114 resultados para partition in micellar phase
This paper proposes a new methodology to control the power flow between a distributed generator (DG) and the electrical power distribution grid. It is used the droop voltage control to manage the active and reactive power. Through this control a sinusoidal voltage reference is generated to be tracked by voltage loop and this loop generates the current reference for the current loop. The proposed control introduces feed-forward states improving the control performance in order to obtain high quality for the current injected to the grid. The controllers were obtained through the linear matrix inequalities (LMI) using the D-stability analysis to allocate the closed-loop controller poles. Therefore, the results show quick transient response with low oscillations. Thus, this paper presents the proposed control technique, the main simulation results and a prototype with 1000VA was developed in the laboratory in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed control. © 2012 IEEE.
A transmission line digital model is developed direct in the phase and time domains. The successive modal transformations considered in the three-phase representation are simplified and then the proposed model can be easily applied to several operation condition based only on the previous knowing of the line parameters, without a thorough theoretical knowledge of modal analysis. The proposed model is also developed based on lumped elements, providing a complete current and voltage profile at any point of the transmission system. This model makes possible the modeling of non-linear power devices and electromagnetic phenomena along the transmission line using simple electric circuit components, representing a great advantage when compared to several models based on distributed parameters and inverse transforms. In addition, an efficient integration method is proposed to solve the system of differential equations resulted from the line modeling by lumped elements, thereby making possible simulations of transient and steady state using a wide and constant integration step. © 2012 IEEE.
This article shows a transmission line model developed directly in the phase domain. The proposed model is based on the relationships between the phase currents and voltages at both the sending and receiving ends of a single-phase line. These relationships, established using an ABCD matrix, were extended to multi-phase lines. The proposed model was validated by using it to represent a transmission line during short-and open-circuit tests. The results obtained with the proposed model were compared with results obtained with a classical model based on modal decomposition. These comparisons show that proposed model was correctly developed. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
The second-order differential equations that describe the polyphase transmission line are difficult to solve due to the mutual coupling among them and the fact that the parameters are distributed along their length. A method for the analysis of polyphase systems is the technique that decouples their phases. Thus, a system that has n phases coupled can be represented by n decoupled single-phase systems which are mathematically identical to the original system. Once obtained the n-phase circuit, it's possible to calculate the voltages and currents at any point on the line using computational methods. The Universal Line Model (ULM) transforms the differential equations in the time domain to algebraic equations in the frequency domain, solve them and obtain the solution in the frequency domain using the inverse Laplace transform. This work will analyze the method of modal decomposition in a three-phase transmission line for the evaluation of voltages and currents of the line during the energizing process.
Trinta gatas, saudáveis, foram submetidas à ovariectomia pela técnica convencional e por videolaparoscopia. Amostras de sangue foram obtidas com o objetivo de verificar a intensidade da resposta inflamatória por meio da análise das concentrações de proteinas de fase aguda e contagem de leucócitos antes e até 144 horas após procedimento cirúrgico. As proteínas que apresentaram aumento significativo 24 horas após a cirurgia foram: ceruloplasmina, hemopexina, haptoglobina e α1-glicoproteína ácida, 69,8%, 103,5%, 117,3% e 199,0%, respectivamente, para ovariectomia convencional, e 22,3%, 46,1%, 79,8% e 74,6%, respectivamente, para ovariectomia por videolaparoscopia. A resposta inflamatória foi mais evidente nas gatas submetidas à ovariectomia convencional. Os resultados mostram aumento e diminuição na concentração de proteínas de fase aguda e na contagem de leucócitos, podendo ser utilizados na avaliação da resposta inflamatória induzida por procedimentos cirúrgicos.
We consider the modification of the Cahn-Hilliard equation when a time delay process through a memory function is taken into account. We then study the process of spinodal decomposition in fast phase transitions associated with a conserved order parameter. Finite-time memory effects are seen to affect the dynamics of phase transition at short times and have the effect of delaying, in a significant way, the process of rapid growth of the order parameter that follows a quench into the spinodal region. These effects are important in several systems characterized by fast processes, like non-equilibrium dynamics in the early universe and in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A espectroscopia fotoacústica obtém informações sobre amplitude e fase, da resposta de um sistema submetido a excitação por luz. Este artigo apresenta estudos do ângulo de fase no processo de transfereência de elétrons entre octaetilporfirina (OEP) e derivados de quinona ambos dispersos em uma matriz polimérica. Observou-se uma tendência no comportamento da fase para valores menores na região espectral próximo de 620 nm. Enquanto que para comprimentos de onda menores este efeito não foi apresentado. Estas medidas sugerem que a transferência de elétrons para o aceitador ocorreu com a participação do estado singleto excitado da octaetilporfirina.
We present first-principles calculations of the thermodynamic and electronic properties of the zinc-blende ternary InxGa1-xN. InxAl1-xN, BxGa1-xN, and BxAl1-xN alloys. They are based on a generalized quasi-chemical approximation and a pseudopotential-plane-wave method. T-x phase diagrams for the alloys are obtained, We show that due to the large difference in interatomic distances between the binary compounds a significant phase miscibility gap for the alloys is found. In particular for the InxGa1-xN alloy, we show also experimental results obtained from X-ray and resonant Raman scattering measurements, which indicate the presence of an In-rich phase with x approximate to 0.8. For the boron-containing alloy layers we found a very high value for the critical temperature for miscibility. similar to9000 K. providing an explanation for the difficulties encountered to grow these materials with higher boron content. The influence of a biaxial strain on phase diagrams, energy gaps and gap bowing of these alloys is also discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We have performed dielectric and micro-Raman spectroscopy measurements in the 298 - 673 K temperature range in polycrystalline Pb0.50Sr0.50TiO3 thin films prepared by a soft chemical method. The phase transition have been investigated by dielectric measurements at various frequencies during the heating cycle. It was found that the temperature corresponding to the peak value of the dielectric constant is frequency-independent, indicating a non-relaxor ferroelectric behavior. However, the dielectric constant versus temperature curves associated with the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition showed a broad maximum peak at around 433 K. The observed behavior is explained in terms of a diffuse phase transition. The obtained Raman spectra indicate the presence of a local symmetry disorder, due to a higher strontium concentration in the host lattice. The monitoring of some modes, conducted in the Pb0.50Sr0.50TiO3 thin films, showed that the ferroelectric tetragonal phase undergoes a transition to the paraelectric cubic phase at around 423 K. However, the Raman activity did not disappear, as would be expected from a transition to the cubic paraelectric phase. The strong Raman spectrum observed for this cubic phase is indicative that a diffuse-type phase transition is taking place. This behavior is attributed to distortions of the perovskite structure, allowing the persistence of low-symmetry phase features in cubic phase high above the transition temperature. This result is in contrast to the forbidden first-order Raman spectrum, which would be expected from a cubic paraelectric phase, such as the one observed at high temperature in pure PbTiO3 perovskite.
This work presents a new three-phase transformer modeling suitable for simulations in Pspice environment, which until now represents the electrical characteristics of a real transformer. It is proposed the model comparison to a three-phase transformer modeling present in EMTP - ATP program, which includes the electrical and magnetic characteristics. In addition, a set including non-linear loads and a real three-phase transformer was prepared in order to compare and validate the results of this new proposed model. The three-phase Pspice transformer modeling, different from the conventional one using inductance coupling, is remarkable for its simplicity and ease in simulation process, since it uses available voltage and current sources present in Pspice program, enabling simulations of three-phase network system including the most common configuration, three wires in the primary side and four wires in the secondary side (three-phases and neutral). Finally, the proposed modeling becomes a powerful tool for three-phase network simulations due to its simplicity and accuracy, able to simulate and analyze harmonic flow in three-phase systems under balanced and unbalanced conditions.
The phases of a transmission line are tightly coupled due to mutual impedances and admittances of the line. One way to accomplish the calculations of currents and voltages in multi-phase lines consists in representing them in modal domain, where its n coupled phases are represented by their n propagation modes. The separation line in their modes of propagation is through the use of a modal transformation matrix whose columns are eigenvectors associated with the parameters of the line. Usually, this matrix is achieved through numerical methods which do not allow the achievement of an analytical model for line developed directly in the phases domain. This work will show an analytical model for phase currents and voltages of the line and results it will be applied to a hypothetical two-phase. It will be shown results obtained with that will be compared to results obtained using a classical model. © 2012 IEEE.
The phases of a transmission line are tightly coupled due to mutual impedances and admittances of the line. One way to accomplish the calculations of currents and voltages in multi phase lines consists in representing them in modal domain, where its n coupled phases are represented by their n propagation modes. The separation line in their modes of propagation is through the use of a modal transformation matrix whose columns are eigenvectors associated with the parameters of the line. Usually, this matrix is achieved through numerical methods which do not allow the achievement of an analytical model for line developed directly in the phases domain. This work will show an analytical model for phase currents and voltages of the line and results it will be applied to a hypothetical two-phase. It will be shown results obtained with that will be compared to results obtained using a classical model © 2003-2012 IEEE.