95 resultados para losses during harvest


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Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, avaliar o efeito de inoculantes bacterianos em silagens produzidas com plantas de milho em diferentes estádios de maturidade quanto às perdas fermentativas e estabilidade aeróbia. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x5, e avaliaram-se dois inoculantes (Silobac® e Maize All®) e uma silagem controle em 5 estádios de maturação fisiológica do milho, com 4 repetições. Verificou-se efeito positivo dos inoculantes quanto às perdas fermentativas, e a adição de Silobac® e Maize All® promoveram perda de matéria seca (PMS) 1,78 e 1,75 pontos percentuais a menos que a silagem controle (7,95%). As silagens produzidas com 2/3 de linha de leite e camada negra (CN) apresentaram menor PMS, o que se deve principalmente a menor produção de efluente. A silagem que levou maior tempo para apresentar quebra da estabilidade aeróbia foi aquela produzida a partir de plantas de milho no estádio camada negra e inoculada com Maize All®, ao passo que se notou menor estabilidade para outras silagens inoculadas com esse mesmo produto em virtude do aumento no teor de umidade das silagens. Os inoculantes utilizados neste trabalho são eficientes em diminuir as perdas de MS durante o processo fermentativo, contudo, contribuem com maior aporte de nutrientes nas silagens, o que resulta em menor estabilidade após a abertura dos silos. Silagens produzidas com maior concentração de MS apresentam menores perdas de MS durante a fermentação, assim como são mais estáveis em contato com o oxigênio.


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A verrugose dos citros, causada pelo fungo Elsinoe fawcettii, encontra-se presente em todas as áreas citrícolas do Brasil. Dada sua importância, o comportamento de acessos e híbridos de tangerinas foi avaliado sob condições naturais de infecção. O estudo envolveu plantas não irrigadas, com 15 anos de cultivo, sendo coletados 100 frutos de três plantas por genótipo, na fase de colheita. Mediante o emprego de escala de notas que variaram de 0 (ausência de sintomas) a 6 (sintomas severos), procedeu-se a avaliação do nível de severidade da doença. Dentre genótipos que mostraram-se resistentes incluem-se Citrus deliciosa, C. tangerina, C. nobilis; um híbrido de mandarina (C. nobilis x C. deliciosa) e um híbrido de satsuma (C. unshiu x C. sinensis). Nos demais genótipos foram encontrados sintomas, cujos níveis de severidade variaram de 1 a 3, enquadrando-os como de moderada resistência.


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Neste estudo, goiabas da cultivar 'Paluma' foram cortadas em duas partes e submetidas a diferentes processos de conservação antes do armazenamento a -20ºC. No primeiro processo a polpa dura foi triturada, acondicionada em sacos de polietileno, com espessura de 40 µm, congelada e armazenada a -20°C°, e no segundo processo a polpa dura foi cortada ao meio, branqueada em água quente a 98ºC por quatro minutos, seca e acondicionada em sacos de polietileno, com espessura de 40 µm, congelada e armazenada a -20ºC. A qualidade da polpa foi avaliada através do pH, teor de ácido ascórbico, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, aparência, textura e coloração. As duas formas de conservação mostraram-se adequadas para preservação da polpa com boa aparência até 18 semanas. Houve redução no conteúdo de ácido ascórbico, principalmente na polpa triturada. A textura e o sabor da polpa foram afetados pelo tempo de armazenamento. Os dois procedimentos, como técnicas de preservação de goiabas pelas indústrias de alimentos, podem ser usados durante o período de safra, sendo uma boa alternativa para evitar perdas pós-colheita.


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The chemical and biochemical composition of mango, varies according to the cultivation conditions, variety and maturation state, generally containing a high level of ascorbic acid. In order to establish the correlation between the activity of the ascorbate oxidase [E.C.], and ascorbic acid level in the ripening process of the Haden mango (Mangífera índica L.), sample of the fruits related to hard green stage (zero), 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 days stored at 20 ± 2oC, were tested. The samples were obtained by cutting small cubes of 8 cm3 from pulps of 8 mangoes with texture without significant difference (p£0.05) at Magness-Taylor pressure tester scale. In each sample the activity of ascorbate oxidase was followed, in order to check its participation in possible substrate losses during the ripening fruits. The ascorbic acid level and sensory profile also was determined periodically during the ripening period. The enzymatic activity was spectrophotometrically determined at 245 nm and 30oC. The ascorbic acid was analyzed according modified AOAC methodology, and sensory analysis by descriptive quantitative analysis. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey's test, principal component analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis. During the ripening, the ascorbate oxidase activity increased (from 0 to 5.0 x 10-1 U/ml) and the ascorbic acid level decreased (from 209.3 mg to 110.0 mg per 100g of pulp), showing a significant (p£0.05) inverse linear correlation (r=-0.98). The descriptors terms for mangoes were: characteristic flavor, characteristic aroma, sourness, astringency, yellow coloration of pulp, sweetness and succulence. The sensory profile presented significant improvement during ripening. All sensory attributes increased significantly (p£0.05) except sourness and astringency, wich decreased during the ripening of mangoes.


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A acerola é um fruto altamente perecível e que contém altos teores de vitamina C, sendo este o seu principal atrativo em termos nutricionais. A atual legislação brasileira prevê uma variação de, no máximo, 20% do teor dos nutrientes especificados no rótulo. Devido a essa exigência seria importante que os fabricantes considerassem tanto o teor inicial de vitamina C quanto a perda ao longo da armazenagem dos produtos de acerola. Neste trabalho, foi feito o acompanhamento da estabilidade da vitamina C em polpa pasteurizada e acerola in natura congeladas, ambas armazenadas a -12ºC e -18ºC, e em suco de acerola pasteurizado engarrafado, mantido a temperatura ambiente, ao longo de 4 meses de armazenagem. As polpas congeladas não apresentaram degradação significativa durante este período, já as in natura apresentaram cinética de degradação de 1ª ordem e o suco de ordem zero. Após 4 meses de armazenagem as acerolas armazenadas a -12ºC e -18ºC apresentaram teores de 869±12 e 1.223±148 mg vit.C/100g, representando uma perda de 43% e 19%, respectivamente, em relação ao teor inicial. Polpas a -12ºC e -18ºC apresentaram teores de 1.314±6 e 1.322±2 mg vit.C/100g, respectivamente, representando uma perda de, aproximadamente, 3% e o suco apresentou uma perda de 32%, correspondendo a um teor final de 673±17mg vit.C/100g.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effect of LiNbO3 and KNbO3 seeds on the microstructure and dielectric characteristics of PMN ceramic prepared by columbite route have been investigated with the addition of 0, 1, and 2-wt% of seeds. X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and an impedance analyzer were used to characterize the influence of seeds on physical characteristics and dielectric properties of PMN. LiNbO3 -seeded PMN samples present a significant increase in the amount of perovskite phase. The addition of LiNbO3 seeds in sintered PMN ceramics at 1100degreesC during 4 h causes a decrease in the porosity and the amount of pyrochlore phase. Weight losses during sintering of PMN ceramics are suppressed more significantly for LiNbO3 -seeded PMN. T-m of PMN ceramics changes with seeds concentration. KNbO3 seeds displace T-m to lower temperature whereas LiNbO3 causes its elevation. Dielectric constants of approximately 13,000 at 1 kHz was measured at -5degreesC in PMN ceramics with 1-wt% of LiNbO3 seeds.


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The need for standardization of the measured blow count number N-spt into a normalized reference energy value is now fully recognized. The present paper extends the existing theoretical approach using the wave propagation theory as framework and introduces an analysis for large displacements enabling the influence of rod length in the measured N-spt values to be quantified. The study is based on both calibration chamber and field tests. Energy measurements are monitored in two different positions: below the anvil and above the sampler. Both experimental and numerical results demonstrate that whereas the energy delivered into the rod stem is expressed as a ratio of the theoretical free-fall energy of the hammer, the effective sampler energy is a function of the hammer height of fall, sampler permanent penetration, and weight of both hammer and rods. Influence of rod length is twofold and produces opposite effects: wave energy losses increase with increasing rod length and in a long rod composition the gain in potential energy from rod weight is significant and may partially compensate measured energy losses. Based on this revised approach, an analytical solution is proposed to calculate the energy delivered to the sampler and efficiency coefficients are suggested to account for energy losses during the energy transference process.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of mechanical damage and physiological events in harvesting and processing of soybean cv. Mosoy RR 8000. The samples were taken during harvest manual, mechanical harvesting and during processing (receipt, pre-cleaning, cleaning, spiral separator, classification and gravity table). The physiological and physical quality was analized through the purity, germination, vigor (first germination count, seedling dry matter, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, tetrazolium, mechanical damages and seedling field emergence) tests. The statistical design used was a entirely randomized with nine treatments (9 sampling points) with 4 replications, being the means compared by the Tuckey test at 5% probability. In the purity and seedling field emergence were observed highly significative difference between the sampling process, also this differences were obtained the first germination count, seedling dry weight matter, accelerated aging and electrical conductivity which showed smaller results for the mechanical harvesting when compared with the manual harvesting. The germination was obtained differences at 5% for the manual harvesting in relation to the mechanical harvesting were obtained smaller results, being the main cause of reducing the soybean seed quality, when compared with the manual harvesting.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to study the effect of gypsum, lime and the mixture of lime-gypsum, associated with syrup in the agricultural and industrial production and in the rooting of sugar-cane (Saccharum spp.), var. IAC 58-480, one experiment was carried out in soil Terra Roxa Estrutura. Sugar-cane was planted in November 1986, and the cane-plant harvesting in September 1988. Three successive harvests were collected.The experiment was set in a randomized block design with seven treatments and four replications .The treatments were: T1 - 1.2 ton/ha of lime; T2 - 0.8 ton/ha of lime + 0.4 ton/ha of gypsum; T3 - 0.6 ton/ha of lime + 0.6 ton/ha of gypsum; T4 - 0.4 ton/ha of lime + 0.8 ton/ha of gypsum; T5 - 1.2 ton/ha of gypsum; T6 - 2.4 ton/ha of gypsum; T7 - control. Syrup was applied at the amount of 45 m3/ha.In September 1990, after the third harvesting, the second application of the treatments was made, the gypsum being applied in amounts four times greater than those of that put into practice at the planting. During harvest, the following parameters were evaluated: number, length and average diameter of the stalks; yield; and probable sugar and theoretical alcohol production per hectare.The results showed that the second application of the treatments recuperated the crop. Greater yields were achieved when the gypsum was associated with lime or syrup.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)