161 resultados para gastrointestinal organs


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Resistance to natural infection by gastrointestinal nematodes was compared in 67 female calves of the following genetic groups: Nelore (NX); 1/2 Senepol + 1/2 Nelore (SN); and 1/2 Aberdeen Angus + 1/2 Nelore (AN). The NX (n = 26), SN (n = 23) and AN (n = 18) animals were monitored for 14 months, during which they remained without treatment, allowed to graze in a tropical environment. Eggs per gram of feces (EPG), coprocultures and packed cell volume (PCV) were carried out monthly. No significant effects of the interaction between the genetic groups and month/year of collection and the genetic group on the EPG were found, but there was a significant influence of the month of collection (P < 0.01). The monthly PCV measurements did not differ for the animals of the three genetic groups and there was no association found between the EPG and PCV. The animals of the SN and NX groups showed similar numbers of EPG with results zero, while for the AN group these numbers were significantly lower (P < 0.05). Although the NX group had a large number of EPG with results zero, it also contained many animals with high counts, meaning this group had higher averages during the entire study period. The following nematode genera were found in the coprocultures: Haemonchus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus, the latter in smallest proportion. There was no significant difference between the genetic groups for averages of all parasites identified, except Cooperia, which were present in higher numbers in the animals of the NX group (P < 0.05). The results obtained in this experiment suggest that the use of Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbreeds can be a good strategy to reduce the use of chemical control in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da forma física da ração sobre o desempenho, a utilização dos nutrientes das rações e o desenvolvimento do trato disgestório de pintos de corte na primeira semana de vida. Foram utilizados 150 pintos machos Cobb distribuídos ao acaso em três tratamentos com cinco repetições de dez aves. Os tratamentos consistiram das formas físicas farelada, triturada e peletizada de uma ração pré-inicial comercial. Com exceção da moela, os órgãos do trato digestório e a estrutura morfométrica do intestino não foram influenciados pela forma física da ração. Maior digestibilidade do N foi obtida com a ração peletizada, enquanto a ração triturada possibilitou maior digestibilidade do EE. A energia metabolizável determinada para a ração farelada foi menor que a obtida nas demais formas físicas da ração. As aves alimentadas com ração farelada tiveram menor consumo de ração e ganho de peso e pior conversão alimentar. Ingeriram ainda menos energia, apresentaram menores retenções de proteína, gordura e energia corporal e utilizaram maior proporção da energia ingerida para produção de calor. As rações pré-iniciais na forma peletizada ou triturada possibilitam maior aproveitamento dos nutrientes da ração pelos pintos e melhor desempenho.


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The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the weight and percentage of the non-carcass components and the mineral content (macro minerals and trace minerals), crude protein, ether extract, moisture and vitamin E of the heart, liver, tongue, lungs, reticulum, kidneys and meat from the longissimus dorsi of lambs in feedlot finishing. Thirty-two non-castrated Ile de France male lambs, fed diets containing sunflower seeds and vitamin E from 15 to 32 kg of body weight were allotted in a completely randomized design in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. The weight of the gastrointestinal tract was higher in the lambs fed diets containing vitamin E (10%). No difference was observed in the liver as to the mineral matter, crude protein, ether extract, moisture (2.01; 20.03; 2.39 and 74.78 g/100 g, respectively), the macro minerals and trace minerals, except iron. In the tongue, lungs, reticulum, kidneys and meat there was no in fluence of diets in the studied variables. The liver and the meat presented different values of crude protein (20.01 and 18.34 g/100 g, respectively), and the heart (1.03 mg/100 g) showed a higher content of vitamin E. High contents of manganese, zinc and copper were observed in the liver. The evaluated non-carcass components were nutritionally equal to the sheep meat, once, in addition to their high yield in relation to the body weight at slaughter, the non-carcass components are sources of nutrients.


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The local and systemic production of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) and its actions in phagocytes lead to immunosuppressive conditions. PGE2 is produced at high levels during inflammation, and its suppressive effects are caused by the ligation of the E prostanoid receptors EP2 and EP4, which results in the production of cyclic AMP. However, PGE(2) also exhibits immunostimulatory properties due to binding to EP3, which results in decreased cAMP levels. The various guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) that are coupled to the different EP receptors account for the pleiotropic roles of PGE(2) in different disease states. Here, we discuss the production of PGE(2) and the actions of this prostanoid in phagocytes from different tissues, the relative contribution of PGE(2) to the modulation of innate immune responses, and the novel therapeutic opportunities that can be used to control inflammatory responses.


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The aim of this study was to develop multiparticulate therapeutic systems of alginate (AL) and chitosan (CS) containing triamcinolone (TC) to colonic drug delivery. Multiparticulate systems of AL-CS, prepared by a complex coacervation/ionotropic gelation method, were characterized for morphological and size aspects, swelling degree, encapsulation content and efficiency, in vitro release profile in different environments simulating the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and in vivo gastrointestinal transit. The systems showed suitable morphological characteristics with particle diameters of approximately 1.6 mm. In simulated gastric environment, at pH 1.2, the capsules presented low degree of swelling and in vitro release of drug. A higher swelling degree was observed in simulated enteric environment, pH 7.5, followed by erosion. Practically all the drug was released after 6 h of in vitro assay. The in vivo analysis of gastrointestinal transit, carried out in rats, showed that the systems passed practically intact through the stomach and did not show the same profile of swelling observed in the in vitro tests. It was possible to verify the presence of capsules in the colonic region of GIT. The results indicate that AL-CS multiparticulate systems can be used as an adjuvant for the preparation of therapeutic systems to colonic delivery of drugs. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Drug delivery systems based on natural polysaccharides, such as chitosan (CS) and pectin (PC), rather than on synthetic polymers, have been widely studied. Some reasons for that are low toxicity and costs and high biodegradability of the formers. A multiparticulate system based on CS and PC was developed in our laboratories, including the addition of an enteric polymer, cellulose acetate phtalate (CAP). Such improvement promoted stronger gastric and enteric resistances, as assessed in vitro, making the systems more selective to enzymatic degradation in the colon. Although in vitro dissolution tests can simulate some properties concerning the gastrointestinal transit (GT), collaborating to characterize the systems behavior in the biological fluids, frequently they do not result in satisfactory in vitro/in vivo correlations. The objective of this work was to follow in vivo the GT of the particles developed by means of AC biosusceptometry (ACB), a non-invasive and of low cost methodology. The particles containing ferrite in powder form were prepared by complex coacervation using an ideal 3:1:1 mass ratio for PC:CS:CAP. The magnetic particles were administered to healthy volunteers by oral route. The GT was monitored by using multi-sensor ACB system and the signal acquisition was performed every IS min until the colonic region was reached. By means of ACB technique, it was possible to acquiring images generated by the magnetic particles within the whole gastrointestinal tract including the colonic region. Variable particles transit times were observed among the volunteers, but without interference on the mapping of the particles until the colonic region. The particles were able to produce magnetic field strong enough to generate signals adequate for mapping the particles. The results suggest that integral particles reached the colon, after they resisted against gastric and enteric media. Studies associating transit time and in vivo drug release are in development in order to confirm the efficiency of the systems.


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The smaller volemic state from hypertonic (7.5%) saline (HS) solution administration in hemorrhagic shock can determine lesser systemic oxygen delivery and tissue oxygenation than conventional plasma expanders. In a model of hemorrhagic shock in dogs, we studied the systemic and gastrointestinal oxygenation effects of HS and hyperoncotic (6%) dextran-70 in combination with HS (HSD) solutions in comparison with lactated Ringer's (LR) and (6%) hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solutions. Forty-eight mongrel dogs were anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and subjected to splenectomy. A gastric air tonometer was placed. in the stomach for intramucosal gastric CO2 (Pgco(2)) determination and for the calculation of intramucosal. pH (pHi):[pHi = pHa - log(Pgco(2)/Paco(2))].The dogs were hemorrhaged (42% of blood volume) to hold mean arterial blood pressure at 40-50 mm Hg over 30 min and were then resuscitated with LR (n = 12) in a 3:1 relation to removed blood volume; HS (n = 12), 6 mL / kg; HSD (n = 12), 6 mL / kg; and HES (mean molecular weight, 200 kDa; degree of substitution, 0.5) (n = 12) in a 1:1 relation to the removed blood volume. Hemodynamic, systemic, and gastric oxygenation variables were measured at baseline, after 30 min of hemorrhage, and 5, 60, and 120 min after intravascular fluid resuscitation. After fluid resuscitation, HS showed significantly lower arterial pH and mixed venous Po-2 and higher systemic oxygen uptake index and systemic oxygenation extraction than LR and HES (P < 0.05), whereas HSD showed significantly lower arterial pH than LR and HES (P < 0.05). Only HS and HSD did not return arterial pH and pHi to control levels (P < 0.05). In conclusion, all solutions improved systemic and gastrointestinal oxygenation after hemorrhagic shock in dogs. However, the HS solution showed the worst response in comparison to LR and HES solutions in relation to systemic oxygenation, whereas HSD showed intermediate values. HS and HSD solutions did not return regional oxygenation to control values.


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The gastrointestinal tract is one of the first organs affected by hypoperfusion during hemorrhagic shock. The hemodynamics and oxygen transport variables during hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation can be affected by the anesthetics used. In a model of pressure-guided hemorrhagic shock in dogs, we studied the effects of three halogenated anesthetics - halothane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane - at equipotent concentrations on gastric oxygenation. Thirty dogs were anesthetized with 1.0 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) of either halothane, sevoflurane, or isoflurane. A gastric tonometer was placed in the stomach to determine mucosal gastric CO2 (PgCO(2)) and for the calculation of gastric-arterial PCO2 gradient (PCO2 gap). The dogs were splenectomized and hemorrhaged to hold mean arterial pressure at 40-50 mm Hg over 45 min and then resuscitated with the shed blood volume. Hemodynamics, systemic oxygenation, and PCO2 gap were measured at baseline, after 45 min of hemorrhage, and at 15 and 60 min after blood resuscitation. Hemorrhage induced reductions of mean arterial pressure and cardiac index, while systemic oxygen extraction increased (p < .05), without significant differences among groups (p > .05). Halothane group showed significant lower PCO2 gap values than the other groups (p < .05). After 60 min of shed blood replacement, all groups restored hemodynamics, systemic oxygenation, and PCO2 gap to the prehemorrhage levels (p > .05), without significant differences among groups (p > .05). We conclude that halothane is superior to preserve the gastric mucosal perfusion in comparison to isoflurane and sevoflurane, in dogs submitted to pressure-guided hemorrhagic shock at equipotent doses of halogenated anesthetics.


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Purpose: To investigate the combined effects of reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus and treatment with N-methyl-N'-nitro-nitrosoguanidine ( MNNG) on the development of lesions in the glandular stomach, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach of rats. Methods: Eighty Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: G1: MNNG + Reflux, G2: Reflux, G3: MNNG and G4: Gastrostomy. MNNG was given in the drinking water ( 100 mg/ml) for 12 weeks and then two groups ( G1 and G2) were submitted to a gastrojejunal anastomosis followed by section of the afferent loop and suture of both stumps to allow reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus. The animals were sacrificed 18 and 36 weeks after surgery. The lesions obtained in the antral mucosa, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach were analysed histologically. Results: Duodenal reflux induced proliferative lesions at both glandular and squamous mucosa of the stomach. In the antrum, adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) was observed in 20% and 50% of the animals at the 18(th) and 36(th) weeks respectively. Aditionally 85% of the animals presented AH at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and 60% developed squamous hyperplasia at the squamous portion of the stomach. MNNG treatment plus duodenal reflux enhanced the development of malignant tumors at both glandular and squamous mucosa, since there were 30% of antral adenocarcinomas and 45% of squamous carcinomas at the 18th week and the frequency of these malignant tumors rose to 50% in the antrum and 65% in the squamous mucosa at the 36th week. Conclusion: The reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus enhanced the development of proliferative lesions, benign and malignant, in the glandular stomach and in the forestomach of rats.


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Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the histopathological lesions in the upper gastrointestinal mucosa associated with Helicobacter pylori infection in children with nonulcer dyspepsia.Methods: A cross-sectional case-control study was performed on 185 Brazilian children and adolescents (4-17 years, mean 9.5 +/- 2.7 years), 63.2% girls, submitted to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The histopathological lesions of the esophageal and gastric mucosa were analyzed in biopsy samples.Results: H pylori infection was identified in 96 children (51.8%). Moderate to severe chronic active gastritis was present in antrum (70.5%) and corpus (45.2%), with higher grading in antrum than in corpus (P<0.05). The topographic distribution of inflammation was pangastritis (61.9%), followed by antral (32.1%) and corpus (5.9%). H pylori density was higher in antrum than in corpus. Intestinal metaplasia was not found in the H pylori-infected group, nor was significant gastric atrophy. The scores for esophagitis were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the noninfected group (1.4 +/- 0.8) than in the H pylori-infected group (1.07 +/- 0.9), with significant negative correlation (r = 0.29; P<0.05) with the scores of gastric inflammation.Conclusions: The prevalence of H pylori infection was high among children with dyspepsia and associated with moderate/severe degrees of gastric inflammation. The high scores of esophagitis in the noninfected group point to 2 distinct groups of pathological conditions sharing similar clinical patterns.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The oral administration is a common route in the drug therapy and the solid pharmaceutical forms are widely used. Although much about the performance of these formulations can be learned from in vitro studies using conventional methods, evaluation in vivo is essential in product development. The knowledge of the gastrointestinal transit and how the physiological variables can interfere with the disintegration and drug absorption is a prerequisite for development of dosage forms. The aim of this work was to employing the ac biosusceptometry (ACB) to monitoring magnetic tablets in the human gastrointestinal tract and to obtain the magnetic images of the disintegration process in the colonic region. The ac biosusceptometry showed accuracy in the quantification of the gastric residence time, the intestinal transit time and the disintegration time (DT) of the magnetic formulations in the human gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, ac biosusceptometry is a non-invasive technique, radiation-free and harmless to the volunteers, as well as an important research tool in the pharmaceutical, pharmacological and physiological investigations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose. To employ the AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) technique to evaluate in vitro and in vivo characteristics of enteric coated magnetic hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) capsules and to image the disintegration process.Materials and Methods. HPMC capsules filled with ferrite (MnFe2O4) and coated with Eudragit (R) were evaluated using USP XXII method and administered to fasted volunteers. Single and multisensor ACB systems were used to characterize the gastrointestinal (GI) motility and to determine gastric residence time (GRT), small intestinal transit time (SITT) and orocaecal transit time (OCTT). Mean disintegration time (t (50)) was quantified from 50% increase of pixels in the imaging area.Results. In vitro and in vivo performance of the magnetic HPMC capsules as well as the disintegration process were monitored using ACB systems. The mean disintegration time (t (50)) calculated for in vitro was 25 +/- 5 min and for in vivo was 13 +/- 5 min. In vivo also were determined mean values for GRT (55 +/- 19 min), SITT (185 +/- 82 min) and OCTT (240 +/- 88 min).Conclusions. AC Biosusceptometry is a non-invasive technique originally proposed to monitoring pharmaceutical dosage forms orally administered and to image the disintegration process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)