159 resultados para performance-art, arte russa, traduzione


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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The following study aimed understanding the self-esthetic of the artist-priest Master Didi, doing so a symbolic interpretation of his sculptures, considering his relations with the ritual performance of candomblé, his creative process and his artistic, sociocultural and religious influences. The interpretation of sculptures and comprehension of the process of creation from the artist with focus on the representation of orixás allowed us to evidence the relationship established between the procedures used by the artist to produce his sculptures, the materials used in his work, the relationship of works and religion, with culture and afro-Brazilian art.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A necessidade, cada vez mais crescente, da busca de felicidade tem feito com que as pessoas se deixem influenciar pelo consumo desmedido dos produtos ofertados pela Indústria Cultural, fazendo da arte, de modo especial, da música, um meio de tornar-se igual sem perceber que estão se colocando à margem de sua própria cultura. Neste sentido, é necessário repensar quais são as contribuições da educação no intuito de formar para a emancipação e para a resistência, segundo as concepções adornianas.


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Este ensaio aborda afinidades entre Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) e Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), principalmente em relação à Crítica da Faculdade do juízo kantiana. Investiga-se assim o diálogo teórico que implícita ou explicitamente permeia o texto goethiano e a obra do filósofo de Königsberg envolvendo temas, tais como Arte, Natureza e Sublime.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability (first oscillation) of electric energy systems, using a neural network based on ART architecture (adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network for real time applications. The security margin is used as a stability analysis criterion, considering three-phase short circuit faults with a transmission line outage. The neural network operation consists of two fundamental phases: the training and the analysis. The training phase needs a great quantity of processing for the realization, while the analysis phase is effectuated almost without computation effort. This is, therefore the principal purpose to use neural networks for solving complex problems that need fast solutions, as the applications in real time. The ART neural networks have as primordial characteristics the plasticity and the stability, which are essential qualities to the training execution and to an efficient analysis. The fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network is proposed seeking a superior performance, in terms of precision and speed, when compared to conventional ARTMAP, and much more when compared to the neural networks that use the training by backpropagation algorithm, which is a benchmark in neural network area. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a neural network based on the ART architecture ( adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network, applied to the electric load-forecasting problem. The neural networks based on the ARTarchitecture have two fundamental characteristics that are extremely important for the network performance ( stability and plasticity), which allow the implementation of continuous training. The fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network aims to reduce the imprecision of the forecasting results by a mechanism that separate the analog and binary data, processing them separately. Therefore, this represents a reduction on the processing time and improved quality of the results, when compared to the Back-Propagation neural network, and better to the classical forecasting techniques (ARIMA of Box and Jenkins methods). Finished the training, the fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network is capable to forecast electrical loads 24 h in advance. To validate the methodology, data from a Brazilian electric company is used. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este artigo busca expor as críticas de Bernardo de Claraval às superfluidades humanas no texto da Apologia, especialmente aquelas referentes à arte arquitetural. em segundo lugar, procura analisar as implicações estéticas do ascetismo cisterciense e bernardiano. As críticas de Bernardo exercem uma influência decisiva na ornamentação e fazem nascer uma nova arquitetura.


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A proposta deste estudo é relatar a utilização da arte e seus segmentos, como recurso para inclusão da criança portadora de necessidades especiais ao ambiente odontológico. Foi utilizado como método a aplicação da arte em atividades de socioterapia e oficinas, divididas em módulos: sessão de socialização, oficinas de arte e atividades complementares, visando à elaboração de uma anamnese cultural por meio de questionários e a obtenção das preferências artísticas dos 313 participantes, previamente às suas assistências odontológicas no CAOE (Centro de Assistência Odontológica a Portadores de Necessidades Especiais) FOA/Unesp. de acordo com os questionários respondidos, a música e a pintura, segundo a preferência dos participantes, são os segmentos artísticos que mais auxiliam nas atividades de inclusão e adaptação. Concluímos que a utilização da arte na adaptação e inclusão ambiental do paciente, previamente à assistência odontológica, é favorável e eficaz.


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This article intends to discuss the importance of the ego-psychology towards the psychoanalytical interpretation of the aesthetic experience. Its focus is based on the Ernst Kris original work, therefore it intends to present certain basis of his aesthetical thinking. In this case, however, it will suggest one certain reading which emphasizes the problem of sublimation as a drive destination-and not as a defense mechanism-in within this relationship between art and psychoanalysis; hence, it brings out a phenomenon that crosses the psychoanalytical thinking since its first conception.