172 resultados para particle trajectory computation
An experiment was carried out at the Research and Development Unit of Brotas aiming at evaluating dietary calcium level and limestone particle size on the production performance of commercial (Hy-Line Brown) layers in the second lay cycle. Experiment duration was 112 days. A total number of 288 hens, with 83 weeks of age in the beginning of the experiment, were used in a completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement of 2x3, with two calcium levels (3.5 and 4.0%) and three limestone particle size compositions: 100% fine limestone (FL), 30% coarse limestone (CL) + 70% fine limestone (FL), and 50% (CL) + 50% (FL), with six replicates of eight birds each. Egg weight (g), egg production (%), egg mass (%), feed intake (g), feed conversion ratio (kg/dz and kg/kg), mortality (%), and egg loss (%) were evaluated. The analysis of variance did not detect significant differences (p>0.05) among treatments on any of the evaluated performance parameters. It was concluded that the tested calcium levels and limestone particle composition did not influence the performance of semi-heavy layers in second production cycle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of corn texture and the particle size on broiler performance, carcass yield, nutrient digestibility, and digestive organ morphometrics. In Experiment I, 720 male Cobb chicks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, consisting two corn textures (dented and hard) and three corn particle sizes, was applied, with four replicates of 30 birds each. Corn particle size was classified according to geometric mean diameter (GMD) as fine - 0.46 mm; medium - 0.73 mm, and coarse - 0.87 mm. In Experiment II, 120 broiler chicks were used to evaluate corn digestibility during the periods of 16 to 22 days and 35 to 41 days of age, using the method of total excreta collection. In Experiment I, corn particle size influenced body weight, average weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio of 21-day-old birds. Corn texture and particle size did not affect the performance of 42-day-old broilers or carcass traits. In Experiment II, there was no influence of corn texture and particle size on digestive organ weights. Dented corn increased nitrogen excretion in the first trial, and hard corn improved dry matter digestibility in the second metabolic trial. Corn with fine particle size promotes better performance of broilers at 21 days of age. Hard corn results in higher dry matter digestibility and lower nitrogen excretion, and consequently higher production factor in 42-day-old broilers.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work we study the behavior of charged particles immersed in a peculiar configuration of magnetic fields, which has a main constant field B(0) and a superimposed, transversal perturbation field B(1) sin(omega(p)t), with B(1) << B(0). By taking Cartesian coordinates and placing B(0) along the z axis and B(1) sin (omega(p)t) on the x axis, an analytical solution for y(t) may be obtained by solving an integrodifferential equation. Besides, the solution z(t) also exhibits a very interesting dynamics, and the entire system is conditioned by resonances between the particle orbit frequencies and the frequency of the magnetic transversal perturbation, omega(p). In this work we also discuss numerical simulations for the related particle trajectories, as well as potential applications in the context of separation phenomena.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of airborne-particle abrasion and mechanico-thermal cycling on the flexural strength of a ceramic fused to cobalt-chromium alloy or gold alloy.Materials and Methods: Metallic bars (n = 120) were made (25 mm x 3 mm x 0.5 mm): 60 with gold alloy and 60 with Co-Cr. At the central area of the bars (8 mm x 3 mm), a layer of opaque ceramic and then two layers of glass ceramic (Vita VM13, Vita Zahnfabrick) were fired onto it (thickness: 1 mm). Ten specimens from each alloy group were randomly allocated to a surface treatment [(tungsten bur or air-particle abrasion (APA) with Al(2)O(3) at 10 mm or 20 mm away)] and mechanico-thermal cycling (no cycling or mechanically loaded 20,000 cycles; 10 N distilled water at 37 degrees C and then thermocycled 3000 cycles; 5 degrees C to 55 degrees C, dwell time 30 seconds) combination. Those specimens that did not undergo mechanico-thermal cyclingwere stored inwater (37 degrees C) for 24 hours. Bond strength was measured using a three-point bend test, according to ISO 9693. After the flexural strength test, failure types were noted. The data were analyzed using three factor-ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05).Results: There were no significant differences between the flexural bond strength of gold and Co-Cr groups (42.64 +/- 8.25 and 43.39 +/- 10.89 MPa, respectively). APA 10 and 20 mm away surface treatment (45.86 +/- 9.31 and 46.38 +/- 8.89 MPa, respectively) had similar mean flexural strength values, and both had significantly higher bond strength than tungsten bur treatment (36.81 +/- 7.60 MPa). Mechanico-thermal cycling decreased the mean flexural strength values significantly for all six alloy-surface treatment combinations tested when compared to the control groups. The failure type was adhesive in the metal/ceramic interface for specimens surface treated only with the tungsten bur, and mixed for specimens surface treated with APA 10 and 20 mm.Conclusions: Considering the levels adopted in this study, the alloy did not affect the bond strength; APA with Al(2)O(3) at 10 and 20 mm improved the flexural bond strength between ceramics and alloys used, and the mechanico-thermal cycling of metal-ceramic specimens resulted in a decrease of bond strength.
We introduce a CP trajectory diagram in bi-probability space as a powerful tool for a pictorial representation of the genuine CP and the matter effects in neutrino oscillations. The existence of correlated ambiguity in the B is uncovered. The principles of tuning the beam energy for a determination of CP-violating phase delta and the sign of Deltam(13)(2) given baseline distance are proposed to resolve the ambiguity and to maximize the CP-odd effect. We finally point out, quite contrary to what is usually believed, that the ambiguity may be resolved with similar to 50% chance in the super-JHF experiment despite its relatively short baseline of 300 km. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Up to now, the only known exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation (FWT) in curved space is that concerning Dirac particles coupled to static spacetime metrics. Here we construct the exact FWT related to a real spin-0 particle for the aforementioned spacetimes. This exact transformation exists independently of the value of the coupling between the scalar field and gravity. Moreover, the gravitational Darwin term written for the conformal coupling is one-third of the corresponding term in the fermionic case. There are some arguments in the literature that seem to favor the choice lambda=1/6. We rehearse a number of claims of these works.
We use the light-front machinery to study the behavior of a relativistic free particle and obtain the quantum commutation relations from the classical Poisson brackets. We argue that their usual projection onto the light-front coordinates from the covariant commutation relations show that there is an inconsistency in the expected correlation between canonically conjugate variables time x(+) and energy p(-). This incompatibility between canonical conjugate variables in the light front is discussed in the context of Poisson brackets and a suggestion is made on how to avoid it.
A submodel of the so-called conformal affine Toda model coupled to the matter field (CATM) is defined such that its real Lagrangian has a positive-definite kinetic term for the Toda field and a usual kinetic term for the (Dirac) spinor field. After spontaneously broken the conformal symmetry by means of BRST analysis, we end up with an effective theory, the off-critical affine Toda model coupled to the matter (ATM). It is shown that the ATM model inherits the remarkable properties of the general CATM model such as the soliton solutions, the particle/soliton correspondence and the equivalence between the Noether and topological currents. The classical solitonic spectrum of the ATM model is also discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
A new approach to the description of a spin-2 particle in flat and curved spacetime is developed on the basis of the teleparallel gravity theory. We show that such an approach is in fact a true and natural framework for the Fierz representation proposed recently by Novello and Neves. More specifically, we demonstrate how the teleparallel theory fixes uniquely the structure of the Fierz tensor, discover the transparent origin of the gauge symmetry of the spin-2 model, and derive the linearized Einstein operator from the fundamental identity of the teleparallel gravity. In order to cope with the consistency problem on the curved spacetime, similarly to the usual Riemannian approach, one needs to include the nonminimal (torsion dependent) coupling terms.
VAMP (variable-mass particle) scenarios, in which the mass of the cold dark matter particles is a function of the scalar field responsible for the present acceleration of the Universe, have been proposed as a solution to the cosmic coincidence problem, since in the attractor regime both dark energy and dark matter scale in the same way. We find that only a narrow region in parameter space leads to models with viable values for the Hubble constant and dark energy density today. In the allowed region, the dark energy density starts to dominate around the present epoch and consequently such models cannot solve the coincidence problem. We show that the age of the Universe in this scenario is considerably higher than the age for noncoupled dark energy models, and conclude that more precise independent measurements of the age of the Universe would be useful in distinguishing between coupled and noncoupled dark energy models.
The propagation of a free scalar field phi with mass m in a curved background is generally described by the equation (g(munu) delmudelnu + m(2) + xiR)phi = 0. There exist some arguments in the literature that seem to favor the conformal coupling to the detriment of the minimal one. However, the majority of these claims axe inconclusive. Here we show that the exact Foldy Wouthuysen transformation for spin-0 particle coupled to a wide class of static spacetime metrics exists independently of the value of. Nevertheless, if the coupling is of the conformal type, the gravitational Darwin-like term has an uncomplicated structure and it is proportional to the corresponding term in the fermionic case. In addition, an independent computation of this term, which has its origin in the zitterbewegung fluctuation of the boson's position with the mean square <(deltar)(2)> approximate to 1/m(2), gives a result that coincides with that obtained using the aforementioned exact transformation with xi = 1/6.
For m(2) < a(2) + q(2), with m, a, and q respectively the source mass, angular momentum per unit mass, and electric charge, the Kerr-Newman (KN) solution of Einstein's equation reduces to a naked singularity of circular shape, enclosing a disk across which the metric components fail to be smooth. By considering the Hawking and Ellis extended interpretation of the KN spacetime, it is shown that, similarly to the electron-positron system, this solution presents four inequivalent classical states. Making use of Wheeler's idea of charge without charge, the topological structure of the extended KN spatial section is found to be highly non-trivial, leading thus to the existence of gravitational states with half-integral angular momentum. This property is corroborated by the fact that, under a rotation of the space coordinates, those inequivalent states transform into themselves only after a 4π rotation. As a consequence, it becomes possible to naturally represent them in a Lorentz spinor basis. The state vector representing the whole KN solution is then constructed, and its evolution is shown to be governed by the Dirac equation. The KN solution can thus be consistently interpreted as a model for the electron-positron system, in which the concepts of mass, charge and spin become connected with the spacetime geometry. Some phenomenological consequences of the model are explored.