47 resultados para orchid


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os aspectos da germinação e avaliar o efeito de concentrações de sacarose no crescimento in vitro de Cattleya violacea. Sementes provenientes de cápsulas fechadas foram semeadas em meio de cultura Murashige e Skoog (MS) e a morfologia externa da semente à plântula foi fotodocumentada em estereomicroscópio e microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Plântulas com 90 dias após a semeadura foram repicadas em meio de cultura ½ MS (com metade da concentração de macronutrientes) com diferentes concentrações de sacarose (0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 g L-1), incubadas nas mesmas condições in vitro por mais 150 dias e em seguida as plântulas foram avaliadas quanto ao número de raízes, comprimento da maior raiz, número de folhas, comprimento da parte aérea, massa fresca e seca total. Os dados biométricos foram submetidos à análise estatística e a eles ajustadas curvas de regressão. As sementes apresentaram testa reticulada com uma extremidade micropilar (aberta) e calazal (fechada); o embrião originou uma estrutura tuberiforme clorofilada denominada protocormo que pode apresentar rizóides, folíolos e quando provido de raiz é considerado plântula. A ausência de açúcar ou a maior concentração avaliada de sacarose foram prejudiciais ao crescimento da planta. A concentração de 27 g L-1 proporcionou maior crescimento in vitro possibilitando maior eficiência para a propagação massal dessa espécie de elevado potencial ornamental.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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No presente trabalho foi avaliada a influência do ácido giberélico e do regime hídrico na indução e qualidade do florescimento de duas orquídeas híbridas dos gêneros Cattleya (C.) e Brassocattleya (Bc.). O experimento foi realizado no Setor de Biotecnologia e Orquidicultura da Fundação Shunji Nishimura de Tecnologia, Pompéia-SP. Foram testadas cinco concentrações de GA3 (0, 125, 250, 500 e 1.000 mg L-1) em quatro aplicações consecutivas via pulverização foliar, em plantas adultas que já haviam florescido ao menos uma vez, além de duas condições hídricas (uma e quatro irrigações por semana). As aplicações foram feitas nos meses de outubro e novembro para Bc. Marcella Koss e janeiro e fevereiro para C. Irene Holguin. Não foi possível induzir a floração em Cattleya Irene Holguin com o uso de ácido giberélico. Para Bc. Marcella Koss, a aplicação de 250 mg L-1 de GA3, associado à diminuição na frequência de irrigação, induziu cerca de 83% das plantas ao florescimento. Na mesma concentração de GA3, porém em condições de irrigação frequente, apenas 17% das plantas foram induzidas a florescer. O número e o tamanho das flores aumentaram com a aplicação de concentrações maiores de GA3 utilizadas no experimento. A realização deste trabalho permitiu desenvolver uma técnica comercial com o uso de ácido giberélico (GA3) para a indução do florescimento do híbrido de orquídea Bc. Marcella Koss.


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The Cattleya genus has a great importance in the flower agro-business market. Fusarium wilts, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cattleyae, is considered one of the main factors of decline and death of plants of this genus. Using seven hybrids (intra and intergenerics) of Cattleya, tests of resistance and susceptibility to F. oxysporum were performed in conditions of greenhouse for 12 months, using, as evaluation criterion, a scale of the disease severity ranging from one (resistant) to eight (highly susceptible). High susceptibility to the fungus by Cattleya Nobile's Wax Toy, Cattleya Orquidacea's Mister Fast intrageneric hybrids and Potinara Orquidacea's Havana Brown intergeneric hybrid, related to Brassocattleya Orquidacea's Melody intergeneric hybrid, high resistance to the pathogens was observed.


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Vanilla planifolia é uma espécie com grande valor comercial, porém sua propagação é dificultada devido à baixa germinação de suas sementes. No presente estudo procurou-se avaliar a influência da escarificação destas sementes por meio da imersão em H2SO4 concentrado durante 60, 120 e 180 segundos, bem como de diferentes concentrações de nitrogênio sobre a germinação e o desenvolvimento das plântulas. Sessenta segundos de escarificação e 25% de nitrogênio no meio de cultura proporcionaram os melhores resultados sobre a germinação e desenvolvimento de V. planifolia, constituindo-se em um procedimento viável para a produção comercial dessa espécie.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Different growing media were compared as to water adsorption and water loss, at Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, through a three-year period. The objective was to recommend substrates other than tree fern fiber for cultivation of epiphytic orchids. Two treatments of each substrate were used in each sampling: materials stored in laboratory (without use) and materials exposed to conditions of orchid cultivation under laths (used). Generally, the substrates without use adsorbed less water than used substrates. When materials without use were compared, the tree fern fiber retained initially the greatest quantity of water and the blocks of pressed coconut bark, the smallest. However, these blocks gained a great capacity of water adsorption after being used. Charcoal added to the growing media did not cause significant alterations in the studied characteristics. In terms of water relations, the best growing media to substitute the tree fern fiber were composed by blocks of pressed coconut bark or by mixtures of this material with charcoal or Eucalyptus grandis bark. Bark of E grandis alone or in mixture with charcoal did not give good results.


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It is a commonly known fact that there are elderly who have no family or who do not receive any kind of help from their relatives, as the family does not normally have good financial conditions to help them. These elderly live in private or public shelters and generally, they do not have enough money to cover all the necessary costs, and are forced to survive from donations. Those shelters are based, primarily, on nutrition and health. Leisure and wellbeing are usually treated with little attention, but it could be obtained in a simple and effective way: green areas, which normally exist at the site, are often misused, so they can become rest areas through simple landscape projects. It is important to mention that a garden is not just a beautiful place, but it becomes important for the daily life of older people. The objective of this work was to study the need for contemplative leisure and labor in order to improve the life quality of the elderly that live at the San Francisco de Paula Asylum, in Jaboticabal City, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. In this study, a topographic and a photographic survey was conducted and an analysis of the local ground was done. The preferences of the employees and the visitors of the building were also recorded, as well as the critical points of the area. After this primary analysis, the landscape planning was done, with the help of the AutoCAD 2004 software, prioritizing the use of plants that are not dangerous and that are easy maintained. An orchid nursery was also created in order to provide weekly workshops of orchid cultivation.


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Considering that the root structure of the Brazilian genera belonging to the Catasetinae subtribe is poorly known, we describe the roots of twelve representatives from this subtribe. For anatomical analysis, the roots were fixed in FAA 50, preserved in ethanol 70% and sectioned at its medium region using razor blades. The sections were stained with 0.05% astra blue and safranin and mounted in glycerin. For the identification of starch we used Lugol ́s solution; for lignin, floroglucin chloridric; for lipids, Sudan III, and for flavanoids, potassium hydroxide. The relevant aspects were registered using a digital camera joined with an Olympus microspope (BX51 model). The structural similarities of all roots support the placement of the subtribe Catasetinae into the monophyletic tribe Cymbidieae. Some root features are restricted to one or two taxa and can be useful in the systematics of the subtribe. For example, the occurrence of flavonoidic crystals characterizes the genera Catasetum and Cychnodes, and the number of the velamen layers and the shape of the epivelamen cells are useful to confirm the taxonomic position of Clowesia amazonica. The presence of velamen and flavonoidic crystals was interpreted as an adaptation to the epiphytic habit.


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Oncidium varicosum is a species of orchid that is prevalent in South America. This species produces yellow flowers, which are commonly named golden shower, ballet dancer and Anita's flower. The study of the post-harvest physiology of flowers involves examination of factors related to quality loss of cut flowers, which is related not only to several physiological processes but also to interactions between the floral components and qualitative factors. In this context, our research involved the study of physiological aspects of the post-harvest physiology of cut inflorescences of Oncidium varicosum ('Samurai') after treatment with pulsing solutions containing silver salts, 8-HQC and sucrose. A reduction of relative water content of Oncidium flowers treated with pulsing STS (2 mM) was observed. The soluble carbohydrates and reducing sugars content decreased, and higher contents were measured in flowers treated with STS (2 mM). All parameters related to flower coloration were reduced in all treatments. Similar results were obtained for carotenoid content, except for the STS treatment (2 mM), which differed significantly from the other treatments on the 8th and 12th days of vase life. The inflorescences' longevity varied from 12 days (distilled water) to 15 days (STS 2 mM).


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The use of culture media produced with commercial fertilizers can represent a simple and low cost alternative for commercial orchid propagation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro growth of plantlets of Cattleya trianaei in culture medium MS reduced and and formulated with Peters® NPK 10-30-20 in different doses. 90 day-old plantlets with two leaflets were submitted to five treatments (T1 - reduced MS; T2 - Peters® 1 g L -1; T3 - Peters® 2 g L-1; T4 - Peters® 3 g L -1 and T5 - Peters® 5 g L-1) arranged in a completely randomized design with five replicates with 25 plantlets for each treatment and incubated during 180 days, with subcultures at each 60 days, when the number of roots, root length, number of leaves, shoot length and shoot fresh matter were evaluated. The simplified culture medium with fertilizer Peters® 3 g L -1 presented results statistically different as for the number of roots, number of leaves, shoot length and shoot fresh matter and it can be recommended for in vitro growth of this ornamental orchid.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro growth of Cattleya loddigesii in alternative agents to agar with starch and physical matrix with acclimatization of regenerated plants. Protocorms with 90 days after sowing (0.5 cm of length) were subcultured in 1/2 MS culture medium among the treatments consisting of: agar 7 g L-1 (T1, which corresponds the control), agar 3,5 g L-1 with cassava starch 30 g L-1 (T2), cassava starch 60 g L-1 (T3), cotton fiber (T4) and chopped polyurethane foam (T5). Plantlets were retained in these treatments for over 150 days, and at the end of in vitro culture, were analyzed by their biometric data and acclimatized in a greenhouse during 120 days and evaluated the survival and relative growth rate (RGR). The substrate comprising of chopped polyurethane foam (T5) showed greater efficiency for growth in vitro and also increased survival rate, while substrate cassava starch (T3) provided delay for plantlet growth. Therefore, chopped polyurethane foam is recommended because of low cost and suitable characteristics for the propagation of Cattleya loddigesii.


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This work aimed to study the influence of sucrose in the culture medium for in vitro growth and acclimatization of the epiphytic orchid Cattleya loddigesii. Five sucrose treatments (absence, 10, 20, 30 and 40g L-1) were used in a randomic experimental design. Mature seeds were sowed in 1/2 MS culture medium and after 90 days the plantlets (1.0 +/-0.2 cm) were inoculated between the treatments, whereby they were remained more 90 days. After 180 days of the beginning of the experiment the plantlets were removed from the flasks and evaluated the number of roots, shoot length, number of leafs, total dry weight and photosynthetic pigments. Survival percentage was evaluated after 75 days of acclimatization. The data of biometric variables were analyzed by Anovaand polynomial regression (p<0.05). Theothers data were submitted to the Anova and the means compared by the Tukey test (p<0.05). The sucrose concentration of 20g L-1 favored the in vitro growth in all evaluated parameters, showed higher production of chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and carotenoids, in addition to increased survival under ex vitro condition. The sucrose concentration of 20g L-1 in the culture medium was the most efficient among the tested concentrations both for in vitro growth and ex vitro establishment of Cattleya loddigesii.


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An efficient cryopreservation protocol was developed for mature seeds of Oncidium flexuosum Sims. Seed morphology, protocorm formation, and early seedling development were also assessed. The effects of phloroglucinol and Supercool X-1000® as cryoprotectant additives in the vitrification solution were investigated. Dehydration using the plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) for 60 and 120 min prior to immersion in liquid nitrogen promoted the highest frequency of in vitro seed germination 6 weeks following culture on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (1/2 MS) medium. Mature seeds submitted to vitrification for 120 min in PVS2 and 1 % phloroglucinol at 0 °C enhanced germination by 68 %, whereas in PVS2 and 1 % Supercool X-1000® germination was just moderately enhanced (26 %). In vitro-germinating seedlings developed healthy shoots and roots without the use of plant growth regulators. After 6 months of growth, there were no differences between in vitro- and ex vitro-grown seedlings for various phenotypic characteristics, including shoot length, number of leaves, number and length of roots, and fresh and dry weight. Seedlings were transferred to greenhouse conditions and successfully acclimatized, further developing into normal plants with over 90 % survival. Comparative analysis of seedlings from control and vitrified seeds using flow cytometry indicated that no change in ploidy levels occurred as a result of cryopreservation, therefore maintaining seedlings genetic stability. In this study, vitrification with PVS2 for 120 min with the addition of 1 % phloroglucinol offers a simple, safe, and feasible protocol for cryopreservation of O. flexuosum mature seeds. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.