260 resultados para intestinal obstruction
The purpose of this study was to observe and characterize colonic and lung lesions in horses subjected to experimental distension and decompression of the small colon. Sixteen healthy adult horses were divided into 2 groups: 9 horses that were subjected to distension of the small colon by means of a latex balloon surgically implanted in the lumen and inflated to a pressure of 40 mm Hg for 4 h, and 7 horses in which the balloon was implanted but not inflated. Colonic biopsy specimens were collected before balloon implantation, at the end of the period of obstruction, and 1.5 and 12 h after decompression and were examined for hemorrhage, edema, and neutrophil infiltration; myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and hemoglobin concentration were measured as well. At the end of the experiment, lung samples were also collected and examined for neutrophil accumulation and MPO activity. The mucosa was not affected by luminal distension; lesions were restricted to the seromuscular layer. Neutrophil accumulation and edema were observed in the samples from both groups of horses but were greater in those from the distension group, in which there was also hemorrhage, fibrin deposition, and increased MPO activity in the seromuscular layer. Similarly, there was greater accumulation of neutrophils in the lung samples from the distension group than in those from the sham-operated group, as determined by histologic evaluation and MPO assay. These findings provide new evidence of reperfusion injury and a systemic inflammatory response, followed by remote lesions, in horses with intestinal obstruction.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
A Anta brasileira é um mamífero da família Tapiridae que pertence à ordem Perissodactyla, a qual também pertence às famílias Rhinocerotidae e Equidae. A manutenção de tapirídeos em criadouros e zoológicos é comum em toda a América do Sul, mas apesar desse fato, informações a respeito de sua criação, reprodução e doenças em cativeiro não estão facilmente disponíveis. O presente artigo relata a ocorrência de enterolitíase obstrutiva em um exemplar macho de dez anos de idade devido a ingestão acidental de uma corda vegetal diagnosticado no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da FMVZ-UNESP/Boptucatu-SP.
Background: The number of Escherichia coli in the gut of Crohn's disease (CD) patients is higher than that of normal subjects, but the virulence potential of these bacteria is not fully known. Previous studies have shown that these E. coli are closely related to extraintestinal pathogenic categories (ExPEC), are able to invade epithelial cells, and usually do not produce exotoxins. We report here the detection, in a CD patient, of an E. coli which belongs to a classical enteropathogenic (EPEC) serotype and displays virulence markers of enteroinvasive (EIEC), enteroaggregative (EAEC) and enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) pathotypes. Methods: The E. coli strain was isolated, in 2009, by classical bacteriological procedures from a 56 year old woman who underwent ileo-terminal resection 1 year before, due to intestinal obstruction. The bacterial characterization was carried out by in vitro adhesion and invasion assays to cultured epithelial cells and macrophages and screening by PCR to identify virulence genetic markers of diarrheogenic E. coli (DEC) and to detect one of the gene combinations which define the phylogroups of the E. coli reference (EcoR) collection. The strain was also tested for the ability to produce biofilm and shiga cytotoxins and had its whole genome sequenced by Ion Torrent Sequencing Technology. Results: The studied strain, which was detected both in ileum biopsies and the stools of the patient, displayed the aggregative adherence (AA) phenotype to Hep-2 cells and an ability to enter Caco-2 cells 3x as high as that of EIEC reference strain and 89% of that of the prototype AIEC LF82 strain. Although it could invade cultured macrophages, the strain was unable to replicate inside these cells. PCR screening revealed the presence of eae, aggR and stx1. Tests with bacterial culture supernatants in Vero cells demonstrating cytotoxicity suggested the production of Stx1. In addition, the strain revealed to be a strong biofilm producer, belonged to the B2 EcoR phylogroup, to the O126:H27 serogroup and to the multilocus sequencing type (MLST) ST3057. The 2 later features were deduced from the whole genome sequence of the strain. Conclusions: The characterization of this E. coli isolate from a CD patient revealed a combination of virulence markers of distinct DEC pathotypes, namely eae and stx1 of EHEC, AA, aggR and biofilm formation of EAEC, and invasiveness of EIEC. These features along with its serotype and phylogroup identity seem to suggest a potential to be involved in CD, an observation which should be tested with additional studies.
Atendeu-se uma cadela, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente cinco meses de idade, apresentando anamnese com queixa de apatia e hiporexia associadas a vômitos e emagrecimento progressivo com início incerto. Ao exame físico era evidente distensão abdominal com dilatação intestinal e aumento de peristaltismo. O animal apresentava-se emaciado e subdesenvolvido, com acentuado grau de desidratação, pulso filiforme e nível de consciência reduzido. Minutos após o início do atendimento a cadela foi a óbito. À necropsia, pôde-se observar um segmento do intestino delgado atravessando o púbis e com lúmen reduzido. Tal apresentação se faz relevante por se tratar de um caso nunca antes descrito na literatura veterinária.
It was reviewed the definition, mechanisms and classification of functional constipation. The diagnostic resources available were showed and it was underlined the importance to investigate and exclude the multiple causes of secondary constipation. The therapy was divided in general measures, like diet and specialized, involving laxatives and others alternatives. It was commented the different categories of laxatives, their actions and adverse effects. It was concluded that the best approach to functional defecatory disorder is biofeedback. Otherwise, for defecatory disturbance caused by mechanical obstruction and refractory constipation due to slow transit the therapeutical option is surgery.
Indicadores bioquímicos séricos e do líquido peritoneal de equinos submetidos à obstrução intestinal
Twenty-four horses were distributed into four different groups, instrumented control (GI), duodenum obstruction (GII), ileum obstruction (GIII) and large colon obstruction (GIV). Serum and peritoneal fluid analysis of aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, inorganic phosphorus and lactate were measured. Samples were collected one hour before the surgical procedure (T0); 3 hours after the obstruction (T3ob), 1, 3, 12, 24, 120 and 168 hours after the beginning of reperfusion/deobstruction. Duodenal (GII) and ileum (GIII) obstructions changed serum and peritoneal fluid biochemical analysis. However, only lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase and inorganic phosphorus concentrations were abnormal in peritoneal fluid three hours after the obstruction. The biochemical analysis of peritoneal fluid allowed a faster diagnostic of intestinal alterations than the serum analysis; hence it should be prioritized when pre-operatory colic assessment is carried out.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Avaliação histomorfométrica e ultra-estrutural da mucosa do cólon menor eqüino submetido a distensão
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)