188 resultados para larval instars


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Leafcutter ants of the genus Atta Fabricius are serious agricultural pests. Morphological studies of immature stages within this group are few, and the data provided for species of considerable importance are usually incomplete. In this study, the immatures of Atta sexdens Linnaeus are described and compared using light and scanning electron microscopy. Only specimens from founding stage colonies (i.e., lacking adult workers) were used. The existence of four larval instars was estimated by a frequency plot of maximum head widths, and the larvae of different instars differed from each other mainly by their bodily dimensions. Worker larvae belonged to two distinct morphological castes: (1) gardeners and nurses and (2) within-nest generalists. The worker larvae described in this study differed from a previous description of the same species by the following traits: the existence of a genal lobe, the number of clypeal hairs, the presence of two hairs on the ninth abdominal somite, the presence of hairs on the anterior surface of the labrum, and the shape of the maxillary palpus. This study provides a comparative analysis of immature stages of A. sexdens that may be relevant to future morphological and biological studies of the Attini. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:10591065, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We estimated the number of larval instars of the ant Ectatomma vizottoi (Ectatomminae), by measuring the maximum width of the head capsules of 208 larvae and the morphology of the immature stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) and adults. There are three larval instars during the post-embryonic development. The reproductive eggs are dark brown. Hairs are present beginning with the first instar, are uniformly distributed over the larval body, and do not vary in length in the three instars. Pupae are protected by a light-brown silk cocoon. Adults of the worker and queen castes can be differentiated by size.


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One way to understand the behavioural patterns exhibited by a predator in response to prey density is to evaluate its functional response. Such evaluation yields information about basic mechanisms of prey-predator dynamics, and is an essential component of prey-predator models. In this paper we analysed experimentally the functional response and the handling time spent by Chrysomya albiceps on different prey species and larval instars of blowflies. The type II functional response was observed when second instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya macellaria were consumed. The handling time spent by the predator was significantly different between instars and species. The implications of the functional response and handling time for the interaction dynamics of Brazilian Chrysomyinae species are discussed.


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Coptotermes gestroi is an oriental species introduced to Brazil and considered, in the São Paulo State area, one of the most economically important pests. Although there are a few works concerning the basic biology of this species, its post-embryonic development has been poorly studied. The aim of the present research was to study the post-embryonic development of C. gestroi for a better knowledge of the caste system in this termite. The post-embryonic development of C. gestroi starts with two larval instars of whitish appearance and different sizes. A separation of the neutral and imaginal developmental pathways occurs following the second larval instar. The second-instar larva originates alates after six molts. The worker caste presents five instars and also develops from the second larval instar. Soldiers develop from younger workers in laboratory colonies and from older workers in field colonies.


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Ampulex compressa is a cockroach-hunting ampulicid wasp. In this survey we describe its egg, mature larva, along with the 1st and 2nd larval instars and cocoon, with emphasis on the characters considered important to the phylogeny of apoid wasps. It shares the following traits with the Sphecidae: reduced head setae, absence of antennal papilla, three antennal sensilla on antennal orbit, broad and strongly emarginate labrum, and spinneret with prominent raised lips. In common with other Ampulicidae, it has integument of the body granulose and without setae, mandibles with four or five teeth and lacking basal setae, maxillary palp larger than galea and discrete parietal bands. Distinct from the other Ampulicidae, it has a deep median longitudinal groove in the area above the salivary lips, a distinct group of five sensilla on the subgenal area, and lacks spines on the spiracular peritreme. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.


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The ant Paratrechina longicornis is a cosmopolitan ant species that has been accidentally spread by commerce around the world, and now is a pest of houses and hospitals. The morphology of its larval stages has been previously described without knowledge of the number of instars. The present study revisits the original description of P. longicornis larvae by adding differences observed among the three larval instars. Compared to other Paratrechina species studied so far, P. longicornis presents smaller larvae, less evident variation in mandible morphology, and clear variation in the morphology of head hairs between the analysed specimens of the second and third instar larvae. Ultrastructural images of the eggs, larval spiracle ornamentation, and pupae are also presented for the first time. Copyright © 2007 - Magnolia Press.


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This study examines some aspects of the basic biology of the worldwide distributed ant Tapinoma melanocepbalum Fabricius. The number of larval instars and the growth ratio between each instar are given. We used colonies containing only queens and workers, and later removed these queens in order to estimate the production of eggs and the duration of immature development of the worker caste. Measurements of larvae cephalic capsule widths revealed that workers of the ghost-ant have four larval instars from egg-hatching to adult. The mean growth rate for the species is 1.38, in accordance with Dyar's rule. The highest egg production was 5.3±2.2 eggs/day/queen and the analysis of these brood suggested the presence of two kinds of eggs inside the colony. The development of workers from egg to adult lasted 16-52 days with the embryonic development longer than larval, prepupal or pupal stages. Despite the slow egg-laying by queens, our findings also showed that colonies of T. melanocephalum grow faster than colonies of other tramp ants.


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The genus Paratrechina (Motschulsky) is composed of about 147 cosmopolitan ant species and subspecies, of which some were accidentally spread by commerce around the world, infesting houses and hospitals. In Brazil, two species are of remarkable economic importance: Paratrechina fulva (Mayr) and Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille). The present paper aims to report the following aspects on the biology of P. longicornis: number of larval instars, growth rates, duration and viability of the developmental stages and some observations on brood-care behaviour. Artificial colonies were kept under controlled temperature (25±2°C) and relative humidity (60±10%) conditions. To access the number of larval instars, we analyzed 1531 larvae fixed in Dietrich by measuring their maximum head capsule widths. We analysed ten artificial colonies daily to measure the developmental time and viability of immatures. We found P. longicornis presented three larval instars and a mean growth ratio of 1.2988. Egg stage was found to last 16.1 ±0.1 days, with a viability of 24.6%; larval stages were found to last 18.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 33.3% and the pupal stage was found to last 12.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 65.3%.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)