62 resultados para minor civil dispute proceeding in magistrates court
This study was designed to present the feasibility of an in vivo image-guided percutaneous cryoablation of the porcine vertebral body. Methods The institutional animal care committee approved this study. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)-guided vertebral cryoablations (n = 22) were performed in eight pigs with short, 2-min, single or double-freezing protocols. Protective measures to nerves included dioxide carbon (CO2) epidural injections and spinal canal temperature monitoring. Clinical, radiological, and pathological data with light (n = 20) or transmission electron (n = 2) microscopic analyses were evaluated after 6 days of clinical follow-up and euthanasia. Results CBCT/fluoroscopic-guided transpedicular vertebral body cryoprobe positioning and CO2 epidural injection were successful in all procedures. No major complications were observed in seven animals (87.5 %, n = 8). A minor complication was observed in one pig (12.5 %, n = 1). Logistic regression model analysis showed the cryoprobe-spinal canal (Cp-Sc) distance as the most efficient parameter to categorize spinal canal temperatures lower than 19 °C (p<0.004), with a significant Pearson’s correlation test (p < 0.041) between the Cp-Sc distance and the lowest spinal canal temperatures. Ablation zones encompassed pedicles and the posterior wall of the vertebral bodies with an inflammatory rim, although no inflammatory infiltrate was depicted in the surrounding neural structures at light microscopy. Ultrastructural analyses evidenced myelin sheath disruption in some large nerve fibers, although neurological deficits were not observed. Conclusions CBCT-guided vertebral cryoablation of the porcine spine is feasible under a combination of a short freezing protocol and protective measures to the surrounding nerves. Ultrastructural analyses may be helpful assess the early modifications of the nerve fibers.
The civil construction sector in Brazil is, simultaneously, a necessity that drives the economy and an evil that degrades the environment. Simple choices adopted in an enterprise can make big difference in harm caused by constructive practices, minimizing its harmful to the environment and making it sustainable. These choices, however, involve the use of materials and techniques often unknown by the builders, since the construction industry is very traditional. Even worse, the eco-friendly materials and sustainable techniques also face another obstacle to its use: the prejudice. Builders and customers prefer traditional methods to sustain belief that they present lower quality and higher price. This work raises awareness of the urgency with traditional methods must be overridden, showing practical and simple ways for this replacement, as well as confirm the quality equal to or even higher in the use of alternative materials and techniques, without addition in cost. Thus, the benefits are generated for all parties involved, from builders to residents
As formas do relevo podem ser indicadores da variação dos atributos do solo, pois essa variabilidade é causada por pequenas alterações do declive que afetam os processos pedogenéticos bem como o transporte e o armazenamento de água no perfil do solo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Catanduva (SP), com o objetivo de caracterizar a variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo e fatores de erosão em diferentes pedoformas sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. de acordo com o modelo de Troeh classificou-se as formas do relevo em duas pedoformas, côncava e convexa. Com a utilização de um DGPS levantaram-se as cotas altimétricas, estabelecendo-se uma malha, com intervalos regulares de 50 m, com 270 pontos na pedoforma côncava e 353 pontos na pedoforma convexa, perfazendo um total de 623 pontos, coletados na profundidade de 0,0 - 0,2 m em uma área de 200 ha. em cada ponto da malha foram determinados os atributos químicos do solo, granulometria, espessura do solo e fatores de erosão locais, tais como erosividade (R), erodibilidade (K), fator topográfico (LS), uso e manejo (C), práticas conservacionistas (P), potencial natural de erosão (PNE), perda de solo (A) e risco de erosão (RE). Os dados foram avaliados primeiramente por uma análise estatística exploratória, calculando-se a média, mediana, variância, coeficiente de variação, coeficiente de assimetria, coeficiente de curtose e teste de normalidade. Posteriormente, a dependência espacial foi verificada por meio da técnica de geoestatística utilizando-se semivariogramas. As maiores perdas de solo, risco de erosão e potencial natural de erosão e menor espessura do solo ocorreram na pedoforma convexa, indicando forte dependência espacial com a forma do relevo. A pedoforma côncava proporcionou maior variabilidade espacial, demonstrando que a forma do relevo condiciona padrões diferenciados de variabilidade. A magnitude da variabilidade dos atributos do solo é mais influenciada pela forma do relevo que pela erosão. A espessura do horizonte A+E integrado com a forma do relevo é um indicador de processos erosivos para classe de Argissolos.
O camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) McVaugh) produz fruto com grande potencial para extração de ácido ascórbico, que apresenta relevante importância econômica e social, com inúmeras aplicações industriais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes formas de conservação e ambientes de armazenamento, sobre a manutenção da viabilidade das sementes. O delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, utilizando parcelas subsubdivididas, onde os fatores foram: ambiente de armazenamento (ao ar livre, em água, em câmara a 5 e a 10 ºC), forma de conservação (sementes com polpa - CP, sementes sem polpa - SP e sementes lavadas e tratadas - LT) e período de armazenamento (0; 2; 4 e 6 meses). O critério de avaliação adotado foi a protrusão da raiz primária. As sementes armazenadas em água, nas formas SP e LT, apresentaram germinação maior que 90%. As sementes nas formas CP e LT, armazenadas a 5 e a 10 ºC, tiveram germinação acima de 89%. O armazenamento em água e ao ar livre não afetou a germinação, podendo as sementes serem armazenadas durante o período de seis e quatro meses, respectivamente. As sementes CP, armazenadas em água, tiveram menor tempo médio para germinação. O índice de velocidade de germinação aumentou com o período de armazenamento e foi maior nas sementes armazenadas na água em todos os períodos. As sementes com polpa apresentaram menor índice de velocidade de germinação em todo o período de armazenamento avaliado.
Os solos cultivados intensivamente e inadequadamente são degradados, assim como a construção de obras civis no meio rural executada sem atender à legislação. O trabalho objetivou definir a interferência do lodo de esgoto na recuperação de atributos de um Latossolo Vermelho. O experimento foi implantado em 2004, em Selviria (MS). Os tratamentos utilizados foram: T1-vegetação de cerrado; T2-solo exposto sem tratamento para recuperação; T3-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária sem o uso do lodo de esgoto e adubação mineral; T4-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com adubação mineral; T5-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com uso de 30Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto e; T6-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com uso de 60Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto. Nas camadas do solo de 0,00-0,05; 0,05-0,10; 0,10-0,20 e de 0,20-0,30m, foram avaliados os atributos físico-hídricos e teor de matéria orgânica. Os tratamentos com adubação mineral e orgânica estão agindo de forma semelhante para a recuperação dos atributos físico-hídricos e do teor de matéria orgânica. em solos degradados pela construção de obras civis a aplicação de 30 a 60mg de lodo de esgoto ha-1 recupera as suas propriedades físico-hídricas.
Relatou-se o efeito do transplante de glândulas salivares menores (TGSM) em cães portadores de ceratoconjuntivite seca (CCS) e estudaram-se os efeitos da secreção dessas glândulas usadas como alternativa de lubrificação ocular. A aplicação da técnica foi satisfatória, uma vez que resultou em melhora no quadro clínico oftalmológico sem que houvesse mínimas intercorrências pós-operatórias.
Aim To evaluate whether observed geographical shifts in the distribution of the blue-winged macaw (Primolius maracana) are related to ongoing processes of global climate change. This species is vulnerable to extinction and has shown striking range retractions in recent decades, withdrawing broadly from southern portions of its historical distribution. Its range reduction has generally been attributed to the effects of habitat loss; however, as this species has also disappeared from large forested areas, consideration of other factors that may act in concert is merited.Location Historical distribution of the blue-winged macaw in Brazil, eastern Paraguay and northern Argentina.Methods We used a correlative approach to test a hypothesis of causation of observed shifts by reduction of habitable areas mediated by climate change. We developed models of the ecological niche requirements of the blue-winged macaw, based on point-occurrence data and climate scenarios for pre-1950 and post-1950 periods, and tested model predictivity for anticipating geographical distributions within time periods. Then we projected each model to the other time period and compared distributions predicted under both climate scenarios to assess shifts of habitable areas across decades and to evaluate an explanation for observed range retractions.Results Differences between predicted distributions of the blue-winged macaw over the twentieth century were, in general, minor and no change in suitability of landscapes was predicted across large areas of the species' original range in different time periods. No tendency towards range retraction in the south was predicted, rather conditions in the southern part of the species' range tended to show improvement for the species.Main conclusions Our test permitted elimination of climate change as a likely explanation for the observed shifts in the distribution of the blue-winged macaw, and points rather to other causal explanations (e.g. changing regional land use, emerging diseases).
Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (barbatimão), belonging to Mimosaceae family; it is used as ornamental and the wood is used in civil buildings, edification in wet places, lathe and joinery jobs, being very used also in home-made medicine against hemorrhage, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, injury cleaning, uterus hemorrhage, ulcerous hurt and excessive oily skin. The objective of this research was to determine the allelopathic potential of an aqueous extract, boiled or not of S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville, in the Cucumis sativus germination and initial development. Thus, the aqueous vegetable extract was extracted from the shoot, which was triturated in 1L of distilled water to 100g of leaf, being the extract filtrated and separated in boiled and not boiled. The treatments used were distilled water (0%) and boiled and not boiled extracts, in the concentrations of 50 and 100%. The cucumber seeds were put to germinate in Gerbox, having filter paper as substrate, which was wet with 25mL from different treatments, in constant temperature of 25°C. The reading germination was accomplished in breaks of 24 hours, for a period of five consequently days after the beginning of the experiment, considering germinated the seeds that showed 2mm of root, approximately. To dry matter determination, the seedlings with five days after the germination were separated in shoot and root, dried during three days to a constant weight in a 60°C forced draft oven. Through results, it can be concluded that the extract of S. adstringens affected more the Cucumis sativus seedling development than the germination, and it didn't show difference if boiled or not.
The new conditions of international security don't only attach importance to sovereignty and interstate relations. This new framework has led to changes in the scope and requirements for Politics of Defense. Countries of the Southern Cone seek to establish new parameters in the definition of their policies, but need to define between dissuasive policies, as in the past, or establish mechanisms for cooperation with their neighbors. Furthermore, these policies, by their nature and size, are not exclusively militaries. The purpose of this article is to examine the definitions constraints on strategic deterrence and cooperation in international security, and identify the degree of autonomy and the nature of the concepts derived from the armed forces in shaping Politics of Defense. Finally, we try to check the level of civil policy direction in defining those policies.
The purpose of this study was to investigate differences between abstracts of posters presented at the 79th (2002) and 80th (2003) Annual Session & Exhibition of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and the published full-length articles resulting from the same studies. The abstracts for poster presentation sessions were downloaded, and basic characteristics of the abstracts and their authors were determined. A PubMed search was then performed to identify the publication of full-length articles based on those abstracts in a peer-reviewed journal. The differences between the abstract and the article were examined and categorized as major and minor differences. Differences identified included authorship, title, materials and methods, results, conclusions, and funding. Data were analyzed with both descriptive and analytic statistics. Overall, 89 percent of the abstracts had at least one variation from its corresponding article, and 65 percent and 76 percent of the abstracts had at least one major and minor variation, respectively, from its corresponding article. The most prevalent major variation was in study results, and the most prevalent minor variation was change in the number of authors. The discussion speculates on some possible reasons for these differences.
The geoelectrical methods have been widely used in research involving the evaluation and monitoring of areas with environmental risk. This paper presents the results of applying the Electrical Resistivity method by electrical profiling technique to investigate the fuel presence in soil and groundwater proceeding in station gas, located in an urban area Caçapava do Sul (RS), on soil in situ, from modification of Caçapava granite. The results suggest an association between low resistivity anomalies zone with potentially degraded from underground tanks worthless on the form of free phase, now represented as residual phase. The results of the model inversion are consistent with the standards expected for hydrocarbons present in the saturated zone. The electrical resistivity method proved to be an important tool for assessment and environmental monitoring in conjunction with direct methods of investigation.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the discrepancies between abstracts presented at the IADR meeting (2004-2005) and their full-text publication. Material and Methods. Abstracts from the Prosthodontic Section of IADR meeting were obtained. The following information was collected: abstract title, number of authors, study design, statistical analysis, outcome, and funding source. PubMed was used to identify the full-text publication of the abstracts. The discrepancies between the abstract and the full-text publication were examined, categorized as major and minor discrepancies, and quantified. The data were collected and analyzed using descriptive analysis. Frequency and percentage of major and minor discrepancies were calculated. Results. A total of 109 (95.6%) articles showed changes from their abstracts. Seventy-four (65.0%) and 105 (92.0%) publications had at least one major and one minor discrepancies, respectively. Minor discrepancies were more prevalent (92.0%) than major discrepancies (65.0%). The most common minor discrepancy was observed in the title (80.7%), and most common major discrepancies were seen in results (48.2%). Conclusion. Minor discrepancies were more prevalent than major discrepancies. The data presented in this study may be useful to establish a more comprehensive structured abstract requirement for future meetings. © 2012 Soni Prasad et al.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR