59 resultados para pH concentration
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho objetivou estudar a velocidade de hidrólise da uréia em dois diferentes solos brasileiros (Latossolo Vermelho Aluminoférrico típico e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico) onde foram realizados ensaios sobre o efeito do tempo e condições de armazenamento, concentração do substrato (uréia), temperatura, pH e tempo de incubação sobre a atividade da urease. As melhores condições de armazenamento foram em temperatura ambiente ou 5 ºC, após secagem ao ar, por um período de até 7 dias; para as condições estudadas, o melhor tempo de incubação foi de uma hora a 25-30 ºC, sem a utilização de tampão para acertar o pH, e a concentração de uréia suficiente foi de 3,30 g L-1, para o Latossolo Vermelho Aluminoférrico típico, e de 2,5 g L-1, para o Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico para obter a velocidade máxima da enzima.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de determinar a concentração hidrogeniônica (pH), acidez total titulável e tempo de redução do azul de metileno no fluido ruminal de caprinos com ou sem raça definida, mantidos em pastagens artificiais, exclusivas de gramíneas, ou em caatinga, durante as épocas chuvosa e seca do ano. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo analisado em esquema fatorial 2³ (animais com e sem raça definida, pastagens artificiais e em caatinga, épocas chuvosa e seca do ano). O tipo de pastagem influenciou significativamente (p < 0,05) os valores encontrados para acidez total titulável. em relação ao pH, o tipo de pastagem e época do ano foram significativamente (p < 0,05) os fatores mais incisivos. A atividade microbiana, avaliada através dos parâmetros estudados, foi mais intensa na época das águas e na caatinga em relação à da seca e pastagens artificiais, respectivamente. Na avaliação dos resultados desses testes, deve-se sempre levar em consideração principalmente a época do ano e o tipo de pastagem, sem, no entanto, desprezar o fator raça.
Utilizaram-se 10 vacas lactantes HPC e mestiças H*Z, com 55 dias de parição, peso médio de 540 kg, distribuídas em um delineamento em switch-back com o objetivo de avaliar a produção e a composição do leite, o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), proteína bruta (PB), carboidratos totais (CT) e extrato etéreo (EE), e o pH e a concentração de amônia ruminal. Os animais foram alimentados ad libitum com cinco dietas contendo silagem de milho (SM), feno de alfafa (FA), feno de capim-coastcross (FCC), ½ FA+½ SM, ½ FCC+1/2 SM, na proporção de 60%, da ração total (base de matéria seca). Os consumos dos nutrientes não foram influenciados pelas dietas. As digestibilidades aparentes de MS, PB e FDN foram maiores para as dietas contendo silagem de milho. O pH e a concentração de amônia do líquido ruminal não foram influenciados pelas dietas, porém observou-se resposta quadrática para o tempo de coletas. Registrou-se maior produção de leite para os animais que receberam silagem de milho. Os teores de proteína bruta e gordura do leite não foram influenciados pelas dietas.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de N-NH3, o pH do líquido ruminal e a eficiência de síntese microbiana de rações que continham diferentes fontes energéticas: milho (MI), milho + casca de mandioca desidratada (MC), raspa de mandioca (RM) e farinha de varredura de mandioca (FV). Foram utilizados quatro novilhos da raça Holandesa (270 kg), portadores de cânulas ruminal e duodenal, distribuídos em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 4x4. A cinza insolúvel em ácido foi utilizada como indicador do fluxo duodenal e fecal. Não houve efeito das rações experimentais no pH ruminal. No entanto, menor concentração de N-NH3 foi observada para a ração com FV. O fluxo duodenal de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio e a composição química das bactérias ruminais não foram influenciados pelas rações experimentais. A maior eficiência microbiana aparente foi obtida para a ração com FV. Nas condições do presente experimento a FV, possivelmente apresentou uma melhor sincronização com a fonte protéica (farelo de soja), diminuindo a perda de nitrogênio na forma de N-NH3 e aumentando a eficiência microbiana.
The influence of pH on the degradation of the herbicide tebuthiuron (TBH) was investigated using in situ generated Fe(III)-citrate complexes (Fe:cit) submitted to the photo-Fenton process under solar irradiation. Using Fe:cit in a wide pH range (2.5-7.5), 100-78% TBH oxidation was achieved respectively from a UV dose of 2.0 J cm(-2) (15 min). Moreover, the oxidation of TBH obtained in the presence of Fe:cit at pH 6.0 was higher than that obtained using Fe(NO3)3 at pH 2.5. A similar behavior is observed for the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) in TBH solutions. In the presence of Fe:cit, 20% and 85% of TOC was removed at pH 7.5 and 2.5, respectively, after 7.5 J cm-2 irradiation, while no mineralization was observed employing Fe(NO3)(3) for the same UV dose. Using Fe(NO3)(3), mineralization was observed only after 11 J cm-2 (8%). A higher mineralization rate was obtained with Fe(NO3)(3) only when a concentration three times higher was employed at pH 2.5. Besides the high efficiency of TBH degradation observed using the ferric citrate complex in the solar photo-Fenton process, it also offers the advantage of application at a pH of up to 7.5. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The study of the H+ concentration at the micellar interface is a convenient system for modeling the distribution of H+ at interfaces. We have synthesized salicylic acid derivatives to analyze the proton dissociation of both the carboxylic and phenol groups of' the probes, determining spectrophotometrically the apparent pK(a)'s (pK(ap)) in sodium dodecyl Sulfate, SDS, micelles with and without added salt. The synthesized probes were 2-hydroxy-5-(2-trimethylammoniumacetyl)benzoate; 2-hydroxy-5-(2-dimethylhexadecylammoniumacetyl)benzoate- 2-hydroxy-5-(2-dimethylhexadecylammoniumhexanoyl)benzoate-, 2-hydroxy-5-(2-diniethylhexadecylammoniumundecanoyl)betizoate; 2-hydroxy-5-acetylbenzoic acids and 2-hydroxy-5-dodecanoylbenzoic acid. Upon incorporation into SDS micelles the pK(ap)'s of both carboxylic and phenol groups increased by ca. 3 pH units and NaCl addition caused a decrease in the probe-incorporated pKap. The experimental results were fitted with a cell model Poisson-Boltzmann (P-B) equation taking in consideration the effect of salt on the aggregation number of SDS and using the distance of' the dissociating group as a parameter. The conformations of the probes were analyzed theoretically using two dielectric constants, e.g., 2 and 78. Both the P-B analysis and conformation calculations can be interpreted by assuming that the acid groups dissociate very close to, or at, the interface. Our results are consistent with the assumption that the intrinsic pK(a)'s of both carboxylic and phenol groups of the salicylic acid probes used here can be taken as those in water. Using this assumption the micellar and salt effects on the pKap's of the (trialkylammonium)benzoate probes were described accurately using a cell model P-B analysis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aluminium Hydroxides were precipitated from Aluminium Nitrate and Ammonium Hydroxide, at the temperatures 64 degrees C (hot) and 25 degrees C (cold), under the pH conditions 5, 7 and 9. The samples were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). The hydroxide precipitated at pH 9 and 64 degrees C is built up by pseudoboehmite and a minor share of others apparently amorphous hydroxides. The crystallinity of the hot yielded pseudoboehmite diminishes with the pH. The crystallite size was evaluated as about 40 Angstrom for the best crystallized sample. The cold precipitated product is apparently composed by amorphous or very poorly crystallized hydroxides. Upon heating, the cold precipitated hydroxides, and the low pH and hot precipitated hydroxide, release their structural water before the occurrence, about 430 degrees C, of the transition of the pseudoboehmite to gamma-alumina, and exhibit a shifting (towards low temperature side) and a broadening in the peak of the transition to alpha-alumina, which occurs at 1200 degrees C in the pseudoboehmite pattern. The yielded pseudo-boehmite peptized by HNO3, addition and gelified by evaporation in a critical concentration approximately 0.17 gcm(-3).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The purpose of this study was to investigate long-term pH changes in cavities prepared in root surface dentin of extracted teeth after obturation of the root canal with gutta-percha and a variety of sealers containing calcium hydroxide. After cleaning and shaping, root canals in 50 recently extracted, human single-rooted teeth were divided into five groups. Each of four groups was obturated with gutta-percha and either Sealapex, Sealer 26, Apexit, or CRCS, all of which contain calcium hydroxide. The remaining group served as the control and was not obturated with gutta-percha or sealer. Cavities were prepared in the facial surface of the roots in the cervical and middle regions. The pH was measured in these dentinal cavities at the initiation of the experiment, and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days after obturation. Results indicate that the pH at the surface of the root does not become alkaline when calcium hydroxide cements are used as root canal sealers. Regardless of the sealer used, the observed pattern of pH change was not different from that seen in the control group of roots that were not treated with sealer. It is concluded that calcium hydroxide-containing cements, although suitable for use as root canal sealants, do not produce an alkaline pH at the root surface. If such a pH change is related to treatment of root resorption, these sealants do not contribute to this treatment. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.
The purpose of this study was to determine the pH, after defined periods of time, in cavities prepared in the facial surface of the cervical, middle, and apical regions of roots obturated with calcium hydroxide pastes. Root canal instrumentation was performed on 40 recently extracted, single-rooted human teeth. Cavities 1.5 mm in diameter and 0.75 mm in depth were prepared in the cervical, middle, and apical regions of the facial surface of each root. Teeth were randomly divided into four groups. One group was left unobturated and served as a control. The three remaining groups were obturated with either aqueous calcium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide mixed with camphorated monochlorophenol, or Pulpdent pastes. Access cavities and apical foramina were closed with Cavit. Each tooth was stored individually in a vial containing unbuffered isotonic saline. pH at the surface was measured in the cervical, middle, and apical cavities at 0 and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days. Results indicate that hydroxyl ions derived from calcium hydroxide pastes diffused through root dentin at all regions over the experimental period of 120 days. The pattern of pH change at the tooth surface was similar in all regions of the root, regardless of the type of calcium hydroxide paste used. This was a rapid rise in pH from a control value of pH 7.6, to greater than pH 9.5 by 3 days, followed by a small decline to pH 9.0 over the next 18 days, before finally rising and remaining at, or above pH 10.0 for the remainder of the experimental period. Pulpdent paste in the apical region was the only exception in this pattern, producing a pH rise nearly one full unit below the other pastes, pH 9.3. These results indicate that, for all pastes tested, a high pH is maintained at the root surface for at least 120 days. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.
Responses of net photosynthetic rates to temperature, irradiance, pH/inorganic carbon and diurnal rhythm were analyzed in 15 populations of eight freshwater red algal species in culture and natural conditions. Photosynthetic rates were determined by oxygen concentration using the light and dark bottles technique. Parameters derived from the photosynthesis-irradiance curves indicated adaptation to low irradiance for all freshwater red algae tested, confirming that they tend to occur under low light regimes. Some degree of photoinhibition (β = -0.33-0.01 mg O2 g-1 DW h-1 (μmol photons m-2 s-1)-1) was found for all species/populations analyzed, whereas light compensation points (lc) were very low (≤ 2 μmol photons m- photons s-1) for most algae tested. Saturation points were low for all algae tested (lk = 6-54 μmol photons m-2 S-1; lS = 20-170 μmol photons m-2 s-1). Rates of net photosynthesis and dark respiration responded to the variation in temperature. Optimum temperature values for net photosynthesis were variable among species and populations so that best performances were observed under distinct temperature conditions (10, 15, 20 or 25°C). Rates of dark respiration exhibited an increasing trend with temperature, with highest values under 20-25°C. Results from pH experiments showed best photosynthetic performances under pH 8.5 or 6.5 for all but one species, indicating higher affinity for inorganic carbon as bicarbonate or indistinct use of bicarbonate and free carbon dioxide. Diurnal changes in photosynthetic rates revealed a general pattern for all algae tested, which was characterized by two relatively clear peaks, with some variations around it: a first (higher) during the morning (07.00-11.00 hours.) and a second (lower) in the afternoon (14.00-18.00 hours). Comparative data between the 'Chantransia' stage and the respective gametophyte for one Batrachospermum population revealed higher values (ca 2-times) in the latter, much lower than previously reported. The physiological role of the 'Chantransia' stage needs to be better analyzed.
The effect of ammonia and pH levels on giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae were evaluated to provide science-based information on safe levels of ammonia and pH for larviculture. Survival rate, developmental stage, and larval weight gain were determined for larvae kept in water with total ammonia (NH4-N) concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg\L and pH 7, 8, and 9. The trials were conducted in two phases: phase 1, larvae from stages I through VIII and phase 2, larvae from stage VIII until metamorphose. Oxygen consumption was determined for larvae in stages I and VIII at total ammonia concentrations of 0, 4, and 8 mg/L and pH 8. Survival rate up to stage VIII varied from 86 to 98% and did not differ for total ammonia concentrations in pH 7 and 8 and for 0 mg/L NH4-N in pH 9. Survival rate was significantly lower (0-20%) for total ammonia concentrations from 1 to 8 mg/L (0.43-3.41 mg/L of unionized ammonia) in pH 9. Larval stage indexes (7.9-8.0 range) and weight gain (1.572-2.931 mg range) of larvae at the end of phase 1 of the experiment did not differ for the different ammonia concentration solutions, but were significantly lower in pH 9. In phase 2, no parameter differed among treatments for pH 7 and 8; however there was total mortality at pH 9 until 96h. Respiration rates diminished when larvae were exposed to total ammonia concentrations of 4 and 8 mg/L (0.28 and 0.55 mg/L of unionized ammonia), but development remained unaltered. Therefore, M. rosenbergii larvae tolerate high levels of total ammonia, while toxicity depends primarily on unionized ammonia concentrations. In addition, alkaline pH (9) acted directly on the larvae, curbing development and causing severe mortality. Larval tolerance to high ammonia and pH levels decreases for the last zoeal stages. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2005.
Fireflies emit flashes in the green-yellow region of the spectrum for the purpose of sexual attraction. The bioluminescence color is determined by the luciferases. It is well known that the in vitro bioluminescence color of firefly luciferases can be shifted toward the red by lower pH and higher temperature; for this reason they are classified as pH-sensitive luciferases. However, the mechanism and structural origin of pH sensitivity in fireflies remains unknown. Here we report the cloning of a new luciferase from the Brazilian twilight active firefly Macrolampis sp2, which displays an unusual bimodal spectrum. The recombinant luciferase displays a sensitive spectrum with the peak at 569 nm and a shoulder in the red region. Comparison of the bioluminescence spectra of Macrolampis, Photinus and Cratomorphus firefly luciferases shows that the distinct colors are determined by the ratio between green and red emitters under luciferase influence. Comparison of Macrolampis luciferase with the highly similar North American Photinus pyralis luciferase (91%) showed few substitutions potentially involved with the higher spectral sensitivity in Macrolampis luciferase. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that the natural substitution E354N determines the appearance of the shoulder in the red region of Macrolampis luciferase bioluminescence spectrum, helping to identify important interactions and residues involved in the pH-sensing mechanism in firefly luciferases. © 2005 American Society for Photobiology.
There is a growing body of evidence that melatonin and its oxidation product, N1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK), have anti-inflammatory properties. From a nutritional point of view, the discovery of melatonin in plant tissues emphasizes the importance of its relationship with plant peroxidases. Here we found that the pH of the reaction mixture has a profound influence in the reaction rate and products distribution when melatonin is oxidized by the plant enzyme horseradish peroxidase. At pH 5.5, 1 mm of melatonin was almost completely oxidized within 2 min, whereas only about 3% was consumed at pH 7.4. However, the relative yield of AFMK was higher in physiological pH. Radical-mediated oxidation products, including 2-hydroxymelatonin, a dimer of 2-hydroxymelatonin and O-demethylated dimer of melatonin account for the fast consumption of melatonin at pH 5.5. The higher production of AFMK at pH 7.4 was explained by the involvement of compound III of peroxidases as evidenced by spectral studies. On the other hand, the fast oxidative degradation at pH 5.5 was explained by the classic peroxidase cycle. © 2007 The Authors.