do Campo) and the SESI teaching method, suggesting that the latter one is inefficient when applied to rural schools, as illustrated with a case study of a rural school that was obliged to adopt this method in 2012. The epistemological basis of a dialogical pedagogy for rural education has been used in order to criticize the practices of a method whose origins in the industrial ideology and in consumerism promotes a true cultural invasion, according to Paulo Freire, hindering the students' dialogues with respect to the ways of life in rural areas and in towns – an interaction that assured school performance in the previous educational system, which has been arbitrarily discontinued by the political power. Different surveys were used in this study for both compared cases, specially dissertations that have evaluated the Rural School project (Projeto Escola do Campo), adopted in Araraquara in 2004, a dissertation about the SESI teaching method that has discussed its new didactic material and, also, an evaluation of the contents of a representative sample of textbooks of History, Geography, Sciences and Mathematics for the 6th grade of elementary school. It is a theoretical text, not an essay, considering that it is based on concrete situations, which were explained using researches on the implicit themes and summarizes the analytical procedures that have allowed to unveil, in the textbooks prepared by SESI, the stimulus and the valorization of consumerism, without any criticism and environment concerns.


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The presidency of Evo Morales, indigenous leader and who heads the party Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), opens a series of transformations in several dimensions. The changes in socio-economic and political power express the critic of long-term coloniality relations between a dominant white elite and an indigenous subordinate majority that deepens after national independence. Following this perspective, present in sectors of support to the government, the strategy of the MAS cannot follow the tradition of social revolutions that operated structural breaks in the mode of production and the state organization, but points to a new decolonizing revolution, cultural and political, articulating an indigenism of broad nature, flexible and open to popular social movements. This view is facing critics in sectors of the left that identify the renewal of capitalist modernization process initiated in 1952 under the leadership of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR), extending citizenship and democratizing access to the state for recognition of Indians as such. From this perspective, the transformations proposed by MAS tend to favor a system restoration by diversifying its economic and social base. From the contrast provided by these two lines of interpretation, we intend to analyze the structural possibilities of the strategy of the government of Evo Morales, taking as historical reference the transformations wrought by the nationalist revolution of 1952 and the neoliberal reforms initiated in 1980.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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The aim of this paper is to present a historical review of the implementation process of the political pedagogical project (PPP) of Londrina (PR). The study used interviews with some agents who participated in the construction of the PPP (teachers, school, supervisors and employees of the Regional Education Center) and investigated the absorption of proposals from the base (school) for the offices of political power. The results showed that although the democratic discourse has always been present in official documents the construction of the PPP had discrete popular participation and projects, as a rule, incorporated the bureaucratic forms issued by official powers.


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The capacitated redistricting problem (CRP) has the objective to redefine, under a given criterion, an initial set of districts of an urban area represented by a geographic network. Each node in the network has different types of demands and each district has a limited capacity. Real-world applications consider more than one criteria in the design of the districts, leading to a multicriteria CRP (MCRP). Examples are found in political districting, sales design, street sweeping, garbage collection and mail delivery. This work addresses the MCRP applied to power meter reading and two criteria are considered: compactness and homogeneity of districts. The proposed solution framework is based on a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure and multicriteria scalarization techniques to approximate the Pareto frontier. The computational experiments show the effectiveness of the method for a set of randomly generated networks and for a real-world network extracted from the city of São Paulo. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.