74 resultados para mistimed covariates
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Leprosy's progression and its maintained endemic status, despite the availability of effective treatments, are not fully understood and recent studies have highlighted the possibility of involved Mycobacterium leprae ambient reservoirs. Wild armadillos can carry leprosy and, because their meat is eaten by humans, development of the disease among armadillo meat consumers has been investigated. This study evaluated the frequency of armadillo meat intake among leprosy patients as well as age and gender matched controls with other skin diseases from a dermatological unit. Armadillo meat consumption among both groups was adjusted by demographic and socioeconomic covariates based on a conditional multiple logistic regression model. One hundred twenty-one cases and 242 controls were evaluated; they differed in socioeconomic variables such as family income, hometown population and access to treated water. The multivariate analysis did not show an association between the intake of armadillo meat and leprosy (odds ratio = 1.07; CI 95% 0.56-2.04), even when only cases with no known contacts were analyzed. We conclude that leprosy is not associated with the intake of armadillo meat in these patients.
FUNDAMENTOS: Acrocórdons são lesões dermatológicas comuns na população e estão associados ao diabetes mellitus, à obesidade, à resistência insulínica e à aterosclerose. A identificação precoce de pacientes com resistência insulínica pode ter papel preventivo primário. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre presença de acrocórdons cervicais ou axilares e resistência insulínica. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com pacientes dermatológicos adultos atendidos em hospital universitário. Casos foram definidos como portadores de mais de cinco acrocórdons cervicais e/ou axilares. A resistência insulínica foi estimada pelo índice HOMA-IR. Resultados foram ajustados pelas demais covariáveis de risco para resistência insulínica conhecidos, a partir de regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 98 casos e 103 controles, que não diferiram entre si quanto à idade ou ao gênero. Acrocórdons se associaram diretamente aos valores de HOMA-IR (Odds Ratio = 1,4), hipertrigliceridemia e índice de massa corpórea, independentemente do ajuste por diabetes mellitus, idade, fototipo, gênero, história de diabetes mellitus familiar e relação cintura/quadril. Níveis qualitativamente elevados de HOMA-IR (> 3,8) também evidenciaram associação significativa (Índice de probabilidade = 7,5). CONCLUSÕES: Presença de múltiplos acrocórdons se associou à resistência insulínica, independentemente dos demais fatores de risco.
Background and Purpose - the purpose of this research was to evaluate whether an association exists between the presence of atherosclerotic plaque in the thoracic aorta and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in patients with a cerebrovascular event.Methods - We included 116 consecutive patients ( 79 men; mean age, 62 +/- 12.4 years) with previous history of stroke or transient ischemic attack in a cross-sectional study. Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed to diagnose LVH and transesophageal echocardiogram for the detection of atheromas of the thoracic aorta. Continuous variables were analyzed by Student t or Mann-Whitney tests and categorized variables by Goodman test. From the significant association of LVH and age with atheromatous disease of the aorta, an adjustment to the multivariate logistic model was made using high blood pressure history or age as covariates. All of the statistical tests were carried out at a level of 5% significance.Results - Almost half of the patients (43.1%) presented atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta. LVH was present in 90.0% of patients with plaque and in only 30.3% of patients without plaque. Using high blood pressure as a covariate, the risk of patients with LVH presenting atherosclerotic plaque in the aorta was 18.23-fold greater than the risk for patients without LVH (95% CI, 5.68 to 58.54; P < 0.0001). Adding age into the model, the risk increased to 26.36 ( 95% CI, 7.14 to 97.30; P < 0.0001).Conclusions - LVH detected by conventional echocardiogram is associated with high risk of atherosclerotic plaque in the aorta and would be used as a criterion for indication of transesophageal echocardiography in patients with previous stroke or transient ischemic attack LVH.
INTRODUÇÃO: O grupo das doenças cardiovasculares tem sido apontado como a principal causa de óbito no Brasil desde os anos 70, sendo a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) o fator de risco mais importante para esse grupo. Entre os trabalhadores observa-se correlação negativa entre o status ocupacional e a pressão arterial. Tais fatos ressaltam a importância do conhecimento da distribuição da pressão arterial sistêmica entre os distintos grupos profissionais. Assim, foi realizado estudo para descrever o status pressórico de uma população homogênea e estável de trabalhadores do setor secundário da economia, pouco especializados e que ganham baixos salários, estabelecendo a prevalência da HAS nesse grupo específico, relacionando-a com algumas covariáveis biológicas e socioeconômicas, e comparando-a com a prevalência de HAS em outros grupos profissionais no Brasil. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 73 trabalhadores regularmente empregados em julho de 1993 em um curtume situado no Município de Botucatu, cidade de médio porte da região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, os quais foram submetidos a exame antropométrico, aferição de pressão arterial, anamnese e exame clínico. Os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos em estudos semelhantes, controlando-se o confundimento da idade por intermédio de diferentes técnicas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência bruta da HAS encontrada foi de 56,1%, sendo 15,8% a prevalência de hipertensão sistólica isolada. Ambas se associaram ao etilismo e ao tabagismo na população estudada. DISCUSSÃO: A prevalência da hipertensão foi consideravelmente alta e significativamente maior do que a encontrada em outros grupos de trabalhadores estudados no Brasil. Tal achado ressalta a necessidade da continuidade da investigação, objetivando o isolamento dos fatores implicados na elevação pressórica do grupo estudado.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the factors that may affect conception rates (CR) following artificial insemination (AI) or embryo transfer (ET) in lactating Holstein cows. Estrous cycling cows producing 33.1 +/- 7.2 kg of milk/d received PGF(2 alpha) injections and were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 groups (AI or ET). Cows detected in estrus (n = 387) between 48 and 96 h after the PGF2a injection received AI (n = 227) 12 h after detection of estrus or ET (n = 160) 6 to 8 d later (1 fresh embryo, grade 1 or 2, produced from nonlactating cows). Pregnancy was diagnosed at 28 and 42 d after estrus, and embryonic loss occurred when a cow was pregnant on d 28 but not pregnant on d 42. Ovulation, conception, and embryonic loss were analyzed by a logistic model to evaluate the effects of covariates [days in milk (DIM), milk yield, body temperature (BT) at d 7 and 14 post-AI, and serum concentration of progesterone (P4) at d 7 and 14 post-AI] on the probability of success. The first analysis included all cows that were detected in estrus. The CR of AI and ET were different on d 28 (AI, 32.6% vs. ET, 49.4%) and 42 (AI, 29.1% vs. ET, 38.8%) and were negatively influenced by high BT (d 7) and DIM. The second analysis included only cows with a corpus luteum on d 7. Ovulation rate was 84.8% and was only negatively affected by DIM. Conception rates of AI and ET were different on d 28 (AI, 37.9% vs. ET, 59.4%) and 42 (AI, 33.8% vs. ET, 46.6%) and were negatively influenced by high BT (d 7). The third analysis included only ovulating cows that were 7 d postestrus. Conception rates of AI and ET were different on d 28 (AI, 37.5% vs. ET, 63.2%) and 42 (AI, 31.7% vs. ET, 51.7%) and were negatively influenced by high BT (d 7). There was a positive effect of serum concentration of P4 and a negative effect of milk production on the probability of conception for the AI group but not for the ET group. The fourth analysis was embryonic loss (AI, 10.8% vs. ET, 21.5%). The transfer of fresh embryos is an important tool to increase the probability of conception of lactating Holstein cows because it can bypass the negative effects of milk production and low P4 on the early embryo. The superiority of ET vs. AI is more evident in high-producing cows. High BT measured on d 7 had a negative effect on CR and embryonic retention.
It was evaluated the heterogeneity of components of phenotypic variance and its effects on the heritability and repeatability estimates for milk yield in Holstein cattle. The herds were grouped according to their level of production (low, medium and high) and evaluated in the non-transformed, square-root and logarithmic scale. Variance components were estimated using a restricted maximum likelihood method based on an animal model that included fixed effects of herd-year-season, and as covariates the linear effect of lactation duration and the linear and quadratic effects of cow's age at calving and the random direct additive genetic, permanent environment and residual effects. In the non-transformed scale all the variance components were heterogeneous. on this scale, residual and phenotypic variance components were associated positively with the level of production while in logarithmic scale that association was negative. Estimates of heritability were more affected than the repeatability for the phenotypic variance heterogeneity and their components. The of selection process efficiency for milk production could be affected by the level of production which was considered for genetic parameters estimation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The presence or absence of motorized boats, partnerships and multispecies catches characterize the fisheries of Sao Francisco River, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fishing activity based on 109 interviews, carried out in the wet (high water: February and March) and dry (low water: July and August) seasons, with professional fishermen are described. Aiming to identify the fishery income components, a covariance model was proposed, with the income as the response variable, related to the factors: fishing ground, use of motorized or paddle boat; seasonality; presence of fishing assistant, and the following covariates: capture in weight in the week Frier to the interview, fisherman experience in yrs; and distance (km) travelled for fishing. The results indicated that the main contributions to income were the absence of an engine (because of high price of the fuel), the absence of a partner (because of low capture) and the amount of fish caught by the fishermen.
O rio Corumbataí é um dos principais tributários da margem direita do rio Piracicaba que é um tributário do rio Tietê. O rio Corumbataí integra a bacia do rio Paraná e é regionalmente importante não só por possuir águas de boa qualidade, mas também por possuir elementos raros na paisagem local. Este estudo visou caracterizar as assembléias de peixes do rio Corumbataí e fornecer dados que contribuam para uma avaliação da sua qualidade ambiental. Na bacia do rio Corumbataí, foram amostrados 4 rios principais, cada um com 3 pontos de coleta. Vinte e quatro amostras foram coletadas durante os meses de março a julho e de setembro a dezembro de 2001. Dados bióticos foram avaliados por medidas de diversidade. Um modelo linear ANCOVA foi utilizado para testar a hipótese de variação espaço-temporal nas assembléias de peixes, com a riqueza de espécies como variável resposta, ordem do rio como fator e temperatura e logaritmo natural do número de indivíduos como covariáveis. Esta análise mostrou uma variação espaço-temporal que é corroborada por conceitos exaustivamente discutidos na literatura, tais como relação espécie-área e o conceito de rio contínuo. Dados provenientes do rio Ribeirão Claro mostraram um padrão diferente quando comparados com os outros rios. Esta diferença foi provavelmente devido à interferência humana e atesta o processo de fragmentação de hábitats aquáticos que podem ter levado a um isolamento das populações locais de peixes.