39 resultados para lung cancer screening


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Introdução: O exame colpocitológico ou teste de Papanicolaou permite o diagnóstico precoce do câncer de colo do útero. O êxito no rastreamento desta doença dependerá, além de outros fatores, da acuidade diagnóstica do exame colpocitológico. Objetivos: Avaliar a acurácia diagnóstica da citologia cervicovaginal na detecção de lesões cervicais através da comparação citoistopatológica. Material e métodos: Avaliou-se o grau de concordância entre os exames citológico e histopatológico de 373 pacientes atendidas em um hospital universitário no período de 1990 a 1997 e foram calculados os indicadores: sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivos e negativos e as taxas de falsos positivos e falsos negativos do exame. Resultados: A taxa bruta de concordância citoistopatológica foi de 65,1%. A sensibilidade do exame foi alta (96,0%), no entanto sua especificidade foi baixa (51,5%), significando a inclusão de muitos resultados falsos positivos. A taxa de falsos positivos foi de 48,4%, enquanto a de falsos negativos foi de 4%. Discussão: Apesar de a sensibilidade do teste ser alta, sua especificidade é baixa, significando que muitas mulheres seriam falsamente diagnosticadas como doentes, levando a um número elevado de resultados falsos positivos e custos desnecessários, além do potencial caráter iatrogênico que esta ação poderia assumir. No entanto, um exame altamente sensível é o teste de escolha para programas de rastreamento de câncer cervical na população feminina. Conclusões: Para garantir a acuidade diagnóstica do teste de Papanicolaou são essenciais atividades de controle de qualidade nos laboratórios, tanto do procedimento colpocitológico quanto do histopatológico, permitindo, assim, o êxito na detecção precoce e no tratamento das lesões cervicais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com base em populações hospitalares, foram entrevistados 316 casos e 536 controles para obtenção de informações sobre histórias de trabalho, tabagismo, tabagismo passivo, ocorrência de outros cânceres na família, migração e situação socioeconômica. Os entrevistadores utilizaram um questionário padronizado. Casos e controles foram emparelhados por hospital, sexo e idade. O estudo foi desenvolvido entre 1º de julho de 1990 e 31 de janeiro de 1991 em 14 hospitais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, SP (Brasil). Foi elaborada uma classificação por escores como forma de ordenar os indivíduos estudados segundo suas histórias de exposições ocupacionais a cancerígenos, conhecidos para o pulmão, acumulando informações sobre a exposição nos locais de trabalho durante a vida, considerando o tipo de atividade, setor de trabalho e tempo em cada emprego. A análise de regressão logística não-condicional mostrou odds ratio: 1,97 (95% IC: 1,52 a 2,55) para os trabalhadores com maiores escores de exposição. Os resultados permitiram inferir que trabalhadores ligados aos setores de produção de diferentes ramos industriais têm duas vezes o risco de desenvolverem neoplasia pulmonar quando comparados aos trabalhadores envolvidos em atividades não-industriais.


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According to the current international guidelines concerning environmental problems, it is necessary to evaluate and to know the indoor radon levels, specially since most of the natural radiation dose to man comes from radon gas and its progeny. Several countries have established National Institutions and National Programs for the study of radon and its connection with lung cancer risk and public health. The aim of this work is to present the indoor radon measurements and the detection methods used for different regions of Latin America (LA) in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. This study shows that the passive radon devices based on alpha particle nuclear track methodology (NTM) is one of the more generalized methods in LA for long term indoor radon measurements, CR-39, LR-115 and Makrofol being the more commonly used detector materials. The participating institutions and the radon level measurements in the different countries are presented in this contribution. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most of the natural radiation dose to man comes from radon gas and its progeny. Several countries have established national institutions and national programs in charge of the study of radon and its connection with lung cancer risk and public health. In this paper an indoor radon measurements in Latin American countries is presented. The participants in this work were from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. Many different techniques are used in this common effort, and the indoor radon levels in specific locations in each of the participant countries are presented.


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The cancer of the uterine cervix remains a serious public health problem in developing countries with low social-economic conditions. Papanicolaou smear has been used to screen women for cervical cancer since 1940, and it is widely recognized as an effective method for preventing cervical cancer. In Brazil, conventional Papanicolaou is the most common method used in diagnosis cytopathological routine, involving the morphological cell analysis by microscopic examination of cervical samples smeared on glass slides. On the other hand, the liquid cytology is an advantageous method whose specimen collected is put into a fluid alcohol based to guarantee the potential use of residual cellular material in cytobrush. Moreover, this method permits additional diagnostic studies, preserving the morphological cell features as the conventional one does. The aim of the present study was report the historical evolution of different cervical cytologic tests, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages between conventional Papanicolaou method and new technologies in liquid based cytology.


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Purpose: To elaborate an experimental model of pulmonary carcinogenesis in Wistar rats. Methods: Male Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar lineage was carried through an intra-pulmonary instillation of the Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) dilution in alcohol 70%, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon widely known by its power of tumoral induction. Three experimental groups had been formed with 08 animals each: Control Group (Alcohol 70%); B[a]P Group 10 mg/kg; e B[a]P Group 20mg/ kg, submitted to euthanasia 08, 10, 12 and 14 weeks after the experimental procedure. The pulmonary sections had been colored by hematoxilin-eosin (HE) and submitted to the morphometrical analysis to describe the tissue alterations. Results: The presence of diffuse inflammatory alterations was observed in all groups, however, at the analysis of the pulmonary tissue of the experimental groups, it had been observed hyperplasic alterations (BALT hyperplasia), and in one of the animals of the experimental group 20mg/kg (12 weeks), it was noticed the presence of cellular epithelial tracheal pleomorphism, suggesting the adenocarcinoma formation in situ. Conclusion: The main secondary alterations to the intra-pulmonary instillation of B[a]P in Wistar rats were: cellular proliferation, inflammatory alterations of several degrees and nodular lymphoid hyperplasias. The association of an activator agent of the pulmonary metabolic reply is necessary to establish the ideal reply-dose to the development of the lung cancer.


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Background: The chemokine receptor 1 CXCR-1 (or IL8R-alpha) is a specific receptor for the interleukin 8 (IL-8), which is chemoattractant for neutrophils and has an important role in the inflammatory response. The polymorphism rs2234671 at position Ex2+860G > C of the CXCR1 gene causes a conservative amino acid substitution (S276T). This single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) seemed to be functional as it was associated with decreased lung cancer risk. Previous studies of our group found association of haplotypes in the IL8 and in the CXCR2 genes with the multifactorial disease chronic periodontitis. In this study we investigated the polymorphism rs2234671 in 395 Brazilian subjects with and without chronic periodontitis. Findings. Similar distribution of the allelic and genotypic frequencies were observed between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The polymorphism rs2234671 in the CXCR1 gene was not associated with the susceptibility to chronic periodontitis in the studied Brazilian population. © 2011 Scarel-Caminaga et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)