86 resultados para physical exercises


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A sociedade atual tem valorizado de forma significativa a aparência alta e esbelta. Essa constituição física tem sido reforçada desde a infância e atinge a população adolescente, que deseja enquadrar-se nos estereótipos, particularmente aqueles veiculados pela mídia. Nesse sentido, profissionais de saúde são questionados rotineiramente sobre os efeitos positivos que o exercício físico exerce sobre o crescimento longitudinal de crianças e adolescentes. Procurou-se revisar a literatura especializada a respeito dos principais efeitos que o exercício físico exerceria sobre a secreção e atuação do hormônio de crescimento (GH) nos diversos tecidos corporais, durante a infância e adolescência. Através dessa revisão, foi possível verificar que o exercício físico induz a estimulação do eixo GH/IGF-1. Embora muito se especule quanto ao crescimento ósseo ser potencializado pela prática de exercícios físicos, não foram encontrados na literatura científica específica estudos bem desenvolvidos que forneçam sustentação a essa afirmação. No tocante aos efeitos adversos advindos do treinamento físico durante a infância e adolescência, aparentemente, esses foram independentes do tipo de esporte praticado, porém resultantes da intensidade do treinamento. A alta intensidade do treinamento parece ocasionar uma modulação metabólica importante, com a elevação de marcadores inflamatórios e a supressão do eixo GH/IGF-1. Entretanto, é importante ressaltar que a própria seleção esportiva, em algumas modalidades, recruta crianças e/ou adolescentes com perfis de menor estatura, como estratégia para obtenção de melhores resultados, em função da facilidade mecânica dos movimentos. Através dessa revisão, fica evidente a necessidade de realização de estudos longitudinais, nos quais os sujeitos sejam acompanhados antes, durante e após sua inserção nas atividades esportivas, com determinação do volume e da intensidade dos treinamentos, para que conclusões definitivas relativas aos efeitos sobre a estatura final possam ser emanadas.


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Objective: To associate changes of body composition, muscle strength (MS) and plasma hormones (PH) in resistance-training protocol in sedentary postmenopausal women (PMW).Design: This randomized controlled trial, Brazilian 43 PMW (45-70-year-old) able for physical exercises were selected after they have accomplished medical and ethical criteria. They were assigned in two groups: RT, resistance training (n = 22); and CT, not trained control (n = 2 1); with supervision sessions of two to three exercise for large and one exercise for smaller groups in three series of 8-12 rep. (60-80% 1RM) for each exercise. The training period lasted 16 weeks and was preceded by low-load exercise (40-50% 1RM) adaptation period of 4 weeks (3/(times week)). Body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), and composition (BIA) along with fast-PH (FSH, LH, estrachol, cortisol, IGF-1 and testosterone) were assessed before (MO) and after (M 16) the 4 weeks period with the MS (1RM) determined also at 8 weeks (W). The values were correlated by Person's test and the means compared by Student's t-test and ANOVA.Results: At baseline both groups were similar in age, time of PMW, body composition, MS and fast-PH. However after 16 weeks, RT presented higher BMI (2. 1 %), IGF- 1 (37.8%) and MM gain (1.8 +/- 0.8 kg) than CT. MM correlated positively with IGF-1 (r = 0.45, p < 0.05) and MS progressively increased in all exercise greater in pectoral than legs and upper arms.Conclusion: Former sedentary postmenopausal women submitted to resistance training gained MM and MS irrespectively of fat mass changes but significantly associated with IGF-1 increase. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A atividade física pode ser efetivar tanto na atenção primária quanto secundária e terciária da saúde. Os objetivos do artigo são analisar a associação entre atividade física e prevenção ou tratamento das doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis e incapacidade funcional e rever os principais mecanismos biológicos responsáveis por essa associação e as recomendações atuais para a prática de exercícios nessas situações. Diversos estudos epidemiológicos mostram associação entre aumento dos níveis de atividade física e redução da mortalidade geral e por doenças cardiovasculares em indivíduos adultos e idosos. Embora ainda não estejam totalmente compreendidos, os mecanismos que ligam a atividade física à prevenção e ao tratamento de doenças e incapacidade funcional envolvem principalmente a redução da adiposidade corporal, a queda da pressão arterial, a melhora do perfil lipídico e da sensibilidade à insulina, o aumento do gasto energético, da massa e força muscular, da capacidade cardiorrespiratória, da flexibilidade e do equilíbrio. No entanto, a quantidade e qualidade dos exercícios necessários para a prevenção de agravos à saúde podem ser diferentes daquelas para melhorar o condicionamento físico. de forma geral, os consensos para a prática de exercícios preventivos ou terapêuticos contemplam atividades aeróbias e resistidas, preferencialmente somadas às atividades físicas do cotidiano. Particularmente para os idosos ou adultos, com co-morbidades ou limitações que afetem a capacidade de realizar atividades físicas, os consensos preconizam, além dessas atividades, a inclusão de exercícios para o desenvolvimento da flexibilidade e do equilíbrio.


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Physical exercises have been recommended in the prevention of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), but the mechanisms involved in this intervention are not yet fully understood. Experimental models offer the opportunity for the study of this matter. The present study was designed to analyze the diabetes evolution in rats submitted to neonatal treatment with alloxan with the objective of verifying the suitability of the model to future studies with exercises. For this, newly born rats (6 days old) received intraperitoneal alloxan (A = 200 mg/kg of body weight). Rats injected with vehicle (citrate buffer) were used as controls (C). The fasting blood glucose level (mg/dL) was higher in the alloxan group at the day 28 (C=47.25 +/- 5.08; A=54.51 +/- 7.03) but not at the 60 day of age (C=69.18 +/- 8.31; A=66.81 +/- 6.08). The alloxan group presented higher blood glucose level during glucose tolerance test (GTT) (mg/dL. 120 min) in relation to the control group both at day 28 (C=16908.9 +/- 1078.8; A=21737,7 +/- 1106.4) and at day 60 (C=11463.45 +/- 655.30; A=15282.21 +/- 1221.84). Insulinaemia during GTT (ng/mL.120 min) was lower at day 28 (C=158.67 +/- 33.34; A=123.90 +/- 19.80), but presented no difference at day 60 (C=118.83 +/- 26.02; A=97.8 +/- 10.88). At day 60, the glycogen concentration in the soleus muscle (mg/100mg) was lower in the alloxan group (0.3 +/- 0.13) in relation to the control group (0.5 +/- 0.07). No difference was observed between groups in relation to (mu mol/g.h): Glucose Uptake (C = 5.8 +/- 0.63; A = 5.2 +/- 0.73); Glucose Oxidation (C= 4.3 +/- 1.13; A= 3.9 +/- 0.44); Glycogen Synthesis (C= 0.8 +/- 0.18; A= 0.7 +/- 0.18) and Lactate Production (C= 3.8 +/- 0.8; A= 3.8 0.7) by the isolated soleus muscle. The glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (16.7mM) by the isolated islets (ng/5 islets. h) of the alloxan group was lower (14.3 +/- 4.7) than the control group (32.0 +/- 7.9). Thus, we may conclude that this neonatal diabetes induction model gathers interesting characteristics and may be useful for further studies on the role of the exercise in the diabetes mellitus appearance.


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Partindo-se da constatação de que no continente sul-americano, as investigações sobre Atividade Física/Saúde Coletiva têm tomado rumos que mais se aproximam daqueles agravos que acometem pessoas de países desenvolvidos, cujos resultados raramente podem ser acolhidos como referência para nossa realidade, apresentam-se procedimentos metodológicos sobre as formas de mensuração da atividade física desde as medidas diretas realizadas em laboratório, até as indiretas utilizadas para estimativa de consumo calórico de tarefas habituais. em seguida, o binômio Saúde Coletiva/Exercício Físico é abordado com ênfase para as perspectivas e limitações desta relação em nosso meio. em momento subseqüente, considerando a possibilidade do padrão epidemiológico de transição, tematiza-se, a partir da literatura técnica pertinente, a prática de exercícios físicos, saúde e agravos infecciosos, apontando-se para algumas vertentes de investigação em nosso meio, com vistas à superação da lacuna apresentada.


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O envelhecimento da população é um fenômeno mundial, do qual o Brasil apresenta um dos mais agudos processos. A prática regular de exercícios por idosos pode melhorar a capacidade física, proporcionar ganho de auto-estima e confiança, contribuindo para diminuição do risco de quedas, comuns em idosos. Este estudo visou comparar o risco de quedas entre idosos sedentários e ativos, verificando como a prática de exercício físico se reflete no desempenho dos sujeitos na escala de Berg. Foram avaliados por esse instrumento 70 idosos, divididos em 2 grupos: sedentários (n=35) e ativos (n=35). Os escores médios na escala de Berg dos grupos sedentário e ativo foram 47,7±5,6 pontos e 53,6±3,7, respectivamente (p<0,0001). A análise dos escores evidenciou que o grupo sedentário apresentou 15,6 vezes mais risco de quedas do que o grupo ativo (p=0,002). O desempenho na escala de Berg foi pior no grupo sedentário do que no ativo, sugerindo que a prática regular de atividades físicas pode interferir nesse desempenho e que os sujeitos ativos têm menor risco de queda.


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OBJETIVO: Foi avaliar o efeito de programa misto de intervenção nutricional e exercício físico sobre a composição corporal e hábitos alimentares de mulheres obesas em climatério. MÉTODOS: Trabalhou-se com 2 grupos de 15 pessoas por 40 semanas: Grupo Dieta (intervenção nutricional) e Grupo Exercício (intervenção nutricional e exercício). RESULTADO: As reduções do peso (-2,3kg para Grupo Dieta e -5,3kg para o Grupo Exercício) e da circunferência da cintura (-4,8cm para Grupo Dieta e -7,6cm para Grupo Exercício), foram maiores para o Grupo Exercício. Foi verificada evolução positiva na classificação do Índice de Massa Corporal para ambos os grupos, sendo que o Grupo Exercício respondeu melhor ao tratamento. O padrão alimentar foi considerado monótono e com baixo consumo de alimentos regionais. CONCLUSÃO: O programa foi efetivo para perda de peso, em maior intensidade na presença de exercício. A educação alimentar proposta foi capaz de acarretar mudanças nos hábitos alimentares.


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Background: Many studies have shown that physical exercises are able to stimulate bone formation and increase bone mass, constituting a therapeutic modality to treat bone loss due to osteoporosis. However, some points about the intensity, duration and frequency of the exercises remain confusing and contradictory. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of a progressive loading exercise program on femur of osteopenic rats. To induce osteopenia we used the animal model of ovariectomy (OVX). Forty animals was studied and divided into 4 groups: sham-operated sedentary (SS); ovariectomy-sedentary (OS); sham-operated training (ST) and ovariectomy training (OT). The trained groups performed jumps into water: 4 series of 10 jumps each, with an overload of 50% to 80% of the animal's body weight, during 8 weeks. Femora were submitted to a physical properties evaluation, a biomechanical test, calcium and phosphorus content measurement and a morphometric histological evaluation. Results: osteopenic animals showed a decrease of bone strength and lower values of bone weights, bone density and calcium content. The exercised osteopenic rats showed higher values of geometrical, physical properties, bone strength and calcium content compared to controls. The results of the present study indicate that the progressive loading exercise program had stimulatory effects on femora of osteopenic rats. It seems that the intensity and duration of the protocol used produced bone structural adaptations, which contributed to reverse bone loss due to ovariectomy.


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Physical exercise induces hemodynamic/ventilatory and neuromuscular adaptations that can be reverted with interruption of the training program. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of detraining on physical fitness related to health. Forty-four healthy subjects, both male and female, aged 57.6±8.9 years performed the 'Mexa-se Pró-Saúde' protocol with nutritional orientation and supervised physical exercises for nine months. The program consisted of aerobic, localized muscular endurance and flexibility exercises, with duration 80 minutes/session, five days/week. Only subjects who participated in the program for more than three days/week have been selected. The detraining period was one month. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured and the body mass index (BMI) calculated. Additionally, motors tests to evaluate the flexibility (FLEX), strength of lower limbs (SLL) and upper limbs (SUL), and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2máx) were conducted in the beginning of the study (MI), after nine months of practicing (MT) and after detraining period (MD). ANOVA (p<0.05) and Tukey test to show the difference between groups when it evidence were used for statistical treatment. The results showed that the gains of 22% and 7% on SLL and VO2máx respectively, obtained with the training, have not changed during the detraining period; however, the flexibility gain of 8% returned back to baseline after the detraining period. BMI and SUL did not change during the study. Although the lower limbs strength gains and maximal oxygen uptake obtained have been kept, one month of detraining was enough for losing the flexibility acquired.


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Introduction: The lack of physical exercises generated by immobilization of the lower limbs leads to changes in body composition that are generally associated with the imbalance of metabolic rate coupled with a sedentary status, which can result in obesity, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the improvement of physical fitness can contribute to promoting health and quality of life for these patients. As there is a very small number of research in this direction, our purpose was to investigate the effects of an adapted swimming program in protocol interval, for people with spinal cord injury, aiming to verify the improvement of your fitness and, consequently, some biochemical variables important for health. Methodology: The study included 17 subjects with spinal cord injury, sedentary, divided into two groups: 11 participants in the training group (TG) and 6 in control group (CG). TG was applied by a protocol of interval training in swimming for eight consecutive weeks, three times a week. The protocol employed a stroke of breaststroke in work periods of moderate to severe, and stroke in the backstroke, in periods of active recovery. The CG has not participated in any physical activity. Both groups were collecting blood for biochemical analysis, before (evaluation) and after (revaluation) the swimming program. Results and Discussion: The concentrations of triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol showed no significant changes in assessment for reassessment in both groups. However the TG, the level of HDL-cholesterol were significant differences (p=0,0110), showing an improvement in posttraining, which did not occur in the CG. With respect to the state of fitness, the results revealed a significant difference in relation to time and distance covered in water when compared with the pre-training (p<0,001), showing a great improvement in the ability to shift with the stroke of breaststroke and a significant improvement in cardiorespiratory function. Conclusion: The swimming program interval used, with moderate to severe intensity, can even in a short period of time, promote positive changes in HDLcholesterol in individuals with spinal cord injury studied, and substantially improve your fitness.


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Aim: To assess the contribution of a multimodal exercise program on the sleep disturbances (SD) and on the performance of instrumental activities daily living (IADL) in patients with clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease patients (PD). Methods: A total of 42 consecutive patients (23 training group, 19 control group) with PD and 35 demented patients with AD (19 trained group, 16 control group) were recruited. Participants in both training groups carried out three 1-h sessions per week of a multimodal exercise program for 6 months. The Pfeffer Questionnaire for Instrumental Activities and the Mini-Sleep Questionnaire were used to assess the effects of the program on IADL and SD respectively. Results: Two-way ancova showed interactions in IADL and SD. Significant improvements were observed for these variables in both intervention groups, and maintenance or worsening was observed in control groups. The analysis of effect size showed these improvements. Conclusion: The present study results show that a mild to moderate intensity of multimodal physical exercises carried out on a regular basis over 6 months can contribute to reducing IADL deficits and attenuating SD. © 2013 Japan Geriatrics Society.


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Background: This study evaluated the effect of aminoguanidine on liver of diabetic rats subject to physical exercises using histological and histochemical techniques.Methods: The rats used in this study were divided into five groups: sedentary control, sedentary diabetic, trained diabetic, sedentary diabetic and treated with aminoguanidine, trained diabetic and treated with aminoguanidine.Results: The results showed no effect of aminoguanidine on the liver tissue, although there was improvement with exercise training showing cytological, morpho-histological and histochemical alterations in liver cells of animals from groups trained diabetic and/or treated diabetic compared to those individuals in the sedentary control and sedentary diabetic. These changes included: hepatocytes hypertrophy, presence and distribution of polysaccharides in the hepatocytes cytoplasm and, especially, congestion of the liver blood vessels.Conclusion: Our results suggest that aminoguanidine is not hepatotoxic, when used at dosage of 1 g/L for the treatment of diabetes complications, and confirmed that the practice of moderate physical exercise assuaged the damage caused by diabetes without the use of insulin. © 2013 e Nico et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)